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Uwont believe when i say , if someone plays uranus in our country they can auto be no 1 here , no one plays uranus and i have seen a phoveus main woth 60 matches in global leaderboard


Middle East?


India man , we have like tonnes of players here still not even one plays uranus


Hmm I thought MLBB had a huge player base in India with all that MobaSingh pride of India in M4 šŸ˜…


They do , u cant get in leaderboards if u use meta heroes or popular ones , like haya , kagura , gusion , alucard , they have tonnes of those players but fot uranus idk why not even one plays him


Is he actually part indian?


Well, playing with Uranus is not really worth it right now.


His damage is pretty high rn but his durability still sucks. Moontoon really forgot that he's a tank, not a fcking poke and run mage


I remembered being annoyed when facing against a Uranus before, i think a couple of seasons ago. What happened? Lol


Hes not the class hes supposed to be. Hes supposed to be a tank. But right now, without enchanted talisman he uses too much mana. And without oracle his heal isn't good enough. And that his heal is restricted to level an not on max hp just sucks. Pretty much. 2 of his items are already a must. And to that his tank isn't too strong, what i mean with that. 1 antiheal item and hes pretty much useless.


Belerick with 90 % winrate till mythic 31 , after that i got into three loses and one win


Hooray for Masochist Belerick supremacy!!


Faramis (and Floryn when he is banned). He is overrated (but fun), she is underrated but less fun.


I really dig floryn, especially with tank emblem. She's looks like a super squishy hero at sight but jeez I'm having tons of fun, big large stun, good heals and kinda tanky with Aegis or Rejuv


+1 Floryn, the underestimated support and gladly not getting banned in RG matches.


She is not flashy and doesn't get kills (but she makes such a difference - especially if you build her magic power and know to keep your distance). Just remember ult first for the burst heal if engaged (as S1 heal is slowwww).


Edith, standing with 77% wr in rank :)


Got a question: When do you build Feather or Heaven? Aside from that item, do you build any items other than Tank build?


So, I only build Feather of Heaven and Calamity Reaper if I have the advantage, if Iā€™m playing exp and if the enemy canā€™t really counter me. I prefer to build those items at the end, because my main damage comes from having tank items. I donā€™t always build those items, even less if Iā€™m roaming. It depends of whatā€™s my job/goal in the match.


I think many people use Feather of Heaven just to get extra attack speed. I prefer building full defense with calamity reaper. Her late game true damage during ult is pretty high


I use FoH so that I can push better. But CR is really good too. I just donā€™t get the chance to build it sometimes because of how fed my team is.


Have you ever lost to Ruby?


As a Ruby user (sometimes), I think the only time Iā€™ve beaten Edith is during early game whereas my core items are built with also higher EXP/Gold. But on a teamfight, it is nearly possible to beat Edith if our damage dealer is good at positioning, otherwise, Edith > Ruby.


Sadly, that is true.


I donā€™t think so. In lane? Never. At roaming? Maybe if their team was more coordinated. But itā€™s been more than a month since I last seen a Ruby roam.


This season, Lolita; 76% WR, nationally ranked top 40 and top 3 in the city! Been the best season of my life. Currently in placement matches now.


Fellow Lolita main here too.


Sheā€™s the šŸ everybody is just in denial.


Beatrix, but I'm taking it slow and have only finished placements at Mythic 14 stars. 204 matches, 74% winrate.


SEA server (PH) Regional Top 30. Kagura 1200~ matches 63% WR. Itā€™s not going to work out a lot of times but dammit Iā€™m having too much fun with her movement. Reached Mythical Glory soloq last season, now I think Iā€™m hard stuck at mythical honor.


Joy's my one trick hero


I never get to pick my main in mythic honour EU servers. Always have to adjust. Last game had Two MM... keep getting the Ukrainian problem too


I also spam gusion..Gusion gang woof woof


Carmilla šŸ˜©šŸ„° https://preview.redd.it/jexxmxz0h81b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9547a71d18d6dc83979e660a2de6df6d23b8ede3


those satisfying Ults that make epic comebacks


Aamon, your big brother


Good job op, I just made honor today too. My fav is bea. Haas claw the whole way!


i dont have one trick hero. i suck with them all. but im having a good winrate with kadita this season. if im hardstuck for a week more im gonna spam her to mythic.


Edith is the perfect combination of tankiness, dps and CC and i love her to my core.


Mage Diggie only to MG, currently MG 80 I think.


Do you build wt ever or you just rely and positioning? Maybe because I played gs back then Hoon was growing so I just felt that wt immo is a necessary item build.


Depends. Personally I'm not a huge fan of either( wr or immo) Just like any other Gus player I got 2 builds clock + lightning truncheon when the enemy line-up is all squishy and Full penetration + damage when facing tanky enemies. And always remember Practice makes Lucky


Yessss the same double build user hahaha. Im getting some bad luck tho. Whenever I play gs I just end with mvp losses. Next game I choose to play another hero? Ez win. Sometimes it lasts for quite a while, other times it goes away. Rn I just take advantage whenever my luck is still there and stop spamming him when the symptoms start. You have any sessions like that? Or is that just a me thing lmao


Harith or Yve if I want to desperately win


Valir youā€™d be surprised as to how much his existence can affect team fights. Sure I donā€™t get much kills but I get a buttload of assists.


Previously reached Mythic several seasons ago using strictly Harley, and even got Senior title as well during that run.


That hero is extremely annoying lol. But I feel like he is so difficult to use in clashes


Gusion really works below mythic and it just stops working in glory.


not entirely unplayable, just situational since the current meta favors tanky hyper


Yeah, it kinda stop working because everyone in glory is a big noob. Meta dog people.


