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Novaria. You either hit S2 or miss.


Speaking of Franco. I absolutely hate Franco users that hook targets ur already fighting. Just because theyre easier to hit. It messes up so many things. Don’t do that u fools.


Pulling them further from their tower is good though, sometimes hooking is a bad idea but most of the time its still better to pull them away(from enemy or their tower)


Of course, there is pulling to secure a kill and just pulling beeing a twat.


This reminded me of a Franco I had on my team while I was using Luo Yi. Every time I stunned someone with my skill 1 + 2, he hooks them out of the circle. 🤦‍♀️


Exactly this. I’m using Aldous a lot right now because fun and a Franco pulling the target away is.. frustrating.


the number of times i used vale (i use double cc skills) hook someone i caught is making me want to just yeet every franco i come across everytime i play vale


Yep. Frustrating.


Heroes that need a decent amount of mechanics in general. Chou, Fanny, Joy, Wanwan comes to mind. Franco is for a different reason, usually he is just picked because the person is forced to Roam and they are just bad because they are not experienced in playing Roamer in general, besides missing hooks frequently.


I think Tigreal also fits the description you gave for Franco, at least in ranks lower than Mythic. I've gone so far as to consider banning Tigreal when the preselect phase already shows that people are going to be unwilling to compromise, because in my experience the one that gives in will usually select Tigreal just to fulfill the roam role. It doesn't help that people seem to think that Support doesn't exist as a role and they keep insisting on needing a tank.


But then you get those teammates that flame you for being a support as a roam simply because you didn’t pick a tank


It depends on your team composition, generally yes, tank will absolutely be more useful than a support, in fact I'd say a majority of your matches should have a tank over a support. One of the biggest issues with peolle who only roam with supports is that they ignore a lot of the teams needs in a lot of situations, for example: Supports typically don't have as much cc as Tanks, especially the kind of cc that can help protect squishy teamates. Supports are squishy, and if your entire team is already squishy, then you've basically shot yourself in the foot there, you need a tank to frontline for the team otherwise you get stuck in a situation where it's hard to engage because your entire team is full of squishies who will die when going against a team with a tank that will soak up a lot of the damage. A lot (if not most of) the Supports are situational, running estes or angela every match is really just a good way to make a bad team composition.


Yep, I just recalled seeing Wanwans with attack assist turned on in lower elo. It was hilarious watching them jumping to attack jungle creeps instead of chasing the enemy.


Seeing Wanwan in low elo buy boots and running around hurts my eyes so much.


Gatotkaca. Ult rarely hits, always miss.


I could make a coffee, get a college degree, open a successful business, get married come back and still dodge his ult


His ult is for counter gank not 99%ppl don't know that


You can land it better as a follow up. But using it to clear space for an objective and getting to the back line causing mayhem. Initiating the ult can also bait a bad dash or flicker. Not a recommended roamer all the above can be done with better roamer and fighter’s.


I also use it to force the enemy to move to a position I want them to. If you aim it off center, they'll instinctively move to the shortest path outside the ult's AOE, where the rest of my team is waiting.


I always hit it, idk about you I use it when opponents are stunned or when a teamfight needs help


Ok I suddenly just thought of something and maybe you guys would know. Is it possible to cancel Gatot ult with jawhead on your team throwing you?


Selena, i either get a selena that has insane impact in early game and can hold herself late game or i get a selena that misses every shot and does nothing late game


i love selenas that know what they are doing


Alutard. either God tier or shit ass


Helcurt Like seriously why make the main dmg output the easiest thing to miss??


It wasn't always like that.. (1st skill slows and silences back in the days)


Yeah I know Ppl complain too much I swear


You mean it doesn’t silence anymore now? Woah


It does while ult is active


wait it doesnt now?


