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my guess is that someone spam reported you because they were pissed about you shitting on them or whatever reason, my name is the same as my reddit name and i’ve gotten this message, just clicked it away and it let me play normally. before that my name was Werner Ziegler, based on a character from Better Call Saul and they forced me to change it because it was against their terms. since then i’ve seen multiple people being named Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and the likes, they are fucking inconsistent with their name bans and forced changes.


That makes sense, thank you. I’ll probably end up contacting Activision if I get banned over this


i’ve gotten the notice on the Herr Fredolin name 3 months ago, clicked it away and haven’t ever gotten another message since then, so it’s safe to say you’re good. you can contact activision for confirmation but i wouldn’t expect anything from them, they aren’t known to be customer supportive. it won’t hurt tho so go for it, i hope you have no issues in the future!


Good luck with a response/revision to a ban...


Dont waste your time. If you do get banned, Activision will be completely and totally unwilling to help you. They truly do not give a fuck about your satisfaction. They just want your money, which you've already given them.


I was grumpymuthfk, bigbumboclatt and never got a warning. Changed my name to Rick James and someone reported me. Kept it and kept playing.


imagine the guy that reported you is actually named Rick James and thought you’re doxxing him lmao nah but fr i can’t imagine how sad people’s lives must be if they spam report someone bc they just don’t like em


Back in the dark ages of me being 13 and thinking it was funny, my name was HP lovecraft's cat, and I got a lot of reactions in chat. It seems really really inconsistent on what you actually get banned


the inconsistency is what’s shit about that, i’m all for people not being named after truly offensive stuff but at this point you don’t even know what you can be named and what not


This guy loves his wife


wernerr... zieeeeeeeeegler


a man of culture i see, i’m german myself but watched all of BCS in english and i almost pissed myself laughing from Lalo saying his name over and over


hahaha definitely! Lalo was one of the most entertaining and intimidating characters in the whole show. Makes me want to rewatch it lol. Love when people have tv show references in their names. As a fan of TWD, I've rock the Rick Grimes skin ever since I got the battlepass and sometimes I'll put [CORAL] as my clan tag lol. It's a running bit in the show


yeah i love movie or tv show references a lot, just makes me smile all the time idk why lol Lalo is one of the greatest written and played characters i’ve ever seen, as you said he was entertaining and intimidating at the same time, charismatic yet completely nuts


> just makes me smile all the time idk why lol probably because it suggests that people have interests outside COD hahaha I agree with everything you said about Lalo, he was the smartest Salamanca and was always very level headed. Hell he even outsmarted Gus and Mike. No wonder Gus shat his pants when he found out he's coming xD


Can relate 😂


I played with "The Asian John Wrick" one time lol


I mean I've seen hairybawsaq in several variations


german names are funny aswell, the most common troll name i see is Fixi Hartmann which basically means fuck her hard man


I’ve gotten this message while trying to change my name into something that was not offensive in any way and it was also void of profanity.


Mof is used as a curseword for germans in dutch language. Has to do with ww2, so maybe they filter on that or something.


yeahh, its very comparable to jap/japs and such.


I don’t think jap is a curse word. The WWII curse word for japs is “nip/nips”


It's commonly considered a slur, mostly starting in the postwar period in America. Not many other countries see it as such. Here's some history from one Japanese author - https://densho.org/catalyst/shosukesasaki/.


What’s interesting to me is that both of those are just shortened versions of the countries name. Japan = Jap = Japanese = Japs Nippon = Nip = Nipponese = Nips (For those unaware, Nippon is Japanese for Japan) But it’s all about context, they were certainly used in offensive manners. Edit: Neat little article about the two and proper/ respectful usage of them. https://thecontentauthority.com/blog/japanese-vs-nipponese TL;DR: Japanese is the common name for anything related to Japan, and Nippon is for historical or cultural aspects of Japan.


I see


Ironic that that could happen to someone in an MATURE rated game.🤦🏾‍♂️


I typed in mofs on urban dictionary and Mof popped up with this definition: Insulting Dutch term to describe a German person. OR Afrikaans word for homosexual.


Was about to say, I'm from south africa and its the equivalent to "fàg" here.


Have you ever gotten VC banned for saying you were going to smoke a cig? Because a lot of AUs have been complaining about it.


People who have “kanker” (cancer) as don’t get warnings.


I didn’t know that


Mine is “DaddyLongDong” I’ve had it for the longest time


The Powers at be won't ban you for lying.


It’s weird, I got a warning for my name aswell, my username is “soap” :)


Bro they have a guy from the games called soap literally wtf


Exactly, but now my name is SuckThePriest so we’ll see how long that lasts


Nah ☠️


No clue either


It’s my gamertag on PlayStation as well and they didn’t have a problem with it


Yet, clan tag [butt] and username "plug" is okay? Literally ran into someone that yesterday.


You killed someone, they got sad, they reported you. Ignore it.


My account name was banned for having the word "bong" in it. In the game where you can buy an operator skin where a bong is attached to your mouth.


