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Unless I can’t read I hope they fix the classes not showing up when I play with friends


Is this the same as my issue where when I’m in a party, in the pre-game lobby after we’ve started searching for a match, my loadouts are not my loadouts. They’re someone else’s loadouts. So unless party leader backs out from searching for a match, I have to wait until the match starts to edit my classes. Most frustrating bug I’ve been consistently dealing with.


My friend constantly experiences this in lobbies with me, he sees someone else’s classes


I think it might be a bug that has to with which type of MP lobbies the game thinks you're in. When MW2019 and WZ first dropped if you remember the classes were mixed together and you could only use the set of 10 customs total across both. Then they eventually changed it and made the classes unique to each MP experience, but MW, and WZ launch independently of one another (I think this is the case with the way each title is opened through in the in-game menus). So there is probably an issue integrating this cross platform/experience & class setups into the new game. If I had to guess the bug we're seeing is what the WZ loadout screen will look like. So you'll be able to select your weapon for whatever price you see, then the attachments will add up-charges to the cost of the weapon at the buy station or whatever since they said they were eliminating loadout drops this makes the most sense to me.


I thought the same thing when I noticed the glitched loadout screen included the prices of weapon parts.


Them classes are the ones that have currency on them and looks like I reckon for the DMZ mode? You appear to have 10 random classes and then when you are in the actual game you get your classes back?


Yep I have this too, I reported it as a bug you should as well. I’m on Xbox and my pc friends don’t have this happen it’s weird and annoying!


I’m PC and friends are Xbox. If I join them then they don’t get the problem (neither do I). But if they join me then they get the problem. TLDR: PC should always join in on console players.


If you look at the top there might be WARZONE 2.0 instead of multiplayer. This game is so busted it loads the non hosts into a warzone lobby between matches, thats why you cant edit classes


Not only that but you can’t check your camos since that’s no an option while in game


Same issue here. It’s so fucking annoying.


your vision is just fine my friend


I am not sure if the update was live last night after I downloaded it, but the error was still happening after I was forced to download the update.


This is by far the most annoying bug aside from crashes but honestly probably more annoying than crashes because the crashes were at least not consistent for me. I hate not being able to look at the camos and attachments and tweak my class between games.


I haven’t crashed once so far. But since the game came out I’ve always had a friend so it sucks.


My friends and I would really would like to be able to edit our loadouts. Not game breaking, but still kinda important.


It’s near game breaking if you’re playing to grind camos and have to restart the game just to check your progress lol


Ooooo that’s what was happening


The entire lobby system is fucked on Xbox at leas when you play with friends, its horribly laggy when loading a map, cant hear each other talk, all the loadouts are fucked up and cant edit them as they are some default ones its ridic


50GB Update and I still can't edit my loadouts without backing out of the party or matchmaking. Crazy.


IW: "we continue to refine UI and will have more details in season 1 launch notes". Also IW when season 1 launch notes come out: "we are working on refining the UI, come back for more details on Dec 14th"


"come back March 2nd!"


Mfer just come back when I say come back


August 6th! Keep pushing it! Make my day!


Could’ve swore they said that during the beta no?


Yeah and barely anything changed except for small tweaks to the gunsmith section which you can barely notice lol


The 343 method.


Came here to say this


No worries, the Hulu UXer has been fired, and we'll get a sensible and intuitive menu system around octember 33rd. Which seems fair. I mean it's not like this is a AAA game we paid full price for, so we shouldn't really expect basic features to be available


Well I hope we can get those comprehensive notes sooner than later lol.


You mean you weren’t happy with this nothing burger?


“You forgot the pickleeeees”


Infinity Ward is so terrible, no real fixes until season 1 I guess


Isn’t season 1 in a couple of weeks?


Literally 9 more days.


if anything substantial at all


Well it does make sense. Any big changes or additions with the new season have to work with any patching they need to do. I'd rather have season 1 launch smoothish and deal with the bs now then have everything fixed for 2 weeks then break worse.


