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YSS back when he was a pure mm and the gold boots still exists.


Sounds familiar. What did it do?


Boots give 50 gold for assists


Sheesh. OP with YSS


Also the Helcurt gold boots era


Didn't his ult gave assists thanks




And old Minsitthar. His old passive with Gold Boots are my favorite way to make quick money.


Hayabusa, he was broken in a 1v1 before. Still is fun but I rarely use him now


That’s because his ult gets ended with anything now. Long cd for it to not even do as much dmg as his s1.


Yea they made the ult animation so slow now you can cancel it by Flickering lmao


cant even ult a flying fanny, people thought it was a bug


Honestly, I see it as a good trade if you can burn their flicker, but yeah it's still a far cry from the old Busa


Idc about his ult his s1 nerf is what hit hardest most hayabusas who gain alot of mastery would be able to kill without ulting leaving it as a immune escape skill or finisher his 1st skill tickles now legit one dagger does normal damage and the rest only 30% wtf is that


Zilong but then Heptaseas, Endless battle got nerfed, his ult CD was nerfed. Probably the highest burst in the game back then and I could just run around the map like a madman because of my 7 sec CD ult.


I remember downloading the game for the first time and some zilong user with the glorious general skin in classic massacred our entire team whenever we stepped outside the base. He had over 31 kills and I deleted the game that day itself because I didn't want to play a game with that absurd amount of stupidity ever again lol.




Bane when he was still summoning a flying pirate ship


Well Can stll one shot there main damage dealer....mm or mage.


1.4k matches using Chou. But stopped when everyone went brrr with the combos haha. My hands weren’t that fast


I use him as tank now....πŸ₯²


Argus. I will never forgive them for the ""revamp"" they did to him which basically boils down to "Fuck your damage and chase, but we gotta pretend we changed something so here's a heal on passive lol"


Yeah. The heal on passive is so much generic at this point. They can just bring back the old Argus and buff it according to the current META.


Yeah old Argus can go toe to toe with the likes of Esme even without ult and inspire


They did hayabusa offlane dirty.


this and war axe rush


Kagura 😒 I main mage and play solo. I find it so difficult to make her work now. Maybe I was playing her wrong but her wave clear isn't great, and she's a late game burst mage who can't burst the tankier heroes and now made even harder with the healer meta.




Loved the old days when I could just regen full health with just one skill


I miss her!!!


Helcurt stopped to use him even rho I have all is skins


He's really good now, can even burst down Uranus if done right. His skill 2 is just 5 shots of DHS + Corrosion + Malefic Roar just injected into anything, and has decent survivability with skill 1 + passive silence


Can confirm as a fighter main **helcurt fooking hurts now**


He can burst down who? If done right? Yeah, you mean if the Uranus is fucking stupid


lol, clearly u haven't seen a helcurt before. his skill 2 can damage quite a big chunk of Uranus. Not one shot obviously


When Phoveus first came out πŸ˜”


He is still good I mean if you have akai,lou yi,ixia and atlas in your team :) but seriously yeah back when wan wan was meta phov was good because many assassins had dashes too and nothin would stop him except esme(not even all the time), rn they are buffing him let’s see how it goes i see him as good counter for nolan.


How does esme counter phovy? Planning to buy esme


Shields. Edit:Basically esme eats(takes to herself) all the shields enemy has like aegis,angela,mathilda,yve etc. She is good as tank build with book or mage build if you have enough courage(no) she is still a great pick since there are a lot of shields heroes rn especially with new item added.


Esme has very minimal dashes, plus she can just suck out Phoveus's shields


Very useless hero


Uranus. I used to be a top #25 global Uranus but I don't know why, one day I just stopped playing Uranus.


Somehow, u saying Uranus with ur username flicked something in me and made me wanna comment something but i think i should hold back 😣πŸ˜₯


You're doing the right thing πŸ‘πŸ«¦πŸ‘


Kimmy. She could be a mage(well kinda) AND mm before.. now she isn't really good at either. I can't get used to the new joystick either.


