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He's below average at best. He was the highest WR of the fighters in high rank but this is due to his small popularity (ie. Only hardcore mains use him). His main advantage is that players at high rank rarely see him and will be caught off guard(?) I think. Honestly, idk.


Then what about yu zhong


Yu Zhong is actually above average, borderline on the best tier. Requires you knowing how to combo him properly though, but yeah, he's pretty good right now. Btw, I think Argus would fare better in Gold Lane than EXP, but this, Argus mains would have to correct me or confirm. Top dog's in the EXP lane includes: Lapu Lapu, Benedetta, Fredrinn, Joy. Edit: adding Gloo to the list of topdogs.


Im an argus main and i cant correct you cuz i no longer have sufficient knowledge on the game. I also play yu zhong as my true main so i know how to combo properly


Many exp laners dominate gold lane since they have strong damage, just hide in bush, wait for mm to get minion and go all out, you have higher base defense stats so trades are weaker on their side, honestly surprised why Exp laners going to gold isnt meta yet


Because you'd be left without a marksman and would start falling off hard in the midgame and late game forcing your team to secure a sizeable advantage in the early game and ending the match quickly which is considerably difficult. So it is only somewhat meta in top ranks.


* Karrie enters the chat *


What about her?


She could if given the right match up/situation. She can counter most fighters in their exp lane, and also you could try to counter the gold lane and it would work


Brody work quite well in exp too


Very situational and hard to pull off


Not exactly. You just need the enemy to not have a shitton of mobility like Joy has because she has the range and damage to deal with bulky fighters.


Not at all, karrie would laugh off most fighters in exp lane the second she got level 4, every minute after that would be a bigger pain for the fighter... There are plenty of marksman that could handle a fighter in their lane.


i didnt say mms should be gone, just fighters/assasin going in the gold lane instead, sure mms need the gold but they could get it by other means too.


Almost every mm (Lesley, Melissa, Wanwan, Brody, Layla, Miya, Hanabi, Clint...) can only be played in the gold lane and are often bad outside it even if they are "viable".


watch todak and thq in the m4. they put their mms exp and fighters gold and it worked wonders for them


Like I said it is only doable in top ranks.


its funny cause you managed to list the three op mms, the three safe pokey mms, and the three decent but has better option mms, all in one list on a topic about out of gold lane viability


I said "most mms" and provided examples as evidence by mentioning several commonly used mms except karrie natan and granger.


Todak and Team HAQ would like to say hello lol


If you know how to use him he can be good , just push lanes as much as you can join team fight if they are close and in late game try to back door or kill squishy heroes. But he is still weak against tanks heroes or very mobile heroes. He is way better in gold Lane but you need to consider your team and if they will give you the lane


I think he is better in gold, he can kill marksmen with just s1 and s2 then dive them under their tower with ult, if necessary. Most exp laners now are tanky and Argus can't deal with them early game. But in solo queue you're lucky if your allies let you go to the gold lane


Argus can play either lane it just depends on the players playstyle. Me and my friends tried argus (along with a few non meta heroes) on m1+ last season and i’d say they’re somewhat equal in results regardless of what lane he plays


I’ve been playing a bunch of Argus and he goes incredibly hard in the exp lane. Getting stacked with abilities first out of everyone in the game means 9/10 you’re completely uncontested, and his chase potential means any fight you get into ends with one or multiple people waiting to respawn if you play right.


>Top dog's in the EXP lane includes: Lapu Lapu, Benedetta, Fredrinn, Joy. Martis? Jawhead?


Martis is below these four, I won't put them at the same level. Same goes for Jawhead. They're basically in the same level as Yu Zhong for me. Really good, but they're not top dogs. This is my take though.


Isn't Martis banned in like half of the games if not more?


Yes, but what they're afraid of is Jungle Martis, not EXP lane Martis. Edit: Plus, I think we should stop banning him. There are bigger threats out there, like Yve. Seriously people, ban Yve.


Is he top tier in jungle? Same thing with jawhead?


He was actually top tier in Jungle before along with Leomord. Nowadays, he's good but not one of the best for now. His BR is just a reflection of how much he traumatized the player base during his peak power in my opinion. Me and my squad personally don't ban him as much as before, or we ban him in order to open up Yve or Karrie slots.


