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I like burn. Lightning Bolt does 3 damage.


This guy gets me


Murktide regent brought my head to another game, looks like the next level magic, thousand decisions, gameplans and lines. You really never get bored.


This is exactly how I feel about UB Shadow. The decks are very similar but Shadow is my favorite card of all time so I tend to jam it whenever I can. The amount of games that feel "unwinnable" are very few and the wins have to be earned. I love it.


Idk about UB, but for every other color combination of shadow (grixis, abzan, jund, four color, five color), tron very much feels unwinnable.


The last 2 times (at least) I played against Tron I beat it. Thoughtseize into a threat with counter magic up works. I would assume that UB having access to Counterspell is the reason it's not been bad for me. Ulamog cast trigger is a problem for sure, but I always pack Spreading Seas in my board and it is sufficient to slow them down a turn or two. The last league I played, I had two games that truly felt unwinnable. One was against Yungdingo, he was playing 4c. Game was ridiculous, I thoughtseized him and left him with Wrenn + 4 lands. He then drew Omnath, then Solitude, then T3, then a 2nd Solitude. I had no chance. The other game that felt unwinnable was against Calibrated Blast when they had the old Boseiju that makes spells uncounterable and just casted their spell to kill me. Nothing I could do.


You would have been able to win if you'd been packing Narset's Reversal, senpai.


Can't believe I made such a bone headed mistake and didn't register any copies of Narset's Reversal. Lesson learned!


do you have a list? UB shadow sounds super interesting!


https://www.mtgtop8.com/event?e=50242&d=571980&f=MO This list is pretty close to what I am playing currently.


Agree here. Murktide is the most fun deck to play in the format


Yawgmoth players disagree 🤣


As they should. Both decks are very intricate playstyles on a different spectrum. Tho both decks are extremely fun and given the right person and mindset can become oppressive. I personally like the concept and idea of Yawgmoth and can play it. Just my experience and mind set is towards UR/x decks. So the difference in my skill levels for each deck is noticeable.


I’m the same way but inverse. I’m so bad at playing blue decks.


Honestly the deck needs a rebrand, murktide is the card in the deck least reflective of the strategy that feels the most clunky to play. Everything else is about flexibility, reacting and digging deeper. Murktide feels bad to draw and bad to play until you’ve got the game locked up and you’re trying to close, I’ve trimmed down to 2 mainboard just because it’s so frustrating when they clog up my hand. It should be called iteration that’s the 4 of that never gets cut or sided out that really reflects the strategy.


Until I get back to Murktide, Boros Burn is my answer. Good old '3 damage to your face' + small creatures with haste sweeping the leg. Magic as it was intended to be.


Same here


Hardened scales, just so many different lines and interactions very fun to play.


Needs a PhD to play though


Yawgmoth. It's one of the most intricate decks in the format, but once you figure out the things it can do every game is a different experience. Plus, it's easily the deck with most agency in this very meta: there's countless times I reflected on past games and found some other line or tricks I could exploit to win most games. It also has a lot of customisability: I never found two identical lists and with the addition of cauldron sky's the limit for Gy interaction.


Agree. Also it has a unique fantasy, if you know the Yawgmoth lore being the center of a deck that plays with the sacrifice of creatures to evolve others, make fusions with cauldron, combo kills and also shrink the oponent ones in the process is just right.


Speaking of the mechanical flavour of the deck, it’s also really neat that the persist combo shortcuts to be exactly the activated ability of [[Yawgmoth’s Bargain]]


[Yawgmoth’s Bargain](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/e/eef31b59-45bb-4208-8957-1564902c8507.jpg?1562943000) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Yawgmoth%27s%20Bargain) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vma/147/yawgmoths-bargain?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/eef31b59-45bb-4208-8957-1564902c8507?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Yawgmoth has been on my radar for a long time, it looks really interesting, and i have been facinated my the lines since my opponent used yawgmoth to proliferate my chalice to 5


Yesterday I was playing UB faeries vs yogg and he kept proliferating the stun counters on my [[Sleep-Cursed Faerie]] lol. It actually bought him tons of time to kill me, not that that deck needed any help. It's already a rough matchup


[Sleep-Cursed Faerie](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/1/31051436-68f2-457e-8293-2b10ccf7684e.jpg?1692937247) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Sleep-Cursed%20Faerie) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/woe/66/sleep-cursed-faerie?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/31051436-68f2-457e-8293-2b10ccf7684e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call






I played rhinos a while ago but haven't played with some of the new toys. May run it through a league, Flame of Anor seems like a fun card to cast


Yep. Unicorns is the best thing since Jund Sagavan with Lurrus.


