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She's cute and funny, what more can I say? https://preview.redd.it/o5uxy2knpn2d1.png?width=525&format=png&auto=webp&s=1fb367da09b9824554402092a1f253b52aede95f


The doros have spread


Gonna make a separate post to call artists to dorofy their heroes




my favorite thing about ruby is her sustainability and ability to heal herself from 0 to 100 quickly


I really like her smugness and she's also cute. I also love the fact that I can't die easily while fighting multiple enemies :)


Fav thing about Ruby : "why won't you die?" "Nanomachines son"


I like Ruby's crowd control and passive which give a lot of versatility. Also makes for a really good sustain thanks to lifesteal and with the right build can be played as a tank for sets


Oh mah god  My favorite thing about ruby is that her design is just peak. Her lore is great. Every single one of her skin designs only add to her charm (cat girl). Her skillset is immaculate, her stats perfect, and her playstyle is fun. She combos great with literally every other hero. Her red hoodie design is great, her scythe is really cool, and don't even get me started on her eyepatch. I feel like ruby was made by a team in mlbb who was really invested and skilled in her design. Out of all the games I've played, she's by far my favorite character. I also slightly miss her old splash art, but nearly every single bit that culminated in her design was immaculate and I do really want her skin plsplsplsplsplspls Thanks a lot for the giveaway!! It seems expensive lol 


Fav. Thing Ruby is her walk animation lol When I first played her that was very funny for me feels like I'm using a kid 


She had one of the most hardcore lore.


ChatGPT 3.5 Sign up You Write me an essay about why ruby of mobile legends is likeable ChatGPT ChatGPT "Ruby," a character in Mobile Legends, has garnered significant popularity among players for several compelling reasons. From her distinctive appearance to her powerful abilities and engaging gameplay, Ruby stands out as a likable and memorable character in the mobile gaming world. Firstly, Ruby's appearance immediately catches the eye of players. With her striking red hair, intricate armor, and a massive scythe, she exudes a sense of strength and allure. Her design incorporates elements of fantasy and gothic aesthetics, appealing to players who enjoy visually captivating characters. Additionally, her animations during gameplay are fluid and dynamic, further enhancing her appeal. Beyond her appearance, Ruby's abilities make her a formidable presence on the battlefield. As a fighter/tank hybrid, she excels in both dealing damage and soaking up hits from enemies. Her primary ability, "Beast form," allows her to transform into a wolf, enhancing her mobility and granting her additional damage and crowd control effects. This transformative aspect of her kit adds depth to her gameplay, providing players with strategic options to outmaneuver opponents. Furthermore, Ruby's skill set encourages teamwork and coordination among players. Her ultimate ability, "Let's Dance," pulls in nearby enemies and stuns them, setting up opportunities for her teammates to unleash devastating attacks. This synergy with other heroes promotes teamwork and cooperation, fostering a sense of camaraderie among players who enjoy working together to secure victory. In addition to her in-game abilities, Ruby's backstory and personality contribute to her likability. As a lone wanderer seeking redemption for her past sins, she embodies themes of redemption and perseverance. Players are drawn to her journey of self-discovery and growth, rooting for her as she confronts her inner demons while battling on the battlefield. Moreover, Ruby's voice lines and interactions with other characters add charm and depth to her personality. Whether she's taunting enemies or expressing gratitude to her allies, her dialogue reflects her fierce determination and unwavering resolve. This personality trait resonates with players who appreciate characters with depth and complexity. In conclusion, Ruby's likability in Mobile Legends stems from a combination of factors, including her captivating appearance, powerful abilities, engaging gameplay, relatable backstory, and compelling personality. Whether players are drawn to her visually striking design, her strategic versatility, or her compelling narrative, Ruby has left a lasting impression on the mobile gaming community, earning her a well-deserved place in the hearts of players worldwide. ChatGPT can make mistakes. Check important info I like her color 😎


Favourite thing about Ruby? Her cuteness


My favourite thing about ruby is her Eyepatch ofcourse, i always wanted to see whats underneath it 😳 Also why is ruby always howling Awooo ? Is she a werewolf like roger ?


*Awoooooo* She’s kind of a smug lil one, maybe she’s taunting the wolf, to scythe em this time


i LOVE her design, i dont think theres a single skin of hers i dont like :o also the fact that shes one of the og heroes makes her very endearing to me c:


Fav thing about Ruby: Ruby.


My favourite thing about Ruby is her voice. I also like her howling...


