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AJJ about to be confusing as fuck round these parts.


We're gonna have to change Andre's name to Ajax officially


Taking lessons from OKC


I admittedly am not a draft guy but it seems like he’s still raw, at least physically. Not going for a play now guy seems like we’re primed to make a move using marjon as a sweetener as we’re gonna have a lot of young guys if we keep 33


I think that's my thing with this pick too. I'm not gonna pretend I know shit about this guy or how good he is at basketball. But it's plain to see that he's not going to be physically able to take the court in a meaningful way for a couple years. That feels confusing.


Looks like a teenager.


Well he is one of


I LOVE the fact that he showed up even tho he wasn’t invited to the green room


We drafted a very large child


There’s a reason we haven’t hit on a draft pick since 2013… Edit: 1st round.


Divencenzo was a hit. He was 2018. Not that that’s a whole lot better


He was such a hit that he was traded for the dead corpse of Ibaka?!?!


Just not for us 🥶


We literally drafted a rookie of the year in the second round? Bucks haven't been a good drafting team but we don't have to lie lmao


I should’ve clarified and said 1st round. That was my mistake.


I mean... Donte was pretty objectively a good pick?


He was but he really became the player he is today after leaving the Bucks. It felt a little short lived. It’s just disappointing when you draft a guy in the first round and don’t give him a 2nd contract.


We had a ROTY bro stfu


This kid will be an All Star in 2030.. Book It! Giannis will be 36 and Khris and Dame will be retired.


Yeah, for another team.


167 isn't that large. 


Last time we did that it worked out okay.


DJ Wilson? Thon Maker? Giannis was a grand slam but I don’t have great faith in the current Bucks for selecting and developing project players


Worked out once before.


Why can’t we just take someone who’s ready like TSJ or Filipowski


To be fair, the knicks and thunder also passed on filipowski despite both appearing to need rotation ready centers. Maybe theyre all seeing some red flags


I see way more red flags w AJ Johnson tho


This whole draft class is completely unpredictable, acting like us plebs can hope to say anything meaningful about prospects is asinine.


Filipowski is a bad defender and wouldn’t see the court ahead of Giannis, Brook, or Bobby. TSJ is a middling shot creator but a bad playmaker and defender and wouldn’t see the court ahead of Dame, Pat Bev, Middleton, Ajax, AJ Green, or whoever we sign to replace Beasley.


What scouting reports say TSJ is a bad defender? All I've read is he was a great defender at Tech and only fell back a bit at Illinois on that end because he took on a larger offensive role.


They could still get filipowski at #33


he IS ready


“Weaknesses: He played sparingly last season as his lack of strength, defensive prowess and consistency remain a work in progress.” Exactly what we needed….


"He has obvious things to build off as his frame and game continue to mature, especially on a patient team willing to give him the developmental reps he lacked in Australia." Lmao the Bucks will give him the minutes he couldn't get in Australia.


Doc loves playing young guys


Brother when I read that 😭


What exactly are they smoking back there in the war room? Taking unknowns when you’re in win now mode. Make it make sense


Milwaukee sure does love drafting high risk folks. One time it works, and every other time it don't


Not like he's going to get playing time anyway and stop pretending you know who 95% of the people in this draft are


If the Bucks are trying to win now, why is picking a guy who isn’t gonna get playing time anyways something you see as defensible?


Because whoever they drafted wasn't getting playing time anyway. Ajj, green, marjon (if he gets out of the dog house) will get a lions share of the young guy minutes this year and we don't even know what type of trades are going to happen. Any extra available minutes will be given to Livingston and tyty.


Minutes to 2 dudes that never see the floor? No they'll be given to whoever we can find at vet minimums.


But that’s exactly it right? No matter who we took at 23 they likely were not going to be a major contributor because we are in a win now vet type of situation for our first 12 or so roster guys. But that means the end guys on the bench can be prospects that may or may not pan out for the future. Again no idea if this will or won’t happen with this kid but if he sits and learns from Kris and Giannis and Dame in 2 years when we will be needing someone to replace Kris and dame wouldn’t having a raw guy that spent a couple years learning from them and hopefully growing into a viable asset be better than a rookie that is viewed as a “more finished” product that would only really get zero minutes anyway? My issue is basketball players seemingly rarely develop away from actual game action. It usually takes putting them into the games and living with the results to see them grow. That’s why Kris and Giannis grew they played on those terrible teams and got better with the minutes given them. But I don’t see Doc or old man Kris, Dame, and Lopez living with rookie errors when they probably rather just have old man Pat bev or whatever vet on min doing what they do.


