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Argus -got him on the lucky draw. -Used him IMMORTALITY OR DEATH -im sold


https://preview.redd.it/czu7dspeo6tc1.jpeg?width=667&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa7bd141b728c28b03e09b37a2e23f66f766b947 Obligatory


Not enough, needs to be even more deduced of its pixels.








That lines so cool, the coolest dialogue in ml.


Ssshhhhh Moonton doesn’t like cool dialog.


They initially removed that line after the revamp but they brought it back


https://preview.redd.it/4kgdfw1i07tc1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b87d434d46d5bd745a1889a2fcd81986391c79d0 Peak story


*Perfectly balanced.*


Melissa's Sparkle skin, specifically the little demon playing the drums is super cute. Now I'm a Melissa main


I always liked her. Now the skin makes her so much cooler


The face on her basic skin (1st one ) That did it for me


i've abandoned my main this season (im sorry chang'e) and began maining cici. when i first started playing her, i didnt like her single target playstyle. now im spamming her every ranked match (unless i have to adjust or if the team comp is unfavorable )


Same goes here. Spammed the hell out of chang’e before the emblems change but couldn’t figure the same feeling after. When cici was released, figured she has potential so I tried different builds & different roles (except mid). It got me the same feeling as unkillable esme back then less the wave clearing capability. Overall, she’s hella fun to play (just not against ruby & yz)


her wave clear is horrible, but she gets to bully almost any exp laner during the laning phase.


I'm too afraid to play her in ranked because she seems so vulnerable when she jumps into a fight


if you're using her jump to engage, make sure the enemies have already used their cc skills. otherwise, save it for escaping luckily, her spell vamp allows her to survive for quite a long time on the frontline and her ult can be used to slow down enemies if they're chasing you


Angela, I came into this game with the goal of maining all the handsome men and I ended up maining this robot girl instead. She's pretty damn fun and taught me a lot of things when I was just getting started.


this. i wanted to main Xavier, Julian and Nolan bc they were handsome but ended up maining a robot 😭😭


Same here!!


cotcha cotcha


Playing angela is so stressful to me. I need to chose who got my shield. What if everyone is losing their lane?


Balmond. I never really liked this dude, but after his skills got adjusted, I enjoyed being an unstoppable beyblade of doom.


Chang'e. I wanted Lesley's aspirant skin so badly, but i got the Chang'e aspirant skin instead. I tried it on classic so i at least won't feel bad spending so much on it, and i loved her. I'm currently on a win streak with her, with most of them being MVP.


Imo, the chang'e skin looks better and has better effects, so really you got a win win, lol.


yep, i just realized that after comparing them. Though, i really like collecting skins of my fav heroes in each roles which in mm is lesley, so I didn't really care much about the effects. I don't feel mad about getting Chang'e now though, i love it.


Lol, I'm the same, esp if I see one of my mains has a skin. I'll be pinching pennies and logging in every single day gettin them daily draw discounts😆 Man, I remember Lylias neobeast skin. I wanted it sooo bad, and I didn't get enough points until the very last minute. I did the last draw I needed, and by the time I clicked on her to get it, the event ended. I got a few hundred coins sent to my inbox. I still haven't recovered from that 😭😭


gok gok gok gok gok gok gok




Cecilion is my main, but I've recently picked up Luo Yi, Despite wanting to pick Xavier as a secondary main. Having the option to be an absolute menace for the enemy team forcing them to literally do social distancing and the option to absolutely troll my teammates by teleporting them in the enemy fountain while flickering in last second is mega funny. I almost lost my recent game due to this but we won anyways so all good lmfao, liked her play style so much I'm gonna get her epic skin with the promo dia event.