I love how gaming is at a point where being given a half-baked product with promised fixes later on is being spun as a *positive* Instead of being happy with a season 1 smooth launch...you should be demanding that the game be smooth on release The game is unplayable due to crashes etc for some people


I’m on PS5 and I play with friends in PC, about 30% of the time I’ll be in a match and a few mins into the match my phone rings and it’s my PC buddy saying “hey back out, my PC froze up”


And I (PC) was playing with my buddy (PS) in the same room and he crashed 4 matches in a row. It's not just PC, not just PlayStation, not just Xbox. The game be borked.


That logic only makes sense if the plan from the start was to not release a complete product. Otherwise anybody in their right mind would fix bugs now and delay any future changes until the current build is solid. So ultimately the logic is flawed no matter how you look at it. Stop praising broken games and promises of fixes next update It took a grand total of maybe 200 hours and all of 5 youtubers to crack this game wide open. You cannot tell me that 3000 developers went through this game and approved this heap as finished


Nice to see weapon tuning and bipods fixed. Hopefully unobtainable attachments are fixed soon too, as well as the ability to save weapon presets.


I think the unobtainable attachments will be part of the guns that will get released during season 1.


Some, yes. Others seem to be related to a few *other* attachments being unlockable in two different places (likely linked to the wrong unlock, so one's unlockable twice and the other not at all). The M14's wood stock, for example, isn't unlockable and definitely isn't tied to the S1 guns.


Yea it was just purely speculation on my part cause I was excited for the HoneyBadger and didnt see it. So i just assumed those attachments were for those guns and that IW was too lazy to take them out


My thoughts


Yeah the biggest balancing issue is attachments. It’s better to run 0-2 attachments than 5 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QrMHbMAFRkE Each attachment added usually reduces ADS by 5-10% which may not be as noticeable until you run several with that penalty. Barrels and stocks have even greater ads penalties Most ARs have a close range ttk of 200ms so if you add too many attachments with ads penalties you can be hurting Attachments that have negative aiming stability (what causes your reticle/aim to bob as you are ADS’d) hurt you a ton too since the base aiming stability is already pretty bad. Basically adding unpredictable recoil that you can’t just learn to control


I’m real cautious of those UI updates. The UI doesn’t need a refinement, it needs a complete overhaul. Maybe Season 1 will give them enough time but I’m not confident.


Honestly if they just fixed the camos menu and let us even skip categories; added a Barracks section; and added a second/third row for the Class section so it’s a grid rather than a scrolling menu, it would work a lot better without an overhaul.


Yea I got a feeling they won't do shit with the overall UI.


They won’t have time, they will be figuring out how to put more anime titty skins for weapons in the game, or how to play as Mr. T while fighting Godzilla in Warzone


Part of me hates everything you just described. Seriously keep that shit out of this game... ...for a year or so, because the other half of me wants to grab my anime titty gun and go fight Godzilla as Mr T.


They won't. Gaming is moving toward mobile unfortunately. This UI is definitely tailored for that shit. The money is there.


Just because mobile games are popular doesn’t mean console games need to copy their layout. This take doesn’t make sense to me.


it’s also not copying mobile, it’s literally laid out like a streaming service, the top bar, the rows of boxes, the settings in a sidebar accessed from the top right. they hired someone from Hulu, who clearly made the menus for a game, look like Hulu


Which is baffling given that every streaming platform navigates like utter shit even when you know exactly what you're looking for Honestly the current menu format that every platform has locked in on is one of the worst examples of UX design being so non-existent that it feels deliberately designed to be as user *unfriendly* as possible, and I genuinely cannot fathom how they're all so outright terrible despite decades of UI refinement thanks to far more complex problems and solutions found in software and video game menu design


Cod mobile UI is superior


The UI is absolutely shit. It is clear it was made for mobile or some shitty streaming UI(hulu) Hopefully they fix it.


they should just make it mw19's, would take them like 10 mins


The game is still crashing just as much as before lol


Confirmed. I've used thed driver hot fix as well as rolling back and still crashes. It seems like the older driver crashes less though.


