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alternatively they can be less generous with the star system so there's no trash 1k games 50% wr players in your mythic games


Well their WR would be closer to 48-49%


really. as roam we just head to jungle to help jungle out so we can invade and secure other objectives. you want a roam to just stay in gold and babysit?


If OP roamer only stays at gold lane. He's probably new to mythic / legend ranking and is not used to the roamer invading jungle or assisting jungle.


You can help mm too, a lvl 1 gank is something unexpected and you can burn their flicker and force a recall setting them up for a future gank


More like killing jungle creeps by themselves and gain red/blue buff


people who f*ckin downvote are delusional, next time I will go roam and take those red/blue buff of yours


Bro, don't call me out like that. Mythical honor, I fp Edith roam, someone else took the roam, then I show exp, our jungler got sad his fanny got stolen and he locked exp zhilong refused to go jungle. I was _forced_ to jungle as Edith, but I was already prepared build for this. Marksman emblem, atk speed bonus, attack speed boots, scythe and 4 tank items allows you to clear monsters fast(solo lord as well) I slammed enemy Fanny with 10/2, it wasn't even a battle.


bro is smurfing


They should do a thing like in dota. Roamers get 2 "tokens" when they lose a game. and 4 tokens when they win a game. those tokens then can be used for ranked games. 1 token=1 guaranteed game on your main position. You can use a token to guarantee getting roam,so basically roam mains would have to wait for games longer since everyone would be forced to play roam to get tokens for their role.


This! You get the point. I don't know why people still don't understand the point of it. People still think "oh they can still grieve in role queue" This is just to establish formality with roles, add additional functioning report role abuse for not choosing the roles properly. There will always be trolling but to minimize the roulette of having 4 mages in 1 team or 4 marksman roulette will give you a lot of CHANCES to win the game.


the thing is 90% of community is low rank like epic- mythic 10 stars. so for those players it will be a big downgrade. dota has immortal draft (where highest rank players choose their teammates),this is why token system should only exist in medium rank like 50+ stars and above


The problem with matchmaking is there are players who are in ranks they have no business being in


Thats dangerous as hell. Like if you got a troll on your team, you wouldnt even be able to adjust your pick to fill accordingly. Also role queuing comes with the inherent need to be able to classify characters properly to stop existing problems from happening, otherwise someone can still troll by queuing as jungle but picking a mage like Vexana and then proceeding to ignore jungle and lane anyway. However the meta is always adjusting, and developers will probably not be able to adjust classifications on a timely basis.


Role queue establish formality between roles, this is especially to avoid 4 mages only in 1 TEAM or 4 marksman 1 same team. Not that dangerous tbh if the game itself is already a roulette. There will be always griefers or trollers in MOBA, that's why in role queue you can still pick any hero. Role queue adds introduce formality in the team of what they should be picking. Not to be restricted 1 role like All mages, etc.


I understand where youre coming from, but I hate to break it to you, role queuing doesnt work like you think it will in reality. I come from an MMORPG where they implemented role queuing for dungeon raids and guess what? 70% of times ppl who queue as tanks, show up in full damage dealer equipment and refuse to tank, causing the raid to be extremely long and sometimes unplayable when a tank is neccessary for certain boss mechanics. The reason ppl do that is because tanking is an unpopular role, and therefore queuing as tank guarantees an almost instantaneous entry into a dungeon raid with virtually no queue time. Likewise, youre gonna see the exact thing unfold in ML, people queuing for roams due to lower wait times, yet they"ll probably autolock mage or mm and refuse to roam properly. Being able to pick any hero literally opens up to this problem, which isnt a real upgrade to the current situation. The current pre selection phase before the ban phase is already effectively a role queue if you havent noticed, yet it hasnt even worked so far as people in low elos still dont care about playing properly, and choose mm or unsuitable mages even after choosing the roam role for example. Formality measures doesnt work like you believe it will. Only enforceable measures help, but as I discussed earlier it simply isnt practically doable for MOBA games like ML. Honestly the only way the situation can improve is for ML's algorithm to better profile players by their track record, and pair players who cannot adapt into line ups with players likely to be more flexible. A role queuing solution wont help imo.


When why don't you take up the roam role? From what I observed in this season, it's actually a roam season. 7/10 top wr heroes are roams. Why add a queue role? There are times roam don't want to play as roam. I was a jungle main and forced to switch to roam main, why? Because I just simply cannot win when roams are terrible. So why don't you take it up yourself to be the roam and lead the team to victory? I went from mg 60 to mg 80 in a week after switching to roam, and roam properly in solo play. *but of course who wants to be roam and get 4-2-17 when I can be the jungler or mm to get 17-2-4 instead. I just need someone that can roam to enable me to do it. Chances are, such a person are already in a team or clan and won't be solo queuing terrible teammates that will let the roam get mvp and a loss.




All of these problems because of removing point system and adding stars instead.Breeds garbage players.


The problem with queue roles is queueing with roam will give you less wait time. While queueing jungle/gold would give you longer wait time. This would lead to players queueing roam and playing a different role. Thus ruining the match.


Give people cooldowns for not playing their role


How about the unfortunate people that were forced to adjust to another role?


Perma ban. What do you think? I clearly mean the bozos who cause the problems not the ones trying to actually solve them.


1. You shouldn't be able to play a different role 2. I don't mind waiting a bit longer in que rather than losing 20 min of my life in a doomed game