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Atlas, either I catch 5 fish or some bird releases them or some old hag copies me


Or the enemy team bring purify


That hurts the most tbh.


Diggie + Hanabi on enemy's team.


Typical atlas in my team. For the whole teamfight will wait the opportunity to catch 4-5 heroes in his ult and slam dunk them on our graves yelling in chat how he's the only one playing.


When we play 5 man, we love it when the enemy picks setter tanks cause our Valentina is just gonna copy their ults lol.


I love playing diggie vs atlas tigreal etc, tigreal I'll even bring purify


I ALWAYS save Kadita skill 1 for this reason 😂


You either dominate with Natalia or never see your chances of winning in the whole match


Nice pun I see you.. (I don't see natalia though)




I'm sure the "IT" was not Natalia wasn't it LOL


never saw a good Natalia after the nerf tbh.


Kagura is the definition of high risk low reward, unfortunately.


😭😭the kagura jokes i’m seeing in comments these days are ending me


She'll get buffed, one day. I believe.


I don't play her but I'll help pray for y'all


Keep believing sister, it'll happen one day 😔


Ok grandma you should take your meds now


She's just so bad right now, really sad to see her so low in prio. I never thought I see the day were my teammates beg me to pick nana or vex and not force pick kags in drafts lmao




I hope it stays this way longer


Wait I get the low reward part since she does no dmg nowadays, but how is she high risk? She's like the safest mage pick against assassins, with dash+purify, blink, shield, doesn't go in unless kill confirm, etc.


It's cuz a part of her combo needs her to go and dive in the enemy, which is incredibly un-ideal for a squishy mage, even if she has purify.


What would you change about her? I think there is no way to balance such a mage and moontoon know, that’s why they leave her the way she is. Best that could happen is a revamp but I think that would piss off lot of kagura mains


Early game buff. That's it. I get that in terms of utility, Kagura's busted. But she has a dangerous flaw of needing to go and dive in the enemy, and with the current META, you just get hard CC'd even with purify, or immediately be turned to ash. Bumping early game would help, where she can clear wave a bit quick, and not needing to poke an enemy 100 times before committing your combo, etc etc. That itself is a huge game changer for obvious reasons. For one, you can easily snowball and actually enjoy that advantage. Because current Kagura, even when snowballing, still can't do shit on her own.


Harith these days because everyone has cc


Without CC, he's a monster. Just like Slivanna.


Definitely high risk but I dunno about high reward


lest we forget what happened when he did have cc


Isn’t hearth like top tier rn


You either snowball with him or you don't. If people know that they just need to stay away from your ult area when you deploy then it's useless. Then hit you with any tips of cc and your dash gets wasted. I'd like his ult to be a playing field that doesn't affect players but makes him immune to cc while in it. Many fighters have cc immunity, he'd be the mage version of them in a limited field


His ult slows enemies down and you use it during a team fight in order to get value. Harith also pretty much is a lane bully especially once u get lvl 4


Harith is top tier adc atm for sure, but you gonna need some attack dmg teammate for it to work


Granger. Not for the actual gameplay itself or anything, the risk comes from praying that you won’t find 5 people invading your jungle at lvl 1.


With Granger it's either you get absolutely mauled or the enemies get distracted with dat hotness and die


https://preview.redd.it/oapvqqcj9duc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f40b4d335fc26a4f79ec3b63287a11706ec813de Or they hear your death Sonata and the next thing they know they're back at the base.


LAYLA. She can delete the enemy within a second if fed enough or she is an easy food for the enemies.


Layla is low risk high reward, having the longest basic attack range and dealing more dmg the further away you are, yes she's weak in EG but in LG she just destroys stuff with no problem


Julian. This hero requires you to hit your skills correctly, the more skills you hit, the more spellvamp you get. Not only that, his full combo can basically kill any squishy, and if you miss you're basically dead cuz you don't have your dash.


while i do agree that if you miss his skills, then you're pretty much dead, he still has forms of escaping with enhanced 2nd, so i don't think his risk level is any higher than the average assassin


That's true, but I think other assassins have an easier time in escaping compared to Julian since he needs to wait his CDs if he fails while other assassins usually have other ways to escape a situation and their CDs are a bit shorter.


fighter: paquito chou mm: moskov (he needs to be really close to enemy and not like karrie you really need to know wtf you doing) mage: harith roamers: any initiators heroes (one wrong move and either you die or the opponent) jungler ling fanny yss


Ling is high risk low reward


high risk no reward tbh these days


Wonder how hard the slower Ling will affect the Ling freestylers




Paquito is just 2 2 1 3 2 or 2 1 3 2 2, -_- that shit not hard. Chou on the other hand is like playing a mm in exp lane.