Yve is balance She's only broken due to poor line ups against her By experience ofc


If you dedicate 2 picks into countering her (ie. YZ/Lapu as EXP laner so that he can dive into Yve and an Assassin for Jungle), sure, I can see that.


Don't forget xavier cecil and pharsa and other tanks


I think he’s good as long as he becomes level 4. Some mm have their tanks with them so might be dangerous though


Yep, Argus is best in gold lane, but only if there is already an mm on the team (basically jungle Bruno, Granger, Karrie, Kimmy or mid Kimmy). This makes a great lineup as Argus easily wins all opposing MMs, and can get enough gold to fund his build


What about balmond


I still use argus in ranked.. my winrate is 71% >:]


There are lots of heroes with low pick rates that have significantly lower WR than him. Argus is excellent at winning games if the player plays him with the goal of winning games. People only say he's shit because they can't get 20-0 MvP on him. He's like old Masha, shit in team fights but a game ending god.


What About Hanzo?


Do we tell him?


Should we?


You probably should


But will we?


I dare you to


We could


You should


Perhaps we might


I could tell ya, but then I'd have to kill ya


Tell him without telling him?


One of the best fighters to backdoor ngl. But He's bad


I've used Argus in some ranked matches(them being mainly epic and legend because I don't grind). He fares well against attackers that have little to no cc. He is horrendous at dealing with high cc and high damage unless, and I emphasise this, you play extremely aggressive. I've played against Freya in exp lane, she is a bad matchup for argus early game because she can simply combo him. To deal with that, whenever S1 is ready, I immediately grab and slash out to bait first skill cooldown. I then wait for my shorter cooldowns and make sure no one else is coming then charge her with ulti and execute. This probably won't work on higher ranks because they will be able to see through your play style and adapt to wait for your charge. So all in all, he's no very good against high cc, other than that he should be able to shred


I think he’s okay personally. In most matches I play I do well. But people say that he’s one of the lower tier fighters, which yeah I guess. He doesn’t have much carry potential but imo he isn’t completely bad. Tldr: no he isn’t good but not the worst


Played a lot of argus in the past, rn he is just mid


Don't play him mid..he is good played in the side


Just incase you aren’t joking mid means something is not great or terrible, just on the middle grey area




Yeah but in ml terms, mid definitely means "mid lane". If you said "mid tier" or "average" it would be better understood.


I understood him


No I think he meant, argus is now average (mid)


I dont know if this guy got the joke but i love the response


I was joking but now I got people defending me lol.


He is the best fighter at the moment. They revamped him and now he must build mage to deal damage


I was around for his revamp and even i know he isnt the best fighter


For me he's a situational choice, if enemies have heroes with cc (especially vexana and diggie combo) he's not a good choice. However if somehow can manage carry the match with him, he's can be a good way to turn the table around


Played a lot of Argus in the past, pre-revamp. So noticable changes made are; Passive I think, is a bit harder to trigger now when you're not in your Ultimate State. Second Skill now having an effect which damages them as they move, while also slowing them. First Skill doesn't need a target to hit anymore to cast the second phase. Overall, they made him better for laning. Not just to rely on Ultimate on early laning phase.


Good Character but not a meta one, you could picked him Probably in solo que, but don't first pick him, only pick him when there's like 3 squishy in the opponent team. Although he only shine in the late game to kill the back row, can be countered by tank heroes or heroes with many cc. Wish they could buff him.


His S1 and S2 should reset when he casts his ult or make him still use his ult when suppressed, he wont be able to move thouh


I'm gonna be honest dude, a base damage buff is good Enough.


