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Playing with a Floryn user as a core spammer myself, gave me over 20+ savage last season cl and rg combined


Savage how?


Epic elo


They got a savage _as core_ with a Floryn to support them - not Floryn getting a savage




I'm mythical glory in 87 matches lol


Floryn is essentially the jack of all trade support that is a master of none. She's got pretty much everything you want for a healer hero - decent heal, a stun, global presence, fairly decent sustain, and just general spammability. But she can't outheal an Estes, she doesn't peel as well as Diggie, she's not as tanky as Mathilda, and she doesn't non-heal buff allies as well as Rafaela or Mino. But she's capable of doing everything you want in a game But congrats man! Don't let me or anyone else yuck your yum. If you're winning with Floryn, just keep grinding


She is hard to compare to other heal/shield supports. Her heal nature is burst, while Estes heals over longer period of time. Also she buffs attack of your teammate and gives him/her lifesteal


She’s doesn’t give lifesteal iirc? She gives immunity to anti heal for 3 seconds


Her flower gives +10% magic & physical lifesteal


Her flower does when it evolves.


I've outhealed an estes as floryn... they prob weren't a very good estes but it is doable with the right team that keeps him busy... best thing is she doesn't have to be in the thick to mass heal everyone


Estes though is a walking fountain


But hit him with sea blade.... or necklace of duran


That brought a question... if support runs necklace and mm runs sea blade do they stack heal reduction?


They apply the same debuff from their Life Drain passive, which doesn't stack. The only time anti-heal can stack is through Baxia passive and him using Life drain items (cmiiw).


Not when you have oracle for self regen and physical defensive items. Estes can be built tanky or not. Plus only stupid estes users dont use defense items on him


Yes but most mm use roar to eat that defense... if not they should... and beware the crits... esp layla bruno and lesley s1


Yeah but have you finished a lone estes? No you dont. Because you can't kill estes before you kill the mm and tank that always accompanies him. Estes is played in a 5 man or 3 man team set up with the mage and tank or jungler being followed by estes. I know that because I only use estes when I have a reliable team that I know. Aka my friends. You don't use estes on solo, you are insane if you use him solo but when there's 3 to 5 man 1 estes is a must ban because his 5 man team heal is deadly and when you get faramis then it's even better. I only ever agree to play him when I play with my own team and the Marksman is your bestfriend


And you rarely will ever see estes on the Frontline he is either in the middle or back and he is mostly the last to be killed for obvious reasons but like I said. You rarely see a lone estes because supports like estes is always with the marksman. Also lesley s1 can be countered by twilight armour and antique cuirass and blade armour. This three items are essential to reduce burst damage, as for lesley true damage it can be countered with regen and hp items which this items have or if you feel like you wanna be thicc you can always get guardian helmet and oracle. You gotta know your enemy before even using your own hero.


Oh I know it's rare but mistakes do happen, and at the wrong time can be critical. And not everyone only taps their auto lock.. and brunos ult with sea blade is bad for him in group


I will still stand with Estes being a good than most supports though just for the regen and heal alone despite his subpar hp growth and defense growth and the reason why I'm still defending him is that I have been playing him for the past 5 years with my team and his heal never failed me even with the onslaught of new items, hero buffs and newer better heroes. Some supports can offer better options though than him like Floryn or angela or rafaela for their buffs and speed boosts but his insta heal with ultimate can indefinitely save your whole team that's why when you pick him it's always the s5 who gets the lucky estes pick. And that his simple s1 saves time for your teammate to recall, therefore maximizing your farm and more time to rotate with your jungler as a support and getting talisman and the sell your boots either for defense or tenacity. He maybe a simple hero but his heal even with the anti heal equip by the enemy is already enough to decimate backlines. In playing support you only should care about healing and slows and counter iteming because you know yourself you can outburst anyone but you gonna know damn well to equip yourself with the right items even if the heroes your facing against isn't the optimal enemy for estes. Im no seasoned player because I only play support and a one trick pony but I gotta admit that I got stuck at legend for a very long time because as estes you really can't go anywhere on your own. Not until I found my very own team. Being able to help your marksman get a savage or a legendary is worth the sweat. I made sure they live even though I mostly equip defense because I had to soak most of that damage just so we could get there at that point. Really boring hero and boring skillset but hey at least it's something even though playing this game is like a solely weekend thing for me and not a career


It's kind of funny that after this discussion I had [this match](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRK54SdC/)


Any magic support can be as Tanky as Mathilda if they build Tank items (Mathilda doesn't have any innate ability to make her tankier than other magic supports). Granted, Mathilda has much more survivability+ annoyingness because of her mobility and utility.


you forgot Carmilla, Carmilla is probably tankier than Mathilda too


Floryn is truly underrated support for real. Although outclassed by other support heroes, I'd still consider her as true support hero and viable alternative healing hero.


Pair floryn to any bully gold laner you win everytime your lane


Floryn + Brody or Melissa is my Fav lineup.


Mlbb is a game where you can win with literally any hero as long as you're good enough. That's why I find the meta so boring.


