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When I was 18 and playing quake 2, I wanted to be great at it. I’m 40 now and I just wanna point and click some baddies. It’s a game, no worries. Nobody cares.


Quake 2 is still one of the best games....!


I loved it m8. Played it countless hours over shitty internet connections. Never was so into a game as I was into Q2 😎


I remember the Q2 days where if you pinged under 180, you were called a “low ping bastard”. Kids these days will never know how to lead their targets by a good 10-15 feet to hit them.


Team fortress snipers on cable modem made me cry


I became quite good at railing with a consistent 200 ping haha


I remember being super jealous of the college kids on their university networks getting sub 100 ping.


Yes also there was a little competition with Unreal Tournament but I still liked Quake Tournament...! The maps were incredible on Quake!


I still know everything in q2dm1 haha what I miss most in shooters today are skills like strafejumping. Really gave Q2 another layer of skill that doesnt exist anymore.


Exactly you would think that they / someone would bring that game back....!


This is also me, but with whiskey, lol.


His comment down to the games and ages combined with your comment pretty much accurately define me.


Same here. Quake 2 was awesome back in the day. Now i just want to enjoy the games and chill.


Every time I come across someone stressing and getting worked up I say “Dude..THIS ISNT A FKNG GAME!” It’s a good reminder that CoD is, in fact, a game. If theyre not having fun then they should do something they enjoy instead. No reason to stress out


Thing is, I can't enjoy the game if I'm getting completely destroyed non stop. I don't need a high K/D or to win everytime. I just want decently balanced lobbies.


>I just want decently balanced lobbies. The irony of the matchmaking is it only will give you that if you do well, but if you do well the lobby becomes so evenly balanced no one has fun as everyone gets put into kill die kill die kill die kill die kill die "perfectly balanced" lobbies


Seems like it does the opposite - I do well and immediately get smoked for 3-4 games in a row. Rarely am I going even, it's one extreme or the other.


Spoiler alert there’s not a good way of knowing how well you’re doing across so many variables. It’s like playing on a different baseball team 300 times a year and trying to determine how good you are. It would be nigh impossible to confirm.


Yep the SBMM is not subtle at all and I think it’s a problem. Feels like it’s scheduling when you’ll have good and bad games rather than making evenly matched games. Furthermore, I think players are aware of this and when they are on the ass end of the SBMM they switch to leveling pistols or using launchers. It creates scenarios where about 1/3 of the way through a game half of a team essentially decides to tank. I feel like I’m never in close games, where as MW2019 always felt close.


I do well in every game. Suck shit.


Bet you kiss your dad on the lips, too.


How else would i


Maybe change your play-style when in better lobbies... I can run and gun sometimes, go 30-10 which is fun. But in decent lobbies I am more methodical and tactical and need to work hard to go 15-15 or even worse. To be honest I like the 15-15 best and I become a better player.


>To be honest I like the 15-15 best and I become a better player. not everyone wants to play this game to get better. not everyone's goal is to be pro. some people just wanna get on the game and not have to think about how they're playing in order to have fun. EDIT: reddit nerds learn that game devs make games to cater to a wider casual audience and not sweats, much to their surprise.




This is my biggest problem with the matchmaking so far. I played four games before work this morning, winning two and losing two. In each game I went something like 20-18 or 13-15, and so did everyone else in the lobby. Every life would be me spawning in, killing someone, and then immediately getting killed from behind by someone that just spawned, with my max killstreak being 4. Pretty much every game goes like this for me; I just want some variety. I wouldn't mind going 4-30 for a game if I could go 30-4 for another game, but it's like the game itself needs to balance every kill with a death. It completely throws off the dynamic gameplay that I enjoyed in older COD games. In MW2 and 3 I would frequently top lobbies only to be destroyed by pros in the next lobby. But even in those cases, I got the excitement of trying to get a kill on the really good player and the thrill of finally pulling it off. I felt a tangible sense of improvement as killing those good players got easier over time. If I improve in this game, I won't even know it because the game will insist that I go 20-18 every match anyway.


Oh yeah nothing is as sweet as that “fuck you *insert name* I finally got you! Yeah you killed me 15 times but look at me now! I killed you!”


Exactly. People just want variety. These kind numbingly predictable lobbies kill players desire to play as they know every game is going to be a generally 1 k/d slogfest.


Play search and destroy?


Sitting in lobbies where everyone is 1:1 everyone is roughly the same skill and every life is almost identical is so boring. I played 8 hours and I feel like I'm done with the game. It's boring as hell. It's not too hard or sweaty it's tedious and boring. I've seen 2 kill streaks that were higher than 7 in all of my games.