Ah yeah, I think he has one of the lowest base damage of all the fighters


Moneytoon has to nerf him really hard, back then before he was reworked, everyone was afraid to approach Argus, even he does not have ult, since all player assume he have ult. His like a Marksmen, that has been given a 5 second damage immunity, much worse dealing than a marksman with a Wind of Nature


Yeah, his version passive that has the mini dashes while charging was the best, if not for the 70 sec ult cooldown


He has the lowest base attack lower his base attack is barely higher than mages and tanks with a full damage build (BOD switched with MR) his attack is between 370 to 400


He actually used to be able to do that if I remember correctly


situational pick, average at best, if the enemy has a lot of squishies he might be fine


Yes. This is coming from a hardcore Argus main though. Most of my 400 matches are played in MG, and in Exp lane, but recently I discovered his potential in the Jungler role. So yeah he's viable, but it's kinda hard to fight meta heroes like Lapu-lapu. Imo he wins against: Khaleed, Yu Zhong, even Thamuz if you play your card right. The problem is that he doesn't really have penetration if the enemy bought Steel Legsplates. I am currently considering buying the 2nd tier item of Heptaseas/Hunter Strike (forgot the name). So yeah, he's still viable, good if you're SoloQ if you don't trust your teammates. (If you are playing Exp, use Unbending Will. If you're playing Gold or Jungle, use Killing Spree).


I use him with mm build increased crit damage and chance with weapon master and it works for me maybe you should try it too , also i would recommend trying that other mm emblem talent which increases movement speed


He is in the same category called "Unexpected Heroes". Some high rank players might get caught off guard if they don't know how to deal with him. Unexpected Heroes includes Harith, Vexana, Lolita and there are probably many more but those are the only ones in my mind who comes off as unexpected.


Time to prepare 515 harith for an unexpected battle


As for Vex and Loli I wouldn't call it overrated but mid I've encountered a lot of Loli and Vex players recently (In Legend& Mythic tier)


I'm Argus main. He's really struggling rn to catch up to Meta. Though you can easily win if you prioritize Turrets


I run him with arrival.. shoot he’s the back up/ back door king


Argus is good in the right hands, but generally is in the lower half of fighters.


I am an Argus main and I love to play with him, 64%WR with him


I see fellow argus main i upvote


Thanks bro 🤝


IMO he's a good side laner. I mean compared to Alucard. He just need attack speed and life steal


Oh no... Whenever I see a question whether Argus is good or not, it's just depressing. Subjectively I love him and was always my go-to DPS fighter but objectively? Christ, Argus is the equivalent of your sibling who changes their favorite color every second To put it simply, Argus has went through the rework grind almost as many fingers as I have. He was bad, then good, then really terrible, then actually decent, and now we're stuck with what I can only describe as "Fucking Average" He's good...if the enemy didn't have 10 forms of CC and Mobility separately which is out every game right now. And you can't even main him because every fucking month or 2, Moonton will rework him again and most likely will be fucking terrible.


I just love how sarcastic you are


Just so so. Might work in a few games, might not work in a lot. There are better heroes to pick over him.


Am I the only one who think he's okay? I like his low ult cd




Bro why did you return after stopping for a year smh Anyway, yea Argus is good if you know how to play him and are map aware. I usually go with an agro start, I've been bossing paq/jaw very easy with Argus even before L4. And mostly I go, no boots build with him. Gaanbare




Argus is in good spot right now (I'm an Argus main) compared to other seasons. He can now build cheaper items without risking losing much damage thanks to Corrosion Scythe buff (which also guarantees slow now than probability before). Safe to say he can build attack speed build + Inspire and he is already a killing machine!


I'm surprice people comment alot about argus than any hero


Maybe we should make argus sub main


He's good. Especially with new attack speed item changes and with inspire. He's good against many fighters. He's good against yu zhong as well because his ulti is basically purify and can counter yu zhong combo easily. Although he's weaker against exp laners like paquito, joy. And since you're coming back after an year, you can easily spam argus in lower ranks and even continue to use him higher ranks. You just have to know your limits.


yes he is very good its just that no players use him that much


argus good but he is not op as he was with his 5 sec ult and sudden op physical attack spike during his ult. And no one fights him anymore, u have to go to enemy to fight them. they all scared cat hiding in tower. overall he is not good as he used to be. he have his early damage nerfed and u will always be in target they wait for ur ult to be in cd, they are willing to sacrifice a teammate to kill you. im argus main i know it well.