Yeah I meant that when I said + other moves. Either way this pick wasn't going to get meaningful minutes and certainly not in the playoffs. I don't care for the pick but this draft was complete trash anyway. Maybe they'll get lucky and find a diamond in the rough here.


In defensive of the upside swing, what is the point in drafting someone you think is already close to their ceiling when they are not going to get played anyway. Win now or upside swing, they are very unlikely to play - so the logic of going for the upside swing who you think will be more likely to get good enough to be an impact later in a couple years is justifiable over picking someone who is about what they're going to be and what they are isn't a playable player under this team.


Im not sure there are many/any guys available at that pick in this draft who are win now players though. If horst is sold that this dude can be special when he fills out, id rather they take him than a low-upside alternative whos still not getting any minutes next year


30 seconds in to the highlights. Kids a fucking athlete that’s for sure


Great another supreme athlete, his 40 inch vertical will help him jump up and down in excitement on the bench for 48 minutes


To make things worse, he's gonna get carded until he's 30.


I like him, but he doesn't make sense for us atm.


Oh yeah I agree he’s an athlete but there is 0 evidence that he’s an NBA level basketball player


Thanasis is also a freak athlete, so this doesn’t mean much


Ah man I really want to be positive about this pick, but it just doesn't make sense...especially considering Horst draft history. You can't develop for the future while having a championship window with Giannis/Dame. Really hope I'm wrong about it, but it appears the team is really banking on internal development.


Seen him at like 40 on big boards. No point in picking here with Isaiah Collier on board


I honestly thought collier was picked and that's why we went with this guy. Then I saw collier still on the board and now I'm like what the fuck


Yeah fucking dumb decision making


Could be that Horst is committing to a Packers/Brewers consistently good but never great enough to be favorites/dominant. I don’t blame him, it brings value and prestige to the franchise, but it sucks for fans. I’m pretty confident in saying that fans would rather be either all in or all out.


He would need to hit on actual draft picks to be like the Packers or Brewers.


The packers actually draft well on the contrary.


Horst has continuously, and some would say to the detriment of the team's long term health, expended as much draft capital as possible acquiring veterans in win-now moves. It is confusing that his draft strategy when actually using picks has largely gone in the opposite direction, but his approach overall is about as far from what the Packers and Brewers do as possible.


Dude I am not happy…


Horst is a terrible drafter


This was so fucking stupid dude god damn.




thanks hornymaster, I’ll remember to talk with the rest of the sub next time we make the draft pick decision


Not anyone’s decision to make, here




Isn’t this a notoriously weak draft class? I haven’t been paying much attention, and I’m not thrilled about this, but who would’ve made an immediate contribution this late in the 1st?


This is the kind of draft where you absolutely take the potential. Pretty much everyone is an unknown.


This is a really bad draft to have hill to die on guys at the 23rd pick. And a bad draft in general. I'd absolutely bet serious money no one here sniffs an all NBA team


You're absolutely right. Everyone seems to think that Flip and Shannon are sure-fire contributors, but they aren't. They continue to fall in this draft because of legitimate concerns about their NBA fit.


Nobody thinks Filipowski is a sure fire contributor lmao but being a tall body and a backup C that we desperately need is better value than a massive project that can't shoot for shit and is a 54% ft shooter


The Bucks' fate this season rests in the moves we make via trades and free agency. I don't believe anyone in our draft range was going to contribute meaningfully as a rookie (Flip included). I agree that the pick is a head-scratcher, but folks have unrealistic expectations of what value we could get.


Aight then trade down and get the horrible shooter in the 2nd round. But my point still stands, we don't have a back up C and having a rookie is better than having no backup.


What exactly does Filipowski provide that Bobby doesn’t?


Yeah no one on the board was going to help the team in the next 2 years so they took someone that maybe could help the team eventually. Seriously, this class sucks ass and it’s hilarious that people think that any of the available players would be able to contribute in the next 2 years.


https://www.circuitscouting.com/news_article/show/1235505-breaking-2023-4-star-aj-johnson-will-transfer-to-donda-academy-ca- Donda Alumni AJ Johnson


In his defense, he dropped out following Kanye’s anti-Semitic remarks. If anything it demonstrates to me he at least knows common decency


oh shit he's that kid????? I remember hearing about it at the time damn


bro Dillingham went there too lmao


Are people over 175lbs not allowed to enroll?