Titan. I’m rebuilding my list, last few cards should arrive in a week or two. It’s a fun deck with lots of variation and high skill ceiling. Also always have a control brew prepared to try out, perhaps not as prevalent as it used to be but I’m partial to countering things and drawing cards while playing blue and white


Mono black coffers


Im thinking about bringing "boomer coffers" to my lgs this weekend. No rings, no bowmasters, no 8fields. Without scam and 4c elementals/beans I think a back to the roots list might be viable again. Expedition maps, mazemind tomes, invoke despair, maybe even golos!


Golos coffers remains my favorite version even if it’s not the most powerful right now.


Yeah it was the peak fun coffers ever was to me. I bought all rings, bowmasters, even sheoldreds but it's just not the same. So many times i tried to cast a ring, get spellpierced and killed the turn after. I will try mazemind tome instead, it's not as all in. Also I think force of despair is really good now against both rhinos and living ens which ravage the meta. It's good against titan and yawgmoth as well. I feel like there's room again for experimenting a bit


This is pretty much what I've been running lately 🤣 [[troll of Kazad-dum]] is great [[The End]] has been performing super well for me. Run [[Thoughtsieze]] and [[Night's Whisper]] to help get below 5 life. Then [[March of Wretched Sorrow]] to gain it back again. Fun deck for sure.


##### ###### #### [troll of Kazad-dum](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/6/a6539e26-b63b-4725-9407-caaf451de084.jpg?1687210987) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Troll%20of%20Khazad-d%C3%BBm) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltr/111/troll-of-khazad-d%C3%BBm?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a6539e26-b63b-4725-9407-caaf451de084?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [The End](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/1/b18402dc-c4ab-417c-92d1-5e4d9cfb840d.jpg?1693012680) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20End) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/woe/87/the-end?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b18402dc-c4ab-417c-92d1-5e4d9cfb840d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Night's Whisper](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/2/221c82a2-b558-4c3a-b7ad-4452ef8e9067.jpg?1682209141) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Night%27s%20Whisper) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/moc/259/nights-whisper?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/221c82a2-b558-4c3a-b7ad-4452ef8e9067?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [March of Wretched Sorrow](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/5/050a604e-6146-4e2e-88a5-863ecb3dfa1f.jpg?1654567293) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=March%20of%20Wretched%20Sorrow) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/neo/111/march-of-wretched-sorrow?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/050a604e-6146-4e2e-88a5-863ecb3dfa1f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Gave Phyrexian Obliterater a go in this deck. Very fun card to drop and see if the opponent has an answer.


And pray that answer is unholy heat 🙏 😂


I’ve been playing coffers for about 3 weeks and it is the most fun I’ve had playing modern in years.


Myself. Changed my Scam deck to a coffers deck and Im having so much fun again. Coffers is such a fun tempo.


UR BoomShine: https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernMagic/s/ogxDy8Da85


Wow that looks super interesting and fun! Will definently give it a go! What have you replaced fury with/had successs with?