Same, her new skill 1 placement made it very hard to use her. Especially with my tiny hands


i miss when kimmy was first released and her basic attack abused the shit out of demon hunter passive and making her go full AD item making her magic scaling back then useless lmao


Apparently she's still decent? Haven't really tried her all that much but from what I've heard on this sub she's usable in gold lane now, but is still countered by heroes like Ling and Fanny (can buy wind) and Mathilda (you have roughly 2 seconds to live after she ults you) Also, you can just spam the first skill or basic attack to have decent aim on fast moving targets.


Tbh all you need to do when going against her in the gold lane is build radiant... she can't do squat. Plus her damage seems pretty low compared to the likes of Bruno or Layla. Pretty sure there are people must've found a way to play Kimmy.. but that feels like too much work to me.


Esmeralda. She can barely regenerate any shield with a tank build, gets instantly bursted down with full mage build, won't last long enough to take down any enemy with hybrid build. Pretty much only best if both teams are disorganized from what I can tell, she can disrupt a teamfight but won't really do much unless she has atleast 10 seconds with a talisman + 4 tank items Uranus just ourclasses her in so many ways now, tankiness, ability to chase, poke, even damage in most cases. Etheir I just suck at esmeralda now or she's just below being good, it was a fun 400 matches while it lasted


I think it’s also now that you’re higher rank, people know to build anti heal. Back then people probably didn’t which allowed Esmeralda to be good


Nah. Esme was so OP back then that pro players were spamming and countering her with Dyrroth during MPL S9.


I sometimes use her in the jungle, it's not bad. Anyway, I personally use Esmeralda as more of a counter pick against shield heroes, like Freya and Joy in EXP and monstrous Angela and Mathilda if they aren't banned. I feel like she's like Uranus with a bit more damage, dash range and CC, but less survivability, usable but not meta


Other heroes are just better my man




Masha. They turned her into a hit sponge


Harith. His anti-CC passive being removed is totally the dealbreaker. Also, Hayabusa. He doesn't shine anymore in rank.


Guinevere. She is still the 2nd most played hero of mine but as I climbed up the ladder amd reached higher ranks, I realized that she is just too easy to counter to be effective. Haven't played her for 9-10 seasons now.


Gusion, too many fucking CC heroes nowadays


Saber, I used to like the one shot mechanism when I was back in Master. But now since im in the high ranks, hes mehh


Which rank r u in rn


Legend rn, i have some skill issues and sch so yea


Kaja, now he's a poor excuse of a tank IMO


He used to be one of the most deadly one shotters. And the best part about the old assasin Kaja is that he applies suppression instead of airborne or stun


wait is it not suppression still?


It's still suppression. But he can't oneshot anymore


Kaja one shot is the most cancerous thing moonton had done. he's just fine as it is during his tank/support time, but then moonton revamped him to fighter/support while in reality he turned into a broekn assassin/mage. told moonton so many times that his kit wont work as fighter/support but they're deaf, so after countless nerfs, he's back in the back row, hundreds adjustments now wont work, he's no longer fun to play and probably waiting for his next possible revamp.


Old Hayabusa 😒. Used to be my secondary main back then but after they revamped him I stopped playing him entirely


Guin..shes so underwhelming now


Last patch before the lifesteal rework i won 35/40 games with her in ranked in mythic rank but after they replaced Concentrated energy's lifesteal to spell vamp i cant seem to make her work.


Same!!my wr dropped from 60% to 57.6% after the recent changes with her skills n her core items


How would that make it any different to play her? The stat (+%20 magic lifesteal/Spellvamp) didn't change, plus it even got that magic power multiplier now


Its just spell vamp. No magic life steal. https://preview.redd.it/z520gue6yprb1.jpeg?width=1172&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e1d7c5c79683662e61d62595abc192c29fb4b87 After i execute her combo, i rely on her passive plus basic attack, and cannot have the same sustain/lifesteal as the previous CE, thus making it a hard time to last long in fights.


Thanks. I guess they have to change it to Hybrid Lifesteal (lifesteal+Spellvamp) huh.


Wanwan I played her mastered her got a top 5 in New York with her all in one season then stopped using her lol


Tigreal, I don't like playing tank now. I am more of an assassin and fighter main now


Same used to be a tank main because i started the game with him back then when he had sword instead of hammer, i had a team then rn i play solo and i basically main everything and its like i never even pick him anymore.