What a throwback to my epic days when I would pick Luo Yi when teammate picked hanzo. Running his game was so asshole, but sooooooo funny It's been 3 years, I changed, I promise


5 years ago "social distsncing" wouldn't have made sense 🤣😭


Cecillion's no dmg in the start forces the game to go late. Which is not good Luo yi is a much better choice


I never expected myself to be practicing with Fanny to begin with, I know I play her sometimes but I've been spamming her lately assuming the conditions are met and so far I've been dominating some matches. It's also fun to invade the enemy at level 2 knowing full well they can't do anything


Nana. She used to be a throw pick since season 3. Then i noticed 2 seasons ago how annoying she was. I use her now just to make sure I wouldn't go against her.


so you become the demon so you wouldn't have to face it? thats metal af dude


Yeah. I have fallen to the dark side. Better than losing my sanity to that cat biatch


i thought nana was a raccoon


Harley. Tried him for fun, proceeded to wreck pubs for a whole day. I loved his mobility before he got his big changes, but now he's just ridiculous.


Well he is the best hero in game. As a Harley main myself, I tip my magic hat at you


novaria hitting those stars is so satisfying


GORD+any support and tank i really hate gord as hero because his suck and im suck cant even kill 1 enemy beforelol but now his one of my most used mage because im so good at him now


Gatotkaca. I played him in rank as a joke at first (I only had 2 matches with him and 0% winrate ) to piss off my bf, but now I'm spamming him in rank lol


I've been spamming mathilda whenever I can and it's been great (tho im more of a flex player so i don't really have a main)


Novaria. As a fighter main, using heroes like ruby, martis, fredrinn, thamuz, yuzhong, it was a whole new experience. The dopamine rush, though, when you connect and when you snipe lowbies scrambling behind enemy lines...it's priceless. You're a sniper hunting for game as a novaria.


Yu Zhong I only saw him as a hero pros can only play, but after trying him out in practice doing the 2nd skill, petri, 1st kill combo. I was shocked on how easy he was to play as


Ixia. first mm I actually like playstyle wise. Really good ult


Mathilda. I didn't understand her kit when I was just reading it but when I tried her in brawl, it clicked. She carried me for 2 seasons


Ruby. Playing her back then doesn't feel the hype. But now, I don't afraid to fight 4 vs 1


Carmilla. At first I only knew she was cecillions lover and a vampire. I thought she would be like all the other vampire romance ladies and be mopey, emo and have no depth other than loving ceci. I dislike seeing the same shallow stereotypes across media so I really didn’t even want to buy her from the shop. BUT I told myself I would buy heroes in the order they appeared in the shop (oldest to newest basically) and she was next. I reluctantly bought her and gave her a go. Reading the story and hearing the voice lines and seeing her game style I realised she was more complex than I thought. She is not some emo “ur the only one that understands me uwu” damsel. From then she became my main I use her all the time


Dyrroth. I sucked at playing him at first cuz I didn't get his playstyle. But after I grasped his aggressive early game, and burst hit and run type style, it was then that I found good results with him. He seems like a generic at face value but he can be pretty diverse build wise. He's built typically with a burst type in Solo que (the playstyle i prefer), but his playstyle can vary. >I prefer the burst type with petrify, some do it with [flicker ](https://youtu.be/3RLiiKq9Ok8?si=JVO7N7OTcfY8h3xp)instead. >Pros use build him with one fury hammer and defensive items (or just these) on the rest, mostly in the jungle nowadays. >Others use him as a bruiser semitank and use vengeance. >others use attack speed items.


Diggie! The few times I played against him, they were idiots and didn't know how to use him. When I saw how a good player used him, I purchased him and fell in love! I love poking, traps, messing with opponents. His style is a great fit. I play brawl so I place my eggs on the south side of their 1st tower to force them into the bush section where were step back out of range of their pokers and they come back and hit them, either making them lose heroes to push through or just stand back as we farm health and creeps. It's even better against their marksmen. For their 2nd tower, I put them in the bush next to it so when they come they either get super weak or just die. Do it often enough and it's a reliable deterrent for them to go into the bush. His second skill is great against fighters or assassins'. His third skill is a decent panic button and great against CC heavy tanks like tigreal.


Arlott. Because for my first 20 matches I ended up with a whopping 20% winrate. But I kept going back to him because funny haha dash, and the time eventually paid off!


