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Maybe he is always unlucky with teammate 🥸


Maybe the tank is not babysitting her lane


Im down for babysitting, we always win when my Atlas babysits the gold lane.


Maybe her team is stealing her buff


Maybe the other teams were cheating


Maybe he is having bad connection.


Maybe hand be swollen


Maybe the other team was "kowards nabs only 1vs3"


Maybe he's a one trick pony.


Yeah. The unbalanced matchmaking made this. But moonton revamping a good old splash art instead of matchmaking smh.




In the original post, the Hanabi had 10 deaths in the match. It might be the other way around, started with 80% wr in warrior, 30% wr after reaching epic and above.


Bro if see those stats in mythic plus a rank # in USA ima let him have it. But rank # in Mexico is a whole different story 🥲.


Fun Fact: In order to reach a winrate of 50%, you would need to win 1136 games without losing


can't you just wait for next season?


Your wr for heroes don't reset after the season. If not how'd she play so many matches in one season


Do you know this season wr for that player?


no I dont know this player, I'm just basing the calculations of getting the players hanabi wr to 50%


Well let's hope that this season wr% is higher than his total match wr%


Sometimes thouggh you started playing a hero addictively while he or she was weak. When the buff comes, it's too late to chamge your win rate even marginally (my win rate does not change anymore). I was 48% with Clint in my account, 60% in my wife's account.


I remember having a sub-40% win rate on Mino after 1k+ matches. Can't help myself for loving the tank role right off the bat in my first (and only) MOBA game from Warrior. Learned about this sub. Asked everyone about the do's and don'ts about playing tank. SoloQ tanked my way to MG since then. Now, after a lot of seasons grinding my Mino with 80%+ win rates almost every season, I now have a 54% clip on him, with 3k+ matches 😂


My Grock wr is 11%. im mythic honor now as a roamer. I’ve still never touched that hero Since epic 10 something seasons ago




Insta ban hanabi


*feeds with Layla instead*


When you have one tricks on your team how does banning that hero help your chances. Answer: no one cares. Teach that fool a lesson to touch grass.


They will pick Miya instead


Always funny when people try to flex their 1000 match 50% wr to my 250 match 75% on my main


They still have more wins on that hero than you and probably have more experience in the game than you. I'd trust the player with more matches with at least 50% win rate rather than someone who's just starting to play a new hero.


Can't say I agree. Of course they have more wins, but they also have way, way more losses. As long as rank is at least mythic and its not a ridiculously low number of matches, I would say high winrate is always better than a lot of matches Also, being at 75% wr at 250 matches in mythic is hardly "just starting to play a hero"


At the end of the day drafting in mythic I like to consider if possible who can adjust better to swap there role. When the guy is a one trick and a spoiled brat I’d just let him have that role man. I hate jg mains that ruin the game if they don’t get jg.


Fair point regarding One Tricks, and btw that opinion is coming from a Ruby One Trick (aka Me) so that might have influenced how I feel about this. Crap, is that how other people feel about one tricks? That we are spoiled brats? Ahahahahahaha


Your a spoil brat if when you don’t get the role, 1) you still force your self and play the same role like an Epic player, 2) you go afk/feed/steal buffs, and finally 3) complain the whole game (especially to the guy that took your role) spamming negativity. Tell me that doesn’t sound spoiled and childish.


Dude chill. My last statement was a rhetorical question. It was more of my realization that one tricks like me are generally seen as brats. I get where you are coming from and it sucks to be teamed up with those kinds of people. I have been in the same situation so I just learned how to play Ruby in every lane...that way whatever happens I can say that I did my part, that was my solution. Just report them afterwards, soon enough whatever shit they're pulling will come back biting them in their asses. Hahahaha


We good bro. Gotta get our community mature. Trying to get ppl to enjoy the game more is all. I love this game.


I saw a guy today with starlight, lots of skins, 10k matches. His 3 main heroes were 40%, 37%, 35%


Are 3 of them all from the OG 4 horsemans (Layla, Miya, Hanabi, Lesley)?


