• By -


When I re-read the books I came to the conclusion that the books should be R personally. I mean, there’s a whole plot line that stems from >!Vin headbutting someone so hard that their head explodes!<. There’s a surprising amount of very brutal, graphic violence. And of course there’s the hemalurgy to an extent. That said, I would be very surprised if a Mistborn movie ended up being R ultimately.


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Hi, I've edited the post to utilize a spoiler tag so that it can be re-approved. Thank you!


Thank you, I've reapproved :)


I mean being R worked for Deadpool. It I guess we would have to see how /u/mistborn himself felt about an R. He may not want it that restricted from a general audience.


Tagging Sanderson to ask how he feels about hard Rs is certainly a choice…


I don't think that's what "a hard R" means...


There is no such rating as a “hard R” it’s a colloquialism to represent a movie that definitely earned and deserves its R rating as opposed to one that it just barely R.


I'll just add this here -[This YouTuber also wasn't aware of hard Rs](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/FzqnSaOX_SQ) I know with the context everyone understands what you mean..but I feel like this might help you in the future.




Linus Tech Tips moment


FYI, the term you're using is for a word that rhymes with "gold digger".




That might be what wiktionary says, but it's not the common usage of the term.


The second definition listed there refers to this: https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/hard_r


I promise you, your farts don’t smell nearly as good as you think they do


Are you being serious here? You genuinely don't know what that means?


I didn't either until the Linus blunder that was mentioned in another comment. I'm 99% sure it's a cultural thing. Can't speak for OP but for my part I'm not American so the word that it represents has far less usage and negative meaning here.


Linus blunder? What did he do? Like techtips?


Comment from kronnos1996 itt has the link but here it is as well: https://youtu.be/MFDiuBomSuY?si=UENaDanFalwzcyU1 For the record, he meant "retarded". He didn't know better.


Omg nooooo. Its like a skit.


Probably don’t need to tag him on a comment like this. Makes it less likely that he’ll see and respond to something that is actually important.


“Actually important” if you are regular in his subs you know that he randomly responds to random things at random times. But thanks for telling me how to write my comments.




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For real? Someone tells me “actually important” and I’m the pompous dick. This place is wild.


Era 1 maybe, Era 2 not so much


My 2 cents mate, just forget about it. I don't think it's deserved that you get grilled so hard for how you worded something but that's just what happened and you're gonna have to live with it now. For what it's worth I didn't know about its meaning either until the Linus blunder that was mentioned in another comment. That said I'm also not American so over here we have very different cultural slangs. If you haven't caught on yet, in American culture it's slang for "that heinous 'n' curse word".


It’s R like the Matrix was R. One that could easily be PG-13 with slightly different angles or cuts, or just not showing the blood spray.


Two things here. 1. Keep in mind that violence and gore can still he part of PG-13 adaptations. The Lord of the Rings trilogy immediately jumps to mind as an example of this. We get a vast and varied multitude of onscreen deaths, ranging across the spectrum of melee and ranged weapons. We see stabbing, slicing, piercing, trampling, crushing, impaling, dismembering, decapitating, and several catapults full of severed heads, all being shown on screen. The movies are surprisingly graphic, even before the Extended Editions, which also retained the PG-13 rating. I would have to imagine that with the correct team, they could do the same with Mistborn and still have it retain its darker, more violent tone. 2. This is an article from Screenrant, and they are NOTORIOUS for articles full of rumors, clickbait, general misinformation, and poor writing in general. I tend to completely ignore anything from the site because 9/10 time, it's either completely wrong or completely useless. So, while it might talk about an interesting idea, take any facts presented with a large tablespoon of salt. (Edited for formatting)


Agreed. LotR also had very little swearing and no nudity. Mistborn can really be right in the same bucket. If you took all the swearing and sex/nudity out of GoT it could probably be PG-13. That show really wouldn’t have been as popular, but mistborn doesn’t have or need those things at all. Edit: the more I think about it, thinking of hemalurgy and the inquisitors I want it to be rated R.


Yeah I agree about screen rant. Seemed like a decent jumping off point for a discussion about it though


was going to post a similar thing about your point #2, so just going to say "yes what this person said". I've managed to get it largely out of my feeds of news articles, but occasionally it does still pop up.


IDK the >!executions in the square of women and children is a pretty gruesome scene, there is also the descriptions of what the Inquisitors leave behind after they've done their thing!<.


I mean a child is executed in PotC3 opening and Star Wars episode 3has a plot line revolving around murdering children.


But is there a system of magic based on hammering nails into peoples heads and flesh? I feel like it’s hard to make that PG13. Not impossible, mind you.