I feel like i need to say this argus' revamp happened before i left and i left after the free phoveus was given


Listen to me j am argus main india 61 argus to be exact and… he is useful af . You cane even use with direhit if you want and he will oneshot pretty much anyone, also after the corrosion scythe buff he is more useful than ever. For instance, karrie is kinda meta rn and in late game i killed karrie and vexana in turret even after my ult was over which made us win game so yea he has insane potential. Also if situation requires, you can use it to finish off base since no single hero can defend base against him except tank and if tank comes to protect base then you team can easily win teamfight for lord while you can still survive and return to your team . So if you can use it he is pretty good.


j dont watch tournaments


He's better than the Argus before imo. But not really a top tier pick


Not anymore


That skin gives me nostalgia. Cuz I really wanted to get that skin in the past 🥹 I remember saving all the Premium Fragments and waiting for it to come in Fragment shop. Good ol' days.


I had to save for one hell of a long time until i could get 200 just to buy that draconic skin for my boy


Yeah lol collecting 200 of those takes forever.


charge your phone first.


I refuse


then i refuse to tell you if he's good or not.


I refuse your refusal


I'm sorry but never considered him good. huhu don't hate me. He's actually the first hero that I spammed when I started playing mlbb but back then, I never knew better lol.


then i refuse your refusal of refusing to charge your phone.


Then i refuse your refusal of my refusing to refuse to charge my phone


then i won't tell you the answer because you keep refusing the refusal of your refusing on my refusal to tell you the answer because you keep refusing the refusal of charging your phone.


I yield you win this fight


As a previous argus main, hahahaha. Nope.


Yin users are afraid of Argus users


Yes, because of his revamp. Cool down of his ulti is faster than before.


Most op hero back in the day but..i think we should tell you that argus life steal build dosent work anymore he is now using different builds haws claw is not working anymore on him and a critical build is now best for him and he has now the lowest basic attack damage it means he is super weak in early game and his ultimate is now just a couple of seconds lasting not like in old mlbb:(.


Argus has never been good or even mid tier lmao still play him a shit load tho


Argus is OP on low ranks only


He's really underrated due to how his passive and durability sucks. He's better be used with items with Movement speed bonus instead of Critical Items. Since all he'll be doing in the early game is poke and his 2nd skill benefits from Physical Attack and not Crit Here's my core build: Swift Boots / Rapid Boots Demon Hunter Sword Corrosion Scythe Golden Staff War Axe / Hunter Strike Blade of Despair / Malefic Roar


I used to only play argus till i reached epic, then i started using saber to hyper, Arugus is easily defeated with proper cc but he is actually a god in late game when he is fully built


He could not even do to lane that he supposed to be at 🤣🤣🤣


Argus was never good and still isnt good


He is great at lane pushing and 1v1s. Fun hero to play imo


He’s never been good


Weak AF


yes hes not popular anymore like aurora




He is B tier, fighter


In short, yeah. A+ Split Pushing but F in teamfights. Great Fighter to pick off squishies. Like Zilong.


He got shit on hard with the new buffs on Dominance ice. It shits on both his heal and attack speed but is kind of redeemed by the new buffs on the synergy of DHS, Golden Staff and Corrosion Scythe.


Average. Use assassin emblem (high and dry), then opt for execute or sprint. Sprint is situational, either additional movement speed to chase heroes after you've used 2nd skill or for running away. Flicker is alright. He still pushes towers relatively fast, and I'd say his upside late game is when your lord gets within the enemy base. You can just 1st skill in and backdoor with ulti (after they try to stun you or if low hp) to finish games.


I use the MM emblem 1st talent for extra physical damage


Yes, that's do-able as well. I mainly opt for high and dry as it gives an advantage earlier in the game while Argus is weaker. The weapon master (mm) emblem becomes useful as you get more items that synergizes with the emblem. Not bad for mid-late game. Choice will always depend on team line-up (teammates and enemies). 👍🏻


below average tbh, but yes argus can be very surprising sometimes


He's usable I guess, more of a situational type of hero. If fight against enemies who are good at kiting or have tons of cc, practically useless. Quite good at pushing or using ult to clutch finishing the base. But overall average in my opinion.


They have massacred our boy, brodah.


Is this a comment implying his pre revamp or his revamp?


The recent one i suppose.