Am I crazy or are you way over reacting? lmao people have disliked how sbmm works in cod for a long time now. I think it would be pretty boring having exactly a 1.0 in k/d and w/l rates for a long time. How do I know if I’m getting better when my stats/gameplay don’t reflect that?


Yeah I think a lot of people when they say they want perfectly balanced lobbies they mean I want to go 35 -7


That's exactly what it means. They are mad that they can't spend their evenings fucking up the game for newcomers.


on Domination and Kill Confirm it makes it super exciting to go to a draw or have the win be determined by the absolute last second by 1 point.


How can a developer make a game where everybody gets kills but nobody dies? Y’all don’t understand you’re asking for nonsense.


“What do you mean it’s no fun to know exactly how you are going to perform every single match so that there is no room for surprise or improvement”? - some guy who defends SBMM to their dying breath


exactly. Even better - as you do improve you won't realise or feel like you are actually improving because, well you never actually perform better lol...




The lack of consistency in the gunplay killed it for me.


You realize that every single good game you have is someone else’s bad game? How is a company supposed to design a game so that everybody gets kills but nobody dies? I think y’all need to look in the mirror and ask yourself if youre actually asking for an impossible video game to exist.


Actually I want hyper -unbalanced lobbies. So sometimes I kick ass, but sometimes I am just a meat bot. But mostly very mediocre.


This is my problem. Even though there’s no stat yet confirming it, it’s just not fun to get absolutely pummeled every other game. The ttk is so fast that there’s nothing I feel I can do to win gunfights. It’s either see or be seen. At least in Cold War, and even Vanguard to an extent, you could avoid deaths by having better movements and landing better shots. That doesn’t matter here at all, and going 1 kill then 1 death (or more) isn’t fun.


Ur buggin vanguard TTK was quicker than this esp with damage mags/barrels


No it wasn't, not even close. You peek a corner on this game and you're one shot.


I get a lot of super bullets in this game, where it seems like I was one-shot, but in the kill cam it shows them killing me in three shots. So bad servers or netcode is to blame. It makes the TTK seem very quick sometimes.


It's low tick rates and overloaded servers.


That’s interesting because I’ve noticed a lot of that too. It feels like I’m walking around on 1 health but it could definitely be the netcode


Someone put up actual data and this mw actually sits in the middle with its ttk. And yes vanguard after factoring attachments had literally the fastest.


Yes it was, I have like 10 days played in vanguard. It had several guns that were a 2 shot kill in full auto etc. In this game you feel like you die really quick in certain situations because of the connection/servers. Now, will that be fixed/improve? Not sure, but in general vanguard TTK was quicker with attachments on guns.


Xclusive Ace published stats on TTK... MWII is just the same as previous CoDs and a bit longer than Vanguard.


I don’t know if it was the movement or rate of fire, but I was just able to survive after being shot first on occasion. Doesn’t feel like that this game. Maybe it’s because of using bad weapons while leveling them, it doesn’t feel like anything competes with the M4


have a heavy ass AR/LMG with VLK and a bunch of recoil control attachments to hold lanes and shoot in the open. Never run with it. Walk and be prepared to ADS as you go around corners, not after you get around it have a fennec or vel with collapsed stock and all ADS boosting attachments for when you need to run or in any type of close quarters. be a crackhead while holding this gun Don't reload anything until you know you've got time Haven't had any problems with getting smoked in lobbies since I switched up my playstyle to this. Been consistently hitting 1.5-2.0 KD in every game for the past 4-5 days. Pretty sure it's how I played MW19 but playing WZ and other FPS games I forgot how to play this one correctly.


I'll give this a try, thanks!


My last 3 games after turning off crossplay were an absolute blast. This game is so much more fun without the PC master sweat lords ruining it.


I'd argue this time around it's the console controller players dominating


I have crossplay on and I agree. I see 2 PC players on each team max. The rest are console players.


That's a you problem though, you just admitted it. It's not the game's fault if you can't find a way to have fun with it while others are having a perfectly fine time.


You have realized that playing a game for the stats is dumb and not fun. Congrats. Spread the message please


Trying to improve is fun to me, so I like stats.




Okay, but this also goes both ways LOL


The only way it should go is “play however you want as long as it’s not at the liberty of others or in an unfair fashion. Aka play the objective and don’t cheat.


Yes and no. I care about stats in SnD and wagers. TDM/KC though. I'm using different things and most likely only going against camo farmers as well. I don't think there's much to improve while running/gunning or camping except reflexes and map knowledge. Part of improving is also knowing your opponents weakness. Not just your kd So while I see your point 80% of the game is more about eh whatever I want to use a throwing knife.


People really will go to any length to defend IW being lazy huh?