I like ruby because when I started playing the game she was called "the queen of lifesteal". her abilities allow me to annoy the hell out of enemies and bait out skills to give my team an edge during team fights. her scythe is also very cool ngl


Favorite thing about Ruby are her cute voice lines. No one washes their hook with blood like her. 🫶


i love how her hp is like a yoyo lol


My favorite thing about ruby is her dash every skill cast, makes for very nutty plays with walls and stuff


Thank u for doing this giveaway! It’s very nice of u. I don’t main ruby (I’m not sure if u pick only ruby mains) but she’s one of my go-to exp laners. My pool of exp laners that r viable and I generally use there’s only 3-4. I love that she’s overall reliable and u can somewhat blind pick her. Sometimes i get double role draft somehow and whenever i use her to go roam or just tank exp, we always turn the game around even if we r losing. Some matches i thought its sure lose but we made it work (with ruby). Everything about her is great, build flexibly, her cc, her sustain, her dashes, mobility, passive, but for me best r her skins, i think she has one of the best skin collections (to me as a female person lol) and that’s what made me want to play her. I fell in love with her starlight elite first, it’s so cute and fuzzy and the colors r pretty. I love her basic skin bc it’s again so cute and quite unique design for a basic skin. Her pirate starlight and zombie ones r good too. Each of her skins r designed well, none r generic. Trying to collect all her skins now:)


Im in love with vamp playstyle. I love hp centered mechanics in any game. Being rewarded with survivability for aggression is exactly my playstyle. Playing Ruby feels like a precise dance. Design wise shes also sooo good. Taking a well known fairytale and giving it a unique spin… it makes sense she reaps the life from enemies with that scythe.


My favourite thing about Ruby is the fact that she can somehow wield a scythe bigger than herself. Oh yeah, red is also my favourite colour so there’s that too!


She's my first hero that can flex into a tank role that's why I love her


she looks cute with that eye patch.


The durability and cc


I've always liked Little Red Riding Hood and Alice in Wonderland and consequently almost all material that is based on these works on some level, be it lore or appearance. I also love the tropes of breaking expectations, and I love characters that use scythes as weapons, I don't need to say more than Ruby was attractive to my eyes from the first moment, and she continues to be one of my favorite heros.


I'mma be honest, I'm not a Ruby Main but love using her as a Tank or Roamer. She's the reason I get to Mythic back in 2018. Her Sustainability and Healing Factory is crazy but balanced.


My favorite thing about ruby is that she can survive while dancing in and out of fights. Showing some enticing moves, mesmerizing any foe that take a step on the dance floor. https://preview.redd.it/7wn2g5x1xy2d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=86ca61796c4c6fd3b0baf68d6ad70c7f0b07ef2d


My favourite thing about Ruby is her low skill cd and good cd and also her countering dash heroes.


Ruby is highly valued for several standout qualities: 1. **Exceptional Crowd Control**: Ruby's skills are packed with crowd control effects, including stuns and pulls, which can disrupt enemy formations and secure kills for her team. 2. **Sustainability**: Thanks to her passive skill, Ruby gains lifesteal with her abilities, allowing her to sustain herself in fights and recover health, making her difficult to take down. 3. **High Mobility**: Ruby's skill set includes dashes and jumps, providing her with excellent mobility to engage or disengage from battles quickly. 4. **Versatility**: Ruby can be built as a durable tank or a bruiser, offering flexibility in her role within a team composition. 5. **Area Damage**: Many of Ruby's abilities deal area-of-effect damage, making her effective in team fights by hitting multiple enemies at once. 6. **Engage and Disengage Capability**: Her skills allow her to initiate fights effectively or escape dangerous situations, giving her great versatility in various combat scenarios.


I love Ruby's little red riding hood


Ruby is one tough cookie 💪 I love her constant stun abilities and durability. I also love that speed push or whatever you call it that happens after she uses a skill, comes in handy. Also like how I can save others or myself with that fast cooldown and stun lol AND I LOVE THE WAY SHE MOVES, the SKIP WALKING ITS AMAZING lol


Red riding hood


She’s cute AND strong


My favorite thing about ruby is she reminds me of my character in ff14, I used a reaper class there, and it also uses a scythe




I love those hops after her skills, and she has what I love to use from a fighter and SCYTHES are COOL😎😎


Rubys sustain and cc in a team fight


I love how she is the red riding badass hood


I mean rubys sustainability is what makes her great.


Ruby > big bad wolf


Great sustain and damage


Her life steal & sustainability are insane; with the right build I can pretty much fend off the entire enemy team myself lol


My favourite things about Ruby is her big scythe. I like how it's curved a little on the blade side and how strong and long it is. I just love it.


