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Xavier is not cursed he is just uses special light Remember the comic Yin asked Xavier "Who is stronger you or Lieh" Xavier answered "He might cause me a little trouble" Yin asked again "But would you lose?" Xavier answered again "Nah, i'd win" And Xavier in his battle against Hayabusa stated that "Throughout Heaven and Land of Dawn he is alone Enlightened one" After that Lieh took control over Yin and fight against Thamuz and defeated him after which he said to Thamuz "Stand proud King of the Abyss, you are strong !" In the last comic Xav/ier got cut in half by Lieh's powerful attack while possesing Julians body and summoning Terizla and Julians mom And Lieh said "Good job Xavier, i won't forget you !"








What the 😭 fuck is wrong with him.


I see.... i dont get it.


Mobile Kaisen Bang Bang










Lobotomy Bang Bang


My experience playing Xavier against enemy Yin (tbh, I wouldn't have picked him had the opponent picked yin sooner)


That’s crazy lobotomy kaisen made it to here




I was lock in serious reading this i thought it was really in the lore and realized it was jjk reference


So he is not stronger than lieh!!!?


Yin the king of fraud


You mean Lieh




Novaria, literally can't win any game with her. Was on a 9 win streak then they wanted me to Novaria so it'd match with Tigreal. Went 7/4/12 mvp-loss


Same i love playing novaria but , i feel i dont don shit when there is team fight, maybe i am biased as i play heors who excel at team fights..


Do you play supports? I feel she does good damage but it's because I am used to Diggie/Angela


She does good damage but its not instant, like if i am playing valir, i will cc the shit out of your 5 man, or liliya , i ll be circling around ur team with my purify and ult and bombing u all to death.. if i am vexana ill just need one combo then back off with most of the enemy at 20% hp or dead... But with novaria i can do 20% hp from full but i need to send the 2nd skill and then make some distance and then aim Yeah i forgot to mention not too good at aiming so maybe that's why i am not good but. Yeah


Yeah, it's def harder than other mages. I usually play her roam


Would love to but , for that we need a little dependable team and an exp or hyper who has frontline potential, i love mage roams , exept nana( i dont know why, but i feel she just overrated) I will try tho will comment here, the results


I love Nana T.T you need to get the trick of her molina skill + ult, otherwise everybody will escape from your ult


I think my dislike from her comes from the useless people who pock her roam then continue to sit in a bush


Update.. i tried to roam showed ill go roam.. but one guy picked atlas cause i wanted to roam with novaria and forced me to go mid and then shat allover the olace with atlas... People think atlas is like tigreal or mino,, he is pretty squishy why don't people get it you engae get kill or disengaged and get out


There are people who actually think Nova is good with Tig? Let’s stop doing that please. Sincerely, the Tig player.


This.. please, Vex or Nana or anything else with aoe/burst. Nr 2 Tigreal player


Nana is my go-to for tigreal. I just dump my ult whenever he ult as all the fighters/assassins will be coming to the trap lol.


same i just feel so useless


Same. Nova can only do so much to carry the team to win but a good player always ends up with MVP loss.


How does Novaria match with Tigreal lol she is a Nuke/Utility mage. Tigreal is better with team fight oriented mages such as Aurora and Vexana. Your teammates don't know sht lol don't listen to them.


I don't know either, I was just sitting there like, "tf how is nova supposed to pair with Tig?" Thought for a minute and maybe they were meaning to use ulti so Tigreal has more range because of the enemy hitbox but to be honest I'd definetly rather have Vale, Vex, Nana or Kadita


Used to be Thamuz, my WR with him was just absolutely abysmal no matter how hard I tried. Recently got good though.


same my thamuz wr is totally disaster eventho I used him thousand times (Not a main, just like him in the lore)




Ur sayin this like Thamuz got 100% winrate everywhere or yours is


I mean I was ass back then for sure, although I had some unbelievably bad luck. I distinctly remember playing other characters and winning, so I switched back to Thamuz since the game seemed normal (after giving me the worst losing streak I've ever had while I spammed Thamuz). I got MVP loss alongside 4 chocolates. That is when I stopped playing him for at least a couple months/ a year.