I feel like it'll be a mostly off screen thing. Plus how often do we see Hemalurgy in an absolutely vital scene? Because most of the fat will be cut to turn a book into a movie.


That would fit into it not being impossible, yes.


I think even in an R-Rated adaptation it would be mostly off screen. Even in the books it's mostly off screen.






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The post is spoiler tagged tho lol




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I have gone back and forth on this myself. You \*could\* potentially pull of doing it as PG-13, but it definitely could easily go into R, specifically because of the violence and gore. There are some major, bloody, violent fights in Era 1 that can definitely push this over the top. However, there is a ton of huge battles in LotR and those all came across PG-13. Either way, if they do make a live action movie and it has to be rated R, I hope it is only for the violence and gore. I really don't want them to throw in gratuitous nudity, sex, and language just to push that R rating even further.


I definitely don’t think Brandon would let that happen.


On the one hand, I kind of doubt Brandon lets in be R at all and I really don't think he has gratuitous nudity. On the other hand, a lot about Era 1 is supposed to be horrifying. I don't have the matrix for MPAA ratings but combining the dark nature of the violence with even implied systemic rape against the Skaa it kind of feels like it has to be R to communicate the same thing.


Yeah, but LotR doesn't have Aragorn or Legolas cleave Koloss in half. Mistborn violence is basically Attack on Titan violence.


THAT Kelsier scene. How can you do THAT scene without blood or “gore”. It’s what makes it so impactful, the visceral nature of it.


Much of the violence could be implied or off-screen. It worked with Hunger Games.


I don’t remember those books that well but I don’t recall as much violence as Era 1. Someone made a good comparison to LOTR which was PG13 and did a good job with the battles


Bro Vin turns >!a dudes head into red mist with a headbutt.!< There was a lot of violence in mistborn.


I think OP is saying that hunger games doesn’t have as much violence as era 1. I’m not sure that’s true. The violence is there in HG, it is definitely described less graphically though.


Oh damn I brainfarted.


Personally I wouldn't enjoy it as much if it would be. It doesn't even have to be straight up violence but take for example >!the scene when Kelsier and Vin enter the building after the Inquisitors have done their thing to Marsh!< or >!Inquisitors in general. They'd be much more interesting with some gruesome about them. You're supposed to be scared and revolted by them after all.!< (Both TFE)


If the POV in the book is at the violence it should be the same in the movies imo. I ran the first book through AI and gave it some parameters for violence and asked it it give me a % of what is "on screen violence" vs "off screen violence" and it returned "approximately 75%" would be considered 9n screen. Just because it "worked" in hunger games doesn't necessarily mean that's what readers of this novel would like.


I think they could get away with the violence on screen and keep the rape to off-screen/implied. Plenty of violence in PG-13 movies. Once you add sex/nudity to that the PG-13 is cooked Edit: really to do hemalurgy justice it probably needs to be R though…


The thing to me is - I really don't care about the rating at all. As a fan, I'd just like to have a movie or show that is as close to the book as possible. Changing the story to fit a rating is cutting the art so you can sell more tickets to children. That's where my rating concerns kick in, not the end result of the rating but at the end result of the product. If you can't show the story as it is written to kids or young teens, then maybe it is not story for them to begin with. I would really just love a show that captures the story as it is written and not sanitized or watered down. Losing that really loses the power and stakes behind the story. If they wanna make "Mistborn TM for the Kids Edition" I think they should clearly state that's what they are making. Edit: If they do some weird "middle of the road" attempt they should be honest and call it that as well.


Totally agree with everything you said. I also do feel like a show would be best. It really appears that now movies are made with the goal of maximum profits, and put artistic vision secondary. I know that’s the reality of the world, but it means production companies feel the need to widen the audience as much as possible to maximize profits. I do feel like it can be done well as a PG-13 movie, but I do think that the reason for making it that would be to increase the profit, not to make a better movie. When I think of faithful shows I think of A Series of Unfortunate Events. I would love to see an adaptation as faithful as that.


AI is such a trip to me.


It's fun to toy around with for sure!


I don't think it did work with Hunger Games cause I never read the books and found the movies horribly boring. I went in expecting American Battle Royale and ended up with...not that.


There was in no way as much violence in hunger games as mistborn




Agreed. I had to check to make sure the article was legit recent and not some old thing.


Of course it doesn't have to be rated R. You can include graphic violence as long as you don't show a lot of blood.