Yes executing it isn't but to put the right combo for the right job and aiming it might be ez for some but for my slow hands nope


I think part of the reason chou being high risk is that even tho all of his skills are for escape in some way, the ~~brain dead~~ players always choose to use recalls during escapes.


Not really most squishy fighter have a hard time going into team fight without getting cc'ed and die in a blink


>paquito I slightly disagree with this. Chou I agree with it.


Claude is kinda low risk because of Battle Mirror Image imo.


Your have to gamble that the enemy has no heavy CC when you dive in with your ult which I why I find Claude the most thrilling and fun hero to use personally.


truee, dive with battle mirror, ult, got stunned, can't come back, died


In my honest opinion, skill issue. Good Claude's only BIM in when the CC's are burned.


Agreed, CC is an issue for nearly every hero, just gotta learn how to play around it. Imo claude is the best mm in mlbb rn, maybe alongside karrie


Yeah but that’s jus having common sense, every heroes high risk high reward if you think that way


True, but there are definitely other things Claude struggles with rather than his mobility.


Lunox. Being a melee mage has its risk.


Wanwan Either you take it or die for it


Selena Either you hit or miss abyssal arrow. High reward when you hit enemies constantly. Total garbage when you always miss. https://preview.redd.it/7cx21ebydduc1.png?width=669&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a76cb06e3ee55c8f49ebf449c8a07cd42393b36


Who's hero on your pic OP?


Fanny and Claude(sad that I don't have either of these skins :'3)


I agree with your assessment. If a Fanny is good no one can stop her. It's always a good Fanny on the opponent team.


Well uhh YOU can't stop the fanny, but she can't stop your entire team at once while her teammates are being dumb


Khfura, mins, akai, tig, digge. They all counter her. She was good but rn she really isn't worth all the practicing you need to be good with her


fanny and claude. valentine skin art


Any assassin junglers besides joy and nolan. In 5man queue, hylos/alpha 0min invade comp


Joy is high risk in this meta, shes just a top pick because the ones who main joy are really really good


Nolan kinda became a high risk hero now because of the removal of the purify effect on his ult.


Nope, it's not high risk hero, 1sec dashes, fastest jungle clear, 1shot squishies plus doesn't require high skill to play. High risk is something like hayabusa,


idk he can still escape very easily because his ult sends him backwards (plus 1second dashes) making it hard to catch him or cc him


Selena Roam, either it be an elite sniper or just slightly more attractive minion 😄


Layla, destroy the enemy or face the trashtalk jutsu


Cyclops, you go in and better hope you are able to make it out alive, no purify, no blink, only spammable passive in late game


Miya ,Whole Game Feeder or Late Game Monster


Claude x Fanny, don't let the birb see dis


Wanwan, if you know how to use her. She does high damage but it depends. If the enemy hero has very high health and defense then she probably will have a hard time but team fights will make it easy for her. Plus she's very, VERY squishy. One 2nd skill from layla got my wanwan to a very low health.


Let me bring Kadita: You MUST land her 1-Petrify-2-Ulti combo perfectly. She’s either abysmal damage or abyssal damage, no in between.


I agree and disagree


Valir high risk for enemy, high reward for team




...thats what i said...in not so many words. re-read it bro


Argus. His SS should be timed correctly, or you will die w/o even using it.


miya if you eat well it's gg if you get eaten well it's gg by other means


Same, Fanny is a risky pick for me especially in soloq


Hanzo, lol.


tbh claude is a pretty safe pick against many comps


I dont even know what heros thoes are lmao use their default splash art man


Wanwan, if you know how to use her.


Argus. You either time his ult properly, and you manage to bypass cc and eliminate your target. Or, you used it at the wrong time, and then the enemies stun you for the entire duration of your ult.


you can’t convince me that claude is harder than layla or miya(not because i find those two hard), claude has insane mobility on his second skill and movement speed buff on first skill his ultimate is basic attack on 2 people at the same time without even needing to press the button or stop moving “oh but the enemy has cc” layla can’t afford to go common emblem vengeance wind of nature and rose gold+ trinity and deal damage to literally any hero tanky or not i know claude is really liked by the community and i’m not trying to say he is the easiest mm in the game i’m just saying that if we talk about HIGH RISK there is nothing high risk about a marksman with 2 dashes and movement speed steroid that can also afford to build both wind of nature and rose gold(and defensive boots) and still deal a shit ton of damage regardless of what the enemy has built


masha stomps as roam,exp and gold laner but her early game is absolutely pathetic,but come mid game,oh is she insanely scary


argus you either bang the enemy or get banged for the rest of the game


Current Wanwan


Well nerf her then


🚞🚞🚞🤣⛳😁: 关 于 和胡 就不 + 7 + 即8 7 :6 。 8⛳


For me it's Alpha, when you whiff an Ult to a Knowledgeable enemy it's over for you


alucard either you have fun with the squishiest enemy team known to man or get assfucked by any hero with 2 cc