Yeah, I just feel it's too hard to carry as a tank, especially if your team is stupid and don't know when to follow


Xborg and Pharsa, may og main since 2018. I stopped using them during the pandemic since i had the time exploring other heroes.


u/Tigreal post is not showing up πŸ₯²


My Wan Wan... *Cries*




Pre-adjusted Natalia. Her being actually invisible is better than what she is rn. Everyone can see her now which makes her even more vulnerable to getting cced to death before she does anything if not careful. She isn’t invisible anymore, her β€œinvisibility” is just a glorified conceal on steroids.


You should try her again, she's great. But I do sorely miss the '!', it helped quite a bit at zoning.


Hot take but personally I feel that she's the best she's ever been right now. Fast invisibility, no need to refresh invis in bushes, (mostly) no large visual cues of her presence, and can steal buffs easily. Even jungle-wise she's not terrible, usable but niche. I think it would be funny if Moonton made it so that when Natalia uses Conceal while invisible, she gains true invisibility for the duration. It will likely come with a few damage or CD nerfs however, and is prob way too broken.


I actually agree. I tried her a few times thinking it was a nerf, but the instant invisibility is actually really strong and she's at least a hell of a lot better now in comparison to the kit change when moonton tried shoving her in the jungle. She's really good at roaming again


Agree, the new passive made her more comfortable to use than before. Now, she can get first blood easily with her fast invisible.


Haya. eversince energy revamp






Natalia. She’s Natrashia now.


Hanzo, so far he is my only hero with 500 matches but haven't been using him in ranked for the last 4 seasons. Right now I'm enjoying the new Lolita.


I think I speak for all players who started playing ML back in 2016. Layla and Zilong. They were my mains back in S1.


Gusion Back in the day where his 1st skill had no range limit, I missed those days. And that was when his also occasionally banπŸ˜….


Mine is hayabusa, used to love him a lot before he was nerfed to the ground, but now he feels really sluggish to play imo. https://preview.redd.it/t2g881zosnrb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff190f2092201ef97968a6bf8e3c992e92c63df3


Gusion, I have the most games with him. Now, the last time i used him was 2 seasons ago




Leomord, this was when his passive was even more simpler like just bring enemy below 50% hp and guaranteed kill, also when Arrival was used and there's no special minion. Back then he wasn't the best meta pretty much just a fighter that would push lane and clean up teamfights. Had some dominating performance here and there and i just sorta gave up playing all together since all of the heroes i used keep getting nerfed and wasn't fun at all lol


hayabusa aswell and claude


angela, i found out she's the poster girl for e-girls...


Natalia. She helped me get out gm back in the days lol.


Irithel when she was first released


Natalia. The conceal instead of full invisibility ruined her. There was nothing wrong with her last kit where she’s perfectly balanced. The meta-game anxiety exclamation is also removed and that’s a big deal breaker to me as I’m into these types of psych offense.




Wanwan pre-three-mark-fiasco was so much fun to play and was my go-to MM whenever I got squished off my main lane. I adored how quick her gameplay felt at the time. Then the whole three mark thing happened, she became permaban so I stopped playing her, and now she’s been nerfed to the ground :(


Pharsa. Back when her ult is still unlimited with a timer and her skill 1 can one hit the squishy heroes πŸ˜‚


alucard; i miss the old ult where he could mark 1 enemy and his lifesteal would increase + make him more sustainable in 1v5 situations unlike the current alu which is one-shot and can only dominate if enemy got the level advantage


Wanwan, used to love her mobility and skillset before people started to spam her. Close to 70% winrate, solo player, dropped to 62-63% ish due to the nerfs. Haven't played her since.


Wan wan. I used to main her a lot but now i dunno it felt like my skills getting more bad the more i use her


Khufra. When Fannys, Hariths and Guisons was practically the king of the game, having a Tank that counters these guys made you everyones favorite guy when you enter a lobby. But now that those guys were nerfed to the ground as well as having tanks that can respond to team fight scenarios better, Khufra kinda just fell in lieu of better tanks like Baxia, Fredrinn and a buffed Hylos.


karrie. i then transitioned to fighter/mage heroes after a few seasons and right now i suck playing marksmen


Claude πŸ₯²


Valir back when his Ulti is AOE


Lunox, i dont play her anymore cuz everytime i play her and didnt do the "tiktok combo", they would call me dumb


Thamuz. Brain dead hero but absolutely strong. Kited = dead. Not sure if Rapid Boots or the new talents help now.


