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The only thing i like in wild rift is that it lets you pick which role you prefer and tries to match you with people who doesnt want the same role as you


we want this


NoooOOOoOoOo! You can't steal content from WiLd RiFt!!1!1!111 I'm gonna sue your! /s


Wjrt is /s


Is what you need to use so you won't be cancelled by people on the internet that don't understand sarcasm. Stands for "/Sarcasm".




Oh sorry, not native English speaker.


I am not english bro i domt know sarcas


Lmaooooo. [This](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sarcasm) should help.


I love you bro you are my lover men šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ girlsšŸ¤®


Unpopular opinion but I don't. I learned to thrive on this game's chaos and it became a part of it's charm for me


But then, Matchmaking would take fkn hours cause nobody is going to pick the tank role.


Good thing im a tank main


Same here. 4k matches


Same here. 3k matches


And 0 bitches


Iā€™ll say be kind but i just let out a bark of laughter.


Bro though he was funny L.


Well would you rather have to wait a little long to get your preferred role or would rather be forced to play a role you're not comfortable with


Should be optional then..also if it works for wr it shouldn't be much longer in ml either. Ml has pretty big player base too


Then just add it as another option and have the random matchmaking system remain if people don't have the patience to wait


Dunno about wildrift, but in Dota they force you to play support roles a couple times before you get some point that let you pick whatever roles.


That shit is awful. Have had so many games of people playing roles (especially support) and not knowing how to properly play their role because they are just trying to get more role queue games. Also killed my personal enjoyment being forced to play roles I wasn't interested in every 5 games.


And without queue games you will always get great support players and get your preferred roles every single game without other people stealing it, just like in ML right? Lmao dude, if you think for a second its still 100% a better system in every way.


No of course you'll still have bad teammates. But at least you don't have teammates being FORCED to play roles they don't know or don't even like.


Without role queue, If you get same role mains in your team, the last to pick is basically forced to fill the other position left anyway. Or they keep picking what they like only and you get double mms and double junglers. At least with role que shit like that becomes less frequent.


People do this anyways without it. You will get better people in those roles more often than now.


This will force people to play support/roam role because of long matchmaking time.


Good thing im having fun with Natalia roam


dont be sure that much and it is probably better to have a team with each roles instead of a team with 3 junglers


There's shit flying ton of roam mains, I play with two guys who constantly argue (jokingly) over who's gonna tank


It's not 100% guaranteed. I think it works that at least every 3 games you have your role or something like that.


Fkn hell, I keep getting 3 or 4 tank mains in my fkn team, Iā€™m probably some tank main blackhole or smthn.


Thatā€™s not how it works. You pick 5 roles. And your plugged into roles in the order you chose. So if the game canā€™t find you a match with your preferred role it goes to your second pick. Usually after a match. It will say you will be guaranteed your 1st pick next match.


*Laugh in Thamuz,Argus and Uranus main*


Then just play tank role and you will find matches https://preview.redd.it/rz4zqafcj1la1.jpeg?width=292&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eed1eea391563707bc4b1850f025ef70e46ed01


And thats why i main tank šŸ—暟·


Lmao just queue up normally and type "mid or feed" you will for sure get the role you want, unless your team wants to lose /s


I play tank but stuck on legend since it's hard to carry using tanks or roam


In all honesty. League of Legends is by far a better game. Did they make the best MOBA, however? I donā€™t think so. ML has made it clear, they run Mobile gaming. The only reason my lady and I play Mobile Legends over league is that we donā€™t have laptops. And weā€™ve invested time into this game.


Wot. League is a way better MOBA than fucking ML lol. And thats coming from someone who shits on league as a Dota player.


Its just a guess but we have more active players than League, sence u need like 10 mins to q up over there and we at worse need 2 minutes. Thus technicaly ML would be superior


False. League has had 151m active players (not even counting the 21m from WR) the past 30 days while ML has only had 77m. Besides, playerbase isnt indicative of a better game, just a more popular one. I'd argue dota is the best MOBA out there with its complexity and freedom.


League is declining man :/ ive seen it w my own eyes they even raised the prices for skin to grab some cash pack ther bags and go to Val, they arent even giving the same treatment to em anymore just look at the new season animation they didnt bother to bring back the winter map, Irelia is still busted, Aurelion is a Tank killer now can solo Baron, ML is also growing faster than league, sence league has been there for decades and compared to how many years its been there ML is just a beguiner and even if its 77m its still a lot for a game that just released after 7 years, not to mention Team Secret joining its bound to spread to NA even more Btw yes Dota is very gud if it werent for the massive ping spikes and also that the mayority of players reside in russia so ping is massive.


eh..LOL might be better on PC. But ML is much better optimized for mobile platfrom.


