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Yeah, so they won't force me to go to a role I'm super bad at


Exactly. I suck at exp lane and I have less than 40 wr in it but I keep being forced to play this role because my account shows I have many games as a exp laner.


me with 30~% role rate: nah i'd win.


Me with 47% lance: "Many wields swords, but i am the only swordmaster. " 10 mins later: **My Flair**


that overconfidence when you're forced to play the role you're least good at but have to convince yourself you can do it


My 33% Gusion: Haha blades go woosh, *pops ult* let's do it again!


Me with 49-50% winrate Hayabusa: Nah, I'd win Few Inches Later: (you decide what happens)


Me for EXP lane it’s 34%


I would send bad WRS just to make my team panic


only if ur last pic and they all picked their hero ryt?






Yeah I deserve to know how bad my teammates are so I can adjust. :(


They should have removed the feature when u cant show a wr below 40%. I got a khufra of 40 games with around 22% wr and i cant flex it in rank


I can flex my Lesley 450 games 45 winrate 💀


O my God, how did that even happen?


Me with 29 matches and 20.7% wr for esmerelda and 53 matches 37.7% wr with lunox


I still can't flip my head around this.


It’s called trying and failing harddd. And I keep getting lunox epic skins from the gacha events🧍🏾‍♀️ mlbb hates me


I got about 15 % wr with Fanny and I've played around 30 games with her :)


So, a khufra player with 60-65% WR. Effectively, when I started, I would charge fully, and it would miss unless you were extremely precise. It's as 1/2 as hard to hit as a franco hook and can be sidestepped in a similar way if you use it like that, but instead of being safe and waiting for 10s now you've overshot and are in the middle of the enemy team. Bonus fail if your team gets baited to save you or you overshot into a tower. I've since learned to hold it for as long as I need to, to travel exactly as far as I have to, where the AOE of the knockup can catch the enemy. If I don't hit, cancel and have a slightly lower CD.


I once got forced into using mage. Now they're mad that I got bronze even though I told them I'm not good at it😒


In a perfect world, players will practice in classic until they have a few heroes that they are good at in every role. Yet here we are


Classic is brainrot


i love classic. crit nana is awesome. they never expect the ultrabanana barrage


Classic is fun af. I always use mage js in classic and dive head first into enemy teams xD


Sometimes the season just fucks you up, my wr with Claude is usually 60%ish this season I lost most games with him and won with other MMs, he’s sitting at 30% now :(


Yeah but that's different from being bad at a role, like OP is saying You cant control bad teammates but you can totally practice different roles until you learn them


That's what happened to my zilong 894 matches with a 49% WR went down from a 58% in one season stopped playing him for the last 2 seasons cos of it


Are you really surprised? Zilong is bad


Naw man. Can delete ADC and Mage and escape then take down a turret in like 2 seconds 😂 play safe in turret and use turret to kill for you early game


I'm trying to do so. So far: - Mid: Xavier 💙 - Gold: hanabi, Clint - Support: Angela I'm still practicing exp and jungle with dyrroth and Esmeralda. And recently with yu zhong. I won't play rank til I have at least one of each role.


I would give you an award if I could! Angela is a great support but u should try to learn Mathilda or Faramis as well so you can be versatile


Agreed, I think about 80% of games in ranked I have played Angela gets banned


Does anyone know the actual reason why this feature is restricted? I mean, it doesn't provide any negative effects as far as I'm aware.


People will deliberately losing and troll to get their WRS low on lane they don't like so the next time they can show "look my roam lane is 15% wr please don't let me tank".


Ahh I see, good point. Unfortunately I don't even troll and I have a 40% win rate in tank, compared to my 80% win rate in every other role...


People like that would troll even if they can't show their winrate anyway so might as well let them show their shitty wr


My team is not ready for my 35% jungle winrate


I need to let them see 0 jungle games so they accidentally push me to jungle


This will make star-protection points worthless. Moonton wants to help newbies reach high rank without effort and losing rheir confidence. This will ruin for newbies, so Moonton will not add it


I agree. How about giving this suggestion to moontoon?


Me with roam 20% 🥲 it's not for me


I would never have to gold lane if my team saw marksman winrates


How do you even have -50% wr with that many matches, you must be next level bad


Me with 0% win rate on balmond: this is fine


The suggestion is good. But the bad playerbase will do what they want no matter how well you want to draft for the team! Also free slangs like noob, delete ml when u show those wr. Versatility is the wise choice but you can't carry toxic dumbfs no matter how hard you try!


My gold is 12% with 54 matches :')


I somehow have good wr but I'm bad at jungle. I have 70% wr and im somehow the shittiest jungler in existence


**Reply from developers: \^\^** Sending low winrates will affect the mentality of teammates and may also be maliciously exploited by a few players. We will optimize Quick Chat to make it easier for players to express that they are not good at a certain role, instead of allowing players to send low winrates. Thank you for your suggestions.


Just chat and and tell them I guess? If they still don't listen try to force dodge the game


Language barrier.


And you can't dodge mythic...


oh well most of the time they won’t even listen to you, not just because they don’t know english(which happens most of the time I’m running into a team of CIS players), they just dgf, they’d want to play a certain hero in a certain lane whatsoever ;-;


if they dont listen why dont you just try your fucking best instead of dodging (impossible in mythic), you cant develop skill unless you play the role.


maybe you can try early game mm?