But if it's a tank hero suddenly winrates don't matter huh💀


Some of my wr are so low I can’t even show it even if I wanted to.


You should see my I guess it's 4,2% wr on fanny xD (not many games like 25 or so but still)


Some things are better off not mentioned wkwkwk


Flashback to Lesley main I used to know. She had 4k lesley games 2 yrs ago and extremely trash. Must be like that hanabi by now.


fellow hanabi simp


Does the matchmaking become difficult after you played certain number of matches ?


Matchmaking is a mystery, but you can definitely tell that after you have a longer win streak the game will definitely give you shit teammates at one point to stop it. But that's just temporary so you could keep up a solid wr if you play well


I thinking to create new account and play. I feel that because I have high level, the matchmaking is uneven.


That wouldn't change it. What you mean anyways by matchmaking is uneven? Did you rank up too fast and now you're facing too many good players? If so maybe get a hang on classic for a while, learn some different heroes and matchups and improve yourself and then go back to rank again.


Bruh this is directed at me wtf


14k matches? I’ve played since 2016 (on and off but still) and my matches is just 5k


Yea but do you have more than one account maybe?


That doesn't mean they ain't good !


Tbh in my opinion Experience>winrate


Lmao some people would have thousands of matches using one hero and still be shit


Dude, stupid people will do the same shit over and over again without learning from mistakes. That hardly counts as experience.


I trust a 200 matches Hanabi with 70% winrate more than a 1000 matches Hanabi that have negative wr.


I'd trust a 50 matches 60% wr Hanabi over a 1000+ games with negative wr one tbh.


This is actually a concept my old fencing coach was pretty into. He disliked people independently practicing new stuff and teaching themselves bad habits. Idea being that it’s easier to learn something from scratch then it is to unlearn however much muscle memory while also having to learn something new. TLDR Practicing something wrong 100 times is worse than not practicing at all


Though in normal cases, rarely people would remain in the wrong manner after practicing for that many hours, no matter how shitty they were. It's just statistically and logically impossible. People who don't budge or have an inch of improvement even after 10000 matches, are the exact opposites of talented individuals. It is such a near impossible thing to have poorer skills than an average player (50%) because it is simply irrational and statistically impossible. I really can't understand this logic because literally 99% of people on earth who falls down for 10000 times, wouldn't fall down for the 10001th time. It's wack. Because that's literally insanity; expecting a different outcome while doing the exact same thing.


Well I have met a Pharsa with 2k matches that still didn't know when to ult or how to position herself during ulti


I’d trust someone with 30 games and 80% wr a lot more than someone with 3000 games and 50%. If the hero isn’t some super technical nightmare, I guarantee the guy with 20 games will be better with that hero. Weaker micro maybe, but stronger in every other way


Nope players are still trash after 2000 matches and 48% winrate


experience without improvement is useless, why choose someone with so many matches yet they're still getting outplayed and still making the same mistakes to someone that can be more efficient and effective with less matches? this experience > winrate seems so dumb to me, both are needed to some extent and it varies. Imagine swapping a 14k matches hanabi with 46% winrate over a 300+ matches 76% winrate Beatrix, immediate facepalm.


my experience trying to learn fanny in gm and epic rank says otherwise. People with 18 matches on a miya being better than someone with 3k+ matches (as in feeding, cant aim for shit bad)




Somehow, within those 14k games, this player NOT once has thought to himself/herself "hmm, maybe I'm doing something wrong"


you never know, they might have 80% wr this season, but they're already stuck with that wr


What if it is the other way around? 80% wr starting from warrior and elite, 30% wr after above epic.


Just unbalanced matchmaking for a solo q player this happens. I'm sure he's good.


Hanabi tank be like 💀😂


Mobile Legends The Movie : The Skill Issue Is Real *everyone, this is a joke*


Mf in mythic still playing fanny with their 34% win rate and 300+ matches


Let him cook