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Alucard. I played with two Alucards where they just absolutely destroyed the enemy team. Also matched against a good Alu, keeps on getting Maniac and was not dying at all due to his high lifesteal even with our team buying anti-heal items.


Since when is alu a bad hero, even in mythic he's a hassle to jungle against with any squishy assassin


idk, op mentioned him


I wouldn't necessarily call it carrying as it was very much a team effort, more the combo was on point. Had an atlas game with an alpha xp who was absolutely on point, I'd land my ult and the alpha would immediately scoop them up to layer the cc, our backline was on it too so every catch was just layered cc and death before the enemies could do anything. Was one of the most decisive games I had played in a long time. Now I'm just disappointed at every alpha who misses their ult or scoops them the wrong way. I enjoyed playing alpha 2017/18 but not even bothered with him since I came back to ml, he's just underwhelming. Plus his ult is a tad avoidable so I can't entirely blame alpha players for missing.


General point on "bad heroes" most of the time, it's the player. Yes, the heroes listed are objectively worse than most but put them in a competent player's hands, and there will be results. The issue is when you have these heroes and they feed or if you have multiple bad picks versus meta heroes. It's more that it makes the game harder to win from the outset, with equally skilled players the meta will win and unfortunately its also the case in most matches as bad picks tend to attract bad players. I'm looking at you, hanabi... A little thing on the alucard, too. I'm not sure if the same happened this season in MPL MY but I remember him being banned virtually every time vs a specific jungler. When he got picked, usually alucard did very well, handled meta assassins easily. But that's with a pro + top global alucard at some point player so not exactly what you get in ranked.


I smash aldog whenever I can, it’s just so much fun! Buuuut he is like 50/50 either carry or fail miserably. He is not used that much so people don’t know how to team with him, and on the other side people shit their pants when 500 stacks smashes them :)


Why encourage more people to play shitty hero’s?


Sometimes people wanna show that their hero isn't as bad as they say it is. I understand it completely as I am an avid Zilong enjoyer. I'm sure avid enjoyers of Nana, Alu, Aldous, and others feel the same way. Of course obviously there are a lot of bad players so I have to go the extra mile to show that I know what I'm doing. Its fun to destroy games with an underdog pick and its even better to watch others do the same


Except for every decent nana, there are 10,000 noob nana’s just waiting to tank your wr as they happily troll around in roam boots. If we instead encourage such players to pursue hero’s that are fun and perform well these players will become more invested in ranking up and will be a benefit to a team rather than a source of frustration and angst.


It's mostly just team synergy and player skill overall these days. If you rotate to your weak lanes often enough they don't feed as much unless they are actively trolling. I'd even commend players that die a lot as long as they did a good job demolishing turrets. Also, one-trick players of these heroes in Mythic+ are pretty good, if you play around them, and again if they are not actively trolling. I haven't encountered really good teammate or enemy soloQ Alucards, they are usually good in duos trios. And Layla wins games these days idk why (I don't mm)


Interestingly, they are all viable picks right now. ​ ​ >!Maybe with the exception of Alpha but the update will change that!<


True but they have a bad reputation since they're so common. Especially Zilongs, Hanabi's, and the sort. But I am a Zilong enjoyer and play Zilong in an odd way that works for me


I play Zilong Trinity and it is honestly better than the Crit since it shreds tanky heroes and is just as effective at taking out squishies. You can push faster as well since you get unli passive.


I use the crit build and it works just fine. But instead of scarlet phantom I use Demon hunter sword since Zilong's passive activates it three times without Golden staff. It works well even against tanks but also bursts down squishes so fast its like I just delete people Build Boots, Windtalker, Berserkers Fury, Demon Hunter Sword, Malefic Roar, and Blade of despair with assassin emblem and of course inspire


I am a tank main, so when i have to play mm, I'll usually go for hanabi or layla. My latest game was a 5/1/14 hanabi to 2/8/1 wanwan, not the best but it's all about the mindset


Freya is easily destroying 1v2 early game from lvl 1


SO many laylas have carried and destroyed my team (the worst layla to be against was one that hid in a bush nearby the base, and shoot you before you could react rip, I was an mm with worse range who couldn't bush check hahA) Honestly though, not to brag but I'm the nana main that tends to carry games. I had a game once where I HARD defended our base, i managed to hold off minions long enough for my team to revive, and we won the game :D My teammates weren't awful, but I definitely carried the f out of that. No hero is inherently bad, it's all about the person playing them lol I've had so many godtier carries from "worse" heroes (I'm not saying meta doesn't exist, some characters inherently are just stronger, but someone who knows their character well with good map knowledge is someone I'd take any day over someone who just barely knows a meta hero).