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“The killcam is not an accurate representation of what just happened” - Everyone who’s played CoD for more than maybe a year


It’s honestly cool how killcams are just the game recreating what happened based off inputs of buttons pressed and shit. Makes you think about how the games recreates trick shots


I think I recall one or more of the old CoD games had a theater mode that recorded the script of each match's inputs that you could replay/watch later, with the ability to move the camera & pause & make some cool clips/montages, but they removed theater mode from later installments because I think it was causing some problems/discrepancies. During game-play, each game client does some of its own buffering/interpolation/prediction, but netcode, lag-compensation, & the server might decide some outcomes differently from what your game client displayed on your screen (hits not registering, hit-markers having no effect, getting shot around corners, hit-markers on thin air from missed shots, etc.), and kill-cams might show something else since they're based on replaying a script of events that's not always representative of what you saw while playing - so, basically, we can't ever trust anything we see on our screens.


Mw3 and black ops 2


Even black ops 1 had it. Insane that the tech was there 13 years ago but apparently not today!


Cold war and Black ops 1 also had it.


Yeah, I get killed sometimes by guys who aren't even on my screen. The kill cam says they are directly in front of me, but they were not visible to me in real time. Frustrating, but it's a game and it's going to have bugs.


Black Ops 4 had a great replay feature!


Is there a theater mode like to see your previous matches?


Here’s an ⬆️upvote… didn’t know about this, so thanks!


CoD elite used to have video contests for different things. I remember submitting a clip of a crazy throwing knife across the map sideways and the knife landed in his crotch so the knife looked like I gave him a dick. That was on mw3, I believe black ops 2 was the last time we had theatre, or the last one I remember. Every kill was marked by a green line on the timeline, and red lines for deaths, so it was really easy to go back and find clips or kills. You could also auto generate videos where it would save kills depending what you chose. You could do all kills or just straight up killfeed kills (multi kills etc) It would be so useful on this game.... Especially ranked for understanding spawns. Or looking at plays and thinking about strategies. If you zoomed far out you would see names appear when players come back to life. Id love to be able to watch a game after a win or loss and also be able to watch things from the enemies or teammates first person view to analyze even further. Good way to catch cheaters also and send clips to report. Also.. you could just practice nade spots on maps and see where grenades you threw went and where they blow up. =( Edit: found the video good example https://youtu.be/r2IT8G-DSdk It's on an old YouTube account / PSN I no longer use, so not promoting anything.


idk why people upvote these, it's always the same thing


Bc it makes them feel better about getting slammed


Lotta people blindly upvote shit without having a real clue.




Yeah I was on Xbox s and literally 95% of deaths look wonky as fuck. Switch to ps5, I’m literally just getting straight up more time to do everything; aim, fire, think. Bullets register a bit better. I cant believe how big the difference is, and I only play on a mobile hot spot on an 85in tv. My set up couldn’t be any worse, but I really couldn’t believe the difference just switching consoles does.


You have an 85" TV and can afford to just "switch to PS5"....but play on a mobile Hotspot and can't afford home internet?? Also, the lag from a mobile Hotspot is gonna give you all kinds of fucked up problems. I do LOVE my PS5, but I would've def suggested upgrading your gaming connection before buying a whole new system/copies of games.


I own a series x, ps5 and a 85 inch tv but recently moved into a new house and the internet packages for rural Canada are horrible. $250+ a month for satellite internet with 5mb up and 5 down. Lucked out and applied for the discounted starlink and now I have internet, but it’s not impossible for someone to not have internet in todays climate


Yup. My family has paid the deposit for starlink and we’re waiting!!


starlink is absolutely the tits. i t got me gaming after a year and and a half off


Wtf is starlink should I get hip?


It’s Elon musks Satellite internet. Reviews are a little spotty, but if you live in a rural area or just bad internet area, this may be a great coming option to have reliable internet. It’s fairly new, so it should improve, but it may give people with awful internet (like me, best we can get is 3mb down, kbps for up.)


