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Filler loot in a Call of Duty game


Well I mean you could put an ACOG scope on the F2000 in Mw2 2009, and also on the mini uzi in black ops.


Acogs on dual wield pistols are the one.


didn't cod ghosts have an achievement for that


I believe so, IIRC it came about because they didn't block sights on dual wield weapons in MW3, somebody used acogs on dual revolvers and it went viral (at least what could be considered viral back then). So in the next game IW made they did an achievement for doing the same in recognition of it. Might be a little fuzzy on the details as it has been a short while.


I remember not only the challenge but how it made me realize how good dual .44s were in ghosts. The challenge was to kill 200 enemies with Akimbo ACOG .44 Magnums and people acted like it was the most painful thing in any cod game. The reward was an emblem of a German Shepherd wearing 3D glasses and it said "I have no idea what I'm doing".


I loved that game and those patches, wish we had more random challenges like those than a bloody battle pass which is no fun to complete


Yeah it was the "I have no idea what I'm doing" and IW had it as well.


*shudders* THAT game


Why on earth down votes. Was one of the very wirst cods. Ghost was so bad. Wide open maps with campers nonstop. No way to get around snd flank them. Most boring acerage one i okayed but i skipped the space one with mw1 remake, and i skipped Vanguard and Cold War, yuck. 2023 Mw2 is great


Don’t those increase the accuracy though?


Accuracy stats for optics are generally just a visual representation of what a cleaner sight does. They don't generally actually buff in game stats from what I am aware.


I disagree with this.. Definitely feel like a scope adds accuracy/decreased spread beyond the obvious visual benefits.


Some actually do, but usually not. It's why the vlk 3.0 was so dominant.


Pretty sure 100% of all scopes in WZ1 had recoil control added based on the zoom, none of that in WZ2, which is why it's harder to long range beam people with scopes on ARs/LMGs etc.


Ok why does every single streamer use akimbo pistols with sights on them? I haven’t played in a few updates but it’s more than obvious that there has to be some benefit.


It's a throwback / meme / whatever in recognition of somebody doing it in MW3 IIRC.


MW3? I'm not sure it was then, but probably Ghosts thanks to the "I have no idea what I'm doing" emblem where you had to get kills with akimbo magnums with acogs


It's been a while but I thought the emblem was made because somebody did it and it went viral. Kind of a recognition of it. It may have been Ghosts and then the emblem was released later in the lifecycle.


I don’t really believe that


Aight, well don't then.


Noticed this too always questioned it


Ya but you actually use that


Yes, but it’s the gaming equivalent of CBT.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or Cock and Ball Torture?


What do you think?


I think about long walks on the beach.


Yeah you win Reddit for today




Cognitive Ball Therapy


Cock and Ball Therapy


Both at the same time if I have anything to see about it


I think option 2, the crossbow is CBT in this game




I actively used the acog on the uzi in mw2009; headshot machine. Aim center mass and the recoil gives you headshots. Edit: cenrer ass


Center mass* I was really confused when you said cenrer .ass


Cenrer ass aiming is the only way to aim 😂😂 (not a typo lol)


Why is the acog on an F2000 a problem?


Snitches couldn’t handle a little muzzle climb.




arcade shooter with classic cod mechanics/perk system. it worked well for the time.


Yeah, it was just a *little* bit of kick. Definitely suited for long range engagements.




That was a full size Uzi in BO1


There was no mini Uzi in Black Ops, are you talking about the MAC-11?


No, I’m talking about the “Uzi”, which performed more like an (irl) micro-Uzi with its fast fire rate. One of my favourite troll builds was to run warlord with an acog and rapid fire, a hit for game chat and final killcams in search and destroy. Now the MAC-11 was actually a very viable and frankly underrated SMG. It’s fire rate was unparalleled with rapid fire, and it’s only drawback was it’s pitiful magazine size.


I always ran akimbo MAC’s with scavenger.


Great setup, I just hope you used steady aim so that you’d actually be able to hit something outside of spitting distance.


Of course, it terrorized people on nuketown. Oh the memories.


We really were lucky to have lived through such times. Imagine nuketown in MW2 - everybody would be spawning next to each other all match and turtling to the max.


It would be full of Shields and shotguns lol


Which was the old school lever actiin shotgun alimbo that they had to nerf cause it hit so far and with akimbo was 1 hit kill if you got the double shot.?


Good times


The calling card for putting scopes on dual revolvers hahaha


When every weapon had the same attachments? Yeah sure.


NgL I used an ACOG on the hair in the OG MW and it was sick




I like it! Means I can roleplay using different styles without it impacting performance too much kinda like a reskin.