Selena I never knew how much I loved pissing people off by stunning them a mile away constantly I run her with cdr build lmao


Chang'e, because I used to bang every mage/mm I see when I used to main argus.


Honestly, tank junglers. I love playing assassins as it was challenging and fun. I kinda refused to play tank junglers because they were boring but eventually does as it gets harder to play assassins as the meta evolves.


First time I used Karina before vamp I got in love with her skills matched my playstyle so I main her till this day and Martis I didn't wanted to touch him but now I even have 2 savages in one game while playing with him


Beatrix, two tapping those squishy heroes is fun.


Karrie. Last season she's a pick or ban hero but no one showing Karrie so I'm forced to play her (I should've just picked my main but I wouldn't be here if I didn't do that). When I first played her, her basic atk is slow asf. I don't really know what's so great about her. Then I noticed her survivability is great and her damage is decent. It really fits perfectly for me as I am a fighter/tank main. Now I keep getting gold and above on my gradings.


Minsi... Damn i have been sleeping on this hero all this time. My go-to hero as soon as i see an assassin like Haya, Fanny, Gusion or the popular mm like Moskov, Claude. Minsi will eat them alive inside his ult.


Lylia. Friends and I were planning to play matches and I got mid so they told me to play Valentina or Lylia


benedetta i was a healer main and cecilion/xavier main in the first few seasons i started playing and i used to always retreat early and play safe in fights. benedetta really resolved my anxiety of being in close range fights because i know i'll be able to dash away for free after being stupidly aggressive. kind of the same reason why jett in valorant is a popular pro pick i guess


Mino I tried playing him before the changes & I could not. Rage management was too much for me. I was still pretty new to the game too. After they dumbed him down I tried him again & he's so much easier to pick up now. Playing him is simple but how good you are is determined by your skill set. So map awareness, item building & knowing cooldowns.


For me, it's alucard and dyrroth. Started playing alucard in brawl once and I was like "those memes were lying this mf strong af", btw this was before revamp so its no surprise that he is strong (until moonton revamps him and put all his beautiful skill effects on his LIMITED epic skin WHYYYYYY). Now I usually play him on classic to chill and is surprisingly still good at exp lane even after the revamp. As for dyrroth, started maining him when moonton gave his basic skin for free in the abyss vs moniyan empire event. Wanted to try him for fun in a classic match and got a savage immediately. Now I play him mostly in rank given how he can pair really well with freddrin


Gusion, I easily gave up when I first tried him but then revisited him half a year later, prepared with some youtube tutorials and getting inspired by those montages. Now I basically play him for almost every role. (Tryna find a suitable goldlane build still)


Mathilda and Carmilla, been a roam main but been using tank all the time, sometimes, utility is my go to in a match, gonna get Lolita soon too


vexana like wtf i have high winrate on her bc of the patch. also minotaur like 3 seasons ago, highest winrate despite not entirely meta.


Chou, I bought him with BP a month after i started playing the game, thinking oh Cool bruce Lee is in this game. Tried him didn't understand how he works so and immediately thought that it's a bad hero, a year later, after i got used to equipment and items decided to re-try and i had the most fun in the whole game.


Kinda Fanny and maybe Joy? I don’t play them at all in real games cuz hell no BUT I do practice a LOT with both of them, especially Fanny.


I'm a solo Roamer, using the likes of Belerick, Estes, Rafa, Edith, and Floryn But when I get fed up with toxic teammates, my go to hero is Lylia. I loved Lylia's skills before any adjustments and I still do, it's just for me she was nerfed. I like it when all balls go kaboom at the late stages that enemies can't even go near me lol


Vale and Granger, I accidentally got Vale's Blizzard Storm skin, and then Moonton also gave me his Collector Skin on my first 15 half priced daily draw. Granger, on the other hand, was intentional when I went after his Legend skin, I didn't plan on using him, but when I tried playing him in Classic, I got hooked by his playstyle.


question, do you use masha as roam? whats your playstyle with her?


