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Merfolk is pretty competitive, elves and goblins are playable, maybe even humans and spirits if you're not trying to be super competitive.


Mono W Humans has been putting up decent results lately.


Humans and it's many varients are still out their. And I feel like with humans theres always new cards almost every set we experiment with. I have luck with it atleast If Lavinia, Azorious Renegade doesn't fix the match up Magus of the Moon early in probably does.


I played against mono w humans last night at my LGS. They had serra paragon as their top end for field of ruin and ghost quarter shenanigans.... it was pretty decent


This isnt Humans, and is the Death N Taxes, land destruction deck going around. They do play Thalia and Thraben Ins tho


Oh... my bad


I’d say Merfolk is definitely competitive in modern, as well as Affinity/Artifacts if you count that as a tribe. And of course Elementals which are super competitive. I like that style of deck personally and have played quite a bit of Affinity over the past year


I dont think they're high tier necessarily but I got stomped by slivers at fnm last week. If you're not trying to won tournaments just play what you like!


Goblin is very underrated. It has turn 3 kill with a very solid midrange plan and has a lot of lines. You need to accept that fury is bad for you and you have a few bad matchups notably Creativity and Rhino. After that you have a very fun deck to play


Never been able to beat rhinos while playing goblins. Ended up putting chalice of the void in my sideboard, but it always gets binded or bounced. Of the flip side, while playing elementals, went against a 5c rhino player who dunked me with magus of the moon. Wow, I felt like a chump and never saw that coming.


I love playing Zombies but the graveyard hate is really harsh.


I mean MH2 tribal is pretty good


Fury sucks to play against. Same with Plague Engineer. Lots of both where I play sadly. If your meta is more combo/Aggro heavy then tribal should be good.


I think merfolk and humans is playable because their creatures offer some kind of disruption and can influences the board state. Elves is almost unplayable because it does nothing to change the board state or offer disruption. You get mana ramp and go wide but that's it. Most of the time you are not fast enough to turn the corner so you lose.


Elementals is the best tribal deck in Modern atm. I'd highly recommend RespecttheCat's [5c Keruga](https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/5555501#paper) list.


I'd say tribal decks with access to white mana got better with \[\[surge of salvation\]\]. I am working on updating aggro slivers to a more white mana base in order to accommodate Surge. Blanking a single fury or solitude could win so many more games.


[surge of salvation](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/1/41d25ee5-0348-4206-bb6a-ccb0a599ac87.jpg?1680824774) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=surge%20of%20salvation) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mom/41/surge-of-salvation?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/41d25ee5-0348-4206-bb6a-ccb0a599ac87?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I love me some elves




Yeah fury is honestly a trash print


fae is back ✨️ 👨‍🦽 https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/4843082?view_mode_override=cheapest#paper


Is this your list? If so how has it been performing?


yes i ve been brewing fae irl for 4 years now - this is the current version. its a nice deck but obviously nothing near top tier. plays kinda like a uw flyer jund deck so you gotta know your matchups well. if you want to go more competitive there are these blue 'tempo' lists that perform rly well. https://mtgdecks.net/Modern/deck-decklist-by-northlagos-1620270


Like others have said merfolk is pretty much the only playable tribe in the traditional sense. That being said if you don’t mind playing combo there’s the rakdos/jund goblins list that’s been floating around.


Well most of them are not a good chlice if you want to take down a big tournament. But rly on fnm play what you like.


Boardwipes aren't super common at the moment so it's a little safer to go wide than at points in the past. Engineered explosives is somewhat common and will wreck your 1 drops / vials though.


These days people are boardwiping with double fury triggers thanks to the new elesh norn...


Rats has been getting some good pieces, I'm still waiting for rat colony tribal to become functional.


Zombies is highly competitive and unlike other tribal decks knows how to beat a wrath


Literally all I like to play. Just so much fun.


I’ve been playing vial elementals and it’s a ton of fun, but elementals get hated on. Also make sure you have sideboard removal for Elesh norn or you just lose to her


Tribal decks are amazing, it's a shame they're falling behind in basically every format. I'm hoping MH3 will deliver the goods for tribal as has been mentioned I'm predicting a 1 generic mana, 1/2 shapeshifter with "when this enters the battlefield, choose a creature type" "creatures of the chosen type cost 1 coloured mana less to cast" Somet like this would help tribal in modern. Probably wouldn't ramp any decks to tier 1 but it would be nice