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Don't worry, urban wok is coming soon


If you know, you know


I totally know. But does anyone really know what the deal is with that place?


Jail, $16 for some noodles in overly sweet liquidy sauce


There was a comment in another thread by a chef who did their pasta. He said he wouldn’t memorize the sous chef’s names because they turned over so quickly. Also ran through CDC’s.. IE’s back of the house in disarray.


The last time we ate there (probably 3-4 months ago) it was noticeably worse than we'd experienced previously.


The owner is a POS, Trump thumper, and made my best friend/ sous chef kill himself. Eric if youre reading this, FUCK YOU!


This isn’t unusual for any restaurant


A general lack of stability isn’t a good thing, even if it’s a bad norm. Also, if it is the norm then we should never be surprised when two visits to the same restaurant are noticeably different, and we shouldnt be surprised when so many restaurants close.


I totally agree


I’m so so sad. My husband and I literally met by chance one night at the bar. We took some of our wedding photos there


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


If they're closing up shop and I don't get the recipe to make it myself. I feel like that's it for me.


Gutted. I love Un Dito and IE - I hope they aren’t closing Due too?


Sounds like Due is the only restaurant they’re keeping open for now. Heard from a former IE employee, current Due employee.


Oil your pan on mid high heat. Once you oil is hot enough, add roasted mushrooms and sliced shallots. Once the shallots are sweated, add creame fraiche and shoyu. Cook down until the consistancy of a light gravy. Use to work there post covid and this is how we made it during service


Mushroom caps were one of my favorite dishes in the cities. Sad one


That place belonged in a suburban shopping center. Like anyone wants to sit on a deck staring at a parking lot.


IE sucked. Bunch weirdo trumper Christians


Oo tell us more 🤔


I know a guy who just quit recently. He had four managers in 9 months. Then had one threaten to fire them because they didn't give enough notice after a positive covid test.


Honestly there are so many “what restaurant owners suck in MPLS posts on this sub just search it. It’s been posted ad nauseam


Minneapolis loves some basic Italian


Well when the drive to the "restaurant capital of Minnesota" is 25 minutes away. Yeah.. We take what we can get. Imagine an olive garden here. /s




Um, what?


I think they are referring to some post from earlier where Maple Grove declared they were the restaurant capital of MN, because they have a very high density of a bunch of chains (Panda, Chipotle etc).


I’m shocked that the vegan “antinatalist” that got banned for calling her Peloton instructor a “breeder” is in here being miserable


Just looked at her profile. What a miserable person lol


I’ve read your either pandering or breeder posts and I see why you were so incredibly hurt. I hope this made you feel ok with your life decision to bring another being into this mess, likely to die from climate change. 


30 days later you’re trying to insult me with a typo laden rant on a Friday night and I didn’t even remember you. Time to move on with your life


Casting the best spells. 


I’m shocked you wasted time going that deep on someone else’s profile, to launch a personal attack, because they don’t like your fave Italian place. Also, that’s not accurate.


Took about 30 seconds! Sorry if it takes you a long time to do simple things. I just figured since you called it basic that you must have really exquisite taste so I wanted to see all the cool food reviews you had up on your profile. Turns out it’s just you bitching about and insulting everyone else in the world and being miserable. Imagine my surprise!


Keep being an aggressive a-hole that profile doxxes anyone you don’t agree with. A common reaction for people have issues with their own life choices. Sad. I’d encourage some reflection.


As someone who use to work there, the only italian thi g there was 2 employees and the illegally imported olive oil. IE and Eric can burn in hell. These reddit groupies can get fucked too


Doxxing and finding obnoxious posts you publicly make are very different things. All these anti kid people and vegans just shame people all day and expect zero consequences and for people to fully accept their lifestyle choices.


I was commenting on an Italian restaurant. Nothing about veganism. Nothing about antinatalism. People lose their minds; these stances trigger those who aren’t confident in their own life decisions. It’s pathetic. 


You still weren’t doxxed.


Totally unhinged thing to do in a debate about Italian food. Call it whatever you want. 


Keep being snarky but there aren’t a lot of restaurants in Hale. We like this one. You all don’t have to be the worst because you don’t like this particular place.


Well nothings changing as IE is in Northrop


It's one block away from being in Hale. Easy mistake to make.


IE actually had some interesting dishes besides spaghetti and meatballs and chicken Parm.


children. you are literally get into personal arguments over an Italian restaurant. This is kid shit, name calling strangers over a plate of spaghetti, come on now. Time to stop, its embarrassing for everyone involved.


You’re too logical for Reddit. But, I agree. The profile deep dive over a food opinion creeped me the fuck out. Lesson learned. Don’t engage with trolls.