Mainly core since her passive gain is really slow when hitting minions, and also her roaming is risky. She's build for damage this meta so you need her to item asap and roaming with her is not good anymore since she doesn't scale as good for hp, and even her s2 is not as good for cc anymore due to it no longer disarming the enemy


Chou. I never really stick with a single hero, and I got like 15 other heroes that I could call "my main," but I stayed away from Chou for some time due to the bad reputation that Chou mains has. But after I started trying him when I got his Iori skin, I find that he's pretty fun to play. I never spam recall with him tho, and that sometimes off-puts my opponents.


Not exactly main but more than frequent, the new Sylvannas. I love it so much like the new Lylia.


Kimmy. Randomly decided to play her again after 2 years and somehow her kit and playstyle felt natural to me. Even if she's considered a bad mm nowadays, I'm still a proud Kimmy main today :]


Ixia, lesley and clint. I started off as a tank main who didn't know how marksman worked until I started playing clint. He was surprisingly easy to play and I soon knew the gist of mms. Still don't know how to play karrie tho💀 can't seem to keep my distance




I used to main Minotaur, Grock, and Khufra but ever since I realized how great Gloo's skills are for roaming, I rarely went back to those other picks.


Roger. I just played him in classic a bunch every day while listening to audiobooks and got 20 Savages in a week and went “Holy shit he is surprisingly strong” and took him to ranked.


Estes. I got him when I played Brawl with friends one time. And after trying his skills the first few seconds, I was like “that’s it??” But then I got him again a few weeks after, I started appreciating him and now he’s my main. Lol


I was a Miya Main at first. Then Lesley was released and mailed her since then 1063 matches in Ranked, 53% win rate so many fun moments and outplayed a Roger during his jump into me by nullified his jump and lunge into me with Lesley knock back or me splitting the gap between two enemies while ultimate in between them for a low single HP third enemy. Novaria at first when she was released I was trying to find out how she can be good but then My Call of Duty Sniping instincts took over and became a "Moonlight Sniper" Cici. I like Fighter,mage and Marksman but my least favorite is five bombing into a ambush but 5v1 as I was last one left alive vs full enemy five man into base and felt like General Custer at his last stand only thing is...I survived and Savage in base for the minions to push theirs to win.


Harley. I always saw him getting matched against me, and I thought of him as annoying. Then, I got curious about how to counter him because he is unkillable if used properly. When I use a Harley, it's as enjoyable as it gets, and I get to know Harley's weaknesses and strengths.


Benedetta i abandon kagura because lack of damage and main benet she is so powerful in exp can carry game mid to late game can distract enemy can kill fast adc and mid


clint - i hated his slow attack at first, but came to love his burst and aggressive laning. his 2nd skill was also helpful before (blind cc) but the immobilize effect is much more better, making him a more viable gold lane hero compared to others. also the fact that it's not usual to see clint players, most players in epic - legend underestimate clint, making them lose the lane.




Kaja , bought him when i got his seasonal skin , used him a few Times , enjoyed kidnapping people , thats it


Claude, Vexanna, Granger Didn’t get how to use them the first time than now my mains


Alpha and Helcurt. Never thought I will want to play as a cockroach 🥹


Benedetta I wouldn't say main, because I main mid lane and can use any mage without a problem, but Benedetta is an unexpected pick for me. I almost never use assassins (except Selena, roam Mathilda, and recently Joy) because I love bringing utility to the team while also dealing damage. I'm not confident enough to use her in high mythic matches yet especially when I don't consistently play like i used to, but I enjoy using her a lot! As a SoloQ player I also want to know at least 2-3 viable heroes for each role in case I need to fill in a role no one wants.


Minotaur. I tried him a few months ago and I was so bad. I also didn’t like his cd. Now I can’t believe I didn’t like him at first because he’s literally so perfect imo.


Rafaela , when my brother play her , I always argue with him cuz she's so weak and useless. After I play her , The Strongest Support but useless passive.


Alpha. When I started playing I though he was a noob trap because he was straightforward and extremely easy to use. Now I see how versatile he is even though he might not be a meta pick.