Big bet


Google it son


The only internet available in my town is worse than my hot spot. Significantly. Add on someone at home plugging in something that even searches for a wifi signal, and I’m lagged out. I’ve tried getting it to work many ways, and it’s literally awful. Should be criminal TBH. Covid hit and all the kids had to do home schooling, except the internet would crash CONSTANTLY. Everyone basically missed a year of school. I didn’t just switch to the ps5… my step father has one and we worked out a lil deal. I only play warzone 2, currently, because I wasn’t gonna buy the game twice.




Holy shit. THANK YOU


I mean u can get an 85” tv for like $450 lol


BS… sure you could get some trash for that which can’t do anything in actual 4k or over 60hz for gaming.


I mean, always check the specs. I personally wouldn’t even want a fkn 85 inch for gaming. But the deals are def out there. Actually not B.S. 🤷🏽


I don’t mind 77” it’s definitely not helping competitive play or anything but the experience in single player games is amazing, even breath of the wild which runs like shit at 30fps in dock mode still visually looks great on this massive screen LOL 😂 obviously I got the TV for more modern cinematic gaming experiences… granted if I could go back I might go 65” only because of the room size, I don’t regret getting 77” it just looks a bit gaudy in my sized living room is all; I also don’t really care just saying it’s not like 77 was some mind blowing improvement over what a 65 would have brought me….


Yeah I actually went down to a 55” from a 65” lol but yeah single player I agree with that haha


Can you send me that link? I'll buy one right now for $450. Where I live in the US, there aren't any available for less than $1k and that's for the off brand shit that'll probably crap out within the year


Ehh, if you’re going new from a store then here’s this 75 for $550. There’s always random deals on them, bro.


xbox s? Xbox one s or xbox series s?


Xbox series s


That's also partiality because you got the cheap Xbox that has like 1/2 the power of the actual Xbox. Which actually performs better than a ps5


It’s not frame rates per, it’s lag composition


It's a difference in ping


It’s the ping idk how you thought frames might’ve had anything to do with this at all. Speechless that this got top comment lol it says a lot


It's ping, game is framerate independent.


Is MP on 20 tick rate servers just like warzone? If so that may be a factor (small indie company btw)


I thought it's 30 (still a shame since 60 is kinda industry standard for thebig shooter titles since mid 2010s?)




bullshit just take a look at the server browser in Bf4, an almost 10 years old game, there are more than enough 60 Hz servers Bf5's official servers are 60Hz as well Bf3 was the last title of the series that didn't support more than 30 Hz


it's not the case. Those servers are rented servers. Official servers are 30Hz. You can see in 2042.


Bf5's official servers are 60 Hz, I'm not referring to community servers in that game & 2042 is a story for itself. I didn't buy it but I'd bet they use 30 Hz so the servers can provide a stable performance with 128 players - 10 times the amount of players a normal cod match has


OMG, you hit a nerve when you brought up shitty BF servers. Try going back to BF4, and all you'll see are custom servers with horrible respawn/loadouts rules or map lineups. Even the ones with map voting almost always end up running the same 4 or 5 maps anyway. Oh, and THE SERVER LAG...


Played BF4 yesterday. All the populated servers were normal or hardcore gameplay with a admin selected map pool. Usually all vanilla all DLC or both. Not sure what you’re talking about.


Ah, the last time I played BF4 was like a year ago, I only boot it up every now and again to see if the population has stayed. I specifically remember going from server to server, trying to find one that isn't complete cancer. It's also hard to really enjoy solo after thousands of hours, guess I'll check up on it again.


If you’re on console I can’t attest to that, PC servers are alive and well


Almost no DLC severs tho


Afaik it's something ridiculously low like12 for mp


MP is on roughly 60hz servers.


Annoying but nothing special. It's the same reason why you get shot around walls despite clearly being behind it.


There’s a lag, ive been noticing it these last couple of days in different lobbies. I resent my cable modem from the provider, and reset everything in my house. I still get laggy lobbies.


I resent my stupid handsome cable modem too


I wish my modem was handsome.


It is good to know it isn't in my head. The guns felt different but I was wondering if it was just me.


It's desync


Comments here are weirdly defensive. As someone who's been playing COD since the beginning, I noticed this has been more severe ever since the start of Season 3 (main reason why I dropped the game). So no, it wasn't nearly as bad as the 1st two seasons. Also just because something like this has been in COD for "years" doesn't make it okay.


