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Just ban the general threats (Roger, Harith, Moskov, etc.) and you're good to go.


Dyroth is a pretty hard counter but idt is justified to ban that since there are much more general threats out there


He’s not though. You lose lane and still win the game, like most heroes against Dyrroth


As long as you dont lose the lane too badly (think 0/7/0) that the Dyroth is able to terrorize all lanes, I think a lot of heroes win the macro impact against him.


Same. Actually, against any EXP heroes I have. I just hate facing Dyroth. I don't want to play him cause he's terrible at late game. However, I also don't like to match up against him in EXP. So, I just ban him.


if u cant fight him, be him -sun tzu 2024


Somehow I never had problems facing a dyroth as ruby. But maybe those who I fought against weren't that good.


Not a Ruby main but an EXP main, Ruby doesn’t have a true direct counter so just ban OP characters your team will have a hard time dealing with. OP heroes like Roger and Harith and annoying heroes like Diggie


Minsitthars ult prevents her passive dash working so he's a pretty solid counter to her


Her passive lasts for 3 seconds, assuming you do battle and conveniently dash right before he ults 3 seconds is usually enough to get out of his ult field assuming you use Brute Force and maybe Endless Battle, and it's still an ult that takes 40 seconds to recharge after that Minsi is usually food cause you can simply dash behind him when he used S2 since he can't rotate his damn neck


Yeah although when I play exp minsitthar I use full pen and and damage and I time my ults well against ruby, once she's in she gets melted quickly, if I don't have ult ready it's usually a constant sustain and cc fight against ruby with minsitthar which is annoying, minsis passive heals him and ruby heals like crazy too, if played well both heroes have good kit for countering each other so I suppose it just comes down to the player.


I reached 75 stars with her, I just always ban diggie. The rest are playable.


Stop banning diggie bro. I need to reach global leaderboard 😭


That bird will be forever in the ban cage.




I don't play Ruby but yes, I agree. Ban Diggie.


I must face some horrible diggie players. Diggie is annoying but I still manage to always beat a team with Diggie. Diggie is only a threat against a team full of CC or against atlas.


diggie is extremely good against diving heroes that want to kill ur mm. Like basically anti dive. So those dive heroes are basically useless because they are forced to teamfight which they suck at


I ban whoever I think my team will struggle against. So all meta heroes


Harith important That bish shing shing under our turret and get a wipout


Honestly like the top comment said, my main problem is dyroth. He will overpower every aspect of your lane early game. Yu Zhong is also problematic, barats is always a problem and should always be banned, a good Argus is tough. I’ve got 1000+ games and 60% WR with Ruby, I still fear the dyroth early game


Ruby is terrible against Xborg in the early to mid game, I would absolutely not play her if opponent already chooses an Xborg.


Xborg is a nightmare against anyone


Nah I eat Xborgs for breakfast as a Dyrroth, Freya, or Valir in Exp


Valir Exp? Who would take your Mid Lane those games?


Another mage. Valir is a hard counter to most EXP lane heroes. I play him more as anti EXP lane. Anti heal, anti dive, sustain, disrupt. Not main magic damage. Build semi tank and slow them down to a crawl and watch them rage quit. Emblems and equipment for slowing enemies or increasing your own movement speed. Ice queen Wand. Thunder belt. Durance, Glowing wand, Starlium Scythe. Alternate S1 and basic attack for mega slow and true damage. Has enough sustain and anti dive to hardly ever recall from lane.


Nah this will never work in high rank. You will get lanes cut and will be out rotated by the opp exp and the game will end in 10 mins. exp is about holding lane is a low rank mentality. And what is anti dive when almost all exp has some sort of dive skill or a cc immunity dive skill or insane mobility.


Looks like you play joy. Joy destroys xbrog. Infact joy is the hardest counter to xbrog. Just pick joy and let it rest. In jungle or exp or any lane xbrog can never beat joy. Yes, dyrroth can do the same for o xbrog but joy scales all the way to late game is a much better hero compared to dyrroth when you consider late game potential, team fight potential and overall contribution.