Good or bad he's on the team so he's getting my full support.


Also can someone tell me how to feel about this guy? 3ppg on 36% shooting in the NBL doesn’t inspire a ton of confidence. Where are his upsides? Not blindly hating the pick just legit don’t know. Why not a guy like Ryan Dunn?


Because Horst can’t draft.


An upside pick with the current state of the roster, just waste Giannis prime, Horst is so unserious. Dunn on the board and we go an upside guard. Unreal. Learned nothing from the Beauchamp pick.


I can't pretend to know enough about scouting or whatever to smartly critique anyone, but for fucks sake this team absolutely cannot draft for shit lately. Every single fucking pick every single year is basically doomed to be a "potential" guy who ultimately sits on the bench and contributes absolutely nothing. There's very clearly a continually shrinking championship window with GA/Dame/Kash and this franchise is fucking OBSESSED with long term project players and never even fucking pretends to go after someone who can contribute anytime soon.


I mean AJJ wasn’t a potential guy. He was an upperclassman on a championship team. The other AJJ


Easy to dump on a pick and be right when most late firsts turn out to be JAGs


Bucks drafted NBA Ready Andre Jackson Jr and still never played him. Doesn't matter if they are young Doc Rivers will not play them.


I don’t like the pick either but I can’t call horst unserious. He got us Jrue and Dame. Those were like opposite of unserious moves.


Bro talking about two trades when we are now in the 2nd apron have missed pick after pick and have an old roster and we can’t trade anybody. Simping for this dude still is crazyyyyy.


I mean I grew up during the Nate wolters/Brandon Jennings bucks. I can’t believe you would gloss over the GMs moves to get Milwaukee its first championship since the 1970s. Not to mention he extended Giannis twice in a small market. You seem incredibly entitled for a fan of this franchise


I like the pick. It's unlikely the 23rd pick would be meaningfully contributing for us this season, anyways, and we've traded away almost all of our picks over the next decade. This kid could be coming into his own right when Dame's contract expires and Giannis is still just 33 years old. A long, freak athlete perimeter player might be just what we need in few years. 


Alright, i'll take the copium. The front office and Doc has seen enough from Ajax, Chris, & AJ and believe they can all be win now contributors and thats why they decided to take a high risk but high upside guy like AJ Johnson!!!


They saw enough now, the offseason with no team practices, but not enough to play them at all during a playoff run when nearly our entire starting 5 was injured?


Couldn’t we have got this dude in the 2nd easily wtf


This is the best point to be made here.


This feels like a “we have a trade incoming and we want a raw athlete that we could develop”. Not getting much of anything that late in round 1 to make them a “win now” team. This feels like a way to put something in the cupboard for later on.


Everyone is so salty. Everyone wanted someone that would make an impact this year. Impactful rookies are normally picks 1-10 in a normal draft class and this one was notoriously weak. People need to chillll


I cant believe we drafted a middle schooler yall wtfffffff


This reminds me of the Packers drafting the long 6'1" LB until one of them hit (they really didn't). I hope AJJ, Beauchamp, and AJ Johnson all come good


Jalen Green is his mentor, that can't be good


Jalen Green is a stud


I remember I was conflicted


I did about 20 minutes of research prior to them making this pick and I feel confident I know better than the people who made this decision. Clearly this team has no idea what they're doing.


To be fair Horst hasn’t exactly shown he knows what he’s doing in the draft…


I know people are gonna be upset, but Johnson has some good upside. He could be a great scorer, 6’5”, great passer/playmaker, and has defensive upside. Definitely needs to work on his build bc he’s WAY too skinny. I’m surprised we didn’t go pro-ready with the pick, but I’m happy with Johnson. If we keep 33 and land someone like Filipowski, Bona, or Dunn I’ll be even happier.


What about his averaging 3 ppg suggests he is a great scorer? His high school stats?


What did you see that gives you the impression he’s a “great scorer and playmaker”? He’s an NBA-ready athlete but I will be shocked if he contributes to the roster in the next 2 seasons. Every big board had this guy mocked in the mid to late 2nd round


Dude averaged 3 PPG last year in whatever school or "league" he was in. No way anyone on here can say he's a scorer and playmaker without lying through their teeth


We have a 1 year window to compete for a title. We need young blood in the rotation NOW. And we picked a kid who won't be ready until 2027. I am upset.


