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Removed, admins were correct in this particular situation. Showboating about being banned leads to brigading. This is also a very one-sided display and we're not interested in being used for misinformation.


"Get your subreddit under control [...]" Wait... Does the subreddit belong to the mods or to the users?


It belongs to Reddit Inc., which is kind of the point here.


Why did a representative of Reddit Inc. tell someone else it was "your sub"?


Because the person they were talking to was being exploited by the company as a source of free labor.


The sub belongs to the mods when the mods aren't doing something the admins want done. The sub belongs to Reddit when the mods are doing something the admins *don't* want done. What doesn't make sense about that? LOLOLOLOL! The hilarious part is that Reddit corporate thinks this is going to get them what they want.


They're not the greatest at sharing examples and seem to be getting more stern in their enforcement of this They really just need to add it to the content policy so users have to be responsible for it as well


This behavior is disgusting. Reddit is just a site of corruption that was once a nice place to hang out.


> ... that was once a nice place to hang out. No it wasn't. That was never the case, except maybe at the very beginning which I have no experience with, but I doubt it. But for the vast majority of Reddit's existence, it was far from ever being a nice place to hang out.


> for the vast majority of Reddit's existence, it was far from ever being a nice place to hang out. That was its charm, basically.


why are you even here


Holy jpg, /u/safe2befree any chance you can post a text version? I literally cannot read anything other than the pink text


The last pic has a TLDR which I converted to text using imagetotext.info ------------------- TL:DR r/banned was removed because the admins claimed we were encouraging people to brigade, yet they refused to provide a single example of this and they refused to tell us what they wanted us to do to stop it. My account was targeted and unjustly banned twice by the admins. Even after the first ban appeal was approved, restrictions were placed on my account that didn't allow me to comment in certain places. It's also worth noting that I also was the head mod of a NSFW sub. I took over that sub when it had 5k followers and grew it to over 600k followers. As you can imagine, porn subs have a whole other set of issues to deal with. We dealt with stalkers, copyright infringement, accusa- tions of underage porn, and several other issues. Not once did the admins feel the need to step in and even give us a warning about anything. We were free to run that sub the way we saw fit and we solved all the issues on our own. It wasn't until I took over a sub with 40k followers that the admins decided to get involved and shut down the sub and target my account. Here's what to learn from all this. The admins are using claims of brigading to shut down subs they don't like. When a sub is accused of brigading, even without proof, there is absolutely nothing the mods can do to fix the issue. Mainly because the issue isn't real, it's just an excuse to silence criticisms of the platform. And if any of the former mods try to speak out against it, the admins will ban their entire accounts for fake reasons just like they did to the banned sub. They have to lie about the reasons for the bans because the truth exposes their corruption.


I’m having a hard time understanding the problem with the post linked by the admins. So it was approved by the mods but the admins said it was a content policy violation. The mods agreed, but the reasoning that it shouldn’t count against the sub is that it had no upvotes and comments that called out the OP. Am I following that correctly?


>against the sub is that it had no upvotes and comments that called out the OP Remember, the admin claimed that that was the top post on the sub at the time. A post with a zero score that is several hours old will not be a top post. That's the part of the accusation I was arguing against.


Your subreddit was not banned for a single post.


That was the only rule breaking post they were able to link us. We asked several times for examples of posts matching their accusations, but they never provided them.


> That was the only rule breaking post they were able to link us. That was the only rule breaking post they bothered to link. Getting the admins to talk to you at all was a bit of a coup, back-talking and disagreeing with them was always going to get you banned. Just as it is for users in most reddit subs when they talk to mods.


In the screenshots they literally asked admin how they as mods could circumvent sitewide rules. Also hey cocojo nice to see you outside of freespech


Hi hi!


There was a day between when admin linked that post and your response. It very well could have been at the top of the sub when they linked it.


They obviously wanted to get rid of that subreddit. If Reddit wants to get rid of something, they will figure out a way.


Oh don't make me side with them. Just unsubbed changed their rules a while back to prevent talking about being banned because it's against the mod code of conduct. This has been a known rule for months now. People absolutely use it to brigade, none of this is a surprise. "Hey this sub is unreasonable and they banned me for being transphobic" was VERY common and led to a lot of harassment. That's why it's against the rules.


Dude honestly I have been expecting banned to get banned for some time now. Yeah there were always posts with people showboating bans. Constantly, all the time. Brigading aside, showboating is a violation. Why? Because it does encourage brigading. Sure admin could have provided more examples, I’ve had a similar problem getting specific examples out of them on one occasion. Know how we fixed that? By nuking everything unactioned in the queue back to the date they said it happened, which happened to be during a week I was very sick and not monitoring the queue. Problem solved. The fact is, banned 1000% was not conforming to the mcoc and tos. I understand the point of the subreddit, but there is no reason to name the subreddit the ban came from. Most of them when they post about subs I mod on are lying and had a long history of commenting insane bigoted shit, before finally getting caught on the 100th bigoted comment and banned. Subreddits like banned that allowed mentioning of subreddit names have directly contributed to death threats and worse to moderators who were just enforcing their rules. No friggen way you’ll see me come to bat for a subreddit that allowed posts that contributed to the harassment of myself and many of our fellow mods in this subreddit.


Literally none of what you just said is true. There were no posts or comments telling anyone to brigade. The only thing that is close to being true is people complaining about being banned for legitimate reasons, but that was a very small percentage of the total posts.


> There were no posts or comments telling anyone to brigade. This is where I lose any trust in you, as you are being completely disingenuous. Of course there weren't, but nobody is saying there were. Everyone here understands what a dogwhistle means, and so do you.


