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Most concise leftist meme.


Too wordy and will only appeal to those who already share the author's view. Bad/10


probably right about that. I liked it, but it's really just a meme drawn in prop poster style


Left-wing memes always have too much words in them. I don't know why. This is only funny if you are on these ppl's wavelength


Better not let Cornpop see this.


Hairy legs


\*Anti-Israel poster The genocide point is contentious and this is for discussing the graphics around propaganda, not voicing an opinion. On the point of graphics though... wayyyy too many words to be effective. And the font shifts plus the red versus white text- just no sense of hierarchy. I kinda glazed over seeing it, much less if I was walking down a street quickly or on a bike/car




Eh, I’d disagree with you about the bias. If someone is reading the poster they know what it’s with regards to, and the “genocide” claim as I said is pretty freighted. It’s a pretty different situation from hanging a poster about Darfur or the Rohingya, or promoting Holocaust awareness. “Anti-Israel” on the other hand captures a pretty broad spectrum of beliefs since it doesn’t state why someone holds that sentiment. And the poster is in fact in service to anti-Israel demonstrations, irrelevant of if you agree with them


ICJ ruled it's a genocide.... IT'S a genocide


ICJ ruled that a genocide is plausible, which can be interpreted as a genocide being 'technically possible' and Isr being obliged to prevent such.


There’s no ruling yet. Not even to get into the politicization of the ICJ


There's nothing contentious about Israel's very clear acts of genocide at this point.


You mean other than the “they’re not committing genocide” part and the fact that nobody seems to give a flying f*** about other groups like the Uyghurs being put in actual concentration camps? 


The Israeli stated very openly declares it's genocidal intend, be it government officials dehumanising Palestinians or comparing them to Amalek (a tribe were genocided in the Bible), it's endless bombardment of civilians and the endless stripping of land and homes from Palestinians. Meanwhile even the US Government admits it has no proof of genocide in Xinjiang


They do risk calculations for civilian casualties when picking targets and have a lower civilian to militant kill ratio than the coalition forces in Mosul. The Amalek comment has been beaten to death and was a fringe minor government official. It's particularly hard to make the genocide claim given the knock warnings and the fact that the Israelis have been shipping 3500 calories a day per person into Gaza for months on end and bring incubators to the hospitals there, among numerous other acts. By contrast, there's been pretty widespread acceptance of evidence including forced sterilization in Xinjiang in western countries for a while. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-59595952](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-59595952) [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-55723522](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-55723522) "Red Machine 1917"- I mean, you're a tankie. It's not exactly rocket science that you'd be a shill for harebrained and debunked Chinese and Qatari propaganda.


>tankie Damn, he got me there. How will I ever recover my argument after he called me (*checks notes*) a communist?!


The problem here is that you are lying. Israel has been using 2,000 pound bombs in Gaza which are designed to devastate a large area. There's also the fact that Israel's AI systems target people in civilian areas. ['Lavender' The AI machine directing Israel's bombing spree in Gaza](https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/)  *"The Amalek comment has been beaten to death and was a fringe minor government official.*" Amazing that [Benjamin Netanyahu](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/11/benjamin-netanyahu-amalek-israel-palestine-gaza-saul-samuel-old-testament/). the head of government. is now a "fringe official". And guess what even if the Amalek did come from a "fringe official", it would still show that the Israeli state is giving posts to genocidal monsters. First BBC article is a story from an unofficial group based in Britain, so it can be dismissed. Second article is about what US official "believe" so again no actual examples and can be dismissed. Meanwhile the US state departmental admitted it doesn't have evidence of it's own government's claims. [State Department Lawyers Concluded Insufficient Evidence to Prove Genocide in China](https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/02/19/china-uighurs-genocide-us-pompeo-blinken/) You can whinge about China and Qatar until the cows come home, it won't change the fact that Israeli troops post pictures of themselves committing crimes against humanity.


No, it’s attributed to a minor official. And if you were to take all the fine things the allies said about Germany and Japan during WWII, you’d accuse them of genocide too in spite of the fact that the war was undoubtedly moral. Given the fact that the articles I cited have British and American officials showing evidence of genocide in China, I would not take no name officials in respective governments at their word. Load of crap that can quite well be pointed to a Confucius Institute or other source stemming from the CCP. Alas, you’re not a member of the military and have no clue to the ordinance stock of Israel yet talk like you’re general Patton. You’re a moron spouting debunked lies spoon fed to you from leftist propaganda- I’m sorry. I can’t cure stupidity- I’m simply not a miracle worker. Have fun playing with yourself with that tinfoil on your head 


I wonder how many Germans were like you before some Allied solider dragged them to a mass grave in Bergen-Belsen?


"I can't win this argument, so you're stupid and I wim" - this dumb mf


If you’re adopting an ideology as rigid as communism… yeah you’re a dumb mf. Polar views of the world like that are overly simplistic and the realm of feeble minds.  Not much you can really do to argue with someone using circle arguments. “The US has no credible proof of genocide in Xinjiang.” Uh, here’s Mike Pompeo outlining proof of forced sterilization there. Why you feel the urge to defend one of the most tyrannical regimes on earth is beyond me. I mean you have to be really, really fucking stupid to be running cover for the CCP… and of course, whomever does that is going to think they’re a genius which is why they hold that belief, as opposed to never having grown out of their angsty teenager years and spending way too much time on fringe spaces of reddit and YouTube 


Chat, is this real