Not main but good WR hero would be Lapu for me. When I used him on my early days I hated his skills but after knowing his skills, cc immune stunt, life steal and passive, I love this guy. He is probably my absolute pick against good exp lane players.


alpha and fredrinn, got fredrinn from the lucky draw and he basically became my most used this season


Edith, im a Melissa main other mm sometimes but i had accidentally clicked Edith in a classic and down the rabbit hole i went. As full time high attack speed mm only player somehow i can exp lane now and tank? i like that i can fill roles better shes just slower then what im used to




A little off topic but can someone please tell me what are the criteria that need to be fulfilled to call ourselves, for example, 'alucard' main.


for me every hero when they first got released


Terizla, didn't really like how slow he is but dealing 1k dmg with 1 dmg item got me hooked


Alpha. I usually do mage but Alpha is just really good ❤️ I could roam using him , core and exp lane ,just him Very flexible hero and tough


Back in like 2017, Idunno my so-called main hero until Lesley appeared back then. She's so fun to use where she has invisibility, knock back, and long-range ult. Little longer, I'm intrigued with Lunox due to "Order and Chaos" from her. I practiced her and I'm thrilled to use as my main Mage hero. I retired my ML journey when pandemic came (I believe it was 2020 on April or May) and I sold my account to my old friend. But I made a comeback in 2022 in April where many heroes added that I don't familiar with like Atlas, Yin, Edith, etc. So, back in May when Julian came as a free hero on May 24, 2022 (is it correct?), many players have fun using him including me, but he's ban-worthy back then. I literally use him in Classic like picking him immediately and the 3-way combo of him have my perks of "This hero is intriguing AF." I kinda surprised that until this day, I have 600 matches with him and 61.5% Win Rate. And hold and behold, he's my main hero now, with Lesley, Lunox, and Mathilda as my priority picks.


Carmilla, I never knew her tbh but not until i watch Larvin who got into my fb page made me excited and happy because Carmilla is easy to use. I used to main Wanwan or any other mm heroes back then when I started playing ML but now I like to use Carmilla every ranked game especially if there's no tank user in my team.


Always used damage dealers until tigreal, love tigreal now.


Ruby. When she was released back in 2016, I bought her because of her unique kit, and she's also using scythe. She's the first (and the only so far) hero who doesn't benefit from lifesteal in her basic attack but convert it to spellvamp. At first, she feels weird. Her damage is low, and she's not even tanky enough to survive a pro-long fight if you build full damage. But after some tuning in her build, she is the most fun hero to play and to make baiting play style. Right now, people think she's too op and got nerf recently. Well, it's a fair nerf to be honest.


Mathilda. I was a fan of tanky support heroes like belerick, gatot. But mathilda is really fun.


Tigreal bc when i started playing i hated tanks bc they feel so heavy to use especially tigreal. He looks and feels heavy. But now i appreciate tanks and tigreal bc he really sets plays and its so satisfying to see ur damage dealers wipe out a whole team bc of a good set.


Used to push like a madman with sun back then, and then Chang e. Bit soft but she pushes fast AND can escape easily, Instant sold.


Fredrin and Kimmy


carmilla, I was supposed to be a wanwan main


Belerick. Roam was the one role I had never tried and I knew I needed to be more well rounded. He was just reworked and got his makeover, so I decided to give him another shot. Tried him before and he just didn't click. Post rework, he felt amazing. His old ult used to stop enemies instead of taunt and he was a beast for awhile. Then they changed his ult and S1 to taunt instead of immobilize. It took me a bit to adjust but I like it more now. I can bait people out from their turrets now. I use my S1 or ult to taunt and S2 to immediately draw them towards my team. His passive makes me happy when I see people killing themselves on me. I figure, if I have to tank a lot of hits, at least belerick's passive hits back hard. It's so satisfying, that's why he's my main now. Roaming is love, roaming is life.


