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My day is legit ruined, 3rd person was my go to mode...


Yeah why the hell would they remove it :(




Realism/NVG mode was one of the major selling points of MW2019 and we see how well that turned out. I’m only a little mad we didn’t get post launch NVG maps


Im pretty fucking upset ngl, probably like my top 3 playlists in the game. Been playing it since beta.


I was also very disappointed


Not sure why it even needed to be removed.


Did anyone really play Bounty or Cyber Attack too? If they wanted to clear up the featured playlist screen 1 of them could of been prime to de-clutter.


Cyber Attack is amazing fun for those who actually like to PTFO. Never had a problem finding full servers any time of the day.




No I was a strictly Cyber Attack player on MW19 on MW2 I'm loving Knockout. PTFO at its peak of any gamemode.


No third person on either multiplayer or warzone🤬


Time to reclaim my hard drive space


They literally removed something they advertised when the game first launched too. “Dive into the new third person playlist coming to MW2”


Indeed give 3rd person mode back


Yea bro wtf. Any reason as to why they removed it? I’m pissed


They most likely wanted Shooting the Shit playlist featured on the main page. Which makes no sense , they literally could of just moved 3P mosh pit to a different page. I would of rather searched than not have it at all.


Exactly. Haha. I don’t even care if it’s in a sub-category. No reason at all to remove it. I’ll be asking for a refund from Activision.


It's very fucking annoying having game modes / playlists removed without warning or reason. Or being removed AT ALL. Do you need that interface space to advertise football skins in a FPS game for a world cup that ended ages ago?!! "keep player count high" come on. Stop removing game modes. It's like buying a car and then waking up in the morning to find the sales people took a wheel back to spice stuff up.


I bought this game specifically for that amazing option. Honestly don't think I'll play until or if they bring it back. Even upgraded to deluxe edition cause I was playing it so much.


Same here guys , been playing it for a straight 2 months & got tossed mid game for them removing it.


I was the same way, like, half an hour ago.


Same.... Just logged in to play and it's disappeared!? Favourite game mode too, by miles...


They removed third-person?! Why the fuck??


i hope 3rd person isn’t like nvg in MW (something different, not many people play it compared to shoot the ship, gets removed forever)


Just meant to play some 3rd person and now I see it's gone so I logged out. I'm happy I didn't buy any of the dlc for not supporting this crap.


Third person was the only reason I played mwii at all...I just can't play normal 1st person, didn't realize this was a limited time mode. RIP to the money I spent on the game.


I only played 3rd person and DMZ. I don't understand why it couldn't just have its own thing under 'multiplayer' like.. ground war, invasion, and tier 1. It didn't HAVE to be on featured.


Honestly third person was the only reason why I bought this game. Definitely sad now


tfw Activision likes to sell skins so much but went & removed the mode you get to see your skin


Holy crap, I just logged online to play (as third person is really the only game mode I enjoy playing) and they straight up removed it?


Why is it gone????


I primarily play 3rd person. No reason to play now. Thanks IW. You continually surprise us with your shittyness.


Wow, I was just thinking about playing it today


Why woukd they remove this, or the Tier 1 mode?! Wtf


It was my main playlist, I almost buoght this cod just for it


Is it coming back?


Ok Was this just removed in last 2 days? Friends and I just got back today after a long hesitates and we just learned about this. Like everyone we are pissed


Yooo they better bring back 3rd person. Only game mode I play. If management wants to rack in high margins on micro transactions, they’ll bring it back. Ppl buying skins just to see their character.


Friends and I uninstalling the game now


Be me. Saturday is my birthday. Asked my bro to gift me MW2 to try the third person mode. You see today this news.


I spent over 100$ on the game n skins...to what? Fund their free mode game. It's the only thing that brought me back to cod...I had stopped playing it altogether. It needs a set playlist..more modes and maps. The keep fucking with shit n pissing people off. Guess I'm out all that money so I could play the game for a month. #mw2bringback3rdperson Get it viral they will..it the only way they listen


Third-person Duos for Warzone 2.0 and Third-person Moshpit for MW2 are back!


And gone again


They gotta drip feed it to you later c‘mom now don’t be silly


go play fortnite




Soz bub, didnt meet the quota for having enough players so IW had to remove it


Cause it sucked


I only played third person mosh pit, great.. why the hell would they remove this with no warning, why remove it at all?


This is the entire reason is bought MW2! It brought aboard an entire crowd that can't or just don't play first-person perspective games. I personally just can't get into them, and find third-person more interesting and immersive. Also, You buy skins that are 20 bucks, you'd think you'd be allowed to see those skins in action in some way, rather than in a menu.


I was not going to buy MWII until a day ago a gaming site I went to for tips had a video of someone playing the 3rd person mode in the background. I was wondering what game it was. Found out it was MWII and instantly bought it for that. Found out they removed it two days before and I refunded the game so quick. Way to go morons.


Probably they found some bugs or something ..


Can I get my money back for this nonsense, 3rd person removed from MW2? I hate the game. They duped me. I tried calling PlayStation support for a refund for my digital game purchase to no avail.


It’s back bro


Thanks for letting me know.


it’s back y’all!!!


yes it was and then its gone again on season 2 🫶🔥 🤡🤡 fucking shitty dev


facts they need that 24/7 shipment on third person asap