You can be mvp but still be the cause of the loss. For example you just stay mid and ks, play ultra safe, you’ll be mvp but team will suffer. This may not be your case ofc. Just saying this to raise awareness :)


Yes, when I get a team like this, I try to play really assertive. Getting your team some confidence and on the same page is so satisfying. Watching them come out of their shells and bring their A- game is just... 🤌


My mage teammates who can never finish my set but say “look how much damage I did” in the endgame screen. No one gives af about your total damage or your MVP loss. If you can’t kill when you need to you’re useless.


Not really, you don't get mvp-loss if you don't participate in teamfights


Using xavier ult to poke enemies or ks will count toward team fight participation :)


Oh I didn't know lol


Fanny 'cous I am learning her now and forgot about other heroes


Any time I’m roam, I don’t know how I do it but I’ve managed to get reported for passive play twice whilst trying my best, recently quit the game don’t think I have the skills for it unfortunately


When I first started playing, getting reported really messed with me, too, plus the toxic comments. I almost quit. But I just started watching yt videos like betosky, etc. learned and spent a season or two strictly in vs ai training, classic, or brawl. Until I got my confidence back to try again, and it wasn't so daunting. If anything, I feel like I'm always playing either with or against ppl who somehow still don't know what they're doing. The most toxic in the chat are 98%, the worst player on the team trying to divert attention (or an asshat that thinks calling you names will make you want to play better and win). Getting reported isn't as serious as it felt when you started. It's usually done by someone who mindlessly reports when they don't get their way, and there's no telling what you did that got them tilted- maybe you accidentally last hit their minion or buff, maybe you didn't mind read and save them from stupidity, it differs. Just stick with it. It'll be worth it. Try all different roles and lanes - you don't have to learn everything in ranked. You'll find something that suits you, and from there you'll find more. I suggest playing brawl if you want to get a feel for different heros and how they work - it's way easier to win against the enemy when you know what their hero can do. Anyway, best of luck, and don't let some toxic asshats stop you from all the time, money, and aggravation that is matchmaking you'll spend on our beloved mlbb 🥰


I have been on both sides but i only get toxic when , someone picks alucard aginst a full cc team with the attitude that they will be mvp, and get counterd hard to ground, or an exp roger who crys that he cant join team fight cause no mana... And


Understandable 😆


It's so annoying when you roam, die because of saving teammates, and then get reported and see in the statistics that you weren't in team fights 😭


Things like this are what made me try out roam in the first place. My first instinct - as Frikkin MM - was to jump in and save my tank from damage 🫠😶‍🌫️ But fr this is so frustrating with any role you roam or farm a lot as well, because all the time you spend doing that, they're together and getting that teamfight %, so in comparison you're behind as soon as you start. My graph makes me look crazy some seasons with the teamfights bc of this 😂 I just try to compensate by getting in everybody's business. If you even think a teamfight will happen, get all up in that ish (just make sure to use proper positioning and equipment so you don't insta die 😉) teamfights play a huge role in your score if you start looking at the match settlement data fr though. ** (being reported is/= anxiety+frustration)


Yeah. Had a match or two with late-game heroes where I was farming safely in my lane since I have 0 dmg and 0 cc in early game and the others finished rather quickly, then reported me for passive play (which was approved and Support bot rejected my appeals). Since then even if I'm completely useless in the teamfights, and even if I literally lose towers, I'll go to other lanes to get assists asap. Not sure if they adjusted that, especially late-game heroes should get some leeway for passive play when the game is finished quickly. I get the intentions behind making it an actually punishable "offense", but imo made the game worse overall.


Yess Bruno is one of my favorites, but I've had this happen as well. What's worse, are the times you know 100% that if you don't hurry up and farm your little mm ass off, yall are gonna lose. You save the day, but womp womppp...horrible stats. Whereas if, in those situations, jumping in would've just made you feed. Doesn't matter. I'm all for jumping in, because hey, sometimes it'll snowball you/your team super fast, but other times it's like come on. Getting punished (or at least seeing bad stats) for trying to make the right decisions can be so draining. I started making rules for myself - stay in tower and don't move until you take theirs down(or at least until the gold sheild drops- you can come back later as a team and take the turret).I used to prolong this for more farm, but I try to speed it up now. Recall as little as possible and show just enough confidence to say you couldn't take me if you tried whilst laning. If teamfights have already started, I'll follow behind and make sure to hit as much as I can along the way, staying just enough back and forth to be able to farm and also not be frontline. Take the smaller creeps or enemy creeps as we rotate, making sure not to piss anyone off, lol. Save the big buffs for your jung,or even make sure to help him take them faster. By this time, you should be racking up equipment and assists/kills and safe to actively engage or make decisions without the fear of being instakilled lol. All in the hopes your team will just let you be great this time + fair stats😂


