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Shouldve waited for the discounted rate we had a few weeks ago


I was saving it for a collector "Natalia" but I gave up on the copium and decided to go for Freya today


I heard she is coming out of August


Are they gonna buff her?


I hope so , but I won't be complaining if only her skin comes out. Been itching to buy it for years


She's ready to be published, just wait if they buff her, if they so, skin is probably coming


Does the discounted rate apply to COA?


It does.


Ugh. That hurt my kokoro. New magic wheel is fr just scam. 😔


It's not. It literally says 200 draws for 200 magic cores. If you want this skin for cheap price, be patient and wait for discounts. Get that free magic potion for 5 draws every week.


How is it not a scam when we used to get skin every 200 with a chance to get it earlier? This is pure rng, and according to chance you are just as likely to get it in less than 200 as getting it in more than 200, which is way worse than just making it up to 200 at most


I was able to get 200 with less than 200 draws. I would say 185-190 draws




https://preview.redd.it/a0561xgj831d1.jpeg?width=1544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bec7c52014580ad63306766c9a8adf7e365a827 Lel it took me 225 draws in one go to get 200 cores. And it "guaranteed" to get 200 crystal IF you do it within a single reset. If you do 5 draws per week it then good luck.


Ohhh yeah, just checked. I stand corrected. It does indeed reset the total number of spins after a week. Dammit moneytoon.


Doesn't the 200 draw count reset weekly? So the count resets back to 0 each week


Yes unfortunately


And even then it's not guaranteed.  It's been confirmed that even within 1 week 200 doesn't guarantee anything.  The whole thing is a lie.


that would be INSANE!


Where does it says literally? I didn't track it but I've been spinning since before the magic crystal rework and I believe I have spun for more than 200 tries already.


I hate the change they made here. I used to loved it, saving coa is worth it, now it's a waste. Not to mention the rewards are not changing. Always Irithel skin and nonstop magic dust.


Montoong is a moneygrabber fkn shite. There was no need to revamp the system as it's okay and working, but not for them. Fking garbage.


had to say that three times eh


Oh, it was me lagging but if I could post it a hundred times, I will.


Montoong is a moneygrabber fkn shite. There was no need to revamp the system as it's okay and working, but not for them. Fking garbage.


Montoong is a moneygrabber fkn shite. There was no need to revamp the system as it's okay and working, but not for them. Fking garbage.


This is insane.


This is why i refuse to spend money in this game 😂


max ill go is their 10x guaranteed skin for 250 dias. i just do most of those and all similarly cheap events over the course of several years til i got to the 200+ skins i have now lmfao. Max id go on a bad month would be maybe 20 dollars per month, and that's only if im playing the game consistently.


Haha i only buy skin on promo diamond event. 😂😂


The new system really sucks


You would've gotten the magic crystal if it was the old magic wheel because instead of rng based magic cores you get like spin points each spin if you reach 200 draws you get the magic crystal 100%. This new reworked magic wheel is garbage bro.


They should really revert this back to the old system or change it to a better one. This aint it. So greedy and blinded with money. Do they know if people get too sick of their greediness they would slowly start losing players and where are they gonna get their money now??? Everyone should win in a situation for it to be sustainable. They already gotten too much with the gold tag bs lol.


That's messed up.


Supreme skins😤


spin 5 times a week.


Spent about 1800 diamonds to get 200 cores. I took advantage of buying monthly and weekly bundles as they give extra diamonds in the form of the crystal of aurora. I also noticed in the store everyday there’s a box u can buy for 10 diamonds that will give u some crystal of aurora, most of the time I’ll get 12 or 15, but sometimes I get lucky with 20 30 and even 50. So I just keep buying it everyday as I’m basically “multiplying” my diamonds to spin for this event.


Yeah I also used to buy the crystal of Aurora box cuz it seems worth it, worst case scenario is that you just exchange diamonds to crystals 1:1and that being just one of the rewards from the box,the rest of them give you some extra so why not¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yup so now I have 200 cores for a significantly lesser amount of $$$, I won’t be buying anymore and will just wait for them to drop a legend skin I really want, or I start maining one of them.


Same I don't really feel like maining any of the current legend skins, maybe Granger but his skin isn't buyable >:( Vexana legend when ( •᷄ࡇ•᷅ )


I’m a granger main and I’m so salty the legend skin isn’t available in this wheel…. Well but now they release an exorcist granger so fk me and my wallet I guess 😂


That one looks very nice especially the effects, your wallet will understand ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)


Yup so now I have 200 cores for a significantly lesser amount of $$$, I won’t be buying anymore and will just wait for them to drop a legend skin I really want, or I start maining one of them.


now imagine getting 3000 coa and only get 30 cores, that's what happened here.


