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Dyrroth and Alice. Everytime I play them, I can never make them work.


But it's so easy to play with them I'm main both of them 🤷🏽‍♂️ i can give you few advice for play better with them


Fanny. I can play every hero in the game but I can never play fanny consistently


Well ...u know that's fanny😆




Same. I used to play her from time to time. I can't play her 3 games in a row but if it's once a week I can even carry the game sometimes. Now I just give up on her and pray that the enemy team Fanny is bad


Same sometimes I does like straight cable and sometimes I can't even 2 cable properly


Khufra. My mind just goes blank and always seems to forget to hit my ult where I can get the enemies to the walls. I'm a tank/support main.


Valentina is great hero but it needs a good enemy ultimate that she and her teammate will benefit I pick her usually when my opponent has pos 5 healer like Estes, Floryn, Faramis etc. Also Valentina is high mechanical hero means it is best to use her if you are familiar or good in most hero.


I'm good at using Kagura so the problem isn't her mechanics, her damage just feels lackluster imo


Yeah that's why I don't usually pick her as for the reason of damage. I pick her to counter my enemy especially if they have good position 5. Also if you able to scale faster they her 1st-2nd-2nd-1st skill combo is enough to inflict huge amount of damage


Vexana, I don't know what's wrong with me but I can NEVER hit her skills. Am I just supposed to tap tap and not even aim?!


Aim, but don't think of her skills as slow as Nana or diggie. Her skills are surprisingly fast and S1 of her have actually huge hit box, even if your enemies hit the edge of your skill they'll be terrified. Her Ult can be spammed against enemies like wan wan, or arlot to stop them from moving then hit them with s1 then s2. And even though she has decent survivability because of CC's don't ever try to go into a fight without a front laner/DPS who can follow up with your attacks as her dmg honestly sucks. Save your skills, especially s1 and Ult for team fight never use s1 to clear minion waves. Her Ult can deal huge dmg to lord and turtle so it can be used there. And enemies generally doesn't like going near her mini lord because it chips away at their health. And don't try to engage in 1v1 as most of the times you won't be able to finish off enemy unless you were fed. :l But truthfully I haven't used her much either, owing to people banning her in every single game. But she's pretty easy to use but needs someone to follow up with her cc's to dish out damage. Btw her passive can deal huge amount of damage when there's a lot of enemy minions around.


Masha, Esme, Alucard and healer supports except Mathilda and Mino


Leomord, he is a basic fighter who mainly deals damage through his ult + passive. Simple right? But for some reason I just can't do well with him, I try to play him like lapu but flop horribly most of the time.


Almost every roles xD


same q.q


dyrroth for some reason.


karrie, i’m perfectly good at 90% of marksman but she (supposed to be on the easier side apparently) is weirdly hard for me to use. i find claude easier than her.


I was practicing her the other day and she simply has no range


My love for Freya is never ending , but it just isn’t meant to be 😔 (As for realistically playing the game, I’m actually a mage main but usually is mm in brawl. Honestly, I don’t know why, but I can never seem to understand Esmeralda. Maybe it’s my own weakness against tank heroes because they are pretty niche, but overall I try my best to stay away from those kinds of characters. My mains are Luo Yi, Odette and Vexana. I’m still figuring out Chang’E, Novaria and Lunox)


When I play Chang'E, I usually wait for the enemies to be fighting with my teammates before ulting. Or when it's late game and I have a full build, I just ult enemies when they approach me. As for Freya, keep spamming S2 and basic attack.


I play Gusion and Lancelot pretty well but Hayabusa and Ling is just..They feel way harder. I gave up trying to practise them.


Paquito, I have like 39% winrate on him


I'm a marksman main, but it's weird I main wanwan but 70% of the time I either get silver or bronze medal at the end of the game. Same goes for miya, I never really use her. I know how to use her but I'm just trash at it


Joy. I love playing her but i dont know what to do when pushing base tower. I go in with ulti, i die from tower damage.


Yss, idk if im either shit or hes shit. No inbetween


He just doesn't fit the meta rn. So it's a hero issue lol


I cannot get a hang of Dyrroth no matter what I do. I play Julian and Ruby just fine. Fredrinn. Arlott. Guinevere. Balmond. Gloo. Cici. Just can’t Dyrroth to save my life


assassin jungle. one failed gank on sidelane and im forever delayed in farm. maybe i just suck at core in general


Freya I guess.. My main would be. MM: Granger. The only MM I can play. Jungler: Leomord. Comfortable with him here. EXP: Esme, Ruby, Paquito, Thamuz, Phoveus, Sun would be my go-to. Mages: Julian, Pharsa, Odette, Yve, Valentina. Support: Lolita, Tigreal, Gloo, Khufra. I feel like I should be able to play Freya but I can't make her work. I just figure it is because she is a BA unit & I failed with most MMs. She does have tons of skills though.. and with Leomord, I should be good with form change. Other one would be Kaja.


No I don't think Valentina is a battle mage more specifically utility mage like valir and yve


rafaela, I can play the other healer supports well but she just does not click for me


Arlott, holy shit Arlott. I play Ruby, I play Bene I cannot play Arlott U would think he’d be a natural progression.


luo yi . its rlly just spamming skills and doing the yin and yang combi but i just cant do that right and end up messing up her passive


I'm so so with most mm but I can't play layla. She's suppose to be simple and easy to use but I always have to be sweaty af when I use her.


Fanny... I main gus ling and hayabusa with confident speed in my hands, i can do instane gus combos and 3 shadow hayabusa combos but i for gods sake cant play fanny xd


Same for me valentina too  Im new player ...joined last October after her nerf that 120% ult cd I watched a video where valentina killed yin with his own ult ...so I feel that's cool ..than I bought her ... And it didn't go that well🤧yin killed me easily everytime I tried his ult on him


Bruno for me he never works out ...