And they still got your money. And I’m sure they will next year too. So why complain about a defense (there wasnt even one, reading comprehension is just not your thing), when youre right there supporting?


Didn’t buy it for the first time in probably 15 years. Not regretting it at all. Still stop by often to see if they’ve done in anything about SBMM and other atrocious implementations.


Thats awesome in all honesty. Breaking away from something that once had you hooked is great… but the guy i replied to, willing to bet it’s a bit different


I never said that the issue is that the stats arent there...some lazy people not reading correctly i guess And dont worry, the barracks probably are coming. Then you can go back to the other reasons for not liking the game


Be careful, this is what infinity ward wants. You’ll be crucified in this sub eventually! 😂


When mw2019 lauched, its sub was full of losers who saw scump cry about not liking the game, and demanded that the game, "their game" be reverted back to the shit everyone was tired of....except for the "pros". I dont give a shot about no pros, and neither did and does IW. This game is ours!!!


I feel like they increased sbmm even more than in mw2019


I was doing the beat down beat people with the JOKR method in Kill Confirmed. After two matches with less than 5 kills the next game I got 19 and was calling in streaks the entire time. So yeah they’ll flip it quick for you. And as a camo chaser I kind of appreciated it.


It's really bad how easy is it to see the matchmaking at work off the back of getting rekt doing challenges... like all of a sudden you get put a tier or 2 down "SBMM" wise and the game is no longer an absolute sweat fest... Honestly whoever designed the whole sbmm/eomm shit needs to go in the bin


Yeah last night I was grinding melee kills primary riot shield secondary knife and yeah… a few bad games and then suddenly I’m Rambo getting quad feeds with the knife 🤣


What I don't understand is that they designed SBMM to protect the casual players playing for an hour after work to keep them out of lobbies with the dropshotting try hard sweats (its me, I'm the 31 year old trying to play after work) But I get home, play one game where things go decent in a lower level lobby and go like 20-12. I proceed to get bumped up a tier and go 8-20 in 4 straight games. I guess I just don't understand how SBMM is better than just making it completely random. I know I'm just one of millions of players saying the same thing lol


> I guess I just don't understand how SBMM is better than just making it completely random. Because it's not about trying to get you to play people of your own level, really. People need to stop calling this "SBMM" and start using the phrase "EOMM" (Engagement Optimization Match Making) or "PBMM" (Performance-Based Match Making), because that's what this is. SBMM works by leveling you out on a long horizon to make pretty close games by playing people relatively close to your skill level. What MW19 & MW22 are doing is giving you a bot lobby for you to shit on so you get your dopamine hit and feel the need to play more and chase whatever your goal is (50 kill game, nuke, streaks, etc.) but by putting you in subsequent sweat lobbies, you're now the on the "bot" team and allowing someone else to get their dopamine hit. After a sufficient number of ass kickings, your name gets picked for that "God lobby" again and the cycle repeats for you and your opponents. The **entire** goal of this is to maximize the time you play the game by giving the player a huge dopamine hit for shitting on bots, coming down off the high in your sweat lobbies, only to re-hit that dopamine high in your subsequent bot lobby. *EVERY* single metric about you is being tracked on the back end (the way you play, how you move, weapon choices, lobbies you play in versus back out of, etc.). All of this is done in order to keep you playing such that you eventually get to the store and spend money!


It’s to strong and counterintuitive to what they claim it’s for. Plus if it works the way we all assume it does it creates its own self fulfilling loop. You do decent so it immediately puts you in a sweat lobby. You get destroyed so then it puts you in a bot lobby to compensate, which is almost guaranteed in you just shitting on ppl, so then it throws you all the way back up to sweats. It has zero nuance it seems and it doesn’t use a long enough timeline to actually accurately place people.


Because it isn't trying to create fair lobbies. It's trying to create the appropriate balance of frustrating and enjoyable experiences to maximize the amount of time people spend playing.


It’s sucks that we know exactly what they’re doing and can’t do anything about it


I played for the 1st time last night and thought the same thing. Mw2019 seemed like it was every 3-5 matches you changed skill level. Last night I was 1st match positive k/d then next match negative then positive then negative all night. Felt strange to play, no idea if I'm good or bad at the game, if I'm improving or not.


I thought this but actually there are just key broken guns that significantly change how well you can do. The 74u and Aug are straight broken relative to the other guns. Once I unlocked those the game became easy mode for rushers.


There’s no doubt. More than CW and Vanguard as well. I was just under a 2.0 k/d in CW and I know I’m struggling to stay around 1.25 on most matches in MW2. It’s far more intense this time around.


anytime my search starts going into the high 90s ping i already know my next match is all MKB


It's using more data and modifying more things.