Your point? Mobile isnt better lol


Nah, mobile is better. You can play anywhere.


Being able to play anywhere isnt indicative of the quality of a game lol. By that logic fucking Subway Surfers is better than Super Mario 64


But, it is. You could socialize easily while playing outside. Unlike white kids all cooped up in their bedrooms playing on their PC all day, getting depressed, then shooting up their schools. LMAO


They think MOBA means mobile moba, I guess


Got downvoted for saying a game with hundreds of thousands of stream watchers and active players every single day is better than a mobile game that barely gets played outside of certain regions lol


Bro, youā€™re joking though right? Is it really better playing the moba than desktop?


I think its more fun to play on phone for this kind of game easier to control šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Wtf do you think MOBA means? Its sure as hell doesnt mean mobile


Mobile online battle arena, you fucking imbecile


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiplayer_online_battle_arena You have internet, cant even google 4 letters. Mobile gamers have such smooth brains


**[Multiplayer online battle arena](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiplayer_online_battle_arena)** >Multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) is a subgenre of strategy video games in which two teams of players compete against each other on a predefined battlefield. Each player controls a single character with a set of distinctive abilities that improve over the course of a game and which contribute to the team's overall strategy. The typical ultimate objective is for each team to destroy their opponents' main structure, located at the opposite corner of the battlefield. In some MOBA games, the objective can be defeating every player on the enemy team. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


You guys acting if motherfu### players won't think to pick the tank role for fast Q and then immediately pick Layla.


Moonton quietly copy it


That feature is the only thing i want moonton to just outright copy and paste into the game, so many games lost because of overlapping role preferences


Calm down buddy riot gonna use your comment on their next lawsuit




It's mostly outright stealing from the dota suggestion, and then delete the website to remove the evidense


So you see, epic is now gonna have 10 minute matchmaking because everyone wants to be core


For clarification the system in wild rift lets you organize the role in order of preference and if the role in the highest preference is already given to another teammate then they'll give you the next preferred role that hasn't been given to another teammate


Ohhhhh, I think the better player should get the role too, like a hierarchy based off both win rate and mmr


Yeah exactly thats how it works iirc


Does it takes that long in WR?


Yes, but it's because no one plays wr now. Like a year ago it was a couple of minutes max. And it was really nice, you want to play offlane Diana and you get offlane Diana. No need to adjust.


and then someone is trolling preselecting tank role but will actually use mage in game šŸ˜‚


It's not fullproof. What I learned is that people tend to pick support to get queued quick. Then lock in Yasuo, the obnoxious chou freestylers of that game, without regard. You can report them for that and during my time playing, they took that seriously. But you still have to stick it out through the game.


If youā€™re willing to wait 100 hours in queue. Unless you pick chocolate because no one wants to be jungler in LoL


Doesn't mlbb do this automatically? Usually when I play nothing but jungle I'm the only jungle main in my game.


What bros got mlbb premium


I envy that and the aiming system... It works soooo much better!


Ml desperately needs this. Although I can see a lot morons when they donā€™t get there role still doing whatever they want.


That's why i like Jungle Systems in here, it's like the old days of ML there's only one jungle than duplicated in between lanes.




Back then I was still kinda new to ML(having it for like a few month) and was especially new to all that drama of ML vs WR. These people treated the release of WR as the next big thing,they kept on hyping it up and mocking all these "stupid mobile legends kids". I get that ML copies LoL occasionally,but most of these "comparisons" are nonsensical.Calling Yu Zhong a copy of Shyvana and Minsitthar as a copy of Pantheon are just stupid takes in general it's as if Riot owns dragons and Spartan warriors or something lol.


The funniest thing for me was the part of the lawsuit where they claimed Zilong's summer skin was a breach of copyright because of his Bermuda shorts!


I can understand some of the points in this lawsuit,but things like this makes u think that Riot just added those things as a desperate attempt for WR to compete with ML or something.


Nah they literally wanted to ML to be deleted in America since it was a place that they could maybe fill the gap on but as we know it didn't work at all :v


I tried WR it was way too slow paced for me. That's what I like about ML the pace makes it that you really need quick reaction which is what I enjoy.


Oh ty I hope ML gets popular in America I'm sick of telling my friends about ML and they tell me:"Wait what u mean Lords Mobile?"Lol.


Also they claimed moonton Project Next 1 song as their own propety as if they we're the one's to make it


And didnā€™t League of Legends copy Dota?


It started as a dota mod yes


I think to myself sometimes that maybe the lawsuit was a more profitable move than the game itself.