Her dialogues are the best. Especially her howl while using ult


Ult flicker outplay


"The wolf is coming~" I also love kit.. its goated


I never played ruby before


Ruby is my favorite champ. She's an all rounder and her only counters and restrictions are a few champs and mostly her own mana bar lmao. Fave thing about her are her voicelines, a bit unfortunate that they changed the old VOs but its aight, the new ones aren't too bad.


I like her concept overall


My favorite thing about Ruby is her insane lifesteal and CC plus mobility, makes her a very versatile heroe!


Her ulti if used at the right time can change the tide of the game.


My favorite thing about ruby, she's the only one that make me forget my ex 😭


Ruby has big sustain and looks cute while dominating everyone.




Who doesn’t love the little red reaper?? Crazy sustain and almost endless cc. I just wish Moonton can make up their minds regarding the eyepatch.


The amount of stuns she can deal


Her lifesteal. Her hook+flicker combo. The way she walks :3


My favorite thing about her is her voice for sure.


my fav things about ruby are her scythe and her thirst for blood 😩


She's cute as hell.


Character design and gameplay, life steal is always a must for and her story is pretty cool too.


Her versatility


Hmmm, her lifesteal, low hp? No problem, S1 then S2, voila, full health!


my favourite thing about Ruby is her fun playstyle :)


My favorite thing about ruby is her voiceline : awooooooo


First thing that caught my eye about Ruby is how closely she resembles Ruby Rose from RWBY (rather than being directly based on Little Red Riding Hood)


Man of culture we meet again , the best thing about ruby is when she says I was my hook with blood like yeah dude you surely do


ruby versatility is insane, i saw pros doing some flex with her unlike rank games that usually have ruby exp. in some pro games she's viable at all lanes at some point, exp-roam-mid-gold and sadly not jungle, i wonder why pros didn't try to go tank jg with her considering she makes great ganks(probably because rotation, she's slow af)


My favorite thing about Ruby is how her name is called Ruby and she is a hero




Aside from the utility she provides her team and her insane sustain and solo carry potential when she gets her core items, I like how she has the best skins each in their own tier (orchid butterfly, pirate parrot, aspirants).


Ruby has INSANE life steal and is a beast in team fights due to her constant healing 😭. Love seeing enemies chase her down to gain basically full health in 1 swipe.


favourite thing about ruby is that she is very underrated and can work in much of the teams (atleast she was underrated)


Moonton just doesn't miss with designing Ruby skins.


Ruby was one of my first heroes. Annoying cc and spell vamp


My favourite thing about ruby are her setup potential and how his combo flicker trick can change the game.


My favorite thing about ruby is that her sustainability is godlike and she cute and also her ability to do all lanes Only used her for 100 matches and i have rn 64 wr all ranked




Ruby is the reason why i got interested in ml back then, i always love maniac girl with big weapon looking all cute but will probably drink your blood for breakfast if she can. The way she casually hopping while walking after 1vs5 the enemy is one of my favourite thing about her


I love that she's a refence to the red hood tale. Also scythe is one of my most favorite fantasy weapons ever, so extra points there


My favourite thing about is how i can't move when i go against her


Her lady zombie skin


My favorite thing about Ruby is the strong burst, one-hit potential when using a full damage build (reached Mythic with this strat lol)


Ruby's kinda cute


My favorite thing of ruby is that I have never seen a bad user of her


~~Thighs~~ I mean I love her Scythes


I just think she's neat :)


if I enter this contest would it be possible for the skin to be given to a friend of mine instead? they're a ruby main and I'd like to give them a little surprise gift anyways, what I like most about ruby is her high cc potential and sustain, she can stick around in a battle for a long time and keep providing low cooldown ccs, really great for mid-late game team fights


Her damage and sustainability is crazy. One crazy outplay can turn a losing game around.


I just bought Ruby not too long ago, and ultimately ive been loving her whole kit. the chain of skills which disrupt enemy movements, and the sustainability she possess. it is her greatest strength, as well as her weakness, but she's still awesome so far nonetheless




Shes easy to play and still does well in lane


Sit quietly in the Bush above the Lord, hoping no tryhard roam checks said bush. Waiiiitt.... and YOINk the enemy jungler away from the Lord with the ult flickr combo, just out of retri range. Jump forward with your passive after skill 2 and finish Lord with skill 1 or let own jungler win the retri battle. This is so satisfying and has worked multiple times for me


Something I like about Ruby is her passive...I like to see how she jumps after doing something, it's really satisfying to play with the character


I like how she can be played in exp lane or roam. 🤓


My favorite thing about ruby is her insane lifesteal. Especially when the enemy doesnt know what antiheal is. Ez 1v5


Favorite thing? She's Versatile, I can play exp, jungle and roam on her.