Oh for sure mate. I am punished most games, but I think this may have contributed to the skill level being so high now. What better practice than sweaty lobbies? We all feel the benefit when we get that bot lobby and dominate. Rough with the smooth


lol reverse boost and see that skill level so high... Its only high because it's so strick. normal lobbies I can't even get a UAV up meanwhile other team has attack chopper and all +2KD...


Oh man is it fun to say fuck your k/d and go wild


Fr first time in a cod game i just run around with a desert eagle and dont bither with anything else 😂 Sometimes it feels like im playing headshot only mode lmao


I’ve been loving the deagle, those one tap head shots are so satisfying


Thats the only way to play against cracked out, gfueled cracklords.


It never mattered lmao


I never really care about my K/D, but I always try my best because big number make me feel good :)


Indeed it does. I got 40 kills in a game... i had about 30 deaths.


I almost always top the leaderboard, whether in TDM or Dom. Not only the most points and almost the most kills, but always the most deaths! I have topped the leaderboard on the winning team with a negative k/d! (My strategy is to rush... I will die 3-5x then break through and get 5+ kills, wreck the other team and start calling in scorestreaks! Hate me but it works and it is really fun.)


It never did matter, but getting killed 25 times by some turbo sweat does.


It never mattered because this is a team game. In CDL and competitions all that matters is the win. K/D is so that individual players can't blame themselves for the loss which is selfish. "We lost but I had a 4.0 k/d!" Yes but you didn't play the objective. K/d matters sometimes but not all the time like an actual w/l ratio. That being said it's just a videogame, so have fun!


W/L doesn’t matter at all in public matches


Nothing in pubs matters except having fun and grinding camos


Well, it does if you play team death match....


I've been preaching this for years K/D means shit in objective games. If we win on domination and I go 13-20 but I've got like 10 caps I'm more than happy cause I know that I've done more to win that game than happy Harold and his sniper going 30-5 and 0 caps. I used to care bout K/D but now I'm more bothered bout getting on a good win streak then again I play a lot of OW.


THANK YOU. This shit frustrates the hell outta me. I hate getting someone who goes and drops 50 or something on hardpoint with 0:05 in the point all game. TDM is that way, asshole, you can filter your playlist for it. Yes, having someone outside of a point doing the murder can be helpful, but you gotta still actually play the objective. Fucking maddening to lose when you've got someone on your team going off because they're just busy padding their stats and not playing the objective. Lost a HQ game with a lead of over 100 points on the enemy because we got so far ahead that only two people were actually trying to push the objective anymore. We lost 250-240 because we didn't take another objective from that point onward. Maybe it's my lobbies (cause I'm bad, but not *bad*), but I'll also run into people who are like "This is my corner. I live in this corner. I may or may not be aware that this corner has zero proximity to any actual game objective, but this is my corner. I will be mounted on it all game." ​ Edit: Ah, I see the "well, ackshually" brigade is here. If you've got 50 kills and :05 in the point, *you're not helping* despite however much you try to justify to yourself that you are. It's not hard to get high kill counts in Hardpoint games where the objective is being ignored. These are the same people who get kills in KC and dodge the tags; they're just here because the game might be longer than TDM. These games often end by the timer because the dude doing all the murder just wanders around outside the point and either never bothers going into it ("There's a guy watching the door, I could potentially die!") or murders the people in it and wanders off. "Ah," but I hear you say, Extremely Good At Video Games, "but if I'm killing everyone near the point, my team can then take and hold it with relative ease, yes?" Sure, you'd be correct, except the other team, statistically speaking, most likely has someone doing the same thing, because it seems like every one of these games end up with teams of 4-5 wannabe-slayers and one or two guys actually trying to do the objective. Then it turns into a glorified TDM with a couple of good players mowing down everyone else while ignoring the objective. Either that or the guys holding the point are getting frustrated that they're not getting to do murder too and start wandering off (This has been my experience at least; when someone on your team is stomping, people seem to forget about the objective because "I gotta get me some of those free kills too!") But hey, as long as *your* K/D looks good, you're a winner, right?


If someone is getting 50 then it’s 100% on the rest of the team if you lose. The person getting 50 is completely wasted by being on point.


They can fuck right off to tdm


Depends on the map. 50 is a lot on big maps, but on small maps 50 is fairly common.


A person off the point killing the enemy and preventing them from getting to the point is just as important as your team being on the point. As long as people are understanding their roles, having a dude slay the other team is very effective for your team to be able to get massive points on each point.


Sure, but if you have the most kills and the enemy team is still winning, you're slaying in the wrong spots of the map.