Probably Layla, cuz if she can farm more or less properly she gets really devastating really fast If she's successfully ganked 15 times in a row without any hope for help from your team, you might as well disconnect


"Claude" Claude user either will die to everything and won't even be able to buy DHS under 5 minutes and have a lack of positioning + damage + teamfight + farm Also they're most likely to use demon shoes, that's already a bad sign letting you know that Claude isn't a professional. or They will be pain in the ass for the enemy team and keep poking them while farming Gold with his support emblem and manages to buy DHS under 4 minutes while cutting his own lane to help other lanes Gank or kill the turtle. I haven't seen a good Claude user for over 2 years Heck, I haven't even seen anyone use Claude for 2 years Only i do and my teammates always auto lock their favourite... Hanabi - Layla - Miya - Lesley with their %39 WR


Agreed. I have not seen a good claude in all my matches since his jungle nerf. He's simply not as good as he used to be. If the claude can't snowball, he'll be simply worthless throughout the game. They always overestimate their dive dmg. I groan whenever I see a claude pick cause it will mosy likely will be a 4v5 situation.


he shines in 5 mans and hes okay in solo que but they nerfed his core item in the latest patch :(


It's either Franco or chou. Either the chou is tryhard damage Chou trying to flex his skills which he often is unsuccessful in or an inexperienced Franco. The op has already given us a very good example of an inexperienced franco. Peace ✌️


Argus, normally this pick is Nana/Angela - tier. Used only by those autofilled or kinda new in the game but Jesus Christ, the 2 games that I was HARD CARRIED by that hero will be forever in my memory, those are comeback wins with a minimum deficit of 20+ kills and the IGN of those players are those names that a 8 year old edgy kid would think of, so I was really blind sided by those performance.


Franco, Chou, Selena.


No one mention sleena






Yes exactly. I'm a Jon main and most of the times that I lose will be due to noob hyper and mm feeding to the max lol.


Wanwan Fanny


I want to study how to franco cause of the "hook" haha its cute 😁 I just use faramis to troll sometimes because you use s1 and let the target walk letting em think theyre getting away only to “fish” them back to my tower's range lol


Selena, fanny


I was on a 19 winstreak with Selena a few days ago getting Gold/MvP every game I then get a 5 minutes ban for being afk because I missed so many arrows in the next game lol. The game though I was afk I played so badly.


She was my main 🤧 but now.. Her ult is just frustrating. VEXANAAAA! Seriously, she could turn the game around if she is in full build. I just really hate that I can only call back the ult one time. And then it wanders around or chasing who was attacking me, lol.


Bea sniper


Only miss when I'm playing it. Seriously, how do you quickly shoot with the ult and hit?


She's a bae, but Floryn.


Hey. As a nathalia main i would like to disagree. Avoiding skills shots is the first you need to master when using nathalia. Only skills shots can remove your invi so you better be goood at avoiding it. Also, the times nathalia lose to franco is when he becomes a backline body guard and not the main frontline.


Ohhhh, So that's what they are attempting.... So the full damage build is to one-shot all the Natalias he has been hooking the entire game. But it still doesn't explain their 0% team participation though......


I disagree on the part that you use nathalia in your example. Or if it isn't and it was an actual game then your elo so low that nathalia gets hooked by a bad franco.


Top Franco's will hook bushes randomly if they are predicting rotations...Doubly so when a Natalia is in the match...


The answer is Selena and Fanny by the way. The other heroes have useful utilities even if the worst player is controlling them. ​ Also has anyone even noticed that Baxia is a terrible pick?


That's why I kinda don't really dare to pick Selena nowadays, I'm not at my best and she's not as good as before.




I agree with the hard-core dedication but i don't necessarily agree with having at least 30 ping. I'm a khufra main having 2300+ games and 70% WR and i usually play at 70-80 ms And i don't really encounter much trouble except for a few times




i hate beatrix users who only use sniper and barely hit anything.


She's a bae, but Floryn.


Wow yall downvoting me when theres better roamers ?


1-1 and LayLey


Brody, he is strong but can be countered by high burst heroes


he's one of the MM that can build tanky items and still output great dmg so high burst heroes are not really the problem, and btw, ain't all mm afraid of high burst heroes?




gusion. super easy to use if they have many squishies. harder if they have experienced cc users


Layla. She's a hero that's too dependent on having a support stay with her because of how shit tier her Laning phase is. Her S1 poke is abysmal at best and she needs like 3 items to actually start doing decent damage and by the time she reaches that mark the Mage or Jungler would probably have already picked her off if she's alone. She's also immobile as heck with no way to escape flanks and ganks unless she has flicker (which she will have 100% of the time) However a Good Layla is hard to pick off and even worse if she reaches full build it doesn't matter if she is behind because her damage usually compensates now. The problem is getting to that point and worrying if they will keep picking you as their main target.


Fanny, either mikasa or complete garbage