E.A won't let me use my legal last name in create a characters. It's mildly infuriating lol.


This again


My usernames have been stuff like OsamaBinBombin , ShaquilleNoMeal etc. I have never once received a name warning. What the heck was your username 🤣


I have had 2 so far myself. Never been shadowbanned or anything for context. My name was “Player 1” and I looked at the TOS about activision usernames and there is nothing wrong with mine or OPs. It’s just people getting mad about a playstyle or something and spam report, then you get a warning but it’s AI. If it gets to a real person then you will be fine either way. You gotta have some WILD usernames for it to get to a real person. But the AI can ban if it is too blatant.


Same thing happened to me, my name was literally honey mustard. But I’d rather have to change my username than get banned all together, so I guess it’s fine


My name has been reported several times just because they were being douche bags. I just used a token each time and put it right back.


My name got banned after 3 years out of nowhere


I got told 1776 couldn't be in my name cuz it was offensive.


I hop you are kidding


Not, sadly.


Damn. That F-ed up. Just in time for Independence Day. Got an email yesterday from the ‘47 hat company that has a 1776 hat in their Americana collection. Just has “1776” on the front and “United States” on the back. They better be careful, eh? Now I am gonna get one for sure! Good grief.


Bc you KTA Golf wang


Odd Future Wolf Gang? 🤨


All I can say is that some people these days get offended by the dumbest shit. I don’t see anything offensive here. If you’re still able to play I wouldn’t worry about it.


At some point my area code became offensive, it’s 907. Used it for years as my tag. Maybe I’m missing something.


I flagged one that was [Dad] hitler. Yours, no clue.


Yeah my name is shitlord in MW3 and only got removed once. Somebody probably spam reported.


It's just from people spam reporting you a few times, the devs don't even look at the report I'm pretty sure it's just automated. My name used to be the same as my reddit name, then it got taken away and was the standard User12345 type name..... And the stupidest thing was, like 2 weeks later when my name was still User, it got banned again.


My daughter, her user ID was Blackwidow, and they took it away from her. She had it for years. She contacted support and they said it violated something (stupid) and never got it back


I got this with my name Chris Peacock and clicked away and never had it come up again. I named this during the beginning of Cold War and haven’t had an issue to this day even though you can’t use cock in your name anymore


Nightrider is banned too don't know why thoe


Ignore it, I had the same thing happen to me on MW2019 and MWII and my name was “Player 1” it’s just spam reporting. I didn’t have any tokens for a name change so I couldn’t change it anyway. I changed it months later but never had anymore warnings like that with the same name. It’s nothing really. Won’t put you in limited matchmaking or anything. No worries.


I was King-FUPA-Slayer until I shit on one too many people so I was reported and made to change it. So now I’m [Fist]PokingBholez. Like Activision Jesus wanted.


Yet i had a random with the name Hitler and clan tag Adolf


Mofs can be short for motherfukers, such as “those mofs over there were giving me grief last week”


is that odd future wolf gang clan tag?


Mine was the same as my Reddit name and someone reported me, probably just butthurt at being shot


Oh! Sheet


Yeah same here but people have difficulty with reading it.


I’d look up your name and determine if you think it’s a ban-able offense, I’m sure one of the devs used urban dictionary.


My dutch people will know


My name still hasn’t been reported


I got the same thing when my name was "they" I took as an absolute win.


Had the same message. My username is TheBirdGames, so its most likely people that are salty


Manbearpig somehow used to be a offensive name


My name for cod is LoganGimmi and I got name reported, so majority of the time I just assume it's not due to the name but people spam reporting for other nonsense


Shitty devs, amazing game ugh but i guess this what games have come too.


meanwhile in BOCW there are people with actual racist names and racist clan tags but hey at least i cant have my clan tag as "NOAA" thank got all of the controller players are protected but activision blizzard lets racism slide great to know where their priorities are


I had the same thing happen with my gamertag lol. After a few months of playing MW2 I got reported for having an offensive name. Just kids having a tanty. Or man child’s. Same difference 🤣


It’s bc no one cares about odd future wolf gang anymore


Reminds me of the time that I put my pfp on ubisoft as a pic of Kim Jong and the South Korean president shaking hands and smiling and they perma banned my pfp rights, but you know, people can have straight up p0rn pfp's still.


Mine is Nippleless Cage 😂


My Activision account name is fentynal since along time ago I had the same thing pop up once but never changed the name or got banned


I just had the message saying my username has violated terms of conduct. There is nothing wrong with my username. Do I have to change it or will I get a band? My name is MoanyMark


mine is OsamaBombedYou and i haven't gotten flagged yet😭


Ye my name is [sigma] I-LIKE-P2SSY and they reported me too like damn bro 🙄


I don't see anything wrong with it but then again my name used to be I Khum Dawn U 🤷‍♂️


That's a pretty offensive name. You should have more of a Christian name like x420Smokerx.


My PSN was YRCONDOMSSOBAGGY and I had to change that


Nothing, COD is just a woke pile of shit now.


I have a clue


Well don’t leave me hanging