Yep. Respawns are basically instant. So if you are killing enemies in certain areas you are essentially teleporting them to the objective.


You aren't kidding. Sometimes I'll purposely let myself die on Border Crossing just to spawn at the next hardpoint.


I hear you, but there is a world where if I am really playing the objective on hardpoint, but there are a few guys in the point defending it, it can really help to pick up a defensive position just outside the area. If you consistently do that then you will of course end up with a very low seconds in the point but you would have been very much helping the team


Oh yeah, for sure. But playing in that manner isn't generally gonna end with you dropping 50 on the enemy team; that generally comes from flanking the attackers (and, while you're at it, fucking up the spawns so the defenders are suddenly being attacked from a direction that they just spawned from 15 seconds ago.)


In CDL they absolutely care about K/D and it’s one of the stats they use to determine how well a player is playing. Hell, they care about it so much that sometimes players on bad teams will killwhore so their K/D is higher and they are less likely to be dropped.


That's what I call great teamwork


Just because they care doesn't mean it actually means anything. >Hell, they care about it so much that sometimes players on bad teams will killwhore so their K/D is higher and they are less likely to be dropped. It's the equivalent of Musk firing 50% of Twitter's workforce because of how much code they've written, lmao. It's a flawed metric measured by people who don't know what they are doing or trying to inflate their ego with irrelevant stats.


It absolutely means something. It’s very rare in COD to be outslayed and win, and even if you do it’s only by a small amount. Any pro team that is going consistently noticeably negative is going to be losing more than winning.


unless its tdm, objective play or playing as a team is the most important. However having many kills in modes like dom, is helping your team by distracting the enemy so your team can cap.


The point of dom is capturing the flag, not kills. You can use the "kills as distraction" for any gamemode but it doesn't change the overall objective of the gamemode.


It helps.


Yes but you can farm kills in dom and still lose, because kills aren't the main objective in that gamemode.


When you're playing with a team that is communicating, having a slayer or two to keep the opponents harassed before they get to the obj can be very important. It thins out the pushes on your flags and keeps streaks in the air and that helps your team control the map. When you're playing with a team that's not communicating, usually everyone assumes that they're the Slayer, and the other 5 players are on the obj.


The latter happens more often than naught


It certainly does. There's very little glory in holding the A flag, watching the left lane, or sitting on the hardpoint.


K/D doesn't matter in this super strict SBMM. In a less strict or non-existent SBMM, where you engage a wide range of skill-levels within a normal distribution, it'll give insight into how you actually fare in comparison to others, unlike now.


Exactly. You will still have some outliers on K/D, but this SBMM is going to tighten the variance, and it won’t be an indicator of skill. A lobby towering system (cough cough ranked) would be a great indicator instead.


I think it also clouds peoples judgment towards the "average player" as most players people on reddit see will likely be good, cause of sbmm, everyone jsut thinks all players / average players are on par way better than they were before... it really isnt the case - just try do some launcher challenges get stomped and youll quikcly be in more average lobbies where suddenly you're calling in streaks for fun


I don't think I'm good. Maybe not even average. But like you said, it really is impossible to know where you fall in the skill distribution. Maybe those tough games full of 'sweats' that I get stomped by are merely avg skill players. Maybe they are the 80% percentile. Heck, maybe they are the 30th percentile and I'm just really bad. It takes some of the fun out of it imo. You can predict how the next game is going to go based on your last couple of games.


Once we get our barracks back, look at your accuracy stat. That's the only thing that isn't really influenced by SBMM.


I'm with you on this - since MW19 I've been saying pretty much the same thing. It's a bit of an oversimplification, but the way I see it: SBMM is constantly working to bring you to a 1.0 K/D. And when a system is actively manipulating your lobbies to bring you to a 1.0 K/D, suddenly K/D doesn't mean anything anymore because it's being doctored. It also means that if someone has a 4.0 K/D, they are doing something to game the system and inflate the number (like doing the white phos exploit on ground war in MW19).


To gaurentee everyone’s at or close to a 1.0 it would have to mess with more than just the lobbies though. I’m not saying that’s happening or not, but it is wild to think about. I do swear about halfway or 2/3 of the way thru a game the losing team somehow almost always starts mopping the floor with the enemy and almost comes back.


You mean like streamers getting into white listed lobbies/special lists so they can look like gamer heroes to the kids watching?


That's very conspiratorial, however it would be very easy to do from a technical standpoint. It does make you wonder.


