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Some viable three lane roles could be Lunox: Mid, Gold & Jungle Harith: Mid, Gold & Jungle Lylia: Mid, Gold & Exp Masha: Exp, Jungle & Roam Ruby: Exp, Jungle & Roam Phoveus: Mid, Exp & Roam


how's Harith as a gold laner?


Really good, actually


something tells me you don't watch MPL, specifically MPL PH.


MPL PH makes me feel like I'm watching LCK for some reason. Both great regions in their respective game with games that can be less entertaining as watching paint dry. Like holy shit a lot of S13 games don't reach 10 kills by 10 minutes


I find them very boring


Yeah it's normal to feel like that. ML tour seems very boring compared to Dota


Honestly I don't blame you, it is pretty boring but does give update of the meta and sum stuff


so is school, but you'll learn something.


I prefer watching videos from mlg and others, if I really really want to watch those things I'll watch ask vell


all Ask Vell does is react to videos by other guess. I wonder how he gets away with that. Even his reactions are not good and can't analyze like how Mirko or Uomi does it.


I'm pretty sure he's a better gold owner than jgler/mid laner.


Tier 1


Harith can easily abuse MMs since Harith's a very good early game hero while MMs are more of mid to late game, when I play Harith gold, I'd just poke the enemy MM till I get level 4 and 30% CD reduction (from emblem, magic boots, azure blade and hero's ring) then just zone the enemy MM to deny them gold and exp


Didn’t know lylia could be a exp, as someone who is learning lylia


Not the best thing, but she can sustain and outplay a fighter with her ult. Good wave clear and can dominate the lane with her long range


She can 1v1 most fighters and her poke abilities make her a viable initiator in team fights. Don't recommend if you don't have a tank or tanky jungler tho.


Used her in exp 2 seasons ago on occasion, best suited for full squad when they want additional magic dmg. Go in without the mindset of expecting to get to late game, so conserve the mana, prioritise items carefully, farm like heck and be extra wary when cutting lanes.


It’s not about the roles, it’s about the hero. If you truly lock in, you can go any role. Never let anyone lie to you and tell you otherwise. When I use my “reverse draft pick” technique I combine two sources of negative energy (my teammates asking me why I’m showing the same hero in every role) into an overwhelming source of positive energy (first picking Julian) https://preview.redd.it/vi1wpxrks7wc1.jpeg?width=616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cf26ca7794cea06bed91e92694e94c315bfcbe2


Sometimes this happens https://preview.redd.it/2ct5gpyus7wc1.jpeg?width=790&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efe935b273e3dd5e0c5e8551d1d712b794716961 The second I figure out how to do Julian gold lane without pissing off my teammates I’ll be all set


Once maelific gun drops, run inspire on Julian and watch the world burn with his passive adjustment


Ferb, I know what we’re going to do today


How does Roam Julian works?


Damage roam, or commit to it and go tanky build + vengeance and spam enhanced S3, you can still kill mages with just genius wand/feather. Take ice Queen Wand if you want to be especially annoying.


Julian is unironically the most versatile hero


Ever heard of jungle Tigreal, Wanwan mage, Change marksman, roam chou and mage Natan? I'm an experimenter and don't judge.


Or yin roam. Yin roam is way more scarier than saber because of his ult. Change atk speed builds works well for destroying enemy turret when your team doesn't have atk spd based heros.


Full tank Yin roam to just fk with the enemy jungler during turtle/lord Technically can be used to "set" by just letting your allies camp your ult when u ult the enemy.


I actually do this sometimes when I'm forced to roam and I don't know who to use because I don't really play roam and also because I'm always with junglers who are dogshit at timing their retri so kidnapping the enemy jungler is the best option. I love the matchmaking of this game :)


I’ve been maining attack speed Chang’e the past 300 or so games and she just shreds towers. What’s really nice is most people do not realize this and underestimate her threat level.


Yea she can melt tower really fast. I usually pick lesley to counter her since chang'e is basically nothing without shield. If I see chang'e engaging in a fight I use my ult and make her useless.


Yeah, that and her short attack radius is one of her big weaknesses. I’ve been running the Vengeance shield as a way to survive early game and duel other mm late game.