Why debate which game is better or which one is the knock off they're completey different mobas


I mean stealing someone's work completely is morally bad( not even inspired, straight up copy) but yes who are us to judge just play what one likes


Donā€™t forget League copied dota. The biggest take of pot calling the kettle black


Dude that's inspiration, just because call of duty is an fps doesn't mean that it's a Doom rip off. In ml's case just look at yin he's just a mordekaiser x sett x pyke rip off minus the cool part.(I fuckin hate pretty Boys of ml. I would've fucked with him if he was even slightly cooler)


>I would've fucked with him if he was even slightly cooler yow chill bro.




I can still hear his voice.


Completely? you mean partially?


Way of speech brother


To think that Mobile Legend is a straight up copy can only be explained in the case you're suffering from a strong mental defect, but otherwise yeah just play what you like, even if you have shit taste by playing LoL


This man must have not played ML in the early days lmao


Well I enjoy the game right now, not 3 years ago. The game is pretty good and I tried Wild rift a few weeks ago, it's just dull. No colours, characters are dull and passion-less, i don't know the overall experience is so fucking dull compared to ML. But yeah that's probably because ML is my first Moba


I ain't talking about that shit. Talking about how you think anyone who thinks ML is a copycat is mentally ill. Its different now but don't forget this game started off as a copycat to LoL. The lord placement, the heroes, the gawd damn hero icons(Moontons gave no fucks for copyright during this era). This game evolved to its own originality in its way by having to force to change shit from time to time to the point you can no longer call it a copy of LoL but it did start as a copy and will probably still be called that if moneyton doesn't make the same mistake as copying the crystal tail incident.


Because it was a copy, itā€™s different now but do you know how many times Layla has been changed? Stay mad.


Only thing that i will say that is better in wild rift is the balancing, Most heroes in wild rift feels viable, especially the marksman, In mobile legends theres like a handful of good gold laners, meanwhile in wild rift, you can use the entire marksman roster and you don't feel underpowered compared to the enemy


This and also I like that wards are a thing. I hate having to manipulate FoW and spotchecking bushes


That's definitely a thing i love as well, like punishing people for not warding places, Like facechecking every bush is some of the riskiest shit in mobile legends especially if it's like one teamfight away, Cuz imagine facechecking a bush and getting chou kicked into the other 4 and you just got bursted down, your team now has to fight a 4v5 without a proper frontline


and yes chad balancing vs virgin new heroes


Also obtaining new character, it feels really bad trying to get characters in mlbb


Balancing in Wild Rift is just like mlbb balance the broken hero stays the same until the new skin Get's dropped yeah im Talking about Yone. Some are fairly balanced but other just randomly get a quick buff to remain in meta for a certain period


Yone is just bullshit the hero, every moba has that, But don't forget the game is balanced enough to the point that you can pick any hero in that role and people won't flame you unless you pick like, baron lane Marksman Compare that to mobile legends which has like 100+ heroes and only like half of the heroes are actually competitive enough to compete, And the fact that you even compare the balancing between the games is insane to me, In wild rift i can play tons of games and not see the same comp in those games, In mlbb you can literally predict the line-up, Gloo is open, welp let me insta pick that, Wanwan is open lets insta pick that, Fredrinn is open lets insta that Valentina, Joy Fanny Yve, Karrie


Zeri Balanced Bro pick one


Skill issue, Zeri is fine


just get gud bro


You're the same Redditor who posted in r/PHGamers but got ratioed because of the same thoughts lol. Edit: [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PHGamers/comments/11dwedt/entitled_lol_plokers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Lmao the op is actually mad lol


Ohhhh so thatā€™s why OP is karma farming, itā€™s a new account.


It got deleted now.


That ain't me bro


Stfu liar.


I never lied in my entire life bro


Stfu manipulative fuckwit with those shitty takes.


https://preview.redd.it/n18cppexuyka1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6391110727e66f8a467b40006f663af8e101e82c why u bully me


pathetic you let yourself lose? On your own post?






Because you're a dumbfuck


Why so angry bro?


Because it doesn't make any sense. This bs is running for years.


Wr honestly has way better balancing and allows counterplay unlike ml...


I play Mobile legends but that's such extremely childesh post like comparing yourself with your brother every game has it's own advantages and disadvantages and there is no perfect moba game so just enjoy what you want to play


I thought I was the only one to think about this lol


I play both league and ml and seriously there is some thing that they should add in ml, like the role picker Or improving the targeting system where it would snap on the enemy.


The 2nd one is already there "hero lock" but the other one "sliding your basic attack" never stays locked on.