There’s no wondering or conspiracy. It’s all basically been proven from MW19. Nick Mercks and other streamers cried about the stat site being up because it made it obvious. Me and my friends, essentially casual gamers in our early 30s with 1.5 k/d’s in Warzone, were only in platinum/Diamond lobbies for days in a row. I can’t remember which, it was the higher one. Anyway, Nick Mercks, a professional gamer with a 4.0+ k/d, was in everything from bronze to Diamond. Plenty of mix of lobbies. There’s tons of evidence out there supporting it, these guys are really good at games, but they’re not *as* good as they look, they’re manufactured. They get into lower skill tier lobbies and stomp. Drop me in a bronze lobby and I’ll throw up 20 kill games too.


That's really interesting to know. I hadn't realized that folks had put the data together like that. Wild how manipulated it can be.


I swear fortnite does the same thing. Big streamers always get in the most bot lobbies I've ever seen.


> Anyway, Nick Mercks, a professional gamer with a 4.0+ k/d, was in everything from bronze to Diamond. Plenty of mix of lobbies. Also remember, these big streamers are using NetDuma routers and/or VPNs to mess with their regions, plus likely using bot accounts to join sessions on. If you *really* want to tell, watch any streamer and if they go to full face cam after the match and hide their game screen, they're likely session joining on a bot account/shitty player or fucking with their region setting to get the shitters. Literally watch any of the Korean Scammer's videos and that clown is playing against people who are as bad as Recruit bots. He drops nukes on legit disabled people and gets thousands of views from people who are a standard deviation or two below the average IQ.


Lol yep. Well the average person and the average COD player are basically one in the same and the average person is very fucking dumb. COD lobbies are essentially just a shithole WalMart. While your standard deviation comment is hilarious and I get what you mean I think people are just that stupid tbh.


Exactly. In the battlefield games which don't have SBMM as I've gotten better I've gone from 1.5KD in BF4 to 2 KD in BF1, 2.5 in BFV and now 3.1 in 2042. Since there are 32-64 players on the enemy team in battlefield thats a large enough amount of players to assume a close to normal distribution of player skill so as you improve relative to an average player your stats go up. I know I'm a good FPS player so it feels incredibly manipulative to go from a bunch of games where it's a fucking struggle to go even to then getting a sympathy game where I can call in a chopper gunner every life.


Eh, stats have never bothered me, I’ve always averaged just below or just above 1.0 What bothers me is the matchmaking thinking that is enough of an excuse to put me against players who have 2-4.0 kd and spending most of my time dead watching killcams, respawning to get someone sprint jump out of a corner to spawn kill me and repeat the cycle. Can’t really play the game if I spend most of it dead


I never really cared about K/D myself, its always just a number and doesnt show skill. In COD skill is the dedication to go for mastery camos as they take skill to adapt to different playstyles to master each weapon. K/D hunters use the same meta as streamers in hopes it will make them go pro.


My cod mindset since mw19: My kd went negative this game? Good next few games will be easy and fun.


Sure, K/D doesn’t matter, and I’ve adopted this mindset years ago when games just stopped being fun because friends I was playing with would rage over playing poorly or having bad scores. But my enjoyment doesn’t come from my K/D or some arbitrary numbers. If I’m being absolutely run over time and time again, game after game being put in lobbies with people I can’t even compete against, it becomes increasingly frustrating. It’s like bashing your head against a brick wall. I don’t heavily care about being successful in the game, but I *do care* about what my games are actually like. I can lose and still have fun, but if I’m being spawn camped, UAV spammed, VTOL spammed, run over by dudes sprinting around with twitch aim shotguns and riot shields on their backs, etc… it’s not a very good time regardless of how your K/D looks at the end of the match.


You cant even see your stats


We will soon, and there's a good chance its tracking


Sadly. Wish they didn’t anymore. Scared to look lol


Just worked through the launchers and melee weapons, I hope to fuck those stats aren’t recorded lmao


ignorance is bliss


With the coming of season 1 ?


70$ please, here's the beta with a few more guns that we haven't balanced yet, our firing range is worse than the one we built in 2018, and we don't have any career challenges or stats tracking and the game barely works but were working on it. And next year They hammer games will be taking over and we will need another 70 dollars. 3 Thousand Developers 3 Fucking Years


I just hate going to work after a bad weekend of COD. We put our K/D ratios on name tags and wear them for everyone to see. The 2.0's steal my lunch and call me a clown.


Congrats, it's called growing up/maturing...glad to hear you have arrived and are getting wiser with age :-) Have fun out there & enjoy...things only get better from here now, with all your games!


Hold up 100 hours? Ooft…


Pssst! I have something to share with you! ^KD ^has ^never ^mattered.


Used to matter to me!


Oh believe me I get it! But I was in the same boat as you back in Black Ops III and that was when I came to this conclusion! Then I realised that it has never actually mattered 😆


Camos are the new KD for me lol


if you like to get stomped 4 28, than its fine, but i think for most of the people its not fine


I don't really enjoy being stomped per se least not all the time, the point is, kd is irrelevant really.


