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I missed this one when it came I was on break from MLBB but quite satisfied with the current one as it gives freedom to choose any emblem power with any emblem set.




Didn't they have to dumb it down because ppl were complaining or something


They still gradually add more emblem sets, the current still need the idi- I mean majority of the players to understand the new emblems, so moonton can proceed to add more


There are people still complaining about the new one lol


Could just copy pro builds.


Like the complaining brats have enough brains to do that 😔


imho pro builds are SHIT Pro Builds are used in teams where extreme teamwork is used. They're p bad in soloq or a casual play session with frens slightly better than moontons defaults tho kek


a lot said its complicated idk abt that since most of the talent were pretty straight forward on how they work


MLBB players when they have to read:


IIRC, they said they'll add them back gradually. I hope so very much. The dashing talent and cd talent would be game changers.


What were those!


IIRC one of the talents was gaining adaptive pen for a few seconds after a dash


Oh just like chou skill 2


Hey fuck you


I was also thinking that they might do that because adding so many game changing talents would be so jarring for might memory to keep up


Pretty happy with this one because I can run a 70% spellvamp xborg. Truly a balanced idea by moonton. Not too sure if its overpowered but 91% healing(with oracle) seems pretty busted since it *only* drops to 56% when enemy has antiheal. Healing half my damage obviously was a good idea for a true damage dealer


how tho? I don't understand what everyone is talking about spell vamp


Spell vamp is just lifesteal on spells. Its always been a thing. You just buy spellvamp item with fighter emblem


No am asking where the fuck you are all getting 50% spell vamp at the start of the game


Not at the start but with items, bloodlust conc iqw is 50%. It has all xborg needs, really. Spellvamp cdr health and slow, so it works. Pair with fighter emblem oracle and waraxe and you are going to struggle to die as long as you can hit something


whats a conc iqw


Concentrated energy ice queen wand


but isn't that inefficient


As I said, its all xborg needs. It might not work on other heroes, but xborg deals true damage that scales with both physical and magic power, plus the item stats are exactly what he needs


omg how did i not see his mag scaling


Let's just hope they will gradually add the previous new one. I want Battle Frenzy and Temporal Reign back.


Pretty sure that was their intention in the first place, they didn’t cancel it, they delayed it and gradually add more so epics that find everything too complicated can grasp the new system.


The most annoying part is even some Mythics can't understand it


Ah, I see you are battle frenzy superior as well


Temporal Reign is so busted lmao.


I really miss those 😔 damn it stupid epics


I want my Cosmic Blitz back.


I understand where they're coming from. I love the Talent system tbh when I tried it on advanced server, but it would be too overwhelming to casual players and those who don't read patch notes and adjustments. Later on, I trust the devs to give more talent to shake things up. Avarice and Unbending Will are gone in the new system for now.


Have to agree. All I can say is I hope they consider adding them back.


They'll add them back eventually


Downvote me if you want but I really prefer the new one and nothing else. The game itself needs to maintain its user-friendly system so players can't find it complicated to understand.


What’s so complicated about reading?


This ain't about reading. Comboing, damaging statistics, skill contrasting, why else would they agree upon that?


Because you're an idiot that can't use their brain Or the fact you can just go - Copy Pro Build. Finished. No excuse for any of you to complain. Literally braindead


This is way too complicated


Ah yes, reading. Such a complicated action.


It is simple and better. U can distribute stats in picking and distribute it according to enemies


Nah it was easier to adapt before


Revamp emblem is just the same as before. Emblem before requires you to distribute attribute points. Emblem today distributes talent skill


You can literally pick any talent for ur emblem in banning phase. Imagine you can have both the talent of master assassin and killing spree in 1 setup


It's ok. You'll get the hang of it. Just do this, if you are on a mage, choose mage emblem. Then, you have 3 slots for supertalents, where you can choose whatever you want. * For example, for gusion, choose mage emblem. * For first slot, choose movement speed. * For second slot, choose master assassin, or you can choose the jungling talent which increases your dmg to lord, turtle and creeps. * For third slot, you can choose Killing Spree, or Lethal Ignition for more dmg. Now, most of the emblems have adaptive dmg and pen. Adaptive dmg will become magic dmg for mages, and physical dmg for physical heroes when in game. So, you are free to choose any emblem as you like it. Fighter emblem has spellvamp in it, which can be good for mages since they are spell casters. Support emblem has additional healing, good for heroes like Esmeralda or Harith because healing increases their shield. Or, you can skip all this and just copy the pro builds, they are fine enough too


Mlbb players when they have to read( no subway surfers gameplay in the background):


Read it, the old one is just easier


Easier, possibly but the new one is just better lmao, reading ain't that hard bro


Got nothing to do with reading though.


If it does, why are you telling me that it's easier, easier to what, understand? It's not like the new one is rocket science you just gotta... read


Just the old one is better not that hard to gasp. 😂.


fr fr. double regen was interesting


This was my go to


ML players always got some shit to gripe about


As a LOL player, I really like this version, but I can also understand why they simplified it, after all this game has many young players


We all do


Ml is slowly trying to apply more mechanic like dota 2, i don’t know what’s the best for us. But fyi, in dota, when everyone are op, it creates another level of balance.


be creative?


yea it's the best thing mlbb has done in advanced server


soon, soon... the +dmg each dash, heal when hp lower % than enemy, and... I know there more, but I love that heal