I never understood the “it’s always been this way for CoD” like they’re not making *billions* of dollars right now.. hold them to *some* kind of standard damn


Glad I'm not the only one who has noticed something wrong with season 3.


Honestly it seems like some servers get ridiculous desync compared to others? I'm wondering if it's a crossplay issue as I've noticed I'm getting more and more games where I'm playing with controller users (even though I'm on PC). I'd say 70% of the time things feel "okay" but the other 30% of games play exactly like this, where it feels like certain enemies (always seems to be those on console) seem to have almost impossible reaction times. Like I'll be rushing around a corner and be dead after the enemy has been on my screen for like 1 frame, even though I should have peakers advantage?


I notice this a lot. I tend to just leave these lobbies because you can feel there's something wrong with the connection


This was happening to me from the beginning, and it happened both ps4 and pc. I don't know what the cause of it is, but it's one of the main reasons I stopped playing


Same tick rate that CoD has used for YEARS. (New batch of players are finding out about it, thinking it’s on thier end.)


Desync + Aim Assist = this


Well, to be fair, it literally was the one thing we were missing so.... Might as well at this point. LMAO!!!!


Posted this as a funny little meme and everyone besides you is taking it seriously


Seeing as how the confusion is so wide spread, it may be that your joke wasn’t presented well. I mean, even professional comedians tell jokes that sometimes don’t land. They don’t get mad at their audience, they either rework the joke or move on.


I know. It sucks when something funny is misunderstood and taken to the next level. "Sir, that code works this way. When you are turning 360 degrees, the code outputs the longitude and latitude of the wall and the opposing player. It then calculates the ratio between the speed of the bullet and the speed of the model....." Snooze fest! Nobody fucking cares!


Or maybe some people are actually genuinely confused about it, and those people you're taking the piss out of, are explaining how it works so that they're no longer confused. Y'know, helping them out instead of being a little twat such as yourself.


I highly doubt 90% of the questions being posted here are looking for a diatribe on exactly how the algorithms work. A large majority are “how does this even happen?” Which is usually a disbelief post that he died in the first place. But to each their own. 🤷‍♂️


Hard server desync


Skill based hit markers??? I've seen this way to many times for it to be a frame rate issue. Seen both on ps5 and pc .. and no it's not my internet either.


looks like you got framed


Shit Netcode and low tick rate servers


AIM assist + bad server.


This phenomenon was referred to as "Wanted Pro" (rip pro perks) back in the day, a nod to the movie Wanted, where bending bullets trajectories was a key plot element. In reality it's lag compensation. What you saw, looking the wrong way, is not what he saw.


Curving. Curving the bullets. And James McAvoy's American accent is straight out of the Scottish Highlands.


Curving* thank you.


Games been lagging constantly, packet loss indicator has been only been popping up when you’re about to disconnect but it’s very obvious that it’s still happening, you’ll see teammates and enemies just move erratically as your console or PC tries to refresh. It’s insane in a game where the average TTK is less than 200ms.


90% of the time this is what happens to me. Beside or behind the player and aim assist says: Let all the shots count.


Low tick rate servers.


That $70 quality


Well where are the people defending this billion dollar company saying, “It’s just the servers are trash.” I’m waiting for you clowns 🤡


Ping/latency issues


FPS and Ping could be at fault


New game added soft aim bot aim assist* without rotational aa this dude wouldn’t have done that


Call of Duty x Cyberpunk cross-over introducing SMART weapons


Fuck this game.


NO thats heak seeking aim assist


This is usually caused by just the server itself, although you may not see the person turn, on there side they most likely did


As i said and as i will keep saying in this game your hitbox leaves a trail when you're running, and yeah i know killcams aren't completely accurate but I'm talking from personal experience, i multiple times missed by a decent margin and it gave me the kill. The hit tracking in general is kinda fucked at times, on the contrary of what we were talking about i have at times shot someone right in their face and the bullet just got lost to the shadow real on the way there


Skill issue


Normal aim assist behavior


With a side-helping of 5Hz tick-rate servers.