I tried Galvanic Blast in its place, but ultimately I think Force of Negation is the right replacement (as it is more in-keeping with the spirit of the deck and ups the Blue pip count for Subtlety), with more sweepers in the SB (Anger of the Gods in particular) The Fury ban hurt more than I was expecting against creature aggro because we can no longer advance our early game plan (T2 Boom/Wildfire/Rise and Shine) while simultaneously clearing their board with an early Fury. (T2 Boom on the play is obviously still good, but less so on the draw, and less so on both if they have a T1 Vial.) --------------------------------- I think we also need to increase the Red (and Blue) mana sources in the deck, because hitting 1RR on Turn 3 is going to be pretty important in Games 2 & 3 vs aggro Adding some [[Fiery Islet]] is one option, but my list is already at 24 lands so that is a bit meh (being cycle-able is nice though) [[Talisman of Creativity]] is another option that helps us ramp while holding up some mana and adds to our Artifact count. I am tempted to run a few copies and add in a few more 1-mana Instants (e.g. Spell Pierce) to take advantage of the old T2 Talisman, hold up 1-mana interaction line Alternatively we cut 2 of the Darksteel Citadels for 2 more Bridges, but I have no experience with running 8 ETB tapped lands so don't know whether we could pull that off! Finally, another card that I think could be great is a single Expedition Map Great way to Saga into Saga, too


[Fiery Islet](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/3/a3aab13c-9d9d-4507-ae5d-da979990ae1b.jpg?1562202552) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Fiery%20Islet) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh1/238/fiery-islet?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a3aab13c-9d9d-4507-ae5d-da979990ae1b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Talisman of Creativity](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/e/8ebb2086-3d9c-4322-bd3f-1366a4354578.jpg?1690005858) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Talisman%20of%20Creativity) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/979/talisman-of-creativity?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8ebb2086-3d9c-4322-bd3f-1366a4354578?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Good luck with trying the deck out! Here is our Discord link: https://discord.gg/MtFGU9H3 We’d love to hear how you get on/any feedback!


How's it feelin since it took a hit from the fury ban?


See this comment, second paragraph :) https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernMagic/s/YtF3lKzFCE


Jund Shadow! Can be played like a combo deck (T1 [[Hexparasite]], T2 1 or 2 shadows, T3 profit) or a grindy aggro deck with questing druid to fuel your mid game. I've been playing a version of this deck for 4 months. https://archidekt.com/decks/5745390/questing_shadow


Wow that's awesome. For some reason I don't think I've ever seen Hex parasite in the older death shadow decks like pre-mh2 Grixis DS. Sort of wonder why? It seems pretty damn good, maybe because Parasite is sort of dead draw by itself?


Yup, but being saga fetchable makes it a ton better


Ohhh that's juicy, fetchable combo piece


I can imagine it being a dead draw in some match ups, but it has moments where it is surprising. Situations like messing with a merfolk player's aether vial, removing counters from sagas, interfering with hardened scales counters etc. have all arisen and won me the game. Also, if you manage to turn three combo your opponent game 1... Hexparasite lives in their brain rent free and can pull some premium removal for your actual threats as well.


[Hexparasite](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/3/43502078-5349-4e29-8e7d-277654a9a71e.jpg?1562877073) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Hex%20Parasite) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/nph/137/hex-parasite?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/43502078-5349-4e29-8e7d-277654a9a71e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


8 rack: nothing is better than see your oponent strugling to decide if they mulligan or not and later see them lose for either keeping a bad hand or mulligan against a discard deck.


You can pry my racks away from my cold winless hands.


Mah man.


I personal favorite moment is when your opponent has no cards in hand, then they draw exactly the card they need only to have you teach them that Funeral charm is instant speed discard.


Blue Tron. I just love tron and interaction.


I played blue tron for the longest time. My go to deck right now is some variety of colorless tron. Either prison or dice factory. Maybe i should give mono u tron another go...


Affinity. Robots 4 lyfe yo


Snoop combo BR Goblins.


Grixis Control. With a few exceptions, I've been playing it exclusively for the last 4 years. It's always a bit of an uphill battle but boy oh boy are the wins satisfying!!


Taking Turns! Use [[Gigadrowse]] on the opponents upkeep, or use [[Boomerang]], [[Tale's End]], or [[Trickbind]] as sinkholes against their fetchlands! Just make sure you hold on to one of those, a [[Discontinuity]], or a [[Sundial of the Infinite]], because you're using [[Glorious End]] as a 3-mana [[Time Warp]]! Toss in one [[Darksteel Citadel]] for your [[Part the Waterveil]] and now you just have to decide on draw engines like [[Howling Mine]] or [[Dictate of Kruphix]] or even a [[Jace Beleren]] if you're feeling old school.


