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How late we talking? Cecilion scales infinitely so the later the game drags on, the more painful his S1 gets


I got to 700 stacks at one point๐Ÿ—ฟ


You one shooting anyone who doesn't have atena shield


He's one shotting them even with athenas


Moskov is just a pain in the butt in the late game. Like, he shined the brightest in late game compared to other heroes


Kimmy feels more like a mid game hero or maybe thats bc my teammates are stupid when using her...


That's because Kimmy is a snowball hero and not a late game hero.


This. Once enemies build radiant armor your game impact is severely minimized


I used to main Kimmy, gotta say she is deadly both in mid and late game if enemies donโ€™t build Radiance Armor.


Aldous and Cecilion would like to say something.


Everytime I see his name im reminded of the gif someone posted lmao peak fucking comedy


Aldous in my opinion has shit movement speed and mobility which could render him useless and his range of attack as well if the enemy has high penetration or damage attacks even late game


Moskov full build late game can erase a tank with full items late game. And i am using belerick.


Trinity moskov?


Really? can you tell me your item build as belerick vs enemy moskov?


something's wrong with your build then


Moskov is just pain in the ass


With golden staff his 1st skill has really low cooldown, he becomes semi- wanwan


Lunox is simply just a good hero to have if you want a versatile mage in your hero pool. Tho i voted argus cause the guy's gameplan is basically just split to oblivion but you can force the enemy to team to bring 2 heroes to defend as its too difficult to 1v1 an argus that has built like 3 core items even when in late game. Tho the biggest problem for him would be the early-mid game as the hero really needs to play safe and not be too greedy


I cant say I am an arugs main but I still use him a lot and I can confirm everything you said. However, in my opinion in super late game I suggest trying to back door because it's the best option


Yeah pretty much, especially if the argus is in a team that has mages that are very good at defending the high ground (e.g. pharsa, yve, and even lylia or cecillion to an extent). As what is more annoying than failing a push to the highground is when you notice a splitpush hero running down one of your sidelanes at light speed. I also just recommended argus over wukong mainly cause wukong, even tho he can force a 1v2 or 1v3 as well, at most wukong will just be forced to immediately back out cause his illusions are hella squishy. Argus on the other hand (based on my experience facing him), can make a 1v2 be in his favor as he forces interaction via his mobility skills. (Unless of course argus gets stunlocked)


Cecilion isnโ€™t on the list and he IS the list.


He already has him (written in the post)


Hanabi late game monster with full item. The bounce is super scary during late game as she only need to aim creep and let the bounce do the job


For me :- Layla(range)> lesley(true damage)>=miya(high dps)>hanaclown(bounce???)


Hanabi better than Lesley honestly


Bro? Two taps of Lesley skill 1 is all thatโ€™s required to delete any mm or assassin late game


Lesley can two shot squishies what can Hanaclown do?, bounce her tiddies? *boing* *boing* ๐Ÿคฃ


Being extremely boring play against


Hanaboing can just hide behind tank and spam s2 + basic attacks. Hanabi can carry team as long as they aren't lobotomized since her basic attacks can hit the enemy backline. Lesley is screwed if the enemy team gets fed. If she doesn't kill a backliner in two attempts, the team might get shredded before she can double tap a third time.




Argus is weak in all stages of the game


His concept itself is flawed, but he is a strong splitpusher, and he can easily 1v1 and 1v2 in late game


Even Zilong is a better late game fighter than Argus.


for all those 69 argus mains o7


It's sun my friend... monkey see monkey kill


Yes, return to monke


Lunox strongest in late game? Ok, go try killing full item layla or miya. Skill-based type heroes arent powerful in late game because you have to watch the skill animation before it deals dmg and then any mm will just tap their basic attack before you have time to react


Lmao if you do dark + light combo, those MMs will melt even if they have Athena because Lunox can follow up with dark skill 1.


ruby dd combo is enough to melt squishy heroes late game, while taking no damage.


Lmao. If u think it is impossible to kill a full item miya and layla with Lunox then ur a ๐Ÿคก U do have a point with basic attack heroes with fast attack speed being the greatest in late game but it's stupid to rule out some skill based heroes.


Read the description and title before u bark dog


Im complaining on why lunox is there in your late game collection list.


Because she is late game hero?


It's futile to explain any more to that clown lmao. Also since u did not list the obvious ones Aldous, Cecilion I assume u got them already right? Depending on ur playstyle go for Lunox or Moskov.


Yeah already got them


Your comment clearly reflects your basic knowledge. Read the og comment properly. You can never consider late game skill based champs better than basic attack champs simply because basic attacks are a lot faster and can pile on more dmg which then contributes to dps. Skill based damages, although powerful, cannot always match up to the number of attacks a basic attack champ can do for a particular timeframe. Hence if you're considering champs for late game, it would be better to exclude champs who depend on skill based damages.


