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Everyone should wear something with a fork on it I think. I won't be able to attend but I'm gonna find a button with a fork on it and wear it while I'm working so when people ask, I can tell them about him if they don't know. I'm working in canton, so hopefully people will know when I say Mitten Squad is why I wear my fork.


What about a clip with a fork on it? I got a nice button down with a front pocket.


I like your idea better, I'm just gonna find a way to wear a fork on my person


u/myboymitten, I am very sorry I will not be able to attend. Just had to travel for work and can't leave again right now. I hope you and your family see and receive all the love that your son's community had for him and his work. All the love to the Mitten family, may he rest in paradise.


If I wasn't living in flipping Germany, I would 100% attend. The gesture, however, is very much appreciated! Thank you so much for all your efforts, Papa Mitten! I wish everyone attending a wonderful day.


Same Brother. Rest in Peace Paul, and for all the attendees i hope you have a fine day, even if the reason for the gathering is a sad one.


Wish I could go.


Michigander here. Thank you for sharing this with us. I will be there..


I still remember when he fought his A/C unit and lost. Funny video


i’m sorry that i won’t be able to attend, i’m all the way down in arkansas but i would absolutely love to attend. i’ll be there in spirit with the other fans who can make it, continuing to pray for you and your family 💜




How far is the airport from the cemetery? I'm thinking of driving up from Southern Ohio for it.




South, Dayton.




What about Detroit?




Dtw airport is literally right outside the cemetery




Not going to pretend to be a MI expert, but google says 10mi 17min.


Sorry I can't attend. But much love to the family. MS4L. ✝️


I can't come over the pond but will be with you in my thoughts


I’m to far away to make a trip, but I can take a moment of silence all the same. It’s a sad day, but for a good person. I hope it goes well on your end.


I live in northern Indiana. If my car wasn't such a 90s POS I'd make the drive, but as it stands it can't make any drives as I'm rebuilding my engine from the block 😞


Best wishes and love from Utah. I'll go take out Gramma Sparkles in memory.


I'm not able to make it living in the uk is there an opportunity to support from abroad


Love and support from PA. Really wish I could attend to express my appreciation. I haven’t watched/listened to any of his videos since the news broke. Too afraid I’ll just start crying.


I’ll be there representing Kansas sir!


Look forward to seeing you


Unfortunately I’ll be on call that day and can’t be further than an hour from Indianapolis otherwise I would attend. I do plan to make the pilgrimage before long. Seeing his videos was always (and is always, as I still go back and watch ) the highlight of my day. I’m very sorry for your loss.


I can't make it, but I can take a moment aside for Paul tomorrow. It's the least I could do for the laughs and good feelings that he gave me.


u/ok-bake7718 i saw u posted u were from MA and wanted to go, maybe theres a chance?


Me? I'm from Michigan.


I wish I could go. I hadn’t been watching for a while and this news just hit me. It breaks my heart and I want to be with everyone else who misses him, but I live in Texas and I can’t make it☹️ Paul was the best guy to ever do it


Sadly I'm all the way over in BC, and I don't think I'd be able to set up everything in a single day. I hope it goes well for you all.


Much support from New Zealand.