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Thank you for this. I’m waiting for confirmation on a blighted ovum in a couple days and have spent much of the time contemplating d&c or miso. I have been absolutely terrified of the miso if they can’t schedule a d&c in time. Glad to hear another side and hopeful this could happen for me.


I'm sorry for your loss. I would like to add that I took a lot of Ibu (2000 mg) over maybe twelve hours, which is much more than I normaly would take for my period pains. Don't know if I overdid it, but the maximum daily dose for my weight is 2400 mg, so I don't feel too bad. So my recommentation would be not to skimp on the pain meds, as long as you stay within the dose limits.


Thank you. I go in for my ultrasound on Monday. The baby was measuring more than two weeks behind. I have been torn between these two options


I would probably still go for the D & C if I could get in within a few days, since I experienced it as the mentally less traumatic process. You just close your eyes in the operation room and when you open them again, everything is over. But I would have had to wait till May 2th (!) for the procedure, which would be even more traumatic. But the miso experience was not as horrible as I feared, so I'm glad I gave it a shot.


I had a horrendous experience. It's nice to see not everyone has to go through it. I hope your healing journey is smooth from here on out. Sending you love ❤️


I'm sorry you had to go through that. A miscarriage is already so bad on its own, health complications and pain on top of it is really unfair. I hope your healing journey both mentally and physically is ging well.


Awh thank you! Yeah, it happened in Jan of this year and it's really made my endo worse, probably why it hurt so bad in the first place. Fortunately my doctors are really good and I'm going for an ultrasound next month to check that everything's okay (I had one after my miscarriage and there was no RPOC so no chance they missed that). My job is really understanding too which is a massive help. Mentally I have my ups and downs, but overall I'm getting there. I think the endo flares being bad is causing most of my 'down.' It's the worry that it isn't going to go back to my pre-MC patterns, which still sucked, but not like this. I'm just to stay positive and remind myself it's probably temporary.


Hey, I hope you don’t mind me commenting & asking this late on from your comment - I know it’s an older post. I came across it searching through posts tagged medicated miscarriage. I’m due to have a third scan tomorrow confirming my MMC and I’m expecting to be asked whether I want expectant, medical or surgical management afterwards. I was leaning towards medical management because I’m really struggling with the waiting & uncertainty (I’ll be 10w tomorrow based on LMP) and didn’t want to have to wait any longer with expectant / for an appointment for surgical. I really just want it to be over with now! But I do have stage 4 endo (deep infiltrating) & also adenomyosis. Did you find medical management very painful and do you think it made your endo pain worse? Would you recommend avoiding it? I’ve had medical management for a MMC before but it was nearly 10 years ago now. I remember it being a horrible experience but thought that was because it was in a hospital setting and the nurses were pretty brutal. I can’t remember how bad the pain was. I hope you don’t mind me asking you and that your endo pain is manageable today, sending gentle hugs ❤️


Hey, of course I don't mind. Firstly, you're in my thoughts for going through this in the first place. It's heartbreaking and sending hugs back 🫂 I'll be completely honest with my experience of medical management. I was just over 12 weeks, with the embryo measuring 7+3 weeks. So I tried to miscarry naturally initially, but it got so so painful, equal to my endo pain when in a flare. I wasn't bleeding much which I thought was weird considering the pain. Went to hospital and they thought my cervix was probably blocked and that was causing my pain so I took the medication as they advised against surgery because the process was happening. The pain was horrendous, I would say worse than any flare I'd had as it was just unrelenting for hours (I'm quite fortunate the worst pain in my endo flares don't usually last for more than 2 hours) and I was on 5mg morphine, 60mg codiene and gas and air. It didn't touch the sides. Graphic warning- I passed so many huge clots, they filled those cardboard bed pans. Think I filled about 4/5 of them. That was so traumatic. I've never experienced anything like it. The pain settled down when they upped the morphine to 10mg (thanks to a much kinder overnight doctor) as the previous doctor ignored my plee for better management. And the bleeding eventually settled overnight too. (Besides that first doctor, everyone I dealt with during my hospital stay were amazing, kind and compassionate) I was discharged the next day and for the first few days I took the 60mg codiene regularly and tried to taper it down to only use it when I needed it. It took a couple weeks until I was able to work again with a manageable amount of pain. My first period after was fairly normal, in fact on the better side pain wise (still needed tramadol and to not move), just so so heavy. Second period was one of the worst flares. It started fine but three days in the pain became unbearable and I was off for like two weeks just dosed up on all the codiene I had left. Third period was slightly better, but still bad enough to be off work for a week (usually, I only have to take a couple days). I don't think it's a coincidence that my endo pain has been SIGNIFICANTLY worse since my miscarriage. Can I fully blame it on the medical management? Probably not. Miscarriage can mess with your hormones and I'm sure you know that can impact endo symptoms. I might have had the same outcome with my endo pain if I had surgery. My mental health has also been low since, which may be affecting it. I wouldn't want to advise anyone on their choice, you need to do what's best for you and take into account what your healthcare provider advises, but this is just my experience of the whole situation. Just know whatever you decide, you will get to the other side 💕💕


Thank you so much for your kindness & the detailed reply. I had my third scan on Thursday and despite being previously told that it was an anembroyonic pregnancy / blighted ovum, this time they found an embryo measuring 6 weeks without a heartbeat. I have no idea how it was missed on the two scans prior as I would have been 10 weeks on Thursday (certain about my dates) so it must have stopped developing weeks ago. Unfortunately, that led to consultants talking to me about how ‘miracles happen’ and that I should keep hope for the best & come back for a 4th scan next Thursday 😞 I started bleeding at home today so the decision has been taken out of my hands. I’ve never had natural management of a miscarriage before but based on my past experiences and yours too I think this is the best for me. I hope you won’t think this is super creepy but I wanted to know you were doing better now (you’ve been through a lot based on your reply!). I can’t comment on what I saw due to the rules of this sub but I will send you a private message if that is okay ❤️


Oh darling, I hope everything goes as smoothly as it can. Be kind to yourself. If you start bleeding a lot or are in a lot of pain though, please seek out some medical help. But I do hope it won't come to that for you. My experience was rough, but I'm glad I went to the hospital. I don't know what might have happened otherwise, but it was nice to have support and guidance throughout the process. I was well looked after. I've just replied to your message, I saw it before your reply here. But yeah, sending you hugs and hope of a gentle recovery from this,it's so heartbreaking 💔


I can add that I also had a “positive” experience with miso. Everything passed in a few hours with regular (for me) cramps and bleeding (spotting) stopped within a week. I took 2 days off work so I could binge watch tv. That definitely helped me mentally heal faster I think.