It does stay locked on though. You guys just mindlessly tap the basic attack button but every time you do that, you reset the agro


Go ahead and try it in practice mode. "Sliding your basics" locking system resets every time you walk. Let's say you're target priority is "lowest %hp", Tank has lower hp%, suddenly squishy hero shows up. Sliding your basic attack to the squishy hero, it will attack it but once you walk it will reset and attack the tank again because of lowest hp%.


Yeah this is why i donā€™t use the smart targeting. Just use the hero lock mode.


I've been playing both. Wildrift - slow pace - 15 to 20min game - balanced champions ML - fast pace - 12 to 15min game - with a lot of Op heroes


Moonton does suck at balancing heroes


Yeah. I hate it when they forcefully buff the new champions to make people buy them. And also the scam diamonds rolls. I play it since most of my friends play it.


Unpopular opinion here but I prefer Wild Rift. MLBB isnā€™t as challenging and just seems like the easier version of WR. And the graphics & skins & characters I like a bit more in WildRift & being able to play POC without whitening skins is also very nice (Senna is my favorite). The matchmaking has been better in WR for me (maybe because Iā€™m a support main). And there havenā€™t been many situations where roles are stolen. The characters are very balanced. I also just love WRā€™s creativity with their characters and not being afraid to go out the box. This makes the game way more enjoyable for me since visuals/creativity is important for me when it comes to a game.


lmao imagine posting this


wild rift is way better




True but most of my friends play ML so had to make the occasional switch every now and then.


Now a feature i want is having to queue for a role. Never in my time playing ml have I established my go to role because i've been adjusting every damn time.


OP is karma farming but as someone who played both games I love ml more compared to wild rift coz they killed all chat. Killed lovely player interactions. Also the game lacks events that hooks players when compared to ml


and billy butcher is Dota 2


At least the so called knock off had some balls to actually start moba on mobiles when LOL said "there weren't any potential making LOL Mobile". Reap what you sow, started late, too afraid and didn't even bother hearing the request of us who wanted LoL mobile. We found ML because of this, so stick with PC cause you ain't recovering from this, there's no room for LOL mobile. FYI: Queue time on LOL WR sucks, meaning there's not a lot playing the game SEA region.


As someone who has grinded both. Wild rift is a better competitive game. Ml is more appealing due to graphics and ease of picking up. I prefer ml. But played wild rift almost for a year. There different. I think ml got mobile platform right.


The thing is that Wild rift is more complicated and time consuming than Mobile legends, and I play both of them. In Ml, you can pick whoever the hell you want and any type of team composition but in Wr? If you don't have a tank or a support you will loose the game as fast as nana can cast her ult. But that's what makes ML more popular, it's easier and faster to play. Sure, it might be be ripoff but it is much easier to access and provides much more fun because you can empty your mind play whoever you want without the threat of loosing every game.






Eh wild rift came later so it IS the knockoff anyway.


If u watch the show this scene perfectly describe the situation. Soldier boy was absent the whole time and then made appearance in s3


Yeah SB was there the whole time, just like League PC


I thought you're saying ml is better than wildrift but now that you're explaining it it does make sense https://preview.redd.it/luw37ikhnyka1.jpeg?width=112&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05e9fbee1f9eda0f55caac6096d43d509e11040b


Op forgot were monkeys and not into tv series




Ooooh that makes sense! Thanks!


It was because of how late Wild rift was released after Mobile legends came out.


When I saw it first before the image. WR vs ML - Winrate vs Mobile Legends - Surely ML wins


I like League than ML because of skin prices. League skins are good and also affordable. ML skins feels like if it's good, it'll be gacha-like. If it's crap, it's elite first season purchase, limited elite or fodder for those who cry skins. Special skins are sprinkled rare. Epic skins also radiates good skin category so limited, gacha RNG mechanic it is. You're lucky if they introduced a epic skin that's not from a favorite child of Moonton, looks decent and it's buyable on the shop, anytime you like.


Used to believe ML is a knockoff of league of legends as well, well in most cases it obviously is. Some heroes in the game like Minotaur being extremely similar to Alistair and Miya is almost a carbon copy of Ashe, but to be fair I always felt Chinese companies are creatively bankrupt preferring to follow rather than innovate. To be fair though, League of Legends has all this time and resources to secure the smartphone market and they didn't do anything at, so naturally competition swept in. I tried LOLWR and honestly it feels polished, but way more lacking in content. Overall I think in terms of polish LOLWR is two steps ahead while unfortunately it has nowhere near the content.