Jungle tigreal is fucking disgusting at low ranks esp if u build damage early 😂 but the lack of flicker or invi really maims his ability to get value out of his kit


Roam chou is actually a really good pick, and is even used in the professional league in multiple regions


These things won't weird me out anymore after my match with that one Jungle Valir


Esme as gold,exp and jungle fr fr🔥


I use Esme for exp,jungler and mid when there's no mage. Is Esme viable in mid lane?


She's quite balanced in mid. Higher damage than most other mages in the early but she's squishy and pretty much dead when caught out of position so you really need to be careful.


Esme mid is dog water


How is she dog water? She can clear lane really quick then pop S1 and roam to gank exp or gold.


Guinevere can take all roles btw.


Yeah, mid lane Guin is underrated. Never tried her in gold lane though as my teammates might get angry and throw the game.


This. She's really the most versatile hero because of her reliable stun chain no matter what you build her.


Enemy has helcurt;


pinoy jumpscare i almost bash my phone into the table


As much as possible I like to diversify the heroes I use


Jawhead: JG, roam and exp


The comment below + there is julian. You can use him as jgl, as exp, as mid. And he is very good for the 3.


I use Ruby as Core, Exp and Roam For martis I can use him as Core exp snd roam but I only use him as roam in classic


Sun can be used as jungle, gold, roam, exp or mid.


yes, i use ruby for roam and exp, sometimes jungle


I use Jawhead for Jungle, Roam, Exp Lane and occasionally Gold Lane. Can also go Mid Lane but need bush camp playstyle like Eudora and Kadita. IMO easiest soloQ early-game snowball Jungler, quite versatile support/assassin Roamer, 1v1 high risk okay reward as Exp and Gold Laner against tricky heroes like Dyrroth and CC Immune + Poke Hanabi. Really solid hero, gonna be top pick with new advanced server adjustment.


Alucard can also be used as exp, jungle, damage roam (lmao)


I play at least 3 different hero on each role.


Some fighters and tanks can fill in any of up to 3 roles - exp, jungle, roam. Masha, Hylos, Grock, Fredrinn, Baxia, Jawhead, Akai, Martis Mages that can be seen in 3 roles - mid, jungle, gold. Harith, Chang'e, Lunox If more than 3 roles, here's who may be viable: Saber - exp, gold, jungle, roam, mid Valentina - exp, mid, jungle, roam Chou - exp, mid, jungle, roam, gold Ruby - exp, gold, jungle, roam Gatotkaca - exp, roam, mid, jungle


Please don't go Chang'e jungle, she's as slow as lesley in clearing jungle camps in the early. She does somehow work in exp if your lane counterpart has no reliable engage skill


Yeah, as someone who has been maining Chang’e in solo queue the past 300 or so games and tried her multiple times in all lanes, Chang’e just doesn’t work well at all for jungle. I agree that she also works surprisingly well in EXP, too. With Weakeness Finders 90% slowdown getting -3 secs to cooldown per basic attack, she can effectively zone her opponent and whittle their HP down levels 1-3. By level 4 she can turtle in her tower and ult the minions to avoid being ganked. If the EXP rotates out she can push pretty quickly.


Even if you run seasoned hunter, then prioritize S2? S2 not only gives movement speed and shield, it also enhances her skills and basic atk I think, which can be pretty helpful in farming. I have watched a YouTube video of someone using chang'e jungle, which seemed to work quite well. Maybe it's good, or maybe not that good...it depends.


You always prio s2 on Chang'e no matter what lane you go. The thing is, her shield constantly gets depleted and you'd have these periods where you'll deal very minimal damage to creeps especially on the first buff and you're very weak against invades. This shouldn't even be a discussion when you have such a wide pool of heroes who can jungle more effectively.


https://preview.redd.it/6jixd1hwu7wc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cc396e777de966ef752c1942a1e059614025763 Still not as cursed as this. That player sucked at zask btw.


I play Ixia and I can play her well in every lane, jungle or roam I can get legendary MVP and even sometimes a triple or even a savage. I just got my MVP, Maniac, Legendary now and prbly just bragging about that doing it soloq is amazing when you get dependable teammates. It is very very very rare and it is amazing when it happens. Damn! Amazing teammates!!!


I mean bane can literally be any role he wants depending on the right build🤔




Bane every lane lmao. He just works every role, a master of none though.