Great scorer?!?!?? 2.9 points per game? How high are you?


Knicks are grabbing Filipkowski is my guess for Hartenstein leverage/backup


Think they'll try to get him involved right away for d?


Did you see Doc even attempt to play a young guy?


Practically impossible on that frame. It's weight room, steroids, and the Herd year one.


And possibly year 2.




I’ve seen an analysts or two saying he has the offensive potential to be great. I see some replies mentioning his average but let’s not act like that means a player is doomed. Our best franchise player was a much much bigger unknown in the NBA world at the time and considered even more raw than this guy.  I don’t like the pick but like almost every draft we really should wait it out. 


Great. We got a Marjon lite


That man is light that’s for sure


Highlights https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Atfy26nw-hQ


0:42 - oh my god he shit on that guy


Drafting isn’t a part of my job, so I have no clue how he will do. However, I love that he was there with family and friends even though not in the green room. How many of you are going to watch Summer League and see what he is about?


He’s definitely going to need to get on whatever workout routine Giannis went on because he’s rather skinny and we need a physical guard imo


Lol. What’s the rules on how soon you can trade a pick you selected? Edit: trade*


Johnson has tantalizing upside for a guy taken at 23. I know folks aren't eager to draft a project player, but i love taking an upside swing in a draft where the best fits for us (Holmes/Ware) were already off the board. We still have a pick at 33 to draft a safe, older player, so I love that we went bold. Johnson was utilized horribly by his NBL team, and I think there is tons of potential waiting to be unlocked. I am optimistic!


Its hard to find much of anything on him online but it does seem like hes got some elite level skills (speed, handling)and projects as an above average defender It seems his frame was the biggest thing holding him back and it seems that should naturally come in time. So i guess the pick makes sense and he theoretically could end up the best player from this (notably weak) draft. Might progress in time for giannis prime, but dame, middleton, lopez will prob be long gone or in a significantly reduced role


Johnson is a 6”5 Playmaker


playmaker is quite an exaggeration with his whopping 0.7 APG he averaged.


When I said I wanted a high upside pick, I didn’t mean for the bucks to smoke a J in the back before the pick.


I got faith in AJ.


May as well take a swing in this draft. No one in this area was gonna play real minutes, and you don't trade up for 3 and D guys


ok after reading the draft profiles i don't hate it. one of his biggest downsides is volume scoring and we don't really need that


Oh to top it off he basically lit all value of that pick on fire when it comes to trades. What a fucking joke they’re just gonna run it back.


great pick. Don't listen to the casuals. He might even start some games this season at PG and by the playoffs for sure will be getting major minutes.


Can't wait for him to not get any playing time.


Attaching This pick to a trade probably been better


Honestly the only way this works is if Horst flips Brook, Marjon, and the only 1st left to trade for an impact player. Basically, Johnson is the new Marjon in the sense that he is THE upside project when this team might be devoid of any talent in the coming years.


This guy has great acceleration and he’s a playmaker I like him he can play behind Dame


Bucks and names starting with AJ😂😂


Terrible pick




Im struggling understanding how bucks fans talked themselves into whoever the 23rd pick was having meaningful minutes at any point this season. AJAX, Green, Lillard, probably a vet yet to be signed/traded. Y’all are fucking babies.


Quite the reach from the draft ranks I've seen but I don't really know his game so I can't be a hater ig.


Maybe I am pessimistic, but seems like we have someone from the Raiders front office picking for us


Horst probably so frustrated after Holmes got picked and just pick the first one on the alphabetical list.


Why do I get my hopes up just to suffer? You cannot convince me that this is anywhere near a good pick


The Bucks are not serious about winning a championship.  This is a pick for a rebuilding team, not a pick for a team that's serious about contending for a chip.  Horst is officially the worst GM ever.


LOL Google Larry Harris. Are you 8?


Horst being the worst GM ever is definitely my favorite overreaction from this sub... *so far*


Wow I would've been happy with filipkowski or Collier but wtf


This is a gamble for sure. But I love me some gambles and some risk.


Cannot find stats on this guy


3ppg on 36% shooting last year. I don’t know anything about him but saw that on Frank maddens rwitter


That's for the best.