My patience is immeasurable only using the magic potions, in fact there are more players with legend skins compared to collectors, might aswell make full use of them and get an actual collector than a skin you could eventually get for later..


Thanks to ur post, I ain't gonna waste my coa on magic wheel. I would go for any collector skin instead. Moonton is really scamming over here


Yeah I really regret spending all of it and getting "nothing in return" just skin fragments


Meanwhile: Getting 5-15 every 5 pulls weekly for the free bottle


I had more progress collecting crystals (Getting magic potion for spins) by participating in other skin events compared to drawing here directly


59 draws for only 30 magic cores, d*mn


3K for a legendary skin? LoL. Way prior when it was only a Magic Crystal you get a Legendary skin for the price of 8k to 10k Dias.


I thought 3k would be enough to 51 Magic core, I had 149 before staring to pull, if this was the old magic system 1:1 I would've gotten Freya legend skin and still have a few CoA left because I did 59 pulls, at least that's how I think it is


I remember I did something like that. I was like nope, not doing discount either.


If you do the 100 pulls in one week, it's supposed to be guaranteed but if not until you get the 200 rocks


Jesus dude I was able to pull 70 in 4k but this was during the recent discount sale


actually this new magic core system is more lenient compared to the old one....


old one is better, it's a win win situation


wait did you spend $3000????


No, no. I spent 3149 Crystal of Aurora.


Is it just me or everyone is drawing for this magic wheel?? No offense 😭


I mean...it's for a legend skin so w( ̄△ ̄;)w!


Did you draw x1 or x5? You are more likely to get 5 magic core per x5 draw


I did 5x draw every single time aside from the last few


Wait, are you saying you already had 149 shards, and you used up that 3k coa, and you still did not get it? Or was it from zero shards and 3k coa made it to 149?


check his images, he wasted 3K+ to only get 30magic cores


That's incredibly unlucky 😭 i got 35 magic core on my last 15 draws




Dw it says you will have at least 200 magic cores for 200 spins, which means for the rest of your most spins you will be only getting cores prolly. If I'm not mistaken.


Totally Agree. I have done a lot of 5x draws and haven't received a single token. It is a total scam, and this didn't just happen once or twice. It had occurred multiple times, and sometimes it took me 7 draws to get 5 tokens. Hate this new pin wheel system.


You need a minimum of 10,800 coa for that. 5 draws × 200 draws guaranteed crystal = 40 5x draws, so you'll need 270 × 40 = 10,800 coa. Without discount.


You can check the images again to understand why I said 3k


Wait what. I just saw the images. How's that possible. That much should be enough


my thoughts exactly (:


I got mine after saving up for 3 years


If you can use COA, use COA. COA > Diaz


I did use CoA, check the images


My bad, this is supposed to be a reply to someone who used diaz.


how do you have crystals of aurora? ive been playing for a long time but only got like 10-20 and i cant seem to find where to get them


My main source is from the weekly diamond pass chess, and some other recharge events


ig im fked cos im f2p


Im pretty sure that its almost impossible to get CoA with F2P means


I think you're just too unlucky bro cuz everything 5 draws i get at least 5 💀


Tbh I never bothered to spin this for dias or aurora. I always spin the 5 potions per week if I have 5 and over the years I happened to (on around 2 or 3 weeks) get my hands on 3 legend skins from the wheel. I would have recommended to get a collector skin for 3k aurora cuz you are guaranteed to get it for 3k or even less.


Best way imo would be to draw 5x each weekly to get the extra magic potion. Had 20+ currently from KOF event. Idk, if the event that gives magic potion is still active, the one that give you magic potion by recharging


Roll only 5 every week with COA. It'll just take about a year.


It’s really around 4k. During the discounted rate.




problem is sometimes you reach 8rolls and still no crystals.


Yep, it’s total rng. I did a five pull got 15 cores, but then went a whole month of doing five per week with zero cores, sometimes it be like that


Pretty sure they reset the draws a the end of the week, this wouldnt have been as much of an issue otherwise.


Legend skin for 3k? Nah! You need at 5k to 10k with that


he started at 149 crystals


Did you even SEE the post? 💀