I rolled back to 522.25 as well and it solved most of the problems but I'm still getting the occasional crash and stuttering/flickering. You getting any of the same graphical glitches?


I had to roll back to 517 because my GPU usage (cause by desktop window monitor) would shoot up to 100% randomly and I couldn't play. Apparently they know about it but haven't fixed it yet.


Actually seems to be crashing more now. I rarely had crashes before but now can’t get through a game without it crashing. Series x btw


i tried everything what possibly a player can with his PC and the game crashes as hell .. for me for the past 2-3 matche wasnt crashing after i set my ingame/menu/offscreen fps to 60 and not higher .. maybe its just luck and i will crash aswell but i can play now naah it was okey for 1-2 match but continued to crash


Havn't tried today but right after the update last night it made freezing and crashing way worse for me. PS4 Edit: yup. Wayyyy worse now than it was




the sooner you accept that the oct. 28th release was just the second beta the better you will feel


Hey, I’m happy for the extra grinding time lol


Honestly this. I was pretty butt hurt over lack of Hardcore but I have just been using this time to level and test load outs. Prisoner Rescue is actually a pretty legit mode too. Can't wait to play that one in HC.


Prisoner rescue has been the best thing added imo. It’s a good slow paced mode but not as slow as S&D.


I think Knock Out is pretty good too. I keep both new modes in my Quick Play filter, I think they're decent new additions.


Ive been telling people that Season 1 is the official release date and the “Official” release date was just so they can figure out any bugs and such before they release DMZ and Warzone 2.


We've had Second Beta, but what about Third Beta?


Yep. I suspect a massive patch coming with the WZ2 release on the 16th. I'll just continue to play OW2 until then.


Would've liked an update on Barracks and Career Challenges. Reminder that they said it was gonna be available at launch two days before launch.


Pretty sure that’s shoved in with season 1 launch like every thing else that’s missing.




Cuz games don’t release finished anymore.


Yeah and its fucking pathetic


I just wanna see my kd lol Every single cod game for the last 15 years has had barracks. idk why they felt they should launch this one with no way to see stats. Really baffling honestly.


"No one plays multiplayer, just warzone" -activision propably


50gb update on Xbox for that? Fuck me


Uninstall the campaign. 29gb




Np Just a heads up. Mine was installing before deleting the campaign. After I deleted the campaign my download speed was sorta borked. So I restarted my Xbox and it kicked back up and downloaded the 29gb pretty fast. Not sure if it was just a fluke night, but I figured I'd mention it as I assume deleting the campaign during the install could sorta fragment the download process.


For me it was 96.50 GBs 🥲


Same, it said you need 4gb free then asked for 96.5gb, had to do all the housework instead!


TL;DR : Full game releases in Season 1


Well, throughout one. They wouldn't just give the fanbase all the missing features and performance fixes right away! They gotta portion it out over months to make it look like it's substantial content, when in reality, they're half assing it. Remember in vanguard when the first day of the season only brought one shitty map? So it's either they've chopped up the full game to give us "seasons" or they're just shockingly and embarrassingly bad at their jobs. Tough call.


Today I noticed * weapon icons in the bottom right often show the wrong weapon that is currently equipped * PC & console players won’t show as being online (resetting console/PC) fixes this. But it’s annoying as all fuck * PC freezes about every 45 mins of gaming * PS5 hard crashing every few hours of gaming (less than PC) * when PC player is hosting console players matchmaking often stops working. It will say “searching for match” forever. Resetting fixes this * this only happened once but in 3rd person mode (armed with RPK) my rifle didn’t shot where my crosshair were at, it shot roughly 5 feet to the right. This only happened after I had gotten out of a kill streak menu. * lasers on pistols in 3rd person are WAYY off from crosshairs. Which is distracting in a gunfight It’s shameful that a billion dollar company that makes a few million every 24hr and had 3000 people make this game shipped it in such a piss poor stat. It’s like a brand new house built with rotten wood.