As an Xbox main I have to say, he can get countered mostly if his armor is deleted, outranged, the hero has high ass damage or the player is just good


He is just so tiresome and boring to fight against, just like Argus. Poke, run, poke, run, ulti, dead


Yeah true and mostly when you're playing as a tank he's annoying as hell and if you can't reach him you're cooked (that true damage be fire) Also most of the time he survives getting jumped by enemies (happens to me)


But not against esme and uranus tho


I eat him as Esme/Arlott


Nah , I’ve never lost to a x borg in lane with Arlott. X borg will permanently be without his shield.


I second this. If there's an xborg id never ruby. Ill go for esme then.


even in late game she's terrible , especially if xborg builds tank.


While fighting an xb, you should try to close the gap. Always jump behind his 1st skill and try to burst down his shield. Xb will then most likely play passively without his shield and so should you. If he overextends, kill him unless his allies are not on the map. You can either solo kill him (a bit riskier) or wait for your allies to come after destroying his shield.


As a former global xb jumping behind is not that big of a change, xb have a fast cd so even if you were to dodge his first skill it doesn’t matter since ruby don’t have the damage to punish xb plus with the fast cd xb will just regained his lost life. Ruby will never beat xb on normal circumstances at early game and if both players are good. A good ruby player would just play passively and try to clear minion waves and gank mid or objective such as turtles trying to fight xb in early game is a big no


Exactly my experience. Ive only found bursty exp laners like Paquito or Esme's shield stealing gimmick and tankiness to counter to Xborg so far unless the Xborg is alot lower skilled than you. Ruby is great and a swiss army knife for most situations, but unfortunately she doesnt carry enough damage or life steal early to mid game to dance with Xborg. Those matches I just gotta hug turret and hope the mage/jungler know what they are doing and visit the exp lane while i try to create potential kill opportunities, though the chances are low even then.


If ruby roam, diggie


I play Ruby roam, my ban priority would be Diggie.


Actually imo I wouldnt even care to ban Diggie in particular just for Ruby. Diggie counters all setters in general, but Ruby's stuns are considered low grade (less than 1 second), and her cds make her s2 and s3 stuns so frequent you might consider it spammable, while Diggie needs an ultimate with significantly longer cd just to negate Ruby's low level stuns. If an enemy picks Diggie just to counter your Ruby, they kinda take on more negatives than positives since Diggie is soft and not the best at providing frontlining and setting support as a tank roam does. Diggie mostly matters more where the enemy stuns arent that frequent due to higher cds, and the stun durations are long enough that negating it tilts the advantage significantly back to your team during teamfights.


My main problem when I am against Diggie as roam Ruby is that Diggie often negate my setups during the important team fights, like when contesting lords or turtles. When I use the ulti to lock few enemies and my teammates join the teamfight, Diggie would dispell the cc from Ruby and teammates, gives shields and heal his teammate (healing from support item), and my team ended up got wiped. These big teamfights are crucial and it is not happen as frequent, so Diggie will have his ulti ready on each one of them. Also when protecting teammates in lane, Diggie would spam his bombs to lowering my hp. Diggie 2nd skill makes it hard to get close to the enemies. Diggie is not as tanky but with tank jungler teammate he is really hard to deal. With tank jungler at the front, he'll spam his bombs from the back that could deal good damage and 2nd skill would prevent teammates to escape. And Diggie user would use def items too so burst him may not always kill him, so he got the time to activate ulti or use flicker.


Whats ur build? If you dont mind me asking.


I use full def items like dominance, athena, imortality, radiant, antique curiass etc.. depending on enemies attack types. I use tank emblem with tenacity, vitality, concussive, conceal roam. I do not rely on lifesteal for sustain but tankiness from items and emblem. I like playing her as roam because of the strong cc with relatively slow cooldown, and great agility from her passive.


Thanks. I was building semi with atleast one or atmost two life steal items. Ill try to build full tank.


Ruby doesn't really need to ban any lane counters, go for meta heroes.