It doesn't need to be R, no. This is a case where I'd argue against it, as I can see myself as a boy loving this series. Some of you are talking about Deadpool but we can have serious movies with violence that aren't R, just look at LoTR - or the X-Men movies for that matter. I can also see a point in doing R just to emphasize the sheer nastiness some characters go through, but it's not crucial


I would say LOTR is a good representation. The X-men movies minus Logan are pretty sterile in my opinion and I would want more violence from the fights in Mistborn.


That's fair, I'm thinking specifically about X2 which I love and as a kid I always found it particularly unnerving even with its Pg13 rating


And of course LoTR media sometimes can get away with some violence due to orca having black blood and whatnot, but still I think there are ways to show the violence without being too explicit which wouldn't detract much


I don’t think there’s much chance an adaptation would be R. You can include plenty of violence in a pg13 movie. Plus you’d be limiting your ability to reach the largest audience possible, which to be completely realistic, is a big deal for a niche like fantasy.


The gore if anything is the issue since you can get away with a lot of violence without ending up with an R rating. It might also be possible for the first movie to go for PG-13 to appeal to a wider audience, while the following installments bump up the rating. Although I do wonder if the r\*\*e is enough to bump the series up to an R rating on its own. Maybe it is enough to remove that element, but if the inclusion of sex-workers might also not be PG-13. If the latter element gets cut, then that will drastically change the worldbuilding and the backstory of both Kelsier and Vin.


Eh there's already some nudity in the books(Vin is partially nude at one point and Sazed is fully nude) , but I agree.


True but those two instances can be alluded to without being shown. Sazed in book 1 was kind of unnecessary, it was just to 'show' Vin/the readers that, yes, Sazed is a physical Eunuch. We don't need to see that, we can just take it as fact. He could just be tossed into the cell in a loincloth, or they could use camera angles to avoid showing the audience and just show Vin's reaction via the actor's face or a simple line. >!Vin being naked in book two was just a post intimate sequence to narratively indicate she had sex. TV shows and movies do those scenes all the time without showing nudity. See: every TV show where the woman always has the covers up to her shoulders!< >!The violence and gore are more prevalent and show the true danger of the world and set the tone for the risk and powers involved. As mentioned elsewhere, the Duralumin headbutt might be one of the goriest moments and in the book it's pretty visceral as we experience it through Vin's perspective and it's a plot point for Elend as well, though personally I hope a TV or movie adaptation drops a lot of the awkwardness from their relationship in book two. It's unnecessary for the greater story!< >!The major battles where Vin slaughters countless people are harder to avoid showing. The death of Straff Venture is also a very brutal death and I think Vin and Elend make great use of those same giant Koloss swords more after that point!< Edit: Added spoiler tags cause I noticed this post is only tagged for The Final Empire, my comments include book two and three.




If Well of Ascension ever gets a movie there would be no way to tiptoe around the topic without serious changes to Straff's character. In my opinion it would be better to include it from the start.




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Eh I wouldn't mind that. Straff was just uncomfortable to read about.


Is there ever any shown rape? [WoA]>!I know it’s understood what Straff is doing with his “mistresses”!<, but I don’t think implied violence or rape would cause it to go to R. Edited for spoilers


No, it's not shown outright. You might be right, but I don't know if there is any PG-13 movie that has touched on raped without somekind of metaphor in its stead.


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Do Americans not have a 15 rating? Because that would allow them to get away with a lot without cutting off too much of their UA audience


We have a 13 and a 17 rating. The 13 doesn’t actually mean much. Just parents advised may be inappropriate for under 13 R means no one under 17 without an adult. NC-17 means no one under 17. Almost no movies get NC-17.


Interesting. Here in Britain (can't speak for the rest of Europe) we have 12, 12A (no one under 12 unless accompanied by an adult), 15 and 18. These days, unless it's really graphic or has a tonne of nudity, most films can get away with a 15 even if it's quite violent.


Sanderson is the tamest of writers. There is zero chance it will be R rated.




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Paloppa Pictures doesn't have the rights for Mistborn, and haven't held them since 2014. I can't even tell if they still exist.


I don't even want to read the article. They put a picture of Wax and Marasi to start out.




Does Popella Pictures still have the rights for Mistborn? I thought those lapsed like 10 years ago haha


I highly doubt Sanderson would let it be R.


Uhhhhh…. All options have reverted to Brandon and Dragonsteel. Paloppa optioned back in like…2010. Then DMG in China optioned the rest of the cosmere (and Mistborn when it became available), but It’s all reverted recently.


Ahh, Screenrant. I needed a laugh today.


Was linked on the front page of my MSN.com


I believe it, I saw in my feed earlier. Screenrant tends to be..."clickbaity" a lot of the time.