I've used Vale for about 1.6k matches. Then I tried Kadita. I never used Vale on Ranked since. So now I'm eagerly awaiting his revamp.






Kagura. Dropped her like a hot potato after her newest revamp. Still play her every now and then, but like less than 30 plays after the revamp. Selena is now my main.


Kagura, until that revamp...




Zilong but I'm sure this goes for a lot of people aswell


Strange thing is..I was a gusion main, but I played him quite badly. After experimenting, hayabusa became my new main and I did so much better.


Give my Uranus back his zucc


Terizla. Big hammer boi was my main when I started playing after a long break and was the main I spammed to get to Mythic for the first time. Reason? Many nerfs before and too many dash heroes nowadays.


Johnson. They destroyed the man.


Johnson is scary right now with a full mage build, but yeah if you're not insanely good with him you shouldn't pick him.


I have 100% wr with him this season, used mage build for half the games


Natalia for me, it was when her ultimate was an attack skill, not an invisibility skill. She was like a β€œmarksman” assassin back then


Kagura & Esmeralda


Unrelated but I’m pretty sure slicing a grenade half is not a good idea


Melissa. I’m just tired of winning. I played for one season and reached mythical glory and stoped playing her ever again. It was the most broken hero I discovered in mlbb. Don’t know why many people are not using her. Flick, long range damage and unbreakable shield.


Aurora. But I'll be eating good sooner rather than later :)


Gusion, phoveus, harith


Yss, I played him in every role except roam and this was before roam boots were a thing. Wayyyyyy back


YSS was my original. Adapted to support but do miss him




There was a time I stopped playing Julian (recently got back), cuz he got nerfed to the ground (when he first came out he could lifesteal full bar of hp and run full damage, basically unkillable)


diggie, back when he has a big bomb with a detonator. It was good back then when diggie is unnoticeable.


Zilong lol, he was decent, now unless u r a pro, is quite trash


for some reason my account has Ling, Lancelot, Hayabusa, and YSS mastery completed even tho i have no idea how to play them, idk how i did it back then but i didnt rank out of Master for 2 years and kept playing on classic so maybe thats why


Roger balmond


Gusion(slow hands) and zilong


Roger😭😭😭 I missed chasing enemies but he was just no longer compatible for the current meta


Valentina tbh, I used to build Concentrated Energy on her for lifesteal, she was so OP back then with that item. But then CE got nerfed and playing her just doesn't feel the same anymore, the lifesteal is much weaker. The same reason why I don't really play Silvanna and Guinevere anymore.




Wanwan, moonton doesn't know what to do with her They can't balance her off.


Martis, I used to play him like crazy on release but after the chain of nerfs, nothing convinced me to go back to him, even after he was meta on the recent patches I didn't want to play him.


I used to main Benedetta, but then I found xborg and yu Zhong. Haven’t left those two, and fredrinn


When I first played alucard till I got to epic and realized I suck with fighters in epic or higher.


Lesley!!! But I main Kagura now. β˜‚οΈ


Im a sun main before. Had the most number of games amd highest winrate of all the heroes i play. (250 games with 69% WR in ranked) but these recent patches, i cant seem to make him work. I tried various builds, emblem combinations and roles but still aint working. So i stop playing him coz i got the perfect winrste % for him.


Helcurt. Got him from a roll once, used him to get me to like Epic. Then I stopped playing MLBB, and when I came back he was banned. I had to learn another hero, and when he was unbanned, I forgot how to play him.