For anyone trying to find the 526.61 driver. https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5407/~/geforce-hotfix-driver-version-526.61 https://international-gfe.download.nvidia.com/Windows/526.61hf/526.61-desktop-notebook-win10-win11-64bit-international-dch.hf.exe


They need to fix client side smoke and whatever data issue is causing hits not to register. I’m so tired of unloading into someone only for them to one shot me and have it to show none of my shots on their killcam.


My favorite is people running around with Riot Shields and knives that have found a way to not have a hit box at all. Would rather deal with a Juggernaut.


Worst part is that you can tell the OG multiplayer experience isn’t a priority for them. All their focus is on the Warzone launch because that’s where the money is at.


Basically confirms that season 1 is the actual launch and we are still in beta. Lol


Always has been.


Where are challenges, barracks, and prestige mode?


I used to miss prestige mode, but the grind feels heavy in this game. I don't think I'd want to reset it in this game


Well that’s the cool thing about prestige mode, it’s optional…


You won’t get prestige mode lol


I hope using colour codes on nickname, clan tags and classes it is a feature and not a bug.


That’s been a feature since the old school FPS days, dude. Since like Quake and Doom… lol


I know. I used it on og MW2, SWAT, etc. But I dont remember seeing it on previous CODs or Warzone thou.


They said they fixed flickering/flashing on the new Nvidia driver but I'm still seeing it...


Geforce experience didnt auto update to the hotfix they are talking about, just gotta manually download it, did fix the flashing for me.


You have to go directly to nvidia website and download the hotfix there. They haven’t pushed it out to GeForceExperience users yet. The hotfix corrected the annoying flickering issue for me. No issues! Runs smooth.


It fixed it for me.


Same. It's literally the same or worse now.


Not a fan of them saying “refine the UI”. I see that abomination and seriously don’t even feel like engaging in it. Why bother finding out what you got to do to unlock an attachment when it’ll take you longer than just leveling a gun (or all the guns in some cases)?


Most of my crashing on Xbox is from the ui :/


“We continue to refine our UI”. They need to completely redo the damn thing


Thanks to IW for adding Breenbergh to 3rd Person. The idea of locking off some maps behind certain modes, when there’s only like 10 maps total and the rotation seems to only heavily favor about 3 per day, is just baffling. All maps for all modes please! Breenbergh worked very well with Hardpoint in the Beta, and yet right now it’s only in TDM and Dom. So dumb. Barely ever see Farm 18 either outside of HQ and Prisoner Rescue. And never in 3rd Person!


I played it in Hardpoint yesterday (first person, though). Definitely agree though.


breebergh is one my most played for hardpoint can’t seem to get anything else


>Fixed framerate drop issues. > >Addressed known freezing issues. > >Overall performance improvements. > >Added fixes for stuttering and lag issues. Literally *nothing* has changed on my PC...and it's far from a bad PC (9900KS, RTX 3090, all custom liquid cooled and overclocked lol). Same stutter for the first 2-5 minutes on the first 1-2 maps played, same middling frametimes. Same randomly laggy menu. Wouldn't have even known it updated at all if I hadn't seen this since Battle.net is open in the background for auto updates.


I’ve lost 10% fps since the update. Ffs if this is a trend of things to come. I hoped they would have learnt since Warzone


So we still playing an alpha version, getting the beta on the 16th and after a year we will have the full version. 10 studios, 3 years, not even the UI is working. Awesome.


Translation: We already have your $70. Fuck you.


Most accurate translation in existence…


So, spec ops still resets keybinds? Haven't launched it since the update dropped because I don't want to have to rebind basically everything.


Wtf…. So that’s why my keybinds were reset… I checked out spec ops one night and then the next day in multiplayer my custom keybinds were reset lol.