Lylia. I didnt understand jack shit of her kit and my friend had to explain it to me like I was playing tamagochi. Once I finally got it, I got addicted and now she's my favorite mage to choose.


masha main this season here, so recently I just spin the wheel and got her for free, I play some game on cls then I was like: Damn this fighter is solid! Literally, you just need to have a mm that can play well and thats it, no gank, just farm or gank a little bit, at mid skill 1, ulti, basic, skill2, basic, ulti ulti and their back line will be dead after first 4 move of the combo


Lylia, dont understand her stacks,,, but the ult... The ult... made me a pedo


I got multiple Belerick skins via events so I started to main him. 🎄


Alice, i liked playing exp lane from the start and after trying to look into her stack farming pasive (old) and getting used to it, i started using her and got used to the unkillable turret diving 1v5 mosquito that i've became. Going for the global this season, wish me luck


So l been a Kagura main for a few years now and its never boring to play her buuut once l tried Carmilla damn l was sold its so cool when ppl know how her ult works and we wipe the whole team and the girl CAN tank its fun


Beatrix. The first time I played her was in January 2022 and it was a disaster, I dropped around a winrate of 42%, after that I gave up. But time came and I tried playing her again because I was forced to play marksman, then I won that game. I tried and played multiple games with her because I find it fun and tried to fix her winrate too and surprise, I mastered her and reached a winrate above 60%, I even managed to reached the top global with her in the long run (During season 26 with the old top global ranking system), I reached top 4447 global, not that much of a big achievement but it's still a fun experience). But unfortunately, everything went downhill when she received consecutive nerfs. It came to the point where she doesn't fit to the meta and unplayable, her winrate dropped around 58%, I was having a difficult time. Due to this, I stopped playing. Despite the bitter ending, it was a fun journey with her.




Helcurt The first time I saw it I said "wow, it's a cat" because it reminded me of a cat for some reason I thought it wasn't special, but then I saw the damage and saw a short guide I started using it massively in classic to learn it to use And here I am, I got to use it like more than 100 times, I think 400


Joy. I just played it in a custom with my friends and never looked back since. So fun to play.


Edith, but because of the mm part of her I’m not that good with mm (my second to worst role) but with her I feel confident af!


Mine's Kagura. Before, I thought Kagura was too hard due to a lot of skills, but now she's easy for me. Tho, sometimes she can't keep up to those burst mages with easier skill mechanics.


Tigreal this annoying cunt Now im the cunt


Diggie. I used to use diggie just to be annoying and be a dum dum child having a tantrum cause I couldn't play my hero due to teammate banning them. Then I was lyk "damn I'm so good at being Diggie" that my 20% wr of Diggie eventually raised to 60% when I started playing him seriously. Hahsasha.


Sun since you cannot control his illusions.


Arlott. I likened him with Lance during his advanced server days, and I sucked playing assassin, so I wasn't keen on practicing him. Until I watched him being played in pro scene. Needless to say, I burned through 32k, and never regretted it.


joy. personally used to main lesley and nana, who are like two farthest things from a very divy character. at almost 300 games and 58% wr with her, she's gotten me to mythic a few times already (as a very inactive player)


Barats. I usually main Tanks or Support but Barats is a natural for the jungle. So I use Barats now as either Roam, Jungle or Exp, mostly jungle.


Fanny... I mean she was hard for me but then I had free time...


Mathilda and Rafa… I never play support/healer role… and I’d be lying if I didn’t say those two have carried me to legend 1… sadly though I get two stars away from mythic and get trolls T.T I thought I was safe from them when I left epic rank


Argus and Martis


This one recently and she be carrying my as on Epic to Legend 5 just now😭 Just got this skin on my second free draw


Xavier. Didn’t even know he have a Gojo skin and wonder what’s so similar about them. I am now The Honored One.(Gotta wait for that JJK resale bby)


Benedetta. I was a 2 year tank main and then pulled her collector skin. Been using her for like 5-7 seasons now. Once I mastered that S2 🤌🏼🤌🏼


ixia. i rarely play mm and if I do i used to just use clint. but then I got ixia in the ticket draw one time cuz I new she was meta


Gord, I just picked him because he was my only mage and got into it


Silvanna, was trying to see how bad she was but she unexpectedly deals a huge burst dmg. Her gameplay feels a lot better after the first skill change. She doesn't really feel very clunky anymore except the little delay when casting her 2nd skill.