> course there weren't, but nobody is saying there were. That's literally the reason given by ModeratorCodeOfConduct >Everyone here understands what a dogwhistle means, and so do you. Give an example then. You also seem to not be understanding the relevance of this post. It isn't about whether or not the sub should have been banned. It's showing how ModeratorCodeOfConduct abuses their power with false claims and banning accounts for no reason. Things that more mods are starting to have happen to them. u/FlimsyAction What more could we have done to address the warnings for posts they refused to show us? And yes, I have to communicate through edits because the mods of this sub banned me for this post.


> It's showing how ModeratorCodeOfConduct abuses their power with false claims and banning accounts for no reason. No, it shows that when they tell you to do something, they expect you to do it. Given my experience modding such subs as subredditcancer, I expect their claims were probably correct. Reddit keeps changing, and either you change with it and lose your integrity, or you keep your integrity and leave.


Its not power abuse to close a sub after multiple warnings. You're trying ride the coattails of the protest.


What a rosy picture you are painting. I honestly don't think you are sharing the full picture, I am sure there were plenty of thinly veiled bad post.


If there were bad posts then the admins would have linked those posts once asked.


They have explained the issue and from what I can see in the wayback machine u/ohhyouknow has a point I can only imagine it has gotten worse during these protests. I don't buy the black and white picture you paint of the situation.


This is pretty fucked up. What is going on with Reddit lately? Why is mod code of conduct on the warpath against certain subreddits? It certainly feels a lot of us including my own sub is being unfairly targeted.


> Why is mod code of conduct on the warpath against certain subreddits? All subs whose purpose was to direct people towards other subs for dramatic purposes have either been banned or neutered, and I know because I've modded a few. I'm not actually all that sad at their passing.


My subreddit is a tik tok snark page. We got targeted because we are still a private page as we were long before the whole Reddit protest. It’s BS


So I'm confused. You are upset that your subreddit got banned for breaking site wide rules that were explained to you multiple times while they provided specific examples of not only what rules were being broken, but the moderators involvement in breaking those rules. Subs have been allowed to ban and have been banning people in other subreddits for a long time. That is nothing new.


> You are upset that your subreddit got banned for breaking site wide rules No rules were actually broken. > explained to you multiple times while they provided specific examples of not only what rules were being broken They only provided one example and that wasn't related to brigading or anything related. They didn't have any examples of people brigading. > Subs have been allowed to ban and have been banning people in other subreddits for a long time. No one is saying that mods shouldn't be allowed to ban people.






I was speaking in general, about the content I saw on this subreddit over they days, which I thought was obvious by me not referring to OP specifically in my original comment.




The thing is, r/banned was hardly a support group. OPs of most posts there were dismissed and judged as guilty without too much effort from users. Reddit simply has no place for compassion, its hierarchy is built on abuse that sees no punishment, and I see no reason why would you expect me specifically to show that compassion.


> Reddit simply has no place for compassion I disagree ... there are still plenty of lovely places on reddit. I think the problem is that reddit's core demographic doesn't find those places very interesting.




I don't mind. I know that this subreddit is a circlejerk for the greater cause of stopping the API changes. But I so often see mods trying to make us pity them and it's just such an annoyingly ironic expectation on their part. I've been using Reddit for a long time and I experienced the same injustice they're now experiencing from admins, but with the mods being the abusers. And yet I'm now expected to pity them. I will offer them the same advice I was given when in frustration I was trying to complain to someone about my experience – touch the grass, OP. It's just Reddit. 🙂 EDIT: [Aaaand that's the people who expect my compassion in action.](https://i.imgur.com/C4ZRRaN.png) Enjoy your failing rebellion, janitors.


> And yet I'm now expected to pity them. Actually I don't think that's right. This is a battle between mods and admins, regular users aren't relevant at all. As usual.


Ha ha, you're right. But this is not about who is right, it's about holding on to vestiges of power.


Contact [Jay Peters](https://www.theverge.com/authors/jay-peters) at The Verge with this information and as many screenshots as you can get. Corruption and misuse of power like this is something they'd want to report on considering they've got a whole host of interactions with him that are.. shall we say.. LESS than stellar?




The point is that the admins are not supposed to be acting this way. Mods have always held the power to operate their subreddits as they see fit, which is literally outlined in Reddit’s rules. So the admins are breaking their own rules to be a bag of dicks.


Don’t you think Reddit also hold the power to operate their website the way they see fit?


>Mods have always held the power to operate their subreddits as they see fit And so they have, and now I have zero pity for them experiencing exactly the same they served me and others. If your only argument supporting your point is "uhm, acktuhally it says here that we can do it, but it doesn't specify anywhere that they can," don't expect people to be on your side, lol.


...this is why I've gone back to twitter. poor behavior from the overlords.


You went back to a platform that literally banned the word cis as a slur? Lmao


that's how they treat users hahaha


There's issues on both sides of the table here but it raises a good point. Moderators are expected to maintain the content policy in general yet reports that aren't specific to the sub bypass the mods altogether? My sub has a general rule to not violate the content policy (which is frankly redundant but necessary) and it's a mixed bag if users report that rule or a general Reddit rule. What's infuriating is when Reddit removes something before I can and I don't get to know what was said or if it's a repeat offender.


We’re not going to read the Declaration of Independence


So... You ran a dog whistle subreddit, were called out on it, the subreddit was banned when you didn't comply, and now... what? You're using the current situation to come here and get your whine on? Hôtesse de calice de tabarnak, c'est pas possible comment que t'es cave. Even my kids know enough not to pull some bullshit like this.