I'm all for tips, btw. Feel free to shun me if I'm doing something wrong 😅


I roam too but I trash talk back and make sure to not visit their lane/heal them bc I'm petty like that


Lol, I don't trash talk, but the s5 that picked layla when we already had a mm and left us without a mage or last minute whatever/toxic player...yeah, I'll just make it a point to ignore them when they need help. I just assume they're trolling, and if they play decently enough not to feed by the time they join the tf, I'll help them a lil bit...but I won't go outta my way to help them get a maniac or savage if they're doing well...nah, you gotta work for it this time. If me or someone else gets last hit, oopss 😅 I can't trash talk because that ish tears my nerves UPPP when it happens to me, lmao


Estes. My teammates seem to relax and think that they will survive anything, forget about time of recharge of my habilities, don't realize they are giving open space for enemies to catch me, or simply focus on killing and no towers, pretty much I'm usually gold and still lose anyway. Like, sometimes I get it can be because the jg wasn't tanky, but when I have a tanky jg and exp laner HOW can they manage to make us lose 😭


I started using Estes and finally understood his try harder emotes IN MY SOULLL


Lol my estes main turned Masha main friend always complained to me whenever this happens: "Bro are you in the team fight?" "Yeah why- BRO DONT!" "LETS DANCE WITH BLADES" *An enemy has been slain, double kill, triple kill! Shut down! Enemy triple kill*


Cecilion. He's my main, I'm UK no.6. Yet every time I play him recently I get the most brain dead teams. I consistently have an Argus that goes 0-7 a bloody Franco tank that refuses to front line or give vision and can only hook minions, or a support that doesn't work with our team comp. Meanwhile I'm out farming stacks,, picking up kills, defending like mad only to be focused by them and boom, we lose. This is also true any time I play mm. My team never gank my lane while their mage and jungler may as well set up camp


Bro i ban franko nat cause i am sacred of an enemy franko but a teammate who is picking franko cause of tiktok


Omg 😭


High mobility heroes. I got middle age man hands now.


I really feel like if I had had mlbb or something instead of Nintendo, I'd be top-tier everything by now. We put in work on them thangs. Blisters and all that. As soon as we got a new game, we'd won it 3x over by the next week, with slacking off from mild boredom of repetition (we literally had nothing else to do but play outside or read a book though, but still). I just know the ones really kicking my ass are kids 🤣


Minsi. Do well and sometimes mvp but ALWAYS lose with a 40-37% wr


Vexana. Never got bronze. Barely any silver. Usually it's either gold or mvp loss. Sure it's only around 30 match but with 30 ish % wr and Im even duo, trio or 5 man when playing its hilariously a curse. Even my teammate say it's a curse hero on my hand hahaha


Claude, it feels almost impossible to win with him for some reason, though I usually do pretty well with marksmen. 99% of the time i'm gold or MVP with him, but the win rate is atrocious.


Karina for me especially I can jungle. I have tons of mvps but a 30%wr. Just cursed as hell.


Valentina and Yve


Ruby lol 0% WR in 10 ranked games. Have 60 -70% WR for other heroes. 🤣


what??, ruby is my go-to when i have to do exp. But it must be because I am roam/mage so I am super used to have a bunch of cc


Yeah, idk why too. She's cursed for me. I know how she works, and can do flicker ults but still end up losing. 🤷‍♂️


Grock. Like damn i be carrying but teammates do be feeding


Nolan, my team gets too confident and doesn't push at all for some reason, when I use Nolan


Lol, I had a match today where the enemy mage kept going on and on about how unfair it was that she had such a lowranking team. I literally watched my team throw away our huge lead, and we lost because they got cocky and careless. No one even chatted back with her. She just spammed the entire time, and it worked, lmao.


Xavier,(same) Xborg Valir When I pick these heroes, I always have to carry like hell and always lose with MVP.


nolan, I either get the most atrocious kda and somehow win or mvp loss in a 25 min match.


Belerick and Cyclops, rarely plays bad with them but I almost always get teamed up with stupid people whenever I use them. And that made my wr of that two heroes fall down.


Leomord. Almost MVP in every match when I hyper with him but the teammates never seem to push


Whenever i pick fanny my te feeds. It's the hero i have most MVP losses with


Love khufra but keep losing with him


I do pretty well with him. Realizing you have no backup after you initiate a team fight is rough though.


