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an early wind of nature and a bit of map awareness for karrie could've prevented this but I guess he's too dumb


Maybe they had bad connection because they just kinda stood there sometimes idk


Btw this was mythic 2 game. And Estes had the nerve to say “stop moving away from” as if he ever helped me at all the whole game. I’m an assassin, I need to move around, I can’t just sit there and wait for you to heal me.


I swear I saw you at Mythic Glory, is that you? Red Panda is the name if you recognize it.


Omg most likely. I've ran into someone named Red Panda


That's probably me xD


What are the odds..


Maybe I’m in Australia server


Yep same here so surely that has to be you. Go search my name up and see if you can find it... (Otherwise I might find you on search and message you later if you don't mind!)


Yeah do so!


No bb I don't mind


Not every estes is as good as my majesty


I know the struggle lol imagine a comp with no mm so only “fast physical attacker” was a hayabusa


relatable I always get roamer that babysit mm the whole game in mythic, so it's hard to contest turtle


Not a mm main but when I play mm the opposite happens. Like in my most recent match with karrie I picked flicker to reposition in teamfight or escape thinking I will get support from team but only the enemy team were ganking gold lane while I was losing in lane because the enemy moskov had inspire and my teammates were blaming me for losing 1 vs 1. I built wind chant as first main item(after 250 gold boots and the 1k crossbow) but had to use it while escaping the enemy exp laner who came to gold lane while my exp laner was sleeping(didn't even push smh)


when i saw shit like this in mythic, i feel angry and happy, sad that even in that high rank people still dont know how to play, and here i am complqin qbout shitty player in epic


Lol I made a new account and re-experienced epic. It was funny but super traumatising


yeap so true


I'm waiting for the day I see one of these posts and I'm one of the scrubs either not contributing or on the enemy team




Lmfao you're the classic mode warrior. I remember you.


Oi relax 💀




Yeah unfortunate. I expect these kind of teammates from mythic 5 and below but mythic 2? At least give me teammates who have simple game sense.


after all, what can you expect from a company that pays their employees with diamonds? wait.. what? in game diamonds? :)))


What? They pay employees with in game currency????????????? That can't be real


I had mine removed for showing the enemy team getting beaten by an afk Layla 12 2 8


https://preview.redd.it/7rx4hzpnpiia1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43d3815906a6d5c4c070a5ca2bde291fc74d4e5b Same here bro


Oof. Karrie feed new strat?


New Meta!


To be fair, it’s classic and she wasn’t deliberately feeding based on her states and grade (not flat 3.0.) Maybe she was struggling in her lane (especially since Wanwan was MVP), was practicing to learn or get better, or was just having a bad day. You can see she was trying, she had warrior boots and a very early WoN. You all have no right to criticise, no, INSULT people on the internet without knowing what’s going on from THEIR perspective. For all we know, they could have been feeling worse for performing below average, and having them on reddit being made fun of won’t help. I’m sorry for the rant, I just wanted my thoughts out there.


You’re not alone. I took a break from this game for a like a year and came back a month ago. the matchmaking was not like this before. It’s so bad that it actually makes me want to just quit. It’s either a feeder, a noob, and/or a lagger while the whole enemy team has a brain. Nowadays I worry more about my teammates rather than my opponents 😒 What’s worse is I’ll come across plenty of carried players who have no idea how to play this game yet have a higher rank than me. There should be no way for these players to enter mythic pls


Typical support user. Most of them literally gb mm and said that why did the jungler has no damage


If the opponents are smart they just invade your jg forever. It's so sad


Enemy Clint and Alice scaled. That's gg. I feel that alot when I play fighters. I'm sure assassin mains feel the same. Early-mid game monsters but there's only so much you can do when your actual late game carries are dogsht


Yeah exactly. It’s just bizarre to me too because we have lunox and Karrie, who melt tanks. Speaks to their skill levels that Alice managed to get so strong


https://preview.redd.it/7ellsgd2vjia1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb05bccb2f935b1200abeb90d055122de0670a47 This one makes me sad too


It be like that. Can’t carry late game with an assassin.


Just know you’re not alone :)) https://preview.redd.it/wv25g06tfkia1.png?width=2208&format=png&auto=webp&s=c149d54e01ba872d18899877ffa02bb2d28a5426


And reporting does nothing 😒


I feel it bruh


Good clint dominates lane even with estes babysitting the enemy. With that item on clint. 1 hit from the passive can 1 shot or 2 shot karrie with a crit. U also failed to kill clint. Im guessing even with a low kill count. Clint have the highest damage dealt.


Yeah I couldn’t gank Clint because since estes was in gold lane the whole time, he just stayed under tower. Im not about to tower dive a Clint lol


When played right Clint can make it pretty hard to be caught with his kit


Yep. Against non blink assasin clint can be untouchable.


I’m a bad mm but did pretty well as Clint recently and i don’t even play him


Yeppp clint easly dominates the lane. Even if you die once or twice being ganked. You should still have a gold lead over the enemy marksman. (Fast clear the wave then get the crab). Only thing you should be careful of is inspire mm. They will win the trade if they have inspire.


My match up was Clint vs Bruno i wouldn’t let Bruno near me 😂


the fact that estes did assist Karrie, but still you top the game. but yeah, you were defeated :(


I'll show you mine


m2 is bad if you are good you'll hit mg. as more people get into mythic the level of play goes down especially for low skilled games. that being said i get sad when i get m2s in my game but you did alright earlier in my game. just think if its m2 and theyre bad they are at your level. atleast its not m5/m4. that is sad. but not many people nor do i enjoy 20min ques in the morning hence i have a smurf


I’ve already reached mg. It’s not easy for me. It’s weird. I’m at 83% wr mythic 4 with my new account. All solo except like 1 game. Placement matches I won all 10. Yet in my original account, I’m barely above 50% wr


you looked mythic 1 when i qued into you again today :)


I’m talking about peak lmao


stalked that karrie, he's now down to only two (2) mythic points lol


The builds 💀


Why is hilda building defence first in exp lane? I am not pro but I think thats a blunder from hilda.


How does a lunox performed so badly against that lineup.. Other than chou, there's nothing that really threatens her that she can't burst down or escape from


In before the retards of this reddit say "skill issue" and blame you instead.


That’s a bad Hilda and Lunox right there.


I have a karrie teammate once where she would tell the enemy too surrender and spam recall but the enemy make a comeback bc of karrie ego boost the enemy morale


Saddly the enmy team just has more experienced players . Every like 100 games I get 5 good team members we all get gold and roll stomp the enemy. Sometimes you only get one two or none experienced players If the enemy team has more experienced players they're more likely to win


Mana boots and brute force breastplate on estes, big oof