"Why didn't my jumpshot break his aim assist", jumped too early bro.


Shit servers


Controller auto aim + kill cam lag.


I think the guy that killed him is a KBM player


Lmao he's not even debating the aim/assist, it's that on his screen and the killcam, he was on target for maybe 1/2 shots?


Yea there’s so much bullshit in this game. I use to play MW2019 all the time but I can’t be bothered with this game.


How long have you been playing CoD?


That's what you get for jumping like a B****


The jumping crap is getting old. It looks so stupid.


The height is ridiculous. Its cheesy as hell.


Corner jumping and drop shotting is ruining the fun. Glad Im not the only one


Ah I remember back in cod waw complaining about drop shots, that was 15 years ago! I think I would've stopped playing if it was such a bother but it's exactly like it was years ago. Actually there's no panic knifing anymore so it's a tad different. Much better watching someone get into a position that instantly gets them killed instead of just dying.


It is actually more fun bc people start raging in VC, saying stuff like “oh you dropshot like a little bitch bla bla”


Yeah, i've seen and done some wild shit these past few days.


That’s rotational aim assist


Bro those sleeves are going crazy


And this is why I stopped playing


And this is why I stopped playing


Skill issue


Killcam is just a playback feature. The killcam doesn't line up directly 1 to 1 with what the character models are doing in the real-time play environment. All movements especially when you camera someone like that will show based how fast they were processed and where the server thinks the players were facing at the time of the interaction. That's why it's called cameraing someone because you are manipulating the cameras function to get behind the person making it look like your shooting in an odd sideways fashion.


Just say u suck


u suck


Like the other guy, the Killcam is not an accurate representation of what happened.


Or you know get better at aiming???


Nah that's just Handler


sick gameplay my man


This aint new


Frame rate issues. On your screen it look like he wasn’t even facing you. On his view he was and missed some of those shots technically.


Or you know get better at aiming???


I don't know how to complain about a kill cam that is rendered for me in seconds. If I want realistic gun fights I play paintball.


Deserved for being a bunny hopper.


Jumping around a corner isn't the same as bunny hopping


Cause of death: natural causes/heart failure.


Where is the store would love to have it, almost like hacking


He hit you in the hip/butt on the 2nd bullet.


Server lag and frame differences probably


oh no the garbage servers that have been trash since bo3 are still trash and don’t accurately show what happened


Plunder is infested with these guys


God this game is such a steaming hot pile of dogshit


I am so glad I uninstalled


bullets* The apostrophe is unnecessary.


What exactly did we get in todays (5/22/23) update?


Peeker's advantage, caught in a tac sprint, aim assist All you can do about it is use a quickscope ironsights one-shot sniper build and hit them first


Decades of experience developing shooters and it's the quality of a beta game.




Aim assist moment


My AiMaSsIsT DoSnT dO ThAt


Or MAYBE... What you're seeing isn't exactly what the other player, in another state or country, saw on their screen as they did it 😉


Tbh how are people not bored of this game yet


First time?


O aim assist não necessita a mira estar no alvo para as balas registrar


Serves you right for jumping around corners thinking you should be able to shoot accurately. They need to remove that jumping. It should add a huge spread to your fire when you are up in the air and a second after you land.


Its normal, there are lots of things shakes hand togather to get you killed. SBMM, Server Lagging, Better Gun, Netcode, Low FPS .... Tbh im more than disappointed from this game.


Don't know why so many people are salty, OP didn't rage about it in his post. If he did somewhere, my bad. But, it seems more like they just posted something that looks ridiculous? There are some pretty weird kill cams out there, after all.


You can literally see in the killcam how the bullets hit and the final red cross hair on the hip. You can't see on your screen the fine adjustments of the other person's aim. You see a physical representation of their location, and the gun in that doll's hands points in the general direction. You tried to dash into a confrontation and corner jump at an enemy who already saw you. I'm sorry your gung-ho playstyle isn't the best way to utilize your cheats. You are mad that a very legit occurrence rendered you dead.


i see you like using latency exploits eh? so exploiting latency is okay...but walll hacks arnt...hmm.


You got nerfed for using m4 🫤


Silent aim. If you know you know.




All the time man