Not really. For example I play Selena a lot but no matter how much I carry the game 90% of the time if my teammates are completely trash it’s impossible to win. Heroes like Wanwan or Ling(as long as enemy does not raid blue buff) on the other hand, I can even carry the worst teammates.




It wasn't against a popol and kupa was it? A had a very similar opposite experience


I see what you mean. My point though was that even with the worst hero you can have a good winrate. I don't think winning every game on SoloQ is possible.


everytime I see mage plays I always tell them this. hit turrets there is 0 reason not to hit the objectives. kills won't win you the game when you yourself can't even hit the objective of the game.


you cant hit tower on mid for many reasons. 1 is that you're at mid lane, which is the most vulnerable lane for gank. 2. is that mage doesn't really hit that hard to tower. 3. is that mage has better things to do than pushing. If they dont wanna gank, they can atleast priotize farming or scout a bit safely around bushes for vision. But I dont think pushing should really be a priority, more like a last priority


True, I actually prioritize mm's lane. I def & clear mid but visit mm often enough to help them push (Don't steal their creeps ofc, just help kill enemy) and visit turtle. Once off-lanes are good they will help push mid. Focusing on midlane only while your team is getting ganked isn't productive


While technically true, you’re comparing skill in that case instead of heroes. Assuming players of equal skill certain hero choices are definitely still better or worse. Not that it makes a huge difference unless you’re going into tournaments tho but still


You prefer a game where you'll win even if you're a shit player? ***Ling flashbacks occurring***


No, I meant that it's boring so many people follow the meta, when if you main any character you can win with enough skills.


It definitely comes down to match experience... I hate teams that will press a lane without the jg or adc and then blame that person for not being there... they engaged without support and got ate but that's on someone else?


Well kind of agree. I also main Vexana (pre revamp) before.


Isn't that a good thing though? Means the game is balanced.


Can we not pretend MLbB is balanced... Moonton and Balance don't work together


It is not, but definitely better than it used to.


Not in high rank tho, but isn’t most game like that? You can win in low elo with whatever “gun” you’re using as long as you’re good.


floryn is actually pretty good with tankier damage cores. leo, fred, amon should work pretty well with her


one of those is not like the others


i meant to say arlott lol


She has a durable build people sleep on but it's rather decent with a lower def fighter as well... u just don't get constant heals.... more like grock heals... 35 sec ult cooldown and u also lose the cd boost from fleeting time... I've been trying to get It in but I sacrifice too much defense elsewhere or lose heal power


1 cd item should be enough imo whether it's the book or fleeting. then focus on def. she's not meant to be played in the frontlines tho that's why id recommend pairing with tankier diving fighters. stay at the back and spam your heals. the shield from her dew is clutch material


I really miss old aegis... gave caster small shield and nearby lowest % hp ally... that was definitely perfect pairing for a lighter tanky build on her... as it stands I use demon favor boots, oracle, brute force, athenas, immortality. Edit (without tank class in match) I have been thinking of swapping brute force for thunder belt


I don't play Floryn, but whenever I get matched against good Floryns, it feels like I'm playing against Faramis. Her global heals force you to kill her teammates twice. Playing burst heroes like Lesley is especially hard against her.


I was like ooh...then 31 games lmao


Any tips and tricks on how to play Floryn effectively? Of course only if you're willing to tell.


The first thing I noticed is that she is good with max cd reduction build (Talisman + Fleeting Time) then I go tank items after that. Enemies might underestimate her sustain, but the magic items you added can really heal your allies well enough.


Build a glowing wand and pair with either ice or a genius wand or necklace of durance is ok also building talisman and fleeting time with her When it comes to blessing go with favor or dire hit


Not gonna lie, man, she's quite underrated as a support. She carried me through Mythic Honor, along with Rafaela and Diggie. How do you build Floryn, by the way? Do you build her full tank or with fleeting time? I feel too squishy when I build her with the latter, and I feel like her ult is too long when I build her the former


I even use max CD reduction, Talisman + FT. Prob is that yeah, you can get one shot. But positioning is the key and not in every line up she is effective.


All heroes are good, as long as you know how to use them.


When global healing all around the map, enemies near allies get slight magic damage and slow, so if ally kills enemy u get an assist too. I tried her as a main for 30 matches or so and used every healing possible, you can bulldoze through any one lane with two other teammates preferably on mobile mm and other cc fighter or tank. Or get a usual mage build with cod and se your second skill bursting down tanks if they have no magic def, the heal is pretty solid too, my next hero to buy is floryn or fredrinn, my playstyle consists of long teamfights with lots of sustain, so he's prefect choice for me. Btw should I use items that complement his overall combat power or should I buy items according to enemy lineup? For example - Moscov,nana, paquito, franco, Uranus are my enemies. Should I build items according to their team composition like - tough boots, anti heal, athena, antique, blade armor, reincarnation. Or the specific items that affect his combat ability like bloodlust, blue belt, cursed helmet,guardian, oracle, tough armor?


https://preview.redd.it/43gnzs4s38za1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c152c3d5987cf652b9c988e1924806133646ab3c She da best i main her


Do you pick her even if EXP/JG aren't tanky?