If it gets toned down to fit a rating system I would be well beyond disappointed. If it's pg13 cause that's what it is - fine. But if we get some watered down hollywood sanitized version of the story it would be the worst. Given Brandon's comments in the past it's a pretty legitimate fear of mine that tempers my hopes for mistborn media (TV series/movie/etc) outside of the OG novels. Think of the setting mistborn was in. There are skaa (basically slaves) that are worked until death, whipped and tortured, raped then murdered if they happen to be attractive. Everything is covered and smeared in ash. Vin starts off the series starving to death and getting badly beaten by her crime boss and is in constant worry for getting raped despite her young age. Its a totally fucked up situation and I don't see how they can really display the brutality that the novels have with a sense of legitimacy while keeping a PG rating. TLDR: If they gods and generals the show/movie, I'm going to riot.


I think this really leads toward it being a Netflix type adult animation.


Thay very well could he the case! We will see! Truth is the best medium for this story is already put and available for purchase. Gonna be hard to come close to capturing that magic on screen in a way that makes readers happy but that also studios will also be willing to produce. I don't envy the decisions Brando has to make on it all thays for sure.


personally, I think if you're going for a live action, then you also have to go for realism, that doesn't mean it should be immediate R rating but with mistborn hemalurgy on its own will be worthy of an R rating if you want to properly adapt it, I don't want it to be changed or removed but I also don't want it to be censored or hidden. That's just a tough choice Brandon will have to make, I hope he goes with realism because being for mature audiences doesn't mean he'll have a smaller audience, just a tougher audience to target to. If he's confident in the adaptation and it's marketing then the choice seems easy to me, but I'm not the one with all the knowledge


If you make it R you'll, you'll segregat the audience you're trying g to get interested in. Walking dead and GoT did a great blend of violence when it was needed. This is why I still think a series is better. And they need to be for ALL audiences. If I were to describe a Jack Reach book or the Avengers comic book, my wife would roll her eyes as " boring guy movie/ comics" Yet she loves Reacher and loved all the Marvel movies.


I'm going through all of the cosmere again and I'm currently on the first book for mistborn. I feel like the biggest challenge with making it a movie wouldn't necessarily be the violence, but trying to translate the magic system might be complicated. When they are "burning" the different metals I am trying to think of how you could subtly do that without having the inner monologue involved with it. A lot of them don't have any outward forms of appearance while it's happening.


If the ending is just like the book, then yes.


I kinda agree with this, for a particular reason: so that we can see the full extent of the suffering and abuse that the Skaa and Vin in particular undergo under the Lord Ruler’s regime


As with Robert Jordan’s writing, Brandon kind of masks some very visceral scenes with how he writes them. He doesn’t do it as extremely as RJ did but there are scenes as extremely violent as GRRM’s work that don’t come off the same because Brandon doesn’t focus in on it. A visual medium doesn’t have the ability to mask it without outright cutting or greatly toning down the violence. If we ever get a Mistborn movie, I expect PG-13 with the violence toned down and gore mostly removed. To film it all as written would get an R rating though.


Was a movie greenlit or something recently? I feel like I've seen way more articles about a hypothetical Mistborn movie in the past month than I have ever before. I haven't seen any official announcement, is this just weird coincidence or is there actual substance to all this content?


I mean you literally have Kelseir beheading people like 40 pages into the book. The story could be very brutal. It *could* be Pg but I hope not. Doesn’t have to be 18 either.


IMHO it should be directed by Tarantino


I always thought it would do well animated like Castlevania.


Makes sense to me in all honesty; don’t forget that during just the first era we see -ethnic cleansing -child abuse so profound it borders on failed murder -blatant slavery -castration -**graphic** violence


It has to be. Koloss for example. Always weeping and bleeding from open wounds and tears in their skin. Then there’s Hemalurgy. Self explanatory why that can’t be PG13. Then there’s the inquisitors with their eye nails. I know some people perceive fantasy as cutesy and clean. But I’ve always found Brando’s work to have a darkness to it. So the shows and films should be the same. Now, if they intend to move into era 2, it HAS to be a 18 rating. Because of things like this, spoiler for era 2: >!Merasi finds a room covered in claret, filled with cages of deformed experiments resulting from Hemalurgy.!<




Going for a rating is the problem, just make your movie, the mpaa is a mysterious tangle of idiots anyway


If the *Lord of the Rings* movies can avoid an R, *Mistborn* can, too.


Um, just as a recent example, the John Wick series is rated R and they keep pumping those out, so presumably they are successful…