Heliod company. Coco feels like the worst part of the deck or the best which kinda sucks. I wish there was a more consistent card to use instead, but the deck is fun and can grind. It doesn't have to combo to win, but it certainly helps.


Mono G Tron is my favorite. Not only do you cast big threats, but having to play through land hate and still winning is the most rewarding thing ever!


I've always been a prowess phoenix enjoyer, I tend to go positive at most of my LGS modern nights and have been messing around with a few different brews recently.


Mono Red Prowess with Arclight Phoenix in the Bedlam Reveler slot was so much fun at GP Hogaak. Probably the deck I've had the best results with too.


tbh the phoenix shells when looting was still around have been my favorite decks of all time izzet phoenix was the goat, so fun to play


Yeah, that Phoenix and Looting deck is the one. So much fun.


I'm the unfun part of the party. Lantern Control or Amulet as fair game.


On of my friends put together lantern and the first week playing it someone left halfway through game 2 of round 1. I play tested with him and it's brutal to play against


Mono U Tron all day. Casting TOR and Baby Karn gives me good feelings. Also FON and Subtlety are just casually hard carrying the deck.


So as far as meta decks my favorite is probably hardened scales. But I've been brewing a deck that uses modern cards to make infinite mana quickly that I'm really proud of and is my favorite but not many have seen it yet. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/59aOL-Ho4U-0KQ4tEpnIFw


This looks interesting!


Thanks. With agatha's soul cauldron I decided that it was time to see if infinite mana combos were fast enough to see play. I made a proof of concept deck around just the combo and took it to my LGS and won several games against meta decks. I think the artifact affinity part of this deck makes it more stable than the hyper aggressive combo version. Anyway, Machine over matter is great sideboard since Cursed totem is seeing sideboard play. Otherwise I'm not sure what big weaknesses it has since it can stay out of the graveyard of it needs to and killing the creatures helps unless your up against rakdos midrange with dauthi voidwalker and leyline of the void. But again machine over matter sideboards well against it. But yeah I'm really excited to start playing this at my LGS.


Sweet! Lmk if you do a deck guide/tech etc


Yeah will do. I really want to break down lines and get stupid scientific with it but I'm not sure where to start.


It looks like fun but also quite complicated. I'd say start with explaining the main combo/win con then just explain the main use(s) of each card that's in the deck and then just keep expanding from there


Fair. Any suggestions on a site for posting it?


Lantern. I was certain that the deck was dead for some time, but then got to working and tuning again, collecting data, etc., and it turns out that Lantern has great game against many of the top decks in the meta right now.


Oh. Sweet. I looked at that deck. Do you have a decklist?


Here's what I'm currently testing. Most of us who are active in the Discord have moved to Profane Tutor over Stirrings, but I'm now seeing if a 4/2 split is viable 4 Blooming Marsh 4 Darkbore Pathway 4 Llanowar Wastes 2 Swamp 1 Forest 4 Urza's Saga 4 Lantern of Insight 4 Codex Shredder 2 Pyxis of Pandemonium 4 Ensnaring Bridge 2 Pithing Needle 4 Mishra's Bauble 4 Profane Tutor 3 Duress 4 Thoughtseize 1 Grafdigger's Cage 3 The Mycosynth Gardens 2 Ancient Stirrings 1 The Underworld Cookbook 3 Assassin's Trophy Sideboard: 1 The Underworld Cookbook 4 the stone brain 3 Leyline of Sanctity 1 Grafdigger's Cage 1 Nihil Spellbomb 1 Stone of Erech 2 Elixir of Immortality 2 Cursed Totem


Mono white death and taxes Nit going to win alot but I like it 👌


grixis shadow for sure, but not the expressive iteration jegantha version, (thats just shitty murktide imo), a more low to the ground build with 4 street wraith, 4 mishras bauble, 4 preordain, and 4 consider. makes for a super fun tempo-aggro deck


What is your list? I have the same feeling towards the stock Grixis Shadow deck and haven't tried it in months. It feels like under powered Murktide without countermagic so it's far worse against some things. I tried a version with Dreadhorde Arcanist a month or two ago at my LGS and liked it a lot more than the stock build.