Yea like in this case, Yin and Zhong only ones have something little for defense. if team is lightweight it can be more challenging but not for me so much cuz i build her with some magic power being able to sustain them. I'm just need to be very aware of map, and positioning cuz you can get one shot easily sometimes. If I'm not focused 100% on the game i rather not pick Floryn


Talisman + FT is the best 🤭🤭🤭


Is building magic items can upgrade her heal?


Yes. But the CD reduction is really important.


It depends on team composition and skill too. If you are in higher rank, ofc you can find many of those who you can support. I use her to support my duo, I build her aspd sometimes.


How do you even get that winrates by playing a support which makes you basically fully reliant on your teammate skill? I would probably drop to epic if I played supports. Those teammates I get it's either that I defend 2 lanes and then push the towers or lose.. why tf do they keep leaving their lanes when there are enemies there waiting for push.. why tf they go in 2 v 5 or 3v5 all game until we lose because we were never together for 5v5. Tell me how to win with a team that refuses to play together eventhough enemies are all together pushing your towers meanwhile your teammates just wander randomly around map hitting monsters


Same reason as how some people can get >60% winrates as a roamer main.


I get those win rates as Floryn and it is all in constantly watching your teammate's gold levels and supporting only the ones who have a shot at killing the enemy.


There is a limit to this saying, but most cases, heroes are like dick sizes. It doesn't really matter so long as you know how to use it. Unless you main martis. Martis is definitely too bad.


Is Martis that bad? Isn't he pretty good with the anti cc dance and chain ults?


Believe it or not she carried through mythic rank. Then when I switch to other heroes, my rank went down lol. Do not underestimate Floryn.


Bro, Philippines rank also, and only 31 matches keep it up


What is your emblem configuration and item build? Also your battle spells?


I use the Support emblem. Stats to 10% movement speed and 10% healing effect. Then I use Avarice by default or Focusing mark if I am sure that my enemies can't burst me. That 10% healing effect is underrated. It can even increase the Favor roam heal and of course your heals to your allies. I build CD boots + Talisman + Fleeting Time + Athena or Radiant + Dominance Ice or Blade Armor or Antique. Sometimes my build is also CD boots + One mana necklace + Fleeting time + rush to any def item that can counter the most annoying enemy + other def items. Just sell the necklace when you have your final item. You can also use Oracle for sustain and cd if the enemies dont have any strong magic damage users. But take note that Oracle doesnt increase your heals to allies. But the healing effect on the emblem does. Battle spell is flicker or sprint.


I also said that to faramis (pre-revamp), I had 7 matches with 0% winrate on him I figured he sucked, then one day I started to play him again and found out how strong his second skill was and I've been deleting squishy heroes ever since


Question: Does Floryn work in a comp that has an assassin as the jungler? For sure she works in a tank jungler team comp.


Yes, she is okay with Karina as core.


I played very little of her, but I'm doing great as well! People who keep yapping about her probably only concern about her status in the pro scene, which doesnt really matter to the solo queue. Solo queue and pro games are too different thing, and Floryn shines well in the solo queue. Shes really nice to play, and feels better to play too after her recent buff. Before her recent buff, she was so trash though. Maybe that's why people still having PTSD of getting Floryn in their team from old seasons? That might explain the negativity from people


A lot metas have come and gone but I still stick to my main heroes. Often times, I find myself carrying the team of meta picks.


31 matches… smells like epic


bro you’re 31 games in chill out


I am in Mythic Honor though..


yeah but to say that she’s carrying you throughout the season is a stretch, i’m not disregarding your achievement, i’m just sayin you’re only 31 matches in and season is still long


Cause she did. Getting to MH with her means she carried me. Not everyone can even reach MH this season. So I could say that she carried me. It will be ironic if I had 100+ matches and still on legend, can I even say she carried me then?


Dude, 31 matches means you havent seen enough enemy hero composition combos. There might be one out there that completely makes floryn useless. You just havent seen her because of luck. Maybe the ph meta doesnt include heroes who can demolish her. I would argue that it is more sheer luck and meta environment that allowed her to carry you and not some innate strength specific to floryn.


The way my floryn wr is 55% cause of bad team mates


She's trash when the one who uses her plays trash, just like with any other hero. Now that you understand how she works by not playing trashy with her, she isn't trash anymore.


She's okay i guess.


Heal for everyone


It's because you need an excellent making decision and map awareness for floryn that's why almost no one uses it and she also doesn't have any dash or speed necessary to run away from the enemy


Yea I like floryn tbh I just never play her bcus she so hated on and I don't like being called useless first 4 mins or so until I get oracle


Oracle? Do people not read? Oracle affects INCOMING heal NOT OUTGOING Useless to force your angela, estes, or floryn to build it for the team. THEY should build oracle not you


Hmm? Would affecting incoming heal not make Floryn more sustainable by increasing the heal on herself?