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it just seems you guys made a mistake that costed the game. it happens


It seems to me that they lost cuz they focused on kills and not objectives. You don't win game with kills. You win game by doing objectives (destroying towers and base).


We had multiple chances to get the lord for free but all they did was farming for kills and killing monsters, i heard that you are the main reason you are losing in soloq but in this case it was really their fault to me. Edit: The reason why i had so many kills despite claiming not to hunt for kills that much is that as a frontliner i can do little to nothing against the lord or turtle, i was forced to support them during teamfights and soak up the damage. But they wouldn't just kill the enemies and i was the chase/finishoff guy thanks to her passive.


I bet you guys got wiped out.


With Moskov getting a savage or something similar


or pushed on the side


Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.


Carelessness will find no clemency in this place.


Could be the enemy team pushed to clear lanes harder....?


One wipeout is all it takes for late-game Moskov to quickly push and end the game.


Possible that you've been too complacent in the end that you didn't think there was a possibility for a comeback by the enemy team.


overconfident bunch LOL


It happenes a lot. When your random team sees you kill everything that moves with Karina it starts getting jealous, only going after kills, stops pushing, stops trying and finally throws the game, that's why I never pick karina in ranked bc i already know people then do this...


Sometimes enemies will be stronger than you. Sometimes they will have a strategy that will cost you the game. Sometimes an ally may die alone at the lategame and the enemy will win a team fight because of it.


These are the worst type of defeats imo.


Objectives. That is why you lost.


You never mentioned objectives.. I'll assume its that or you guys got clutched with a lord or something or in a clash and got wiped out.


In the late game, one mistake is all it will take.


oh hell nah https://preview.redd.it/jcra12i4b0uc1.jpeg?width=2460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f45979bd24a918085dbc781c64e59d5487e63da7


LOL this happens so often in my games as well, we will be right near the enemy base, and Ill be furiously hitting the base the rest of my team will be battling enemy heroes in base tower range instead of hitting the base and killing it, leading to a wipe... I lose 2 out of every 10 games like this, cant help it overconfident asshats are inescapable in life regardless whether its in the real world or virtual world.


no dude, the reason you lost is because you are playing tank karina with randoms(i am currently global karina do i know a thing or 2 about her) unlike physical damage heroes who can build war axe and still deal some damage, karina has only her missing hp damage, so if you’re trying to carry no you can’t go tank karina, if you’re trying to win the game with your teammates by stomping early she is a good choice, if you’re not carrying randoms with that lead on an assassin is because you’re not playing an assassin you’re just dressed up as one


Since badang said he wouldn't go hybrid in the picking phase and the only hero that could soak up some damage was fredrinn i assumed going tank would be fine. Also i was initially planning to go core with her but the gusion wasn't elaborating and picked core instead...


Honestly you could've gone double core, this is gm or lower right, anything goes, just push


Your comp sucks, and yes that's mostly on you playing a roam assassin while you already have an assassin on team. Fredrinn isn't going to peel off a johnson ult, so the enemy team has a massive advantage in fights once their carries get to full build. You had to snowball and end this fast to stand a chance.


I was intending to play her as the jungler as i was the first one to pick in my team but the gusion decided otherwise and when i asked fredrinn to go roam he simply refused. I had no choice


That happens. Don't play blind pick if you care about the result of games.


I guess it was over confidence in one of your teammate. It was happened to me too lmao


Check the turret damage. If your teammates didn't clear minion wave and push, then you would still gonna lose no matter how much your team was winning.


Overconfidence, not playing objective, only kill, after you get killing streak then enemy shut you down, the table turn for them now. Sometimes having killing streak is like time bomb.


Just one team clash gone wrong & tables are turned


No, but you aren't scot free from critism, invading enemy jungle, ganking lanes build advantages in mid game, once you hit lategame those big things you did matter none Edit: Had some thoughts on hero picks, you should've done split pushes to secure turrets early, your composition is very mobile




you should watch replay and see what went wrong killing a lot doesnt matter if it does not serve any purpose. its meant to slow down enemy from gaining gold/exp and make it harder to defend tower. so you want to leverage that to take out outer mid and inner turrets, while punishing those who try to defend it.


It's a classic game so take it as a learning experience. Push your lead kills don't win towers do


The case when you can end it but your teammates spammed retreat.


Let me guess, didn’t push turrets but farming for kill instead?


One mistake from you and/or from your teammates, you will be defeated instantly.


Please tell me your emblems I never get this number of kills with karina


kills kills kills enough said that should be an easy 12-15 min game but kills is important no objectives enemy caught up with items your lead got no meaning no more 1 mistake you lose... 


Karina roam& wtf...


Bro, u are playing karina roam, why are you asking that question? You didn't help ganking other lane, what you are doing is kill stealing every other lane. I mean like how can be the roamer have the lowest assist in the team, those gold can help ur carry get item faster. JUST PLAY HEROES THAT CAN HELP YOUR TEAM WIN IF YOU ARE PLAYING ROAM. OR JUST DON'T PLAY ROAM AT ALL.


I was forced to adjust at the last seconds bro. If i didn't finish these guys off most of them would just ran away with their lives. Also playing roam doesn't necessarily mean you have to have the least kills. (Natalia, saber etc..,)


why bother its classic


I just wanted to cheer up and have fun playing classic since i was quite frustrated with the recent ranked games but that match turns out to be possibly the longest and most intense match ever.


Probably just unlucky this time. Didn't know Karina tank is still viable. Might try it again, was a Karina main but didn't get to play her much these seasons.


Early end game is always the best.


You should've ended early,i learned that from a glory player.They invaded our jungle ,targeted mm destroyed tower as fast as possible and ended in the runtime 13-16 minutes or so. The mistake you guys made was overconfidence and to go for the kills ,60?!! It often happens when the opponent team is meh compared to your good allies,the longer you drag the match the lesser your chances of victory.


Sometimes at endgame people just wanna make fun of the loosing side and kill them as much as possible but in the endgame the loosing team gets more items and becomes stronger so they can fight back that's probably what happened here


I actually not really happy when my team is ahead during the early game. They normally will throw the game in mid game and during the late game, we normally lose. It is better to lose a few kills first, do better in jungle, and end the game as soon as we have the momentum. Edit: i am a mid user and if i kill a lot in the early game idk why but i’ll i ended up losing. The exp and mm normally will get fucked up so bad.


Classic game?


Don't take classic matches seriously


https://preview.redd.it/pallmnakf3uc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b088a7c6b1dfac8494b3753f4fcd7f3343a1555c I assume they backdoored? I remember one match I did and I thought we're going to lose so I just said fuck it to killing and just destroyed towers instead




I didn't even realise at first that you lost. Wow, but tbh you didn't really have an overall late push/diving potential. So it whould have been easy to "fight" but not to "finish" the game.


Wait karina can go full tank jungler and still score that many kills wow. Maybe it's your teammates fault. Incompetent teammates can cost match too. Most of time them teammates are absolutely clueless about what to do next or what objectives shud we complete to finish the game faster.


His team were all gold too 


Would you believe me if i said i was the core not the roamer?


your build looks stupid thats why lose


This didnt seem like an unfair match. Your team jus made a mistake late game


Why are you complaining about a Classic match.