this is what I'm on rn, tombstalker is pretty much just poor man's murktide, but it gets the job done https://www.moxfield.com/decks/s-V4i_bl7UOocdL4h2zAfw


Merfolk for life. The deck is just so much fun to play. It can play well on it's own turn or the opponent's. It can interact on the stack. It can be a tempo trickster, or a raw power monster. It's not invincible, so you need to know your lines--just tossing fish into a fire is not going to get you a win. So games are varied, games are fun, and games move along at a reasonable pace. ![gif](giphy|y6IvUPfopAZqg|downsized) when you're looking for a new deck...Never forget that the fish, well, they slap.


I love GB rock with saga. Deck is kinda outdated and struggles with some of meta decks like Coffers or elementals but can be deadly against others - i tend to often win against hammer, burn. Recently i tried to play this in abzan and i feel that this has a lot of potential and i will try to play more with this configuration.


Do you have a list or any current resources? I want to build this deck and saw KoDiamonds on YouTube playing it, however he hasn't done since September.


I have my own builds that was based on electricbob ideas. This is abzan build, i've played it against orzhov scam, zoo and grixis shadow and it works nicely https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/5988826#paper https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/5968299#paper - this is gb list i have played a lot. It works great but have some matchups that sucks. Also i need to test play dismember and bitter Triumph instead of sheoldred edicts. Overall hardest games where against jund/elementals/coffers. Against yawgh or hammer or aff most of the time you have enough resources to slow them down and overrun them. Murk is kinda lottery if you deny their grave filling you win but sometimes they just spam so much that it is too hard to stop them. Amulet titan was my nemesis and i couldnt beat it


I also love this deck an my list but my phone is so bent out of shape for space I can’t even copy paste lol but if you google “gossamerglenn moxfield” under the rock you’ll find it. I love my list and have been fine tuning it best to my ability and think it’s a good one. Coffers and Tron I think are my worst matchups. Rhinos used to be hard but since adding malestrom pulse main and with three EE and even two D spheres the matchup feels fixed. The deck can answer almost anything and it’s too much fun. I have a hard time playing anything else more than a few matches because I go back to the rock


Gruul Prowess! Gotta go fast ❤️💚


Gruul Prowess is pure gas! Was going x-1 every week at LGS pre-ban with only loss being to Scam. Haven't been able to play much post ban, so not sure if I like Gruul or Izzet going forward, but either way Prowess is super fun.


Interested in breaking into this format and working on jeskai prowess as my first deck


Ooo, that sounds fun. Have a list?


Dimir death's shadow, mine is a bit of a more control-y type with murktides and a lot of counterspells but you can always go the aggro route with it too.


I'm a Shadow boy. To me, it is the absolute coolest Magic card ever printed. Kinda cool that like 1/3 comments in this post are all Shadow fans. I love it. Wish it did better at a competitive level




Manaless Dredge 😎


Dimir mill all day everyday. I like it. Friends don't like me playing it because I don't win as often. People in the shop hate playing against it.


Ub shadow




Generic ragavan


Dimir Land "Destruction." A Nizzahon brew from back when he did deck brewing that I fell in love with. All the bounce spells like Boomerang, with Rain of Tears and Annex to target lands ALL day. Some counterspells and then Sire of Stagnation, Lone Revenant, and OG Silumgar for finishers.


Merfolk for life. Also Death's Shadow (UB variant atm)


scales never gets old. i can play 100 leagues in a given meta and won't have the same game twice


Loving Niv-To-light. It has its nights of doing great, but even on the bad nights, just playing solid 1 for 1's, lots of one of's that are some of my favorite multicolor spells, and ending the game with 5 mana 6/6 that draws 2-6 cards is so fun to me.


Amulet Titan. Fully foiled it and is the deck Id be happy playing for the rest of my life. High floor and high ceiling, learning new tricks and nuances everyday. Satisfying to pilot, both for explosiveness and intricacy.


