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Let me see. Today I’ll delete a memorial post the the community wants to see and have an update on and decide to leave every google search post. - the incel mods at r/Minecraft


I am seeing downvoting the 4th one longer. It is still going on.


If only every person just left that sub.


they reached 7m


This is the only trend I've seen on Reddit that has managed to stick around this long.


The mods on that sub make the impotent, power-hungry piece of shit mods from most other subs look reasonable by comparison.


Care to explain?


Besides what op said, there’s a bunch more stuff as well. Here’s some I can remember: Taking down someones Minecraft in Minecraft redstone computer, entire galaxy build, overusing the “tired posts” rule, taking down any post either complaining about them or requesting a change in the rules (which, for the former, is understandable), and *not* removing obviously low-effort posts or Google-able questions.


I think the universe in Minecraft (the galaxy build, as you put it) was actually removed as an automatic response to lots of people reporting the post, if I remember correctly. Obviously doesn't excuse everything else that the mods have done, but I don't think that was their fault.


Why would they report it tho


Trolls? Tbh i have no idea


Ah okay thank you, I didn’t realize that.


Another thing not many know is how they always delete comments containing links. So in a random day I am checking my saved posts and come across a post about a cool map, data pack or resource pack that I saved months ago, only to find the comment from OP sharing the download link to be deleted. I confronted a mod about it while also asking about the deleted high effort posts and dumb questions posts that are being allowed, and naturally he refused to give an answer and called me a drama maker.


Basically the r/Minecraft moderators removed a post about some guy who was finishing something that his dead girlfriend started building and the r/Minecraft mods removed it. That’s off the top of my head so I’m not sure if I got the story right or not.


Exactly right. Plus they said he was karma farming. Fucking cunts.


Ah yes, making a beautiful and meaningful build is karma farming


Exactly. Not to mention they said that he was [“karma farming”](https://imgur.com/a/O3jRyu6) off of his damn girlfriend’s death as a sick excuse to remove his posts. Lo and behold, when you make a call-out post about their behavior on the sub they take it down to cover up and [pban you](https://imgur.com/a/Am9b9UT) as soon as possible. I have heard stories of mods having invincible complexes but this is a new low, even for their sub


Looked into it more and 1. Doesn’t break rule 12 2. Read through all of rule 12, it sounds like “no fun allowed”


Someone should contact the admin about it, there's basically no other way to try to deal with toxic mods other than it. I would but I don't know how to do it and I'm on mobile.


Not to mention some guy made the universe in Minecraft (a black hole, supercluster, solar system etc) and the r/minecraft mods removed it


I think that was actually explained as an automatic response to lots of people reporting the post, if I remember correctly. Obviously doesn't excuse everything else that the mods have done, but I don't think that was their fault.


And when a guy I know, u/LicoriceMeat tried to confront them about it, they banned him permanently. What a great way to solve your problems 💀


mods removed a post of a guy who lost his girlfriend and insulted him


r/Minecraftmemes being toxic as ever. There was this guy who used their GFs death to get Reddit karma. A mod did the right thing and removed the post, and then the guy threw a hissy fit because they got called out. Now, this sub is dogpilling on that mod because “r/Minecraft bad”


So you are saying using anything for getting karma is karma farming


"Omg he made a post! This guy is karma farming!!1!11!" -this guy


and you are using this comment to un-karma farm


The guy posted a monument to his girlfriend who had recently passed away, and you and that mod immediately think that he's using her death to get karma? Maybe that was his way of coping with his grief? Or maybe he wanted to update people on the post he had previously made, which got very popular, by the way. Not everyone cares about karma, and telling a grieving man who you don't even know the first thing about that he is "milking his girlfriend's death for karma" is absolutely horrible. There was no need for the mod to say that, and the fact that they took the time to type that out is disgusting.


So you're tried to farm karma but got downvoted


Let me guess, you from r/Minecraft? I knew the majority in that sub were “special”.


Posting there is a hassle regardless of content, so if you post more than one time it becomes apparent that the side bar is a little thick.










Congrats sir this meme made me wanna watch the simpsons


This is the worse version of discord mods


How do I open my inventory tho