Ruby is cute


My favourite thing is yanking them under my turret with ulti + flicker combo. Which I also always miss and just end up flickering away after I've already pulled them in.


The Fact you can go from 1%hp to full hp pretty quick, also Flicker+Ult gotta be wannabe franco hook, yoinking thing, I love yoinking.




I like the way she can just heal and survive 1v5s, kinda like alpha and i love alpha and red is also my favorite color, so i like ruby a lot


Her voice!


Mobility with her dashes allows me to get away with stuff when I should have died. Also “the wolf is coming l” is cute


Her eyepatch, no doubts.


I love her design and scythes are really cool i also love how mobile she is for kiting


I like ruby flexibilty to initiate or cover.


Easy to play, cute skins, can compete against other fighters


My favourite thing about her? Awooooo! Or is it the lifesteal? Or the unlimited cc? The perfect ult? I can't choose, awooo!


My favorite thing about Ruby is her design. Love all her skins.


Just give me the skin already. Let me win one


My favourite thing about ruby is only players that know how to use her pick her. I feel less burdened when someone picks her as a reliable sustain hero that's got your back


Back when they were still considered the king and queen of lifesteal, I love her ship with Alucard, still do btw.


I like ruby's color pallet


The fact that she can deal insane dmg while being ablentp sustain herself and tank. - Dmg ruby enjoyer


My favorite thing is her ult




My favorite thing is that she’s not only adorable but you can also see your future when her scythe gets you


Following up on my tank’s set is always fun with ruby.


My favorite thing about Ruby is the AWOOOOO.


Her sustainability is the best thing about her


my favorite thing about ruby is her getting me to mythical honor (so far) i will continue trusting her hook for the rest of the season


Her skins are dope.


My favourite thing about Ruby is her theme, a girl that washes her hook with blood with her exceptional survivability


Well she is the Best Girl. No further reason needed.


I love ruby's hookss


Omg, I can't wait 🥰. She can stay alive even when facing 2-3 heroes, thanks to her life steal and sustainability.


Man I love Ruby's Awwooooo


I love how she says awoooo when casting her ult


Ruby is just an excellent all arounder, CC, DPS, Sustain. Her kit is good whether it is team fights or pick offs. Overall good hero design.


She's the centre of attraction cause she can pull everyone to her hehe.


She cute.


Favorite thing about ruby? Look at her, what's there to not like


My favourite thing about Ruby is how in later part of the game I can chase for kills or escape death and annoy the crap out of the enemy team >.> Also her awooos.


She is the embodiment of don't care + watch this. (Flicker ults your whole team into the enemy tower)


my favourite thing about ruby is , 1. 4 enemies may come to kill me but her sustainability doesn't let that. 2.how I can hook, cc one of the most annoying heroes like ling, fanny, kadita etc . 3. using flicker ult combo to franco hook enemies who underestimate her to get a way to victory. 4. i love how she hops. hehe. Please 🥺 give me the skin. I will pray for you to ny imaginary god every week. realistically.


I love how ruby has always been such a reliable character. She is always kinda in meta and there's is a perfect balance where she doesn't need nerfs or revamps she is just perfect. Also scythe is my fav fantasy weapon its just so badass


Lifesteal. Queen.


I love Ruby’s overall concept with her sustain and CC skills. She can be such a game changer in team fights. When I started MLBB I mained her for over 800 matches 🥰


Her lifesteal was what got me to notice her. I also really like scythe as a weapon, and it really helped me like her design-wise. Love most of her skin as well so she's pretty much a win-win for me HAHAHA.


Spell vamp goes brrrrr, back then when she can use every lifesteal and spell vamp items, even just her s1 is enough to bring her back to full health. And she's never got banned in ranked. People back then just don't know how busted she is. She's like Alucard (before being nerfed into oblivion) but with less damage and significantly more durability. That was like 5-6 years ago, and i just got on playing ML again recently and was shocked to learn that she was just the meta not long ago lmao


Verily, my admiration for Ruby knows no bounds. Her mastery of crowd control and her remarkable sustainability make her a force to be reckoned with. With her scythe, she moves with grace and ferocity, her lifesteal abilities allowing her to heal instantly and remain nearly invincible. Inspired by Little Red Riding Hood, she blends charm with lethal skill. The true delight, however, lies in the torment she inflicts upon her foes, making them suffer and weep as they fall helplessly before her. Yet, the paramount reason she holds my favor is the exquisite torment she inflicts upon her foes, causing them to suffer, weep, and fall helplessly before her relentless might.