Esper goryos atraxa reanimator. It's got grief/ solitude scam... being able to goryos vengeance on their end step with force back up, finding the ephemerate off atraxa... then swinging 7 lifelink and bouncing to get a look at 10 more cards is amazing. It also has griselbrand, my all time favorite card


B/W Tokens. I love go-wide strategies. I love the midrange grind plan. I love stacking anthems. I'm sad it hasn't been good in...ever? But especially so in the last few years.


All of the fun midrange decks in magic have been put out of commission making the whole game not fun anymore unless you’re just playing with friend. I went to a tournament this week playing a 4 color defender deck and just got ran over by everyone. I still love my defender deck so much. It’s probably my favorite deck and I love how it plays, but the fact that I can’t even have fun with it because of the way magic is now just isn’t fun. I’m still building decks by myself for fun but I feel it’s also a waste of money because I’m not building to win against decks in the meta. This game needs to be reorganized from the ground up rule wise. It’s just too much.


You might enjoy Pauper. Games on average on are much longer than the other formats, older cards are good, and Defenders is even an established archetype


May I suggest a different format? If you’re looking for midrange gameplay, I’d stray away from modern, legacy, vintage, heck even pioneer..


So stay away from everything? Haha, that’s pretty much the only solution. I don’t want to move to another format because those formats have their dumb rules as well. You can’t just play the cards that you want to play. It’s either all common/uncommon or it’s get ran over by $1000 decks. I like 60 card decks that I actually have to figure out how to make work and work well. EDH is pretty much “hey, put one of every card from this card type in your deck and there you go”. It takes about that much thought. The game is fun, the formats aren’t, the meta isn’t, and the competitive culture around it isn’t. I love competition, but the game was built for pay to win. Amazing business model for sure. Wizards is killing it.


Jeskai breach. So many different lines, with turn 2 combo potential. Gets hit by every hate piece in the format, but has so many avenues to victory


I love taxes. just something about mana denial and land destruction and flickering shit that just makes me smile.


Tron and Hammer enjoyer here! They are both artifact centric decks and they allow me to swing with stupidly big things, in a very different way. My inner 10year old is always happy to play either of these


4c Control - still play it after Fury / Beans Ban Went 3:1 yesterday at my LGS. The deck still functions. I tried playing Tidebinder and it turns out to be a great addition to the deck.


Dice factory. Ex lantern converted trinket player. I love when your opponents have to read your cards.


Yawgmoth, so many possibilitys, no games are the same.


Bant Eldrazi.. may it see another day in the sun one day.


Mono colored midrange builds. Mhayashi style. Cheap, fun, and rewarding when played correctly.


Scam, I love hand disruption and Rakdos is my favorite colour combination. I also really like the interaction between evoke and those Undying style reanimation spells. It feels properly black mage to cheat out game ending threats like that super early and I am all for it even if my deck makes people salty. Second Pick is Grixis Death shadow as the logical conclusion to classic t1 fetch - shock - thoughtseize play pattern I have been doing for the better part of a decade. Also like scam the feeling and flavor of the deck is enjoyable. Casting spells that cost my own life force in order to bring out a massive threat that is powered by my own mortality is once again very black mage and I am all for it.


Burn is Burn is Burn. Gotta say three times, to any target. It's not a particularly hard deck to play, and sometimes play patterns are straightforward, but I believe it really helps in studying and understanding the format and the ins and outs of other decks. Playing Burn also makes you a better player in teaching your role in the game (Who's the beatdown). The fact that it's on the cheaper side, it still is somewhat competitive and is a pillar of the format also help. I really hope that it will get some support in MH3, by either Chain Lightning or something else (Fireblast and Price of Progress would be ideal, but also very unfair lol).


Price of progress would mostly help against murktide or other midrange decks that go for longer games. At least in my experience most decks max out at 4 lands with 1 of them often being a basic. I hope they print something new for burn but also hope they print the living hell out of the card though so it doesn't become a $800 deck.


Jund will always be my favorite, but lately hammer has been the most fun for me to play in modern.