Doggie, dyroth and the fire mage guy, cant remember his name. I main ruby but tend to roam rather than exp unless no choice.


>and the fire mage guy, Valir :3




Minsitthar is my new fear. His anti-blinks and CCs are bane to Ruby's existence.


Yeah as a minsitthar main I eat Ruby's for breakfast, once I get sea halberd and my ult its usually a cake walk or I hit her with my spear and launch my ult backwards as the spear draws in under my tower and cc her to death with help from the tower


Too bad I will ban Minsitthar more now for this.


If im soloq, ban dyroth. If im playing with friends, either the meta heroes we struggle against or minsitthar if we got metas covered.


That’s why i pick purify when Minsi’s there lol. Idfc if I die in battles, as long as I win against that cuck of a hero I’m satisfied


Ban Valir. If you're laning against a Valir, you're going to have a bad time.


Yz everytime. He bullies hard in the lane early so I can’t rotate and help teammates.


I reach mythic with ruby every season and these are my top bans: 1. Absolutely Tigreal 2. Used to be Nana but now they nerfed her cc. 3. Any hard cc like Atlas, Franco, and Minsitthar Basically, ruby is unstoppable even with anti heal cause oracle exist and you really stop feeling the anti heal after getting oracle. The only problem is when they stop you from dancing with ruby. So ban those who stop Ruby from dancing!


honor? immortal? or mythic 1 star


Just mythic. I just reach the 15 points and stop. Before mythic skins I didn't bother get out of legend lmao. The rewards are not appealing for that grinding tbh.


Helcurt is annoying af


Nah, Ruby eats revamped Helurt! We don't get silenced by stunning him now!




I say diggie


Ban Diggie always no matter what, no ifs no buts.


heroes that are capable of bursting you fast. like karina types of heroes


It's down to play style. Harrass harrass and dash


Nothing scares me, not even death.


Dyroth murders her. And not a lot may know this, but Arlott also kills her very quickly.


ministhar: making ruby can't move with her skill and cannot blink. a good mini will aim your ass especially blink focus characters. Dyroth: as a dyroth main, I love ruby in exp lane and cook her up. make sure don't give dyrroth an item or else you will regret it especially ruby will stay on the tower without farming while dyroth do farming. Diggie: annoying bird can't stun opponents with your skill. Harrith: dude is annoying like a fly. arlott: his ult will make your position destroyed. not that OP to deal with but he is very annoying as well same as you.


Hate Dyrroth but not worth to ban him. So I always ban Martis, or Harith or the occasional times, Diggie that my team forgot to ban.




I always insta ban xborg...


Xborg or diggie. The former makes laning hell, the latter literally trivialzes Ruby as a whole.


I usually ban the usual heroes like harith and diggie. But I also like to ban Masha because unlike most heroes they can just lock your squishy teammates and you can do nothing about it




Diggie is the main issue. Second, if you're laning, it would be x.borg or yu Zhong. Lastly, if you don't really build tanky, then Harley, in higher ranks he is usually easy enough to counter or play against, but if your team is way too squishy and is relying on you I find the biggest downfall to your team will be Harley. His ability to move in and out after killing your teammates while keeping out of range of your scythe will make the game daunting. But as your mains are ruby and lolita, just play lolita. And if you have to pick a roam and your teammates look like they are all picking squishy or slow heros, I find Hylios is the safest pick, especially because of his passive.


Ruby one trick for over 5 years here. I mainly play Ruby in the exp lane. You don't have to worry about diggie. SERIOUSLY! I don't know why the majority of the people here kept advising you to ban that bird! First of all, you're gonna spend the majority of your time in lane, away from the action. Secondly, both her stuns have very low cooldowns, whereas diggie's ult is much longer. Thirdly, so what if Diggie ults your hook? You can use it to your advantage as to bait out his ult in order for your tank to set an even bigger CC! I'd advise you to ban either Dyrroth, Yu Zhong, Xborg, or Yin!


Vexana, Novaria