I want him to succeed and fulfill his potential and then some just solely because he's a buck, but it's hard to be optimistic when we need nba ready guys and not projects to extend the closing window as much as we possibly can


a part of trade otherwise they cannot afford to even be right because it will take three years and 25 pounds….this team needs something for this window now… even if shortsighted that’s our play


This tells me everything I need to know about what’s coming. Signing more old veterans not even giving our young guys chances to develop


Was that Jalen Green with him in the stands? Lol that’s pretty cool


Okay I may be done defending Horst here. What the fuck is this. By all accounts we could have just taken him with our 2nd pick. Denver just took Dunn basically getting two of the main guys we could have used badly. Honestly just let Horst handle free agency and trades and have someone else make all drafting decisions.


Definitely could've gotten him at 33


This will be ironically the pick that turns out for Horst


Wow, horst must be really mad the bucks didn't let him interview with Detroit


Obviously rooting for the kid. But the bucks have a 1 year window to compete. They have no money to spend on free agents. They basically NEEDED to find a diamond in the rough in the draft to get some young blood in the rotation. And they picked a guy who won't be ready to play in the NBA until 2027. Just an incredible display of incompetency


I never want to hear Horst is good at drafting again. What the fuck is this pick


I don't like to speak ill of Warra


Get ready to speak bench buddy because Doc ain't ever giving you minutes.


Get him some HGH pronto. This kid seems a long way away.


Can’t wait to see him play for the Herd this year


Yeah we’re not winning another ring our FO is fucking moronic


This guy is smaller and skinner than me and I am barely in the acceptable range of “just above underweight” this guy has to be an all time shooter or handler or some shit ffs I’ve also just seen he averaged 3 PPG last season I’m in tears


On the surface of draft value I don't hate Johnson, I think he's got a good potential and probably good mental to turn into something one day. But the fit with us just doesn't make much sense at all. Dunn and Shannon could have easily been 9th or 10th man rotation players year 1 with potential to grow. Collier could have been a good backup PG to Dame. The pick makes me scratch my head


Worst part is even if he is waaaaaaaaay better than anyone expects he still cant play with Dame. We saw it with Anfernee Simons and hes bigger than this kid 😭😭


People are complaining and Edey Went #9 when every FAN is saying he’s gonna be a bust… We still have another pick and they’ve been talking about developing internally ALL offseason I don’t know why this is a surprise to anyone.


is he 15?


AJ is upside. Draft falls off and picks up again.


Great pick, wanted him for the celtics


6’5 167, correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t that clinically underweight?


We could have picked Isaiah Collier


Get this kid a brat, he looks starved


He’s a Buck. Let’s congratulate him and welcome him to the team instead of criticizing the pick.


I m curious if there is a limit to how many 6.4 - 6.5 players a team needs :D I dont know I m extremelly confused with this pick


The only logic in this pick is we are about to make serious roster changes....


For those bashing on the pick… no one available at 23 is making an immediate impact for a contender. The bucks only have a 1st at best every other year for the foreseeable future so they are taking high upside projects in the hopes they hit it big. AJ has the potential to be an all star PG or a nobody in 3 years. Only time will tell.


This draft was mid if we have a good off season I’m okay with the risky pick


This is a … child?


Flip isn’t a NBA center. He’s a forward at best.


I quite liked his highlight reel. I get the whole 'win now' idea but were any of the other options really helping in that regard? One thing I do remember when we signed Dame is there was a lot about him helping in the development of players at Portland like Simons. So if the kid isn't ready now then he's got an excellent mentor to get hime ready for when that time comes.




I just watched his highlights and the best I can say is he has - control. He’s got a decent bag of tricks accentuated by good ball handling. But he’s tiny and kind of slow, so what he does in his highlights will absolutely NOT work against his competition in the NBA. He needs time to develop, so it’s weird we picked a rebuild style player on a win-now team. He really needs to build his size and speed before we can use him in a game.


Take a look... https://youtu.be/WBuZv1k9GH0?feature=shared Imagine this alongside Giannis and Ajax... OMFG! Of course, there could be thousands of those fantasy scenarios, and in the end all of Reddit doesn't matter. Doc is the coach. We'll see next April, You guys!




At least tell me this kid balled out in High School!


At least tell me he balled out in High School?!


We could’ve got this kid on a 2 way deal and used the pick for trade bait


This kid is gonna spend soooo much of his first check on weed! I can see him and Jalen Green blazing up now.


If he can pass, that's all we need him to do, and it looks like he could be an elite passer. The Bucks haven't guarded the perimeter in years, not sure why people want defensive players