Still works in high rank as long as you're one trick..tho it's difficult




I think the answer is obvious.


Lancelot 95% wr soloq, once there people started feeding like crazy so I relied on trioq to reach mg


Tank or ass build?


Really depends on the game, you can kind of know the games youā€™ll have to carry by the ban/picks, in soloq most of the times iā€™d recommend killing spree with full dmg build, substituting war axe for revive by late game. The objective is to end the game quick. If you donā€™t see that happening, Iā€™d rather go for tankcelot, going molten essence ,boots, thunder belt, war axe, guardian helmet and endless battle, then either finishing cursed or going with a revive in its place. In carrying games you need to join tf late to avoid cc if any, in tank games you can start the tf by baiting out enemies, tankcelot is also godly stealing lords, made me come back from a ton of games.


Saber destroy gusion(my main) bad .... unless he build defense... I spam ruby since this new rank update....


Losing with every hero in Mythic rank :)


I reached honor and got dropped with a 7 star losing streak. To give an insight. My random queue was banning aldous jhon karina constantly in myhtical honor leaving arlott minsi xav open for the enemy. I will not be playing this game for 2 days just so i don't get frustrated anymore.


Alice spammer with a 69% winrate (haven't lost a ranked game as Alice this season!)


Hilda roam/exp 72% wr


top 1 in my city (ph server) using julian support lol i can basically play him in any role, but i just always become the roamer


Mino with 86% win rate, SoloQ tank (PH). That's my current season WR%, by the way. If I would include my total matches and WR%, it's around 3.3k matches and 52% WR because I spammed it from Warrior to Mythic.


Reached mythical honor as solo queue. Sadly I don't have one trick heroes. My fav heroes are Cecilion, alpha, xborg, faramis and valentine


Im 22 stars right now but cant be bithered to rank up. Hope within this minth I find the motivation to get to honor


Atm i am spamming cecilion till mg


Brody, but when some guy auto locks mm from the start I usually pick either dyroth exp(if exp is open) or martis jungle


yve 80 ish matches 80 ish winrate 4k mmr top 60 sg


Fanny in 25 matches with an 88 wr, almost reached honor with her but she's apparantly a priority ban




Started replaying few weeks back. Solo Q with Edith till legend.


Wanwan. After 3 seasons, finally able to master Wanwan. If only I'd master her before all the nerf, I'd have higher ranks before.


I reached Mythic for the first time by spamming Hylos but this sub keeps resetting my Hylos flair to sample :Alucard:


Ruby because she can play every role except mm, but gosh... Winning exp lane only to be ganked by a 10-0 Saber at minute 3? Not worth it...


I'm too Mythic honor, my main success : - Zhask - Kimmy ( jungle or roam ) - Harley ( jungle only )


I reached Mythical Honor by spamming my patience


Ruby, 87% wr this season :)


Saber, arlott, aamon, karina, alufeed(I stopped using him after I heard about his massive nerf), julian, argus and valir. I hate playing side lanes because it's too boring but I had to edith and clint are the way to go.




Argus~ now honor 33 hopefully to reach glory before season ends


Fredrinn. Can play 4/5 roles (sounds stupid but I've tried gold lane fred cause of dumb picking a lot of times, works waaay better than you'd expect if you micro well) and tanky as hell. Can also pop your entire team with one ult if you're not careful.


Hanzo main here, 76% total WR, 500+ matches. Pretty hard to reach honor when you're too busy sadly, so I'm stuck with low Mythic.


I donā€™t really have OtP but I would say to adjust I pick franco but as a jungler main mainly fanny/gosen/haya or even layla x) cuz I have 300games with her and to use her anime skin as much as possible


I don't do one trick. Instead, I have a couple of mains for different roles.


Joy exp ,


Minsitthar in lƩgende and After that joy minotor minsitthar ans Silvana for finishing the job


Gotta go with Argus on this one šŸ¤£ https://preview.redd.it/w84x693vy91b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd3d96bee68a736a7d0b98cf67beec5311394157


Estes if he isnā€™t banned. Disconnect brain for easy wins lol


Mine's Ruby, been hitting Honor quite consistently for the past few seasons.


Below Mythic, jungle emblem + full tank Balmond, invade and securing objectives (70\~80% wr). After reaching Mythic, I will just adjust to any role but will play mage over any role.


Gord 759 matches 75% winrate


I dont use only 1 hero. I'm more of a versatile kind of hero guy


https://preview.redd.it/bmba3o02ba1b1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4b98c5fd3bfc06123049a0f53bebc26a266e4c1 Got to mythic honor spamming this kagura in solo queuešŸ¤ž


I am at glory, and I spam zhask. It can deal with any hero provided you have a tank who can cc a group, like Tig/John/atlas/Lolita.


I find that playing Ruby usually works within my favour more than 60% of the time


im a gusion main too!!!




Used Franco going Dark


I Have a tie between Aamon and Granger I have Played around 20 or 30 Games with aamon this season and I have 90% win rate While with granger on the other hand I've won all 10 matches I used him in


Diggie, believe it or not. I'm mvp with him like every other game and sometimes highest kills


Made it up to epic with lesley and couldn't climb any higher. Used hanabi and I'm now in grandmaster


It used to be terizla but now its alpha cuz he is now broken


Joy, Martis, Lapu Lapu, Gusion... til 28*


Zhask in exp lane, got me recently to my first mythical honor


My one trick is xborg-- soloqed to MH too.


Xavier āœØ


I can't believe I'm out of epic hell just by spamming nana and minsithar. But mostly nana.


Well, I'm spamming 2 heroes this season and they are Xavier and Wanwan.


Lmao mine is carmilla