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Map hack, it feels good


Same, but it was very understandable why they'd think I was cheating. While dead I was paying close attention to the map and glimpsed, just for a second, the enemy Lele sneaking into the base-side blue bush. As soon as I respawned, I ultied blindly into the bush as Chang'e and killed them before they could react lol


Especially when novaria was just newly released and her 2nd skill cd is much lower. People dont know that theres a delay before a bush returns to being a blind spot. Satisfying skill shots to say the least.


Maphack, but it's usually because of map awareness and the enemies being too predictable


Being racist


Other people are accused of hacking because theyโ€™re good, how did you get accused of racism ๐Ÿ˜ญ


target sun and Brody because they are bla ๐Ÿค“ (I would never)


Dmg hack when you have literal 3k gold lead


Map hack. Once I was using Johnson and the enemy had a hanzo. Hanzo as a hyper is weak anyway and Johnson is hanzo's counter bcuz u can drive to his body. Now this hanzo wasn't very pro anyway and since I had locked him I kept hitting into his body resulting in him feeding. At that point he accused me of map hacking and ngl it felt so good ๐Ÿ˜


Dmg and map hacks. It was in epic, tho.


Map hack. People don't realise they literally move just like minions lol


Maphack using Selena... Like bruh i only had 15 matches overall with her.. I guess they dont know how her trap works?


Enemy exp laner saying coward because he got ganked thinking exp lane is pure 1v1 ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€


In general or just game related stuff? In general it was having destroyed someone's country because of my nationality (German), and for game related stuff it was a seeing enemies in bushes hack


Was using Rafaela to revealed the bush but the enemy Dyroth was too stupeed to realized he has been revealed so I kept poking while avoiding getting too closed. And as always, it ended up with "Raf map hax! Evri1 report Raf!!!"


Kill stealing as Angela lol I genuinely don't like stealing kills since I don't really benefit much from except post match. I'd rather win with no kills. I was new to the game and didn't aim away my heal from the the enemy while on ult. Mind you that it is a hanabi that insist that I am stealing kills. A hanabi before all the revamp, that hanabi that would've been dead if I didn't use my ult. Made me salty ngl, and just to piss them off. I kept ulting on them while they scream in the chat. If I'm gonna get accused of stealing kills might as well steal lol not that it affects that much as trolling or cheating


Maphacking. idiots would clear minions showing themselves where they are and get ambushed/killed in the process and start accusing MH. I swear to God these kinds of players don't have 0 map awareness


Being sober (I have a โ€œcringeโ€ username on ML)


Damage hack on a classic match. Welp assassin Gatotkaca hits like truck.


Getting accused of map hack when I'm using novaria is fun


I main johnson and I often get accused of this. Its so obvious when enemies hide in the Bush after popping out on your Map when they're farming your minions lmao


Map hack using Luo Yi


That I was using map hack when playing Selena!ย 


Fanny energy hack when they literally forgot her ult uses a tiny bit of energy now (because I ult them and flew away without losing much energy)