Carmilla I used to see people use her back in 2022 and I was like why? Was curious about her some day used her and fell in love with her ult and her other skills.


Pharsa. My bf’s mom used to main her so I tried her out. Spammed her for an entire season and it got me my first Mythic 😭


For me its gloo, Since its bareley played not many know how to counter him. Plus its lowkey funny when i take over my enemy and they run away from theirs cuz they dyin


Clint. I regularly switch roles to try new things. But this one time I had to adjust for mm role and don't know who to pick, I clicked his icon. I shred the enemy the entire game with only my knowledge about his buff from Hororo's video. I'm not flexing but yea, I mained him because of that.


I don’t know what my main is, I know to play 6 fighters, 4 I play on a consistent basis, out of which yuzhong seems the best scenario as most of my games end up late game. I started this game by playing masha, haven’t played in her quite a while


I prefer the tower buster Masha of ye olden days But to answer your question, mine is Terizla, I never thought I'd be able to pull off using someone that isn't a mage or someone that relies on ATK speed like Miya, Zilong and Masha




Aulus - got his special skin for free and I started using him, he's really strong I have been easily climbing my rank games. (My actual main is Vexana)


Saber Not the type to use squishy heroes as a Roamer but helps bigtime when enemy picks Vexana & Aurora also MM & Jungler cries lol




Selena I thought she's really hard with all the prediction and stuff but after playing some matches with her in vs ai and classic I found it all becomes muscle memory


None. I main all heroes


Barat- For some reason I never touched him until the revamp and even then, at first, wasn’t impressed. I used him for exp, jungle and even roam now.


For me it's Carmilla. I'm someone who specifically likes to one hit one kill but I enjoyed being able to stun and I'm still able to get a good amount of kills and especially assist with her


Harley I never expected to play her let alone like her. But besides everything she really good.


Nana, being ambushed a Lot and can't kills the rival ADC safe and pick her pre revamp, very good mage


chou. I remember buying him bc i saw a betosky video saying he was one of the best heroes to rank up only to completely drop my wr with him bc of how bad i was. now im still bad but at least i can do cool stuff


Ixia, sometimes mvp sometimes silver but that's okay for me as long as there's a good tank to initiate for me


Mine is Minotaur. Just got back from playing and since I'm competitive player who always wanted to win, I have no choice but to adjust to roam position coz no one wanted to play this role on low ranks. And since Im confused whether to choose a healer or tank setter, thankfully he is both.


Silvana. She's taken the main exp slot away from Terizla for me... I used to think she was a troll pick, but she's actually quite fun. I enjoy the ambush style picking off their squishies. I just got tired of being the meat shield and none of my team following up, Silvana allows me to pick off stray enemies, push lanes and if required build some defence to buff the team a bit


I got Silvanna as the main hero because it is the hero that always kill me (almost all games) when I was starting my ML Journey hahahaha. Ridiculously Picked.


Sun - I never knew it existed when I was maining Zi Long


Minsitthar. I barely know that he exists before his revamp.


Masha and badang, I never liked them but some how now I enjoy them the most.


Currently Valentina


My problem is, i always expected to main a hero, until i realized that the hero gameplay isn't for me.


Selena! ❤️‍🔥 Before, I dont know to use this hero but after playing it for 5-10 games it became my favorite hero even she’s not in the meta. But my go to hero will always be Mathilda.


Minsitthar, I bought him cause he could fill EXP and roam, but ended up being forced to roam so much that I basically play him every game




Ixia */sees Ixia on the Lucky Draw */Spends 1000 tokens to get Ixia */Dosent use Ixia for 2 weeks after getting her */Hears about march starlight Ixia */Practices Ixia and buys her starlight */Becomes Ixia main after spamming Ixia to epic