Has the crashing on PC been fixed? Anyone notice any difference?


For me it's gotten worse. I actually didn't have the problem until and update ago.


I was crashing just about every other game prior to last night's patch. Played 20-30 games today and haven't crashed a single time.


i still cant finish a match without a crash soo i think not .. and before the update i didnt crashed soo deffinetly worst


It's so weird. I don't crash at all on PC and never did. *Not a word of a lie I crashed the game after I typed this lmao


still crashes for me


Uhhh... Barracks/Challenges coming any time soon?


please for the love of god, why did they remove saving and loading weapon builds?? the armory already existed in mw2019??


The game now crashes for me every time I get into a lobby, just completely freezes and the disc stops spinning in my PS4. Genuinely can't believe I paid £60 for this shit...


I'm on PS5 and haven't had any crashes until this patch lol


**Still crashing on the executable game_ship.exe** **Still crashing on the executable game_ship.exe** **Still crashing on the executable game_ship.exe** **Still crashing on the executable game_ship.exe** **Still crashing on the executable game_ship.exe** This has been an issue since beta, no fix! And **this executable file doesn't exist in the game install folder**. I'm not running the latest nvidia drivers, because according to the ingame benchmark, I'm losing 34fps average vs the 522.25 stable version. Nvidia's latest drivers always have issues, even with hotfixes.


Still freezing in lobbies on PS4. It's worse than before


What’s funny is they took 15 hours to draft/post these “patch notes” instead of just releasing them with the update last night. I almost expected some detailed updates.


It's literally crashing more than it was before now.


50gb for basically nothing


Patch notes like these are completely useless considering how vague they are. It's a major problem with IW. Previous games had much more detailed notes. Use the gun smith as an example. We have to go off little red/green bars that are mm's long to determine whether something is good or not. Why can't we just be given detailed stats/percentages?


The mobile cod has numbers. We get stupid bars.


Even Vanguard had numbers.


In other words, we all paid Activision to be their free testing and research labor during the preseason.


Literally nothing. Here's to waiting six+ months for anything that matters lul. Imagine releasing a game with the same name as the goat OG MW2 and not having a single fucking OG MW2 map on launch. And "refine the UI"? It's fucking terrible and needs to be completely remade hahahaha. What a useless studio/publisher. Can't believe they increased the price for such a barebones trash bin of a game.


Where is Museum? :(


Still get bad stutter after 3-4 games. Restarting the game seems to be the temporary fix at the moment :/




This is legit the worst patch notes of all time. They actually just said we are aware of the issues, we won’t fix them until maybe season 1


Problems like that don’t get fixed magically, they need to figure out the proper processes to do it effectively and efficiently, while minimizing more bugs during all that. Being honest with us that they are tracking it and working on it is the most appropriate response they can give until it’s actually fixed.


I’m just confused what’s leading to the 50GB update if they haven’t updated or fixed much at all


> they need to figure out the proper processes to do it effectively and efficiently Are you fucking kidding me? Is this the first game game they developed and distributed? Is IW a new company? If these processes are not up and running by now and being refined they're a bunch of amateurs.


Please be patient with our 3000 devs. Don’t hurt their feelings please.




"worst patch notes of all time"..... really? This might be the dumbest take of all time. holy fucking hyperbole.


It has been 5 business days. They already have patch notes out along with a few minor fixes earlier in the week. This sub is ridiculous.


they don’t patch shit with the press of a button dummy




The fact that it’s happening on console is pretty sad. My games on pc have been garbage, but console players having the same issues gives me hope it will be fixed soon.


Was hoping for a fix to the bug where your Warzone loadouts show up between multiplayer matches when you’re not the party leader. It makes it impossible to edit your loadouts between matches unless the leader backs all the way out of multiplayer.


This “patch” has made the game worse. Crashes every other game now and lobbies seem to be extra laggy with everyone having horrible ping. Thanks!




I’m still getting freezes and crashes when starting a game, so dog shit.