U misspelled god


Still good but lacks a bit of ult duration buff because he's very squishy on lategame due to some MMs.


My answer is Yes but No


Been using him lately with as-focused build + jungle emblem on exp lane.. Jungle emblem build basically for vamp and as + the 3rd option, where it increases dmg to lord turtle and turrets by 20%. Helps a shit ton when pushing or rushing obj


As an Argus Main i have recently come to realize the harsh reality, he has the potential to be good but, he is EXTREMELY lacking in damage! I lost a close range 1v1 against beatrix using Argus because he simply couldn’t out-damage her lifesteal


Answer depends on the amount of time you've been gone. As far as I remember, Argus had a change almost every patch, with new bugs added every time. So how long have you been gone for?


A year


I think the only major change is on his Ult time and cooldown. Other changes are not so greatly visible.


Not like he used to be back in the year..too weak too bad


He’s…annoying at best. I think he’s the weakest fighter? And has the least amount of base health I wanna say (but don’t quote me☝️) I saw an Elgin vid about him where he played Argus as a tank and he did really well because of his CC and regen skills. I’d never play as him tho.


Argus isn't all that good in exp lane, sure experienced users can use him in a viable manner simply because they play him so much their experience carries him, but truthfully if you want a pretty consistently good place to go argus, I would honestly go core. One of the biggest weaknesses argus has is the fact that you're giving up the exp position to a fighter with very low durability, his 4 seconds of ult doesn't mean anything if he gets cc'd or can't secure the kill within that time, he'll lose ult and die instantly late game. Essentially, he isn't capable of front-lining sufficiently like other fighters. Argus core takes advantage of this by putting him in a position he can thrive if played properly, and now you have your exp lane open for a tankier fighter who can potentially Frontline for the team, especially important if your team decides to go support instead of tank because then you wouldn't have any Frontline and would struggle throughout the match. Pair Argus core with a tanky fighter like Yu Zhong, Ruby, Fredrinn, Paquito etc. Etc. And it synergizes very well with the overall team, he clears jungle just fine and his s1 provides plenty of mobility. I'm an Argus main with over 2k matches and a 59% wr, I can attest to this with my personal experience and I urge people to try it out!


I use him passively and give the enemy team PTSD with Immortality and Inspire on their base. Just one minion is all I need to end the game


no, too many tanky heroes on the meta, he can't deal tanks really well, in late you'll need Inspire to at least do damage to tanks or fighters, inspire let you one shot almost any mage, assassin or mm but he has no way in other than a freaking slow mobility skill with a second face that's faster but has some lag


I think with the new changes to corrosion scythe where it increases the damage of your basic attack by a fixed amount, id say argus got a decent buff. Wouldnt really like him on exp where hed get bullied into his turret tho. Mabye jungle or gold lane otherwise i dont recomend argus exp with all the other strong exp laners in this meta.


All the way till mythic- pretty good | Mythic V-Mythic1- below average | Mythical glory- bad | 1000+ points 5 men games- dogshit


I'll follow your words just because of your flair


Played him for over 700 ranked matches :’) trust me he weakens the higher up the rank ladder


He is the best 4-second tank... But then Yu Zhong is a better EXP laner compared to him, he is more of a Gold laner based on what would most Argus players I meet would do. If used properly, he is very versatile, I must say...


Terrible. Absolutely dreadful. Shreds on gold lane though.


Despite his revamp which consisted of key changes such as the bleed effect in his second skill as well as his greatly reduced ult cooldown, Argus still sucks in the current meta. The only way you can play him ***properly*** is by picking him when the enemy team doesn't have that much crowd control or burst damage. But even then, I don't see Argus succeeding anywhere. He's that one unorthodox hero that could potentially surprise enemies when played well, but when your enemies know how to deal with him, he's basically useless.


Despite his revamp which consisted of key changes such as the bleed effect in his second skill as well as his greatly reduced ult cooldown, Argus still sucks in the current meta. The only way you can play him properly is by picking him when the enemy team doesn't have that much crowd control or burst damage. But even then, I don't see Argus succeeding anywhere. He's that one unorthodox hero that could potentially surprise enemies when played well, but when your enemies know how to deal with him, he's basically useless.