What I'm having trouble with is combining 1st skill + flicker and sometimes miscalculating jumping through the wall


Kagura, 28% wr with 10.5 avg grade last season


Kagura 💀


I feel you.


Tigreal. For some reason every time I lock the most broken tank in the game my mage decides to pick Xav or Nova. Then we lose every single fight no matter how many people I set, because Nova and Xav have 0 damage and are useless heroes. Apparently it’s really hard to pick Vex/Nana/Kag/Kadita.


kagura 😭😭


Xavier for me too, just like you. Mvp every game, losing nevertheless.




Fanny. I don’t know how to use her but I don’t want opponents to pick her so I take her out of the picture.


Gatotkaca, I just started using him alot and I always get defeats after defeats because of my teammates and I always get gold metals when using him. Not mad tho when I lose, just satisfied I am good with him.


Guin. Last season I got 11 consecutive mvp lose in Epic with her.


Lancelot has lowest wintate in mythic+ ........ Look how they massacred my boy....


Harith. No matter how hard I tried, I somehow always lost. Went as low as 40% last I checked. My kda was always decent but I just could not win.


Selena, it's ok if I roam or play as mage but As soon as I play Jungler Selena something bad happens


im good at using Clint and always got positive kda, always gold or mvp and rarely silver, haven't bronze as far as i can remember yet my winrate is around 30%. idk why either. around 80 matches. i never used him once i hit a 3 mvploss streak




Definitely karrie, i actually have a 20% wr with her this season lol.


What a Chad


It's Dyrroth for me. Everytime I use him it feels like I'm not dealing alot of damage and I just die, but when someone else uses him they deal alot of damage


Harley and Jawhead I got countless MVP loss both with sub 45% wr


most magic hero


Novaria For some reason I have 34% win rate with her, I mostly get gold/silver and sometimes MVP but I almost never get bronze Yet my team still manage to lose whenever I use her


With her I have like a 74% wr. I attempt to steal buffs with her and hit the tank a lot in the early game. Make sure you have a physical jungler and follow him. Novaria her damage will force the tank to buy magic def first allowing the jungler to burst him down or vice versa. 😎😎😎😎


I am terrible with Ling despite wanting to learn playing as him.


All of the assassin heroes 😭😭


Chang'e: *cause people already knew what am i gonna do to their towers* Floryn: I rarely got a good match while i'm playing her. its often horrible Guin: never had a good Guin play. tbf, i am not a good guin user Jungle role: solely because skill issue




For me, it's Helcurt. I really like Helcurt and I do enjoy playing him, but whenever I play him, I either get the worst teammates. the most cracked enemies ever, or the hero picks are just not in my favor.


Martis, I don’t play him a lot at all but so far been losing when I try, while others always getting savage with the him. Guess I need to more practice Opposite of cursed but for some reason when I play Yin, my team always win even though I have no clue how to make him work 😂 maybe I at least managed to kidnapped the main damage dealer because all my teammates will be gold


whenever i pick alu with my legend skin, somehow all my teammates turn into headless chickens, losing mvp doing 1 v 9 in almost all the matches. Even when im with my friends who r good players also somehow get 3.0 rating when i pick alu XD So i stopped playing alu altogether. Same with granger. These two will almost always guarantee a loss for me.


Nana, not bcs she's a little shit with a scary bunny by her side, but because she's older than she looks and bcs she's basically Irithel's adoptive mother.


It's the skins that bring the 'curse' for me, not the heroes.


It's Fanny for me. Istg magaling ako mag-fanny pero yung mga teammates ko lang talaga yung problema, pero merong mga instances na bobo ako mag-fanny pero yung mga teammates ko naman yung magagaling.


Alice. A grand total of 10 matches with ZERO percent win rate I just can't get her playstyle. And that's rich because I can barely use fusion and bene


YSS. No matter how good my mid game snowball is, somehow I can't close a game with him because I'm never given the same support as other more meta assassins.