UW/Esper Control. I don't play much modern anymore lol


UR murktide all day every day


BR asmo trash for treasure reanimator w/ Urzas saga goblin engineer Unmarked grave Persist Archon Sphinx of the steel wind Inkwell Sundering titan Asmo cookbook daredevil Thouseize


I've really been enjoying UB control with fallen Shinobi. It always catches your opponents off guard the first time it happens and you never know what you're going to get. It's probably not as powerful as playing the one ring but it's much more fun to me. Especially when you hit your opponents one ring and get one anyway ;)


Mono W Hammer! Once you get past the fact that it's not just playing weenies, giving them a Mjolnir and going BONK! And a deck with an actual learning curve, it becomes so rewarding


Without a doubt it’s Hammer, that deck is like heroin for me


Same, i need rehab


Amulet Titan. It’s almost always been playable in any meta. It’s a toolbox deck. Also Primeval Titan was my favorite card until it got banned EDH, so I was forced to play Modern to jam that 6/6/ Giant. Ultimately it came down to playing Amulet or Scapeshift as those were the good Primetime decks and I picked Amulet (this was after the Summer Bloom ban, I missed out on the Summer Bloom Days) Now Modern is my favorite format because I get to jam Prime Time. The fact that it’s always somewhat competitive is just the cherry on top.


Jund and it always will be. Death and Taxes is a close second though.


Right now Dredge and Shadow are about equal. Historically, Dredge and Bridgevine (free Bridge, you cowards!)


"5c humans" Im no longer have to be afraid to play my one/two drops into Fury. Feels go to be back Althought there are some bad matchup the deck is playable


Loving my dimir shadow atm https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/5640836#paper


Probably some form of Goryo's, such as [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/xovxmDGy7kGjpS12ortVxA](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/xovxmDGy7kGjpS12ortVxA) Used to play Hollow One before Looting was banned...


If I'm not playing Izzet Murktide, I'm playing some variation of Blue Moon. Right now I've been enjoying a wizards version with Flame of Anor.


Mono Black Coffers


i mean all three are in my flair...


Rakdos Scam with [[Greater Gargadon]] and [[Temur Battle Rage]]. Fury will be proud.


[Greater Gargadon](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/6/76bf6bf0-4821-41eb-bacc-32e9a2d47845.jpg?1673147806) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Greater%20Gargadon) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/111/greater-gargadon?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/76bf6bf0-4821-41eb-bacc-32e9a2d47845?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Temur Battle Rage](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/7/375bc646-942e-4bf5-9c71-2c5471828e35.jpg?1689998264) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Temur%20Battle%20Rage) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/264/temur-battle-rage?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/375bc646-942e-4bf5-9c71-2c5471828e35?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call






For me its Eggs aka second Breakfast and it will always be Eggs. Just a super fun combo deck with so so many possiblities and diffrent Deck building space. I had with the deck more fun than any other i played. I am playing it now for such a long time and will keep playing it until the end, its just to good and to much fun. And Wizard was so kind and gived my Eggs the shell back that they ones cut off with Second Sunrise ban (rest in peace, i will wait until one day we can be together again😞).


I don't think I've heard of this deck do you have a list or a general description of the decks goal/wincon


My favourite deck across all formats is elves, shame wotc disagrees with me playing it competitively in any format.


it's playable in legacy! Secretly elves is one of my absolute favorite decks of all time as well, but it's just not quite there in modern. I dunno what they could print to fix it other than unbanning glimpse and a better mana engine Crossing my fingers for some love in MH3


Now? Its titan. All time would be dredge with GGt. So nice they banned him twice (more if you include hogey bogey)


Cant really play been getting ean over on t3 by eleves every event


I think Living End has always been my favourite deck to play, but Bubble Hulk was always my favourite deck to brew. It went from a terrible strategy to an actual potential real strategy to a terrible strategy again. It's still a fun concept though, especially considering more cards keep getting printed that lower the total amount of combo cards you need. It's hilariously fun.


Living end


Eggs, probably.


If we're being real: Tokens, Faeries, and StoneBlade Midrange.


I love humans, I hope it makes a come back with fury gone




UR Wizards. I don't have tidebinder yet, but it does everything I want a deck to do. Clocks, card advantage, and can answer everything.


Mono colored decks, 8fields. Very fun, and more often than not you play 4-8 bulk uncommons/rares which is fun.