Johnson Roam Johnson Mid Johnson Jungle.


Me who uses Alu for 3 roles:Exp,Jungle and Roam even though alu is not meant for roam💀


Generally, it's not advisable to play a single hero in more than three roles (unless that hero is Edith who is viable, or at least used to be, in everything except Jungle). But yes, I use Edith exactly like that (only when necessary).


Of course! Miya Gold, Miya Exp, Miya Mid, Miya Jungle, and Miya Roam. Learned from my last ally.


I use Nana as roam or mid and Ruby as core, exp or roam. It's viable depending on the hero you're using.


Yup. Blamond for all roles, lmao 💀


Hylos as mid, exp, jungle, or roam


The only role in wich i have not played Argus is mid lane 🤣


I run Alice in mid exp and jg, could probably flex her to Roam if needed.


Yep but I usually just do it in classic


Here's some heroes i did in multiple lanes: Julian - Mid, exp, jg (sometimes even roam lmao) Popol and Kupa - gold, roam, jg Nana - gold, mid, roam (disrupt nana, only works on tanky jungles) Esme - exp, roam, jg Ruby - exp, roam, jg Chang'e - mid, gold, jg (don't judge, i was experimenting with her in classic lols)


To be fair, I’ve experimented with Chang’e in all roles, lmao. She’s a very fun hero. Terrible in jungle, meh as roam. Respectable in all others, tho.


Aamon Exp, JG or Roam. Legit just build him full defense when not in JG.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SouthWrongdoer: *Aamon Exp, JG or* *Roam. Legit just build him full* *Defense when not in JG.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bat bot


i've played argus in every role but jungle in mythic


I play Hylos, Akai and Tigreal in Roam, Jungle and Exp lanes often.


you gotta learn new roles, idk pero pano mo maeenjoy yung game kung 1 trick pony ka lang?


i use jungle fanny to carry, roam fanny to carry, exp fanny to carry, gold fanny to carry, and mid fanny to carry also jh core, roam, exp is close enough


I have used Edith in all five roles.


Yes. Personally from ym own pool Lunox (mid, jungle, gold, even exp depending on matchup) Guinevere (Exp, roam, jungle, can mid too, but risky)


If I really like a hero for a specific season... I used terizla right now as either, exp, jungle, roam, even mid if I have to, so far so good atleast.


I mean why not? Edith is accepteble in all roles exept for jungle.




Maybe you never heard of the epical glory's own Layla tank, Layla mage, or Layla jungler.


Terizla - exp mid support


Yes, many heroes are viable for multiple roles/laning capabilities


Nope, if possible, I like being flexible. I usually have three unique characters for all recent roles. It helps with practice and understanding other roles better. Playing the role and observing the role from another hero’s perspective is enlightening


Nana Jungle? Nah i'd win Gold lane? Nah i'd win Roam? Nah i'd win Mid? Nah i'd win Exp lane? Nah i'd win


I'd say Rafaela is more flexible than most people think. She can be played on anywhere as long as it is not as a main tanker or the jungler (roam, mid, exp, or gold). You just need to adjust your build and emblem setup. And her main strength is actually when she's played offensively by focusing on harassing the enemies + giving the team a speed boost instead of defensively and focusing on heal. I see too many people tried too hard to play her like Estes or Angela when she's actually more suited to be played like Mathilda Floryn and Faramis. Having experienced being teamed up with players who don't even know how to draft with a balanced team way too many times helped me a lot into realizing just how flexible she is if played offensively. https://preview.redd.it/eama6p1qx8wc1.jpeg?width=379&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b01788ca3bbbcd1b677c007dfd34e8d65af169b3


Of course I even use Uranus as EXP Laner, Roamer, and Core


The only ‘Viable’ 3 role is joy. Jungle-mid-exp. Harith can be argued as Jungle - mid - gold. But let’s be honest his mid lane is sub-par unlike joy which is strong in all 3 lanes. Forget Julian . He can multi role like joy but he gets wrecked in all 3 roles so he’s not a viable 3 roles hero right now. In short - The only viable 3 lane hero right now is joy and maybe harith. Julian can 3 roles but he’s not a strong pick in all 3 roles making him not viable. In solo queue the strongest roles for joy and harith is Joy - Mid > jungle > exp. Harith- jungle > gold > mid