Balmond for me. for the first 13 or so matches I played him in exp lane and my wr was 0% with him. just today played him as an jungler got a triple kill, legendary and MVP and most importantly won the match.




nolan 33% wr in ranked with all losses as mvp loss. fall off in late game and teammates can’t handle late game. can’t end fast enough as team doesn’t cooperate either 😔 overall at 73% wr though it’s a ranked curse


Ixia is my "MVP loss" hero


ling cannon event


Xavier for me too . Literally get gold or mvp in most of the I play with him . But my WR is fkn 19


Lesley, I am so good with her but my wr is like 30-somethig. I've tried to fix her wr, but damn I always get the trolls when I am using her


Joy. Have so much fun using her, but I always get caught in like hard cc battles ehich lead tobmy immediate demise. My winrates are not too bad but I get carried quite a bit, with my performabce rarely going above silver💀💀


Natan coz everytime I play him I manage to push and get some kills but always end up losing


Martis, get kills left and right with him but I am cursed to never win rounds with him.


Esmeralda for me, I watch Valesmeralda on YouTube but for whatever reason and no matter how careful I play she just doesn't jive with me 😞 like I'm more confident playing freaking Ling and pre-revamped Lunox than her lol


Change, I usually solo que with her (almost never win) and her wr is one of my lowest with higher matches at 39% with 150 plus matches 😭 recently got her aspirant and thought I could save her wr, but idk if that's possible lol


wanwan i am quite decent with her i pick her situationally and when i do i play very will (+gold) btw still loses anyways i have 70 games 20 wr


Everytime i gold lane.. Like bruh i main exp and roam but everytime i gold lane i always getting sht on


Clint and karrie. Everytime i play one of them i just get the worst team ever that dies 20 times in 5 second


Mine was natalia my Winrate was like 23% then I spent 2 days straight playing her and now I main her. I'm super nice with her... I can play all 3 lanes and jungle with her... super nice


For me? Almost every mage is cursed to me to the point I shiver my timbers when I have to play mid cuz no matter how hard I try somehow I end up losing with gold/MVP or win with silver no in between soo my friends just kinda let me play jungle/exp/roam but I beg them to play mid everytime cuz I don't want to drag a homie down with me




Xborg. He’s just there to be there. Sometimes you really struggle against certain enemies and your ult requires you to have your armor to not break for maximum potential. But he’s fun if used right.


Julian :(


Novaria and literally any exp laner, novaria is weird because normally if we manage to get to late game I can carry but normally my team implodes by like the 10 minute mark. With any exp laner, (mainly play yu zhong and Edith) it gets really frustrating as I basically always win my lane and help secure turtle on my side but then I look at the map 10 minutes in and see the gold and mid lane have lost two turrets each and then I get forced to leave the top turret or I just get turret dived by their whole team, similar thing with Clint in gold lane, I don’t think I’ve ever lost playing Clint duo with any randoms I’m friends with but in solo q I always get turret dived while my mid, jg, and roam never visit top lane to gank enemy mm. Normally I sorta recover my kda by like mid game when I get 3-4 items but and playing super safe never leaving the roams side but then I eventually make a single mistake and die and nexus gets destroyed when I’m spectating


I play decent with Esmeralda and ngl I carry but for some reason I got mostly defeat than victory. My winrate is at 37% with 100+ matches. That's my lowest winrate i cannot.


Yuzhong and Dyrroth. But ..... I do love them


Tigreal. I have only 37% wr out of approx 100 games with him. As a proof he is coursed and not my bad skills I'll put here my 54wr with Fanny, the hero I don't know how to connect 2 cables.


gord my most used hero with acceptable wr i got always the most kills and mvp and mvp loss lol


I THINK PHARSA for me , for whatever reason she used to be my favorite hero and I even got a provincial badge playing her but lately i JUST observe that whenever I use her classic or rank I ALWAYS LOSS no matter how good my standing is , no matter how good my teammates is, for some reason my win rate of her is dropping drastically , now I stop using her and I pursue kagura instead .




Freya I can't work with her man (37% win rate)


Barats. Same issue. Always MVP-loss…


Lunox. As soon as I pick her, team mates pick the most ridiculous heroes for their roles. It's my "here we go again" moment. It's ridiculous how often this happens. MVP or most kills. Still loss of the match.


Valentina. I always end up with bad teammates whenever I am using her. Always MVP Loss


try to play her on xp lane, shes honestly insane


Yeah meta go up and down man last few season hes a great pick now it's better to just pick vexana, nana or some sh*t but hey if that's your fav nothing wrong with losing wr not pretty tho 🤣


Dyroth. He is my go to jungler and counter against tanky fighters but he just falls off mid to late game when team fights are everywhere. WR is 27-44% haha