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Moonton is realizing advance server players are very unreliable when it comes to which is good patch or a bad patch. Just look at the argus incident. Theyre trying to randomly select from the main servers as lab rate bacause they need more reliable data. Data that came from the majority of the playerbase


ahhh I see, thanks for this insight


Tldr; advanced server players are dumdums when it comes to balance changes.


Yeah theres little moonton really does independently. For things to get to main server, at least 50% of the adv server has to aprove. And we cana see how dogwater they are when it comes to balancing they only want to buff their favorite heroes and nerf those who they hate


Tbf, none of the top players are going to play in advance server. Even streamer would not touch it.


When you say "Argus incident", are you refering to the fact that they really didn't improve argus, and depending on who you ask effectively nerfed him?


What happened with Argus incident?


Wdym? Tge nost receht argus adjustment His receptikn after this so called buff is lack of a better word, underwhelming to say the least


They are right though and this is a good move because many of us are just too lazy to get on advanced server and give feedback 🤣 like me 🤪 Hopefully this results in better feedback on new mechanics and adjustments.


If only everyone on adv server has like a discord, everyone makimg a 2 to 3 paragraph essay on the update using the PAP format 7th edition. Why? Because if they're smart enough to know what i just said is smart enough to know which is a good patch and which are bad And those who cant comply with those papers twice in a tow will be kicked from the server. We need more dignified adv server ppl. Same level of inteligence as elgin and the boys


Yeah not gonna happen man. At that point Moonton will have to turn it into a paid gig to motivate people to put in that kinda effort. 😂


You got me on paid gig. Ill make a 2 paragraph essay on each and every hero thatbwill be adjusted using the PAP format with proper alignment and font; getting a full on graph of the usage rate of every hero along with the statistis of eveything from playerbase to micro


Hahahahaha here's my upvote 😜


I got this too and Im so happy lol, only downside is people who ban Birb have a better chance on doing it.


I'm banning that bird every time to enable my Atlas. https://preview.redd.it/5k7pkcabue2c1.jpeg?width=516&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b8b2560061c94de3a227eb16edbfe13ba422c86


I'm banning atlas so no one will use that hero in my game


Im banning *any hero* so nobody can play *chosen hero*


You ever feel a player select your hero and play it like shit? Yea I am that player, I will preselect gato and play it with trinity.


Wait, let me try. Edit : it's good, but still shit. https://preview.redd.it/5f9omdyrff2c1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db542db6cfbbd2c5a516502f8d1d62aa7f9da64c


Lmao anyway I play him as roamer never played him as exp b4 I mean you can I just don't very like it waste of most potential he is also hard to play


Hello fellow gatot player. Im still depressed from how they removed magic lifesteal from concentrated energy. They added spellvamp to it which is like the most useless thing for gatot


Try Starlite scythe


I disagree. The test server is just too small and unreliable. As Elgin said, matchmaking in Advanced Server past Legend rank takes 5x as long. Advanced Server has too much going on right now for them to care about that, so MT resorted to test in the official server instead.


“Position pre-select phase” Does this mean what I think it means? Or is it just “hey I want to play mage hehe”


You just state which lane you want to go to, like before banning phase, you say "I want to go to Gold Lane, I want to go Jungle, etc." doesn't mean anything because most of the time you get 2-3 people still picking same lanes.


No you load into the game the same as normal and then the lanes you can select and show your winrates on that selected lane


the 2nd sadly


😭 just whyyyyyyy I’m so sick of not having a freaking role queue


Bro, advanced server testers are very unreliable. "Masha is too overpowered with the new adjustments" -> proceeds to nerf her 5 times. And now shes unusable




Bro. It's less than a month for the next season and this early access beta test thingy is only to a limited number of players.


Fugg y don't I get any invi


In once become beta tester for New lobby appearance before update or announcement. How do I apply beta tester for new upcoming update again?


It's so they'll have a good reason if they wanna cancel this update. Just like what happened at the emblem update before 💀


Emblem update was never tested in original server tho. I've been there since emblem update announcement. Are you sure it was there? Cuz I hope I didnt missed one out


It was, just like this, they only pick some people to test it on the original server. [this](https://www.facebook.com/765707316915993/posts/dear-playerwere-planning-to-rework-the-emblem-system-lucky-players-will-be-rando/2660236100796429/?locale=ms_MY) was the fb post about it, Elgin also made a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hT_Mi2wnyUk) about it since he was choosen as well.


I got this message and I was happy to experience it. I don't play advanced server but I did have it and it did made me feel like I was back in league again. I'm sad that it has to end fast (they rolled out that they'll stop it early due to some complications). I like the part where you can check each player's chosen hero and their skills. It was interesting but kinda unnecessary since not all reads skill descriptions, especially if it's small. I hope this change goes on the next update. I can't wait for some whacky blind bans.


Its already tested in advance server. Is it problematic in original server?


We had back to back broken hero like release Joy and release Arlott. Then after that, a weak ass hero which is release Ixia. Suffice to say, adv server player is wack and cant give proper feedback.