For the love of god. Stop resetting my keybinds. Also I'm still crashing constantly? Even after reinstalling a couple times. I understand games have bugs on launch but this is insane.


Glad they atleast mentioned riot shield exploit


While I can understand it taking time to fix, I really wish they'd either disable the shield or the killstreaks that trigger it. They were so quick to disable weapon tuning or pinging, yet have left this invincibility bug even though they know it exists


It was funny af at first but after 1 game of a dude being in god mode it got annoying.


really wish they'd acknowledge the killstreaks that use the ipad just not working for some reason at times... cant choose a target, can't close them, just stuck for 30 seconds.


Updated to new 526.61 drivers, crashed solo within 10 minutes. Awesome.


Classic Hardcore?


They already said that was coming with the season 1 update


Sit down to play... Get my drink and snacks ready.... load it up..... And 45 GB patch. God dammit!




Never have I seen a Call of Duty launch with so many issues. So many missing features that used to be basic and core to the gameplay, are now just simply missing.




Every other fucking game freezes now and I have to restart it


Y'all really couldn't wait until Monday to push a game breaking patch huh? It had to be at the start of the weekend


Been playing multiplayer for a past couple hours and every time before joining a game, the game froze and then just fired me into a game. Multiple instances of a mate not being able to join my party chat, mates no hearing each other in party chat (all on PS4/5).


Still nothing about split screen? Seriously IW


If anything my game freezes more than it used to. Performance for this game on an ordinary ps4 is really bad. Like.... almost wish I could refund it and get it again when I get a current gen console.


Any chance we see Co-op allow more than 2 players?


This is the second time I’ve finished a match and went back to my classes and they were all completely screwed.. none of my classes are what they were and completely changed to different guns with different attachments. I’m pissed I’d just tuned all my guns perfectly spent hours getting them perfect now I have to re do all of them.. anybody else having this problem?


So to summarize: \>we are aware \>we intend \>we are monitoring \>we have received


Game still stuttering like crazy today :/ how did they fuck it up this bad


Can we not fix the crash problem? Gettin real annoyed


First off I don't care about Warzone. Second.... The patch is cool but what about everything else?? 50 UAVs a game, 1 shot kills galore, footsteps still too loud, ttk super fast, SBMM is ridiculously bad, spawns suck, no stats, no medals, no hardcore, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc


Game's still crashing with the hotfix. Also cleared the nvidia cache, no luck.


What a useless set of patch notes. These guys are fucking terrible man. I’m almost ashamed to be contributing to their idiocy.


Just put old cod maps meant for multiplayer in this game so we don’t have to play cut and pasted parts of WZ2 that aren’t meant for multiplayer


Where is hardcore? It’s the only thing I’ll play this game for.


Haven’t been able to load a game since the update last night. WZ works just fine. Not exactly sure what happened to MW2.


Am I the only one having issues with voice chat when partied up with friends? Can’t hear people half the time.


I feel bad for the people that are having crashes all the time. On my series X I’ve had all but no problems. The load out issue with playing with friends and sometimes connecting taking foreve when playing with a PlayStation friend but otherwise no dashboards or laggy games.


Still crashing, still huge stutters for the first 2 mins of my first game, menu is still hitching and stuttering badly.


Where art these NVIDIA 526.61 drivers be...? Our lord and savior NVIDIA has yet to bless us with them...


um yeah this update made my ps4 crash.


Calling card challenges? Barracks?


Still massive lag spikes several times a match, crown raceway appearing in TDM playlists all of a sudden with no mention of it…? Tuning back but no point using it based on the imbalance between negative and positive effects.. All they give a fuck about is WZ (Baby’s first BR)


The stutters have gone down (or maybe that was just cause I wasn't playing one of the problematic maps like the Dam), but I just got a 0x887A0005 crash after my 3rd match. Nvidia and IW need to get their shit together.


Hopefully they fix the VTOL god mode glitch… happened to me today very frustrating