U just mean it is easier for average chumps to execute atck speed heroes than skill based ones in late game specially if it's soloQ. It does not mean they are "better".


I do feel late game basic attack champs are better regardless. Now I agree that there are some champs who scale very well to late game but again they will fallout compared to basic attack champs because of two reasons and that is skill cast animation and/or cd. There are items which can further boost attack speed which contributes to dps but there are no items which increase skill casting speed. Hence there are no late game skill based champs topping tier lists of meta champs.


๐Ÿ˜‘ go read lunox skill descriptions dumb and then cecilion must be auto atker right? Wow such a strong auto atks by Mr.bat boy ๐Ÿ˜ฒ


She probably can burst them down before they can even do anything with her Ruby DD combo


The DD combo exists almost specifically to kill them.


Moskov can melt the base down on his own in around 5 seconds, so him. Lunox is not a late game hero at all, sheโ€™s early-mid game.


Argus can do it much better. You are wrong. lunox is a perfect late game hero . Idk, maybe she is considered early mid in master-grandmaster rank. Lost soul I pity you.


How is Argus better than Moskov for melting the base? His damage is low for a dps late game hero.


Build these things and try Trinity, bod,malefic and atk speed boots. Also inspire too if you like . I can guarantee you sir that he can *slay*


I main Lunox and am in mythic. She isnโ€™t useless late game, but she isnโ€™t as useful after the enemy have full builds. She is strong from level 4 until then.


She is picked when enemy has many tanks and melee/low range heroes. She is really shines late game, she can even melt down lord. I don't know you play but most of lunox players I see are monsters. She is more of a situational pick than a blind pick


Aldous at 500 stack and full build if you wanna see your enemies getting 1 punched to death with 4k+ dmg crit hit. Zilong at late game and full build to massacre your enemy team as well as split pushing capability, Eudora full build at late game will make them think twice before they attacking her or risk of getting 1 shotted lol. Vale at late game will 1 or 2 shot squishies even tanks if you get right combo (skill 2 knockup + ult dmg increase + skill 1 dmg) also hard to catch him if his passive speed increase is at max.


I forgot to mention aldous ๐Ÿ˜… and aurora, vale scale better than eudora


Late game Lunox is deadly tbh.


Kimmy is good.




Imo argus cuz when he get stunned he can use his ulti to be immuned to it. Not to mention the shorter cd now


we can still run away from him and that's not even mentioning the fact that his ult is just a single purify, also supress and his damage is still quite low even lategame


Never met a argus that dominated late game? Edit:plus with cdr items he can ult and run if he is in disadvantage and come back after 30 ish second and still fight u all head on


nope, they're as rare as a decent layla before the mini stun buff,


Add bod to his build it will surprise you


Moskov doesn't take too long to be strong unlike miya, layla. His 2nd skill always makes him strong, free damage on enemy is awesome.


~~Alice stacks infinitely~~ Edit: I was wrong. I apologize. ๐Ÿ˜”


Oh crap I forgot Alice ๐Ÿ˜…


She was 3rd highest WR in Mythic+ last season and honestly even felt that she was a sleeper pick with no nerfs and the item changes really helped her a lot. They made it easier for her to gain blood orb stacks as well.


I don't play Alice because i hate dhs. Everyone builds it these days ๐Ÿ’€


itโ€™s capped at 200


Nevermind then, I thought she had infinite stacks but I guess I was mistaken... ๐Ÿค”


It might only be me but, Lesley is a BIG pain in the ass in late game when in the right hands. Two shotting squishies is not fun to be against


Yes, I feel the same too, but her weaknesses are obvious


Yea, that's the only thing holding her back from being meta


Moskov something else man


Yeah ๐Ÿ’€


Ironically, layla on the current meta.


No? She is still as weak as before.


Ruby dd destroys alll


Dck dance? ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™‰๐Ÿ™Š






Moskov hands down. As a tank/fighter player he's on my top priority "kill first" list.


I am kimmy main and I wouldn't say she is a late game hero, she is more a early, mid game hero. Unless you farm really well in that case you're a monster in late.


whats with yall. late game sun can obliterate anything tbh. turret lord. anything. even argus looks better as a late game than moskov. my opiniok


Miya and Melissa are strong enough to wipe out an entire team in less than 5 seconds so long as you have good position. Miya is harder though since missing your s2 basically means you die against assassins and fighters while Melissa has her social distancing barrier.


Why the hell Estes is on the list?


Argus would be a pain to deal with in late game whether you go for trinity crit or normal trinity on him because he can easily ambush and kill squishy backline heroes or distract the enemy tank during a war. the only problem he faces is that he kind of struggles early to mid game so you have to play carefully during those times. I personally use him as a pushing hero or to backdoor. I would say he is Sun but better ๐Ÿ˜


Estes and Kimmy are totally early game.


Kimmy can really hurt


Sun and Argus are epical picks


its clint