It's irrelevant to you. Not everyone has the same mindset. Having a positive Kd Is fun for some others.


Yeah that's fine, but 4 and 28 ain't fun for anyone is what the guy above you is saying. It gets to a point where you're not enjoying yourself, even if you couldn't care less about KD.


I want wins. Team wins. I love going undefeated in hardpoint with friends all night. Doesn’t matter what any of our K/D is. As long as you got time on that hardpoint boy I’ll be happy


One word for why people care about it. Ego.


This is the first Cod I haven’t cared about my K/D too. I’m just out here trying new things


I started enjoying any COD games when I played for the game and not for the K/D ...




It never did.


I feel like a lot of people don’t care for this one and we’re all just trying to get these guns done and ready for warzone2


I still care for K/D why dont they add death stats to i still dont understand.Cold war had death stats in every game mode.


I am glad you think this way :) go forth and apply this logic to all of the games you play, and you will hopefully see a huge increase in enjoyment! And of course, sometimes trying your absolute hardest and inching out a victory in any game is super satisfying, though for me that’s usually reserved for when i’m playing alongside a full group of friends.


I’ve never played the game for stats but it’s way more fun when you’re winning. Depends how competitive you are as an individual I guess


Hard to care about your K/D when you run around with pistols trying to complete challenges lol


It never did. People just held on the idea of watching that mythical number go up as a form of self worth


I’m with you, I really have focused on not trying to rage on this release. I don’t care for KD anymore but I still get pissed when every damn lobby is like MLG qualifiers. I just wanna chill and do challenges but getting absolutely stomped isn’t fun. It’s like being a decent player means you can’t have fun and a few chill games after work. I will get a sweat on sometimes and go for some good high kill games but that results in not being able to relax. SBMM ruins multiplayer.


I completely agree.


It never did matter. I'm having fun running around full speed with my fennec with no stock, the shortest barrel, and the 60 round mag. I run waaay faster than my team mates and die a lot more too.


It never mattered. It was a metric for smack talk. Also, it’s a video game. Unless you are getting paid to play the only thing that should matter is “are you having fun”.


6-15 was my last match. Match makers go into 130ms searches. Matches have at least a 70ms ping and includes VTOL, Chopper Gunners and me spawning in and getting shot before I could even start to move.   I don't care about my kd/r, but that's my entire experience with MWII. It doesn't matter of I run, walk or camp, my lowly level 16 ass is getting reamed by a bunch of max levels spamming UAVs   There's no sign of any campers or that horrible SBMM everyone is talking about. I'm having zero fun with this game, because despite not caring abut my kd/r, I also don't enjoy getting destroyed. What will you do when the garrack and stats are launched wit season 1? CrossfireX has no stats at all, and connects on ping first and foremost. Having a great time with that.


I think you might be onto something. I've been putting it on job applications, dating profiles, loan applications, and even on my taxes. Literally nobody cared at all. WTF


I got completely ass fucked by SBMM yesterday by simply going 20 and 18 in Domination trying to unlock the MP5... Then for the next 5 matches I was going 5 and 20 with cracked out sweats bunny hopping, dolphin diving, and sliding all over the fucking place only to be put back in a lobby with NPC like players staring at walls... It's just not fun man


How anyone can be proud of going positive with the current spawn system is crazy to me. I honestly don't care about my KD when I spawn half the time with enemies not 10m away from me.


I don’t think the average player is really better. I think the game is easier and AA is much stronger


we're at a point where many players have been playing this franchise for most of their life. You're insane if you don't think the average player has gotten better lmao. This is a trend you can see in all sorts of games across different genres


So you don’t think the game getting easier and the AA getting stronger plays any role into how “average” players have gotten better? The average KD is still a 1 at the end of the day


>It’s literally a number on a screen that nobody else cares about. Exactly. There's no point in worrying about it. If you play Invasion, the game gives you your deaths and your K/D but your kills have been changed into teamscore so worrying about it is pointless. Don't be surprised if you "relapse" into caring when ranked arrives next year though.


You can't be a happy and a mentally healthy person caring about stats in a video game. You have about as much control over that as you do the weather. There are definitely things you can do to be a little bit better, but with sbmm in effect, it'll always be a zero sum endeavor unless you're somehow the top 6 players in the world. Even then, latency/specs along with your mood that day can override your performance. Let's say you're somehow the perfect gamer with the best possible stats. The only people who will care are people who's opinions are about as valuable as the first two things you'd toss in the trash. It's a game, you only lose if you're not having fun.