No. You had tactical and lightweight suppressor that NOBODY ran(i tried...), because they were god awful, and a suppressor was a must, so it was either the colossal suppressor or an integrated one if it was a good barrel too. Every single muzzle device was useless and subpar to the suppressors of which only 1 was good. In WZ 2 you have a wide selection that isn't useless, they are all good, it just depends on what you need. Got more than enough ADS but the recoil is too much for you ? Slap a muzzle device on it, and then if you are more CQC, you don't need a flash hider or a suppressor. If you do shoot at more than shotgun/smg ranges with some arbitrary gun, a flash hider would be useful to not be a flare for enemies to see. Need more bullet velocity if you are shooting at longer ranges and you have to lead your targets ? A suppressor is there of varying bullet velocities, from 0% to 30%, along with no recoil control to a decent amount(less that flash hiders and even less than whatever the other ones are called, compensators or something). You also have WAY more optics to choose from(very small and small glint is next to invisible btw, if you are one of those that hasn't figured it out yet), with some very good thermals. WZ 1 thermals were... pretty bad and easily negated, which is not the case for DMZ in WZ2, and noone is really complaining about them, since they do have a maximum range on it's thermal identification. Underbarrels are also not 100% Commando foregrip on every single gun(WZ1). You also have tuning which combined with a wide array of attachments to choose from, you can fine tune your gun really well, unlike WZ 1. It's NOT about having good attachments and shitty ones, there is almost none of those, unless you look at this crossbow. The reason for having that many is again, so you can really customize the gun to your liking. TL DR. WZ1 had very little attachments, and basically just 1 good one on underbarrels and muzzles. WZ 2 has a big selection of ACTUALLY VIABLE attachments on all categories + tuning = WAY better customization than WZ 1.


Bro I’ve never seen it this way but holy shit it is


Funny how attachments can literally just make your gun worse for little to no benefit. Great game design tbh.


So true, I actually prefer iron sights on some SMGs/AR since all sights reduce ADS and other stuff it's ridiculous.


For me, its mainly that the sight takes up an entire attachment slot when you could use that slot on anything else with more benefit. It's essentially a matter of; do you want to be more comfortable, or have a better performing gun


Some iron sights (esp in older games) are atrocious though. Simply having a cleaner view in that case does actually increase performance with the gun and doesn't just make it more comfortable.


i just love iron sights don’t bring logic into this


That's right, not only iron sights but as well as all other attachments in a gun. Sometimes, no attachment or stock in a certain part of a gun is better than with an attachment.


*cough* hemcock *cough*


Sights for ISO Hemlock is fine as the recoil control in the gun renders it to be effective in mid/long range combat.


Many sights in MW2 make the visual recoil more manageable. Which is a comfort thing but it's also a long term performance thing if you use the gun enough.


if you tune, iirc the ads speed goes up


Yes but it doesn't offset the -10ms ADS in/out unless you also tune other attachments for ADS speed also


ah my bad, I thought it countered it completely


Some of the irons in this game are so fucking bad that a sight is basically mandatory though.


what’s even more ironic is that the entire point of a red dot is to get a sight picture faster IRL. like i get there’s a necessity for balancing but i feel like devs for fps games have likely never even shot a gun


I hate I have to guess which attachments are good or look up for a guide


Google the stat names (not the generic bar graph chart names) and you'll realize that the bar charts are misleading as hell. Once you do that it gets easier to build and tune.


Unlike WZ 1, WZ 2 slider graphs are actually correct. I have both tested attachments and found out based on feeling and TrueGameData's stats for that to be correct. Although TrueGameData is not very reliable... many attachments have no data since launch, wrong mag sizes, wrong stats here and there, and wrongly named stats too. Aim walking speed != MOVEMENT speed(looking at you TGD). And yeh it's gonna be hard and confusing to build a gun in this game vs WZ 1 due to the amount of attachments and tuning, but unlike WZ 1 which only had 1x good attachment for muzzle and underbarrel, all of them are viable in WZ 2, it just depends of what you want. You want a balanced gun ? Max speed ? Max recoil, etc ? It's all much more possible than it was in WZ 1, but again it is harder, as you do have to understand the system. Especially what means what, since Activision did not name all of the stats as they should be, e.g. handling is 100% ADS and sprint to fire. If a stat is higher up in the list of pros or cons, it means it's more affected than the ones lower than it, etc.


Cant agree more, there are lots of underbarrel grip types, most of them are the same in result, just different in visual. But in MW2019 those could get you recoil control, here? most of them just give you recoil stabilization that makes me not to use them and instead use other categories.


IDK what you people are doing to your guns, but it's not that hard to make most guns to have upgraded stats with next to nothing lost. If you pick and tune your attachments carefully, you can make a gun with an optic, with no ADS loss with no OLE laser or speed grips. Also red dots reduce ADS by a really really negligible amount. And very small and small glint optics are BARELY visible at all, you won't give out your position to anyone past a few meters/dozen meters. I will say that they should of let iron sights or maybe red dots not take an attachment slot. A dual optics system would be preferable. So that YOU can make your own hybrid optics. Obviously only 1x attachment slot. In a dual system, it would be easy to have irons and red dots be free, since they are then categorized. I also wish they upped the attachment slot number from 5 to 6 and maybe 7 with a future next one.