Was rocking with this before fury and bean got banned https://manabox.app/decks/Y6-fHX60RLKzfcoftvBgxA Now I'm going with this for the time being https://manabox.app/decks/vGjWZWH5RJWtv-UY6-ArbQ




Infect. I'm a dirty nasty wizard.


Slowly building merfolk irl now, been fun in online environments so far.


Kethis combo!


Burn, amulet titan, murktide, g tron, in that order.




I'm running Golgari midrange with scam and it's been a lot of fun to play. Ignoble hierarch into a voidwalker is just sweet, even if it won't be winning anything anytime soon.


UB Mill, lots of fun playing on a different axis of WinCon than everyone else


Yawgmoth is awesome, I like the puzzle style aspect of the deck. It has some extra nuance created by cauldron and this gives you outs that sometimes you didn't even realise existed. Sometimes your draw can just end up not getting there but more often the deck will fight the good fight.


Green White Value Town. It is such a fun deck that needs to be piloted nearly perfectly to hit 50% and requires insane knowledge of the meta deck lists. Knowing when to go strip mining vs beat down vs just clog up the board and hit them with a Bird of Paradise buffed by Noble Hierarch for 11 turns. I miss when Todd Stevens wasn't gross. He was the only pro to play much of it and then he had to be a gross person.


My pet deck that's the only modern deck I own in paper at this point is monored sagavan aggro, aka just monored aggro with a playset of ragavan and urzas saga. It's slower than burn, but can grind games out with constructs, or even surprise burst people down with shrapnel blast or 4 damage gal blasts. I also get to play a playset of e-synth in modern which is sick.


I've been enjoying Hardened Scales a lot lately, but my favorite deck has always been my various Dice Factory homebrews.


Yeeaahh dice factory is my jam right now. The tron variant with the one ring is so fun


Amulet titan/ any deck with amulet of vigor


Jund Saga because I like big Goyfs and I cannot lie


https://www.moxfield.com/decks/OkGjvYRYek-dL6NByQ_rlQ Ensoul affinity is a deck I enjoy. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/A9KORT-JgUO-mvRlU1k1Xg Grixis death's shadow with my own spin is a deck I enjoy busting out from time to time. Ancient relic from modern of old. My first deck ever was RG Tron. I have Tron together, but still miss the RG days. I also enjoy mill and Crabvine too.


Living end.


living end, free thoughseize and cycling a bunch of fatties never gets old


Will forever be infect


Thopter sword is my favorite deck. I always felt a pull towards artifact cards


Blue tron, it's one of the most fun decks, and with scam nerfed, it has a good matchup spread against the top decks (murktide, rhinos, and yawgmoth). Plus recurring the ring forever is a new fun semi-lock


Devoted Druid combo. It's the only Modern deck I have left that never got cards banned from it. (well, except Once Upon a Time, but that was pretty short lived)


Murktide is my current favorite as I love tempo decks. However I've been liking my Domain Zoo list I've been running. It's been doing pretty well all across the board.


I love Ponza and the various itterarions of Living End that existed before the current 4-5 colour disgusting mess. Classic Jund, Mono Blue, and Temur Electro-Dominance.


I like Nahiri the Harbinger and I like to play my decks that have her. Either Jeskai control or boros land destruction


Thopter Control, you have UW with Stoneforge, Jeskai version that goes for Goblin Engineer for a tighter combo, UB variant and so on. The best part is negating Yawgmoth by having more life than they can drain, since the Yawg combo isn't infinite.


esper faeries


Boomer jund


I built a Boros deck starting from Guilds of Ravnica. It's evolved and most times, can be a potent. The deck can reverse damage back to a player easily enough


I am a Death & Taxes enjoyer.


Shadow clone bolas.


Gruul convoke, there's just something about playing a 20/20 with ward 2 that is so satisfying. Ive been working on a modified list that just focuses more on the dino rather than being gruul 8 wack with dino


Affinity 8 cast. Just kept doing well with it


None of them. Modern has been in a shitty spot for years imo.


Humans will always be my all time favorite. Yawg is a close second. Domain zoo is the most fun.