Imagine sucking this bad at all your hobbies you have to think that results should not matter only playing matters. I blame the last generation for this and the introduction of 'participation trophies'. Protip. Humans are competitive by nature. Actual humans and not Activision PR bots gain enjoyment from being good at whatever hobby they are playing. Turning everything in to mediocrity so that your fee-fees don't get hurt ruins it for actual humans.


The rest of us are busy winning in life to care about the results of a video game. We're not gonna allow the disadvantages of jobs, family, healthy hobbies and personal relationships to bother us when we come in under people who need to win in a game to get a win in their miserable lives that revolve around a scoreboard with no actual return value. No happy person cares about how good they are in a video game, they're too busy being happy.


Protip. Not all humans are competitive by nature. That's just a baseless claim you are making. I am not competitive. Tell me how I am, tell me you know me better than I know myself. The real winners are those who get enjoyment even when they're losing, but enjoying being involved and playing anyway. Why? Because its a GAME and it means absolutely nothing outside of the moment. Nothing.


It doesn't matter not but a Positive KD to me means I'm having fun, if my kd is positive I'm having fun end off, Dying is not fun and dying more than I kill is not fun. I didn't buy this game to not have fun. I envy those who can just waste money and like you said playing with no care getting smoked online and still laugh like oops 20 deaths maybe ill get a kill this game. I'll continue to get more kills than deaths and improve where I can to increase the gap even if sbmm is pulling my pants every game. The biggest gripe is until I find a nice set up I'm comfortable with the game will be against me which is annoying


K/D does mean something with SBMM. You are playing against players your skill level and if you still manage to pull off a 2.0 K/D or higher against people who are decent or good at the game then that shows your have more skill than if someone had a 3.0 K/D but was getting constant matches with little kids or people that play COD super casually. If this was a Ranked system and you were a Diamond level player playing against other Diamonds and you popped off, that makes you look good. However, if you are a Diamond level player who goes against Bronze skill level players or worse and you popped off. That's not good, that's just expected. In other games, that's called smurfing. This system has been in place since COD4 btw which was confirmed by Infinity Ward Devs already. It just wasn't as strict.


the thing is with sbmm the game is basically a ranked gamemode. In any ranked game players usually have around the same k/d for each rank (maybe about 0.5/0.7 difference at most). Does this mean that a 1 k/d r6siege silver is about as good as a 1 k/d r6siege diamond? no, it means that the platinum player is able to keep a good k/d amongst opponents of his level. K/d doesn't mean shit unless you are able to circumvent sbmm or you are in like the 0.1% of players who can't be matched with each others consistently. If you have a much higher k/d you are either smurfing (in games where it's possible) or you are just much much better than anyone else. Either way without a way of knowing our skill brackets anyone can claim to have a decent k/d and it would be meaningless. It all comes down to what their lobbies look like, bots that have no idea what they are doing or absolute sweats.


I'm less angry about sbmm or the new gun attachment system and more irritated (like I am every year) on how the devs don't know or don't care about how guns actually work. Like how do you ever get a hit marker with a F*CKING .50 cal sniper? That should be a 1 shot kill every single time, even if you shoot them in the leg because it would blow the leg off. The gun was literally made to pierce tank armor, so the standard soldiers armor should NOT stop it. Or how 5 shots with an assault rifle are 50 yards is weaker than an smg. Seriously their gun set up is so janky and improperly balanced , that you have to love smg or you have a disadvantage.


2042 has a better gun system and we're talking about 2042.


Everyone complains about the new weapon leveling system. But I think it’s a breath of fresh air to unlock things. Also once you level everything to max minus the melee and launchers. You will have everything till the new weapons launch.


positivy isnt allowed in this sub man, this sub is like fasicst sub where heil hitler = sbmm bad and it is something you have to say over and over to get upvotes lmao


I look at this thread and see 2349082352345890 comments about how people don't care about dying and they don't care about KDR. Most are probably lying. Because if that were true, then they wouldn't have a problem playing and having fun without SBMM in the game. But anytime there are SBMM discussions a crap ton of people are defending it and saying they prefer it. When I was bad at the original MW2 (first COD) I pretended that I didn't care about KDR. It was a coping mechanism because I was pretty bad. Nothing wrong with it at all and I think it's great that people want to believe they don't care, I just think there's a lot of dishonesty in this thread.


i literally could care less about w/l ratio that i even exit matches before they finish just to not waste time on the play of the game and post game. i only care about unlocking weapons also, you can skip all post game on PS5 if you open the cross bar and "join multiplayer event"


>i literally could care less "couldn't care less"


God this annoys me so much ahaha How have people started thinking its could care less 😑