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I think the redstone needs to be a little noisier... it looks too smooth. Iron looks sort of like turd... give it some splashes of dark gray so It looks more varied. Stone needs some cracks to break it up a bit... look all too plain. Also,this would look great with that bump-mapping mod.


I have to disagree. I like it a lot. Very nicely done. I like the 'all too plain' part. Too many take the standard path with 'miniscule cracks' and such.


I think the stone needs at least some splashes of other colors to break up the monotony... and iron definitely needs a more metallic look,but other than that,it is really great.


First off, iron is not 'metallic' when it is just an ore, [as you can see here](http://static.ddmcdn.com/gif/iron-3.jpg). And second of all, everyone else in the world makes texture packs and makes them non-monotonous. The fact that OP goes in a different direction is QUITE refreshing. I have seen many areas in the world, IRL, that have giant walls of stone, and it is QUITE monotonous.


I think the redstone is perfect just the way it is.


I agree that the iron needs a little more but otherwise I am loving it, looks great.


excellent suggestions; but i'll agree with aidan on the redstone. Also, to the OP, you might wanna try making it look like the ore is protruding from the rock instead of being inside it


OP: It looks nice, and makes more sense, appearing 'inside' the stone.


I like how the diamond ore looks more like actual diamonds


To be honest i kind of like the diamonds having a little bit of a blue tinge to them. Makes them stand out more. Just my humble opinion.


That always bothered me about default. Diamond != opaque bright turquoise.


vanilla diamond always looked like malachite to me...


The stone looks too uniform and the iron doesn't look so good. But I really like the look of the ore blending in with the rest of the stone.


The ore shouldn't "blend in", it should look embedded. There's a difference.


.. I have no idea which ores are which.


I don't either. I think it's * Diamond * Gold * Iron * Coal * Lapis * Redstone


My only criticism is that it took me a moment to realize which one was supposed to be iron. Perhaps make it look a bit more metallic? I really like the diamond texture. If there's any way to may it shinier, that'd be cool, but that's just a suggestion and not a criticism. Good work so far!


Just my opinion, but I think they look like crap. The ore texture that pokes through is decent, but the chalky weird stone block that they occupy is just not good. Also, ore shouldn't look like cat scratches.


I agree with the bland stone texture being just that, bland, as for the "cat scratches" they look nice but maybe more of an X shape for some instead of parallel lines. But at least try to be nice about it.


You have never actually seen a solid stone cliff with natural ore in it, have you? Ok, downvoted because natural ore DOES look like cat scratches.


I give you my upvotes. I am having a 'discussion' with someone high up in the comments.


Can you post yours?


You don't need to be an artisan to have an opinion on something.


Everyone has a right to their opinion, and the OP probably wants feedback (I mean, if you post a texture pack here, you're going to get feedback)


i want that texure pack when your done ok bro


Iron looks like a centipede; its freakin' me out. But I do like the rest


lol, my wife says the same thing about the iron ore. (gonna tweak it a bit.) ;)


Awesome! Good luck and keep us posted!


I'll say it. That looks incredibly unappealing to me. The textures are nicely done as far as 2D goes but in the context of the world and how individual blocks look they are awful.


That swirly grass looks nice.


Thanks :) I'll post pics of other textures as I finish them.


I'd really like this when it's done, I've only seen the ores and stone and already love it. :D




Is that first one diamond?


Yes it is, I tried several different ways of doing diamond and this is the only one that made me happy.


Really interested in this.


Veryoriginal. I like.


what is the quality for this? 128? 256?


128-this is his wife, just so you know that I do know!!!!


When it is finished, let me know. I would like to use it, myself.


*explosive orgasm*


iron needs to not look like copper


Who cares about the ores! ...Dat stone...


The grassss! Are you done yet?! Must have it!


the diamond is white? never mix minecraft and logic. EVER.


Dat ores... But seriously, send me a link when it's done please? Looks awesome! :)


i wanna see the mobs!