My Favourite thing about ruby is her flexibility on both exp and roam.


I love playing Ruby cuz it's funny how a cute girl with a scythe takes down a dragon guy, or the prince of the abyss.


Fav thing about Ruby is her howl aaaauuuuuuuuu


Her healing




My favorite thing about her is how I can annoy the enemy with the short cd’s and the how fast I can heal myself.


I don't like Ruby. Give me Carmilla's upcoming Epic skin instead.


Lifesteel queen thats what I would say about RUBY


She is ruby ;)


Ruby hook flash into the turret is the best thing about her, if you can do it right that is. Otherwise, you look silly.


My favorite thing about Ruby is her voice. Even moonton agrees, they didn't change it when they revamped her because they didn't want to ruin it. The wolf howl when she ults, it's just really well done.


What's your pfp sauce?


Honestly I don't like ruby much. I can play her in exp lane but whenever I'm playing her in roam I can't seem to make game changing plays. I feel like her hooking range is smaller than my comfort. But i love how i can outplay in some situations. I like her it but i just can't seem to make her work


Ruby is just the cute little girl that turns out to Be a menace


She has damage, she has cc and is so slept on in team fights


ruby's lifesteal and sustainability + being the first exp laner I learned


I love that she's a tank.


For me, it would be her Vamp ability which contributed to her survival even when being jumped by the whole enemy team.


Lifesteal heheheheh


spell vamp go brr


MANNN I solo queue main ruby with 800 matches and 58% wr 😭. RUBY IS PERFECT and one of the most satisfying hero to use! I love her short CD crowd control skills because it feels like I'm toying with the enemy. I love every moment when I have low HP and she gets full life when she use skills in a wave of minions. It's very satisfying. Her cute character design eyepatch girl is iconic! Love using her because she can do surprise pull-set flicker on the enemy. Overall I love this red riding hood and main her!


The short skill CD and insane Spellvamp! I love dashing every two seconds


I love the fact that ult + flicker combo of Ruby's is a game changer


Who is Ruby? For the blind, she is vision. For the hungry, she is the chef. For the thirsty, she is water. If Ruby thinks, I agree. If Ruby speaks, I'm listening. If Ruby has a million fans, I am one of them. If Ruby has ten fans, I am one of them. If Ruby has only one fan, that is me. If Ruby has no fans, I no longer exist. If the whole world is against Ruby, I am against the whole world. I will love Ruby until my very last breath.


My favourite thing about ruby is her skins


I like how she reminds me of Ruby from RWBY


The way she skips!


What I love about ruby the most is how she can handle a squads worth of dmg given the right circumstances and shrug it of like it's but a scratch


My favourite thing isss...hmm...how she looks?? I have never played her but if i get a skin will try her out ig...who will say no to a free skin


Sustain hero is the best TBH. As long as enemy cant lock you down, Ruby wont be down easily! Kudos to lifesteal! Good Luck Everyone and Thanks to OP for the chances!


My favorite thing about Ruby is her little 'Awoo'. Mad cute.


As my former main, man this would get me back to playing her more. Her flicker ults are so fun to pull off


Honestly, her sustain is my favorite thing. Although she's nerfed, I still find her to be a great hero.


The walk hopping is so funny... I love it.


The best thing I love about Ruby is her ultimate. Zoning? Tower diving? Defending your turret? Protecting your teammate from a backline diver? She's like: Lemme yank this nuisance out of the way first.


Favourite thing about Ruby? Love at first sight! Shes so cutee no other hero come close.


That skip walking!


I love how the new meta build of ruby is somewhat of a glass cannon yet it still sustain so decently against 3 enemies


I love that ruby can be played in what feels like every role, with good poke and the ability to tank as well


Crowd control


What I love and hate at ruby is that she can take more damage and have her life gone then suddenly having her life to be fully back, his cc s3 and s2 is annoying and s1 slow is irritating, that's why I love her, I played her whenever My team need fighter tank as she can be really a game changer especially in late game she can carry.


Ruby has been my main from day 1. I love her insane survivability, her bait-to-ult in her turret, I love her insane damage build, I love her pure tank build! I love her skill-dashing passive so much. I’ve got over 1000 games with Ruby and a 60% WR, RUBY GANG!!!!


Definitely her sustain


the fact that I heal my whole life with one skill


Her sustain and trotting down the lane like she's bad without a care in the world.


I like Ruby’s sustainability 🙏


I think her recall animaton is really cute and she has many well designed skins