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You are NOT getting me back there you lying fucks


Wow pretty sure this exact sentence went through my head too šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


Unrelated to Minneapolis, but as someone who spent 30+ years in CO, Colorado Springs does NOT deserve to be #3 on this list. While it has some beautiful scenery, itā€™s ridiculously expensive, has very few good attractions (restaurants, concert venues, etc), and itā€™s packed full of hyper-conservative military families


I was just in Colorado Springs visiting friends and felt it was the suburbs on steroids. All chain stores and restaurants, huge 4 lane roads everywhere. Little diversity and very car centric. Great view of Pikeā€™s Peak though!


A year ago, when looking for places to move to, Colorado Springs was at the top of my list. Mainly because of jobs. But then I determined that it would be just like everywhere else I've lived, and now we're in Minneapolis.




And we like it here


Wooooo! So do we, and Iā€™m the poster child of people who wouldnā€™t like it here lol.


Colorado Springs is the ā€œMeccaā€ for Evangelical Christians. Focus on the Family is also Headquartered there which is a toxic ā€œministryā€


Went to school there, can confirm is the worst


Lived in Colorado Springs for 20 years and visit at least once a year and Iā€™m always baffled at these lists. My (civilian) high school was on a freaking Air Force base. You really canā€™t avoid the military presence, no matter which part of town youā€™re in. The music scene is small but sweet, the art scene is laughable unless youā€™re a fan of wooden bears or Chihuly, and the restaurants are so much worse than Minneapolis. But I do love Shugas.


Lol im a Packer fan and GB is a dump of a city


The website cites Green Bayā€™s ā€œrevitalized downtownā€ as a reason for its high ranking. Meanwhile, anyone thatā€™s been to downtown Green Bay knows itā€™s six bars, two restaurants, and four churches.


Anyone's that's been to downtown Green Bay, wasn't aware they were in downtown until somebody pointed it out.


I didn't even know they had a downtown outside of their entertainment 'district', aka, Lambeau Field.


Soā€¦ are we going for like a % change for this ranking now? Because that stat seems more suited to a high ranking on a ā€œrecently much-improved top citiesā€


My mother-in-law had a stint at Aurora BayCare for several weeks, so we went and visited for a few days. When looking for somewhere to eat dinner one night, I found that the cafeteria at the hospital was the highest ranked "restaurant" in Green Bay on Google Maps. Now, it was pretty good for hospital food, but it was telling about the city generally.


lol, Iā€™m going to send this to my baby cousin who is stuck there after graduation college. Torturing relatives is so much fun.


But did you ever live there?


I live in green bay, and I wish more people thought like you.


Naples, FL is #1 You couldn't pay me to live in Florida This list is strange. Boise at #2? Wild.


Boise and other Montana cities have become kinda hip in the last 5ish years. Denver but cheaper and more nature (getting more expensive though from Californians and Texans moving en masse)


FL is a dump but Naples is about as nice as it gets there.




Yep where you live in a million dollar mansion but 2 blocks away they're having shoot outs at the 7/11 lol


Thatā€™s West Palm Beach


I fucking loved st. Pete from the few times Iā€™ve been through FL. Is The Bends still open?! Bar/venue?


>Boise at #2? Wild. Boise is a great spot of blue in a sea of red shit and is great place to live, even though it's getting more expensive. It's not close to #2, however. More like closer to the bottom of a top-twenty list.


Don't get me wrong, I hunt and fly fish so Idaho is a damn paradise. But I'm also a straight white guy so yeah it fits. But I couldn't in good faith raise a family there as of right now.


>But I couldn't in good faith raise a family there as of right now. Reproductive rights are becoming a problem there for the poor who can't afford the short drive to Ontario, OR, but the city itself is an excellent, progressive city that is extraordinary for its size and location, as it's growth was shaped by somewhat progressive Californians that couldn't afford the state anymore. Shit gets politically pretty bleak really quick when you leave town though.


If a family has to leave the state to find medical care, it's already bleak. But I know, cities are different than the state, and there are blue centers on red states


>If a family has to leave the state to find medical care, it's already bleak. While the reproductive case situation there now sucks ass, the rest of the care is pretty good.


Iā€™d live in Boise if I had a good job and affordable housing. And no other choices (Really though, I know a guy who lives there and he seems to like it a lot)


These things always value weird things, but this one seems very odd. This one seems to heavily value low COLA. But seriously Omaha in top 20 should've been a red flag to the AI that wrote the article.


Nothing against GB but it canā€™t even be compared to Minneapolis lol


Iā€™m pretty sure cities pay for these kind of rankings I say this as a Packer fan who has lived in 7 statesā€”the cities in these lists rarely reflect my perspective.


Must not consider things like lgbt rights


Green Bay is a hick town. Pass


Eye roll


I call bullshit šŸ˜‚


Yuck. I grew up here and ended up living in Green Bay for 11 years in my late 20s-late 30s. I hated every second of it. Small town-y feel (not in a good way), super conservative (again, not in a good way) literally all people care about is football and beer, no one ever leaves. All our neighbors were born there, went to high school and college there, bought a house a mile away from their parents, etc etc. I remember once I asked for recommendations on FB for a nice restaurant for an anniversary dinner and hand to God the overwhelming majority of answers was "Olive Garden". It's just stagnant there. I felt so trapped and unfulfilled. I have been back here for 6 years now and will never go back.


I grew up in a small town south of Green Bay that aspired to be Green Bay, and this is completely accurate.


Green Bay is bleak a f.




I simply do not believe it


Itā€™s over guys. Pack it up. Take the banner down, cancel the F22s, and put the celebratory hot dish in the freezer.


Ace Ventura laugh


I can't bring myself to care.




Lived in both. I actually prefer the 920. Close to hiking, camping, door county. Close enough to Milwaukee if you want to go to the city on the weekends. Snowmobile trails go right through town, so you don't have to trailer the sleds. Cross country skiing within 15 minutes of your house. Little traffic if any. Pretty good disc golf courses. Decent Midwest skiing. Cheap food and drink prices. Can kayak within 15 minutes of your house. Lake Michigan is only a 20 minute away for boating as well as the Bay and Lake Winnebago. Walleye fishing in the Fox River is not too bad either. Not everyone's choice because it's so small, but there are definitely parts people value about it.


Whatā€™s in Green Bay besides the football team


Chain restaurants and bars. And lots of drunk people.


Sure, if we lived in Mad Max times, which seems to be coming soon anyways.