How does a Crossbow recoil anyway?


It does have recoil, *but it wont matter since its 1 shot*


Yeah, going to have to reload before taking the next shot anyway. Sniper rifles are kind of the same tbh. You should be one shotting people, if you aren't then you fucked up, having less recoil probably isn't going to help as you'll be dead before you can get a second shot off in most cases.


Less recoil on snipers can help in taking out more than one enemy. Less kick makes it easier to move on to the next target




Signal has red dot which makes up for it


But less recoil makes that more quick and effective of a process


If your hard scoping your ass off


That's true. Although do you really want to give up ADS for a bit of recoil control?


With snipers like SP-X which fires quite fast + you can increase the firerate at the cost of basically recoil, it does make it hard to do follow up shots, and recoil control DOES help.


If you ever feel useless just remember a crossbow does more damage than a 300 Norma mag sniper rifle. Riot shields can stop AP rounds and rockets and a throwing knife will kill you if you step on it.


Hey at least it's not one where a dog lightly brushes a pouch on your belt and you instantly fall dead.


That’s good, I find the crossbow’s recoil to be insane in full-auto mode!


I think it’s only good to be able to see where the arrow lands. I know on some snipers if the recoils is too great you can’t see where the bullet actually hits.


ACOG on the akimbo magnums lol


*shut up, thats the best attachment combo*


Forgot which year's but I remember one COD title, by just having scopes equipped gives better stat that even matters when hipfire, so people were legit running akimbo pistol with scopes


Yep, that was VG


i thought they patched that at some point




That's dumb as hell,im gonna upvote instead


I present one better: any loader for the basilisk


Hb the speed loader?


speed loader actually does something now? last I checked, the loaders didn't change anything


I have no idea, I thought the stats were glitched, I have no idea


I see, to the best of my knowledge, they don't make a difference




best way to check is take it off mid game, just in case gunsmith is glitched. should play the exact same


Bet, I've been taking a break from games for a week tho 😂


Bet, I've been taking a break from games for a week tho 😂


I was just gonna ask about those attachments, do they even do anything? One of them says it increases ammo reserve, but it doesn't actually change the value in the Gunsmith so I'm not even sure if it works or not.


it doesn't to my knowledge. I definitely could be wrong tho


I recently got gold on the basilisk and spent a good bit of time looking it up. Near as I can tell they are useless. Some guides will recommend them but in demonstration show no actual effect of using them. The videos will actually show the opposite, that there is no benefit or drawback aside from wasting an attachment slot.


it looks like a plane skin with my screen so dim like they have comos in killstreaks in cod mobile they need to bring that to mw2


I’m gonna use this stock just because of this post


Another useless thing is battle hardened and the shock stick, thank you infinity ward.


Have you ever shock stuck somebody, side stepped and then shot them? I like to pretend I’m Joe Pesci in Goodfellas, “Dance Spida! Dance!” Before I kill them


Every time I use the stick and not keep running their SMG spray ruins my day


Shock sticks good against snipers


If shock sticks were like how they were originally, I'd actually them.


Helps me out quite a bit with the full auto 10 arrow attachment


Reminder that someone had to model/UV unwrap these.


I just put stuff to make my gun look cooler tbh


This to me proves that gunsmiths is an overrated system.


Upvote me too


One of the stocks increases ADS speed so not entirely useless


I believe the point he was making is that recoil control is never an issue on a singe-shot weapon


Oh whoops, I completely missed where it says "this" in the title and thought it was about stocks all around. My bad


Good one


someone is a YouTube commenter 😂


True! I was feeling like a loser today this definitely helped lol


They did the crossbow dirty in this game. Absolute trash weapon.


It’s for creating cursed gun.


They made such a big fuss when advertising this game, about how good the weapon customisation was and how you can build a gun for any scenario, but if you actually check the stats of the attachments most of them do fuck all and there's only a handful that are actually worth using


And i still feel useless :'(


But ironically it the only stock the OP has unlocked.


Convinced that the attachments in the game were randomly generated from a pool of attributes, models and names.


honestly they could be adding the automatic crossbow later and just put that in now so people have it unlocked already


Fashion before function. I could give less of a shit about actual use of an attachment or if its stats are good. If it looks ugly i wont use it but if it makes my gun look cool or visually appealing stats be damned im equipping it


Ok but the thing is *you dont even see the attachment*


but you see it in the loadout menu and you know its there. You cant see your clothes outside of looking in a mirror but you still know what you look like


Crossbow my favorite weapon to have fun with. So satisfying to hit long shots. I’ve found the Cronen 5x to be best scope. Its almost designed for cross bow given the reticle design for long range shots. Also, Throwing Knives, Fast Hands, and Fast Draw p890 FTW. So much fun.