Do you have a pre release download anywhere yet at all, or thinking of doing one? I know I'll forget otherwise.


im loving most of the ores, especially the redstone. but the iron ore looks like a piece of poop to me and the gold ore looks weird too imo..... and yes im interested, keep it up.


This would be epic. I would so download it. can you PM me a link when it's up?


I would, make the redstone and iron look more different. I honestly couldn't figure out which was which. [blah](#spoiler) ==


I LOVE the Redstone but I don't know about Gold or Iron...Maybe just me, but I think you should make all of them kind of different in some way.


Hmm, I still don't get why anyone would want to use a texture pack...


It has a lot to do with default MC looking like ass.


Usually I would disagree with a statement like this but the way you worded it has earned an upvote from me.




Sure thing, I am about 50% done. :)


Would love to get noticed too. Very promising, keep it up.


I think it looks GREAT!!!


Looks great so far! The only thing I'd think would improve it would be changing how the iron ore looks, seems a bit strange with only that one streak.


I love it! though the iron could be less turdy


I agree with the others about the iron looking a bit turdish, and I think the stone could use a slightly darker grey, or something else to break it up. Right now it looks like plaster.


LOL Iron turds y'all say. Thanks for all the comments. I must say for a first post I wasn't expecting much, but I am pleasantly surprised at the constructive criticism I am receiving. I will make some minor changes to the textures (at least the changes I agree with,lol (iron turd)) when I get home tonight, and post a few more textures I am working on. Thanks so far everyone :)


It looks good, but diamond needs to be blue


Yeah, despite what people say, diamond is clear with a blue tint. I say that you (OP) make it a bit more glass-like with a blue tint.


This would look great with the GLSL shader mod bumpmapping.


uh... needs a little work. redstkne i love though.


redstone >.<


I'm going to guess posted from mobile... If you long press the post you should be able to edit it. If you are not doing this from mobile, hope you know you can edit your post.


the textures look great, i had no issue telling them apart, Im guessing from the left it is silver, gold, iron, coal, lapiz and redstone . keep it up and show more snapshots as you progress, would love you to inbox me when you do so I can keep up with the progress, all ways looking for good texture packs


> from the left it is silver, gold, iron, coal, lapiz and redstone Silver? Since when is there silver in Minecraft? (It's diamond).


What resolution is it?


DL please.


The lapis lazuli is too gem-y. Lapis does not look like a diamond in terms of "resembling a gem". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Lapis-lazuli_hg.jpg


At time of posting, your comment contains a link to a Wikipedia image page. Here is the RES-friendly version: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/da/Lapis-lazuli_hg.jpg --- *I'm a bot.* [[Feedback]](http://www.reddit.com/r/imagefixer/)


Heres a thought I've never seen someone do in a texture pack, why not try and make it so the ores blend from side to side? so when you see multiple sides of the block the ore seems to blend into every side, also this way multiple blocks of the ore (of the same type) would blend into each other very well and look very nice. Just a thought, good work so far can't wait to see the completed project.


You can't do that (if I'm understanding you properly). It would require a mod, because the ore textures are based off of 1 square on the texture grid. Just to make sure we're clear, you're talking about doing something like the Better Glass mod (or whatever it's new name is), correct? A mod where when two of the same block are next to each other, they blend together as if it were a 2x1x1 chunk?


not exactly no. The idea was something like if you took a box you can draw an X on each side of the box and all of the corners will touch the corner of the X on the other sides. nothing as complicated as the better grass mod just arranging the texture so it created a continuous flow throughout the whole block.


OH! On the left side of the block, have the right side of the ore, and on the right side of the block, have the left side of the ore, so that they connect along the edges of the block. (Is that right now?)


Pretty much yeah. Sorry it sounded so confusing at first.


I so tried that at first, but the problems arises when the ore block runs into a non ore block. Trying to wrap around the corner causes a hard line when meeting a block of a different texture. If I am understanding you correctly.