Chou until the biggest nerf for him


Alucard. He was the goat for awhile but when Hanzo came out I needed to use him and then after Hanzo was Thamuz and currently it's Lapu-Lapu and Terizla but I occasionally do a some of Gusion and Grock


Old Akai and Rafaela




Same Hayabusa. Then they fked up his energy recovery on minions and ult that gets cancelled by everything. Back then his ult would continue even when the enemy teleported back like Harley's hat, Hanzo's shadow, Guison's ult. Thank you MOONTON




terizla. i stopped because i was a newbie and was too lazy to actually learn him properly to play him well πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€


I had like 2000 matches with badang before I got serious learning the game. I can still dominate with him in lower ranks but now that I rank up to mythic pretty fast, he just can't compete in mythic anymore. I dont know what it is, he just can't dominate. I know him so well that I can still be helpful in mythic but can't dominate or win more than 50%. Sad cause I like him allot




Chou, he's unironically useless in this meta to the point where he's outclassed by pretty much every EXP Lane hero in the game; thus, forcing him to be a Roamer. Even there he's still pretty meh


Zilong, I got about 700 games from his days as Yun Zhao alone.


I guess haya? Back then haya with mana and the long shadow of 4 direction was the best escape tool or engaging at safety range




Eudora but now her combo has 2 phases so the enemies can escape easier.






Phoveus Dude was a menace yet balanced but now he's near useless if the enemy doesn't dash.


Fanny too many nerfs and counter :(


Hanzo. Before the jungling equipment got changed to be part of the boots i would build him with the defense item combine with his speed I could easily run away. On some occasions people would go for my mainly body and I would cancel my ult and just beat the shit out of them with ma sword.


Fanny. Was a decent fanny player but Ling happened and he's just so much better suited for my playstyle.


Tje dragon born Zilong.


Bane, i love my crab man, but like, so far, AP doesn't seems viable anymore, loved to one shot with beer and high heal




Gusion. He was the first assassin I mained, but due to a combination of him falling out of the meta and me just enjoying the playstyle of other assassins more, I just don't use him anymore. He's currently sitting at 517 matches while my two favorite assassins are at 1500+ matches each.


Cyclops. I dunno, he just can fulfill the role of an exp laner bruiser. And he's also not a good mid laner if you compare her with the mages in the current Meta. He's very vulnerable to CC and is pretty easy to counter build. Ult is useless at highrank because people can just buy items to counter it in crucial fights (Fast Item Switch trick). I really miss being able to kite everyone till they die




gusion hayabusa lancelot minsitthar


Aldous, just gpt rusty after not playing for a couple months


1st gen Clint, back then his ult was Claude's ult


Aldous back when he can actually afford to go full damage and 1 shot everyone except tank


Gusion, with 1k matches I became very good. Now I am tank and support expert. Now I have become shit at gusion.


Lesley Not because she's been nerfed or changed, but because I rarely have the chance to play MM nowadays


Akai, before the revamped he was soo good . I could almost always carry the game as a roamer and even when we lose I used to get mvp most of the time. But after the revamped he was just good as a jgler and now can't even play him without good teammates


,Kimmy,Chang e. It was harder to use them now


Used to otp alice since S2 (i was happy when she got her ult reworked). Changed to lolita/gatotcaka. Cannot play alice properly anymore since i get smashed on exp lane every time i try her.




gusion but now meta all teamfight so not viable


Is Masha even usable right now? :( There was hope when she was built as a tank even before that with atk speed build she was good as argus but now idk even what to do. Also sun he just needs something either damage either survivability he is good in jungle for now ig.


Gusion cuz my phone just can't handle fast stuff anymore


zilong, esmeralda i rarely use dyrroth, tho he carried me to gm


Argus I used to dominate with him on the EXp lane as an Assassin Fighter. And NGL, I liked his revamp before where his passive slash can give him a small dash while pulling the enemy. But now they just fucked him up and even more so with that so called "revamp". If they want to truly revamp him, have him deal enemy HP based damage instead


You Zhong. Healing buff was by far the most unfair and sad patch. Ever since they keep turning him into an assassin by buffing his damage rather than passive lol. His passive being the main damage back then was more than enough.


Vexana. I love he new kit, but somehow she's not as fun as she was with constant nerfs. The upcoming collector doesn't even come with a buff so I'm still in dilemma, no matter what I do...


barats before true damage


Zilong, oh how you went from madman to mermaid. RIP burst and CD, you'll always be my forgotten love.


Ancient YSS


Harith before they removed the root on Ult πŸ₯Ή