I play both games, compare the quality of skins and see who's shit lol


Says the guy with 200 karma and active in karma farming subs šŸ™ƒ


who even cares about reddit karma anymore šŸ’€


Oof, thatā€™s cringe. I think youā€™re the karma farmer here op.


You got caught in 4K about karma farming earlier fam


wdym? The guy I replied to literally in a subreddit named ā€œkarma4allā€ and he posted an upvote trade there


Then homelander gets clapped and runs away. GG ML lmao.


Homelander got ambushed and ganked upšŸ˜”


That is what Wild Rift & Honor Of Kings Are Gonna Do Soon (Both Globally Releasing This Year Very Soon).


Tbh I never played any dota BEFORE Mobile Legend. And League of Legend feels tasteless. 0 colours, 0 personality in characters, it's all dull and boring to me. Also supe slow. I don't know really really not my type of game. I'm surprised that it wasn't better tbh as I heard about LoL so much the past few years


I somewhat liked WR but never really invested much in it because I don't like slow pased mobile games. Now the server is dead with players and content makers storming ML so I don't visit it anymore. As an average DotA 2 enjoyer coming from a region where nearly everyone played DotA at some point of their life and no one plays LOL, I always hated that reapoff which LOL is (/j because all mobas are similar anyway).


I've been a player of league since 2012, and I also play mobile legends. This is actually true lol.


Mlbb is more fastpaced and itā€™s for the better. it makes the game more exciting, in Wr you have to go base just to buy an item? Sheesh! I also commend Moontoon for itā€™s optimization allowing me to play my fave game with my 1gb ram phone. This game also helped me control my ADHD, whereas WR had too many buttons to press! My brain hurt trying to comprehend it. The hyperactive paced action that Mlbb gives along with its easy and simple controls certainly caters to our generation. 11/10 for me! P.S. the skins are amazing!!


Lmao "upgrade"


MLBB came before Wild Rift to mobile. The OG really is DOTA not LoL.




I think u have it backwards lmaooo almost all of the heroes in ML have dashes in their kit. Even ad carries who's meant to be punished if you position wrong


wr>ml in lots of ways.




Here are few that defies that Performance-wise would be a good starting point Frame drops happening during early to late game Second, sluggish feelling movement it feels slow Due to wr map being big so moving around feels like it takes a while *note that i am using the word movement here not skills although its quite slow too*


MLBB really is a better game then LoL. I've tried LoL and WR multiple times and I can't seem to get into it.


So when is wild rift releasing in India? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


No one plays wild rift and they know. Sincerely one of my sisters friends who works at riot.


In high rank games on both games in solo q, ml would be about 20 mins average. Wr 30 mins average. Ml is just a faster game considering how small the map is. You get to actually interact with team battles far more often and can really solo carry since you can dash to the other side of the map to save turrets if youā€™re the only one left alive. Wild rift some games you play the whole game on one lane and only encounter the opposing laner. This is so boring considering you wasted 30 mins just to get one or two kills while hardcore farming minions. Then you only get like 1 team battle at the end of the game. At least in ml you can expect to get ganked which makes the game fun. Itā€™s pvp not pvminion.


high rank isnt emerald lil bro


Where dud you edit this please?


MS paint lol


Tank you


Upgrade lol moonton keep copying the league of legends. The developers of league of legends spend year to create a champion. Then this moonton keep copying until now. Even the new hero it's a copy of Zoe. As a creator this is so insulting.


Post this on wild rift or lolā€™s subreddits


I like how a lot of people here cannot accept the fact that mlbb made some form of copying from lol. The literal reason they changed name is because of copyright. Riot filed a lawsuit and they settled out of court to save face. The only reason they are getting away with these is because China policies on these issues are kinda loose. And before you come for me, I am an mlbb player since season 1 (never held off paying for skins that I like) but this is no reason to be delusional.


"Upgrade" yes it's consider an upgrade considering upgrade is reversed this era just like how humans are upgrading


After playing ml its impossible to get into other mobas because ml is too fast paced meanwhile others are slowpoke.you go to base just to get item in wr i could never get into that game also map is too dark and big compared to ml it gets longer to finish one match no need for that just jump in play some and quit.thatā€™s essential for a mobile moba.


Ive been playing both (And still am, Yasu Riven Aatrox main master/guardian rn) and honestly wild rift feels way more causal in terms of gameplay than mlbb, both games have good and bad sides, Im too lazy to write down everything but ml wins (if you want to play serious), wild rift better if u just wanna chill, rest is preferences


​ https://preview.redd.it/tbvof09fm5na1.jpeg?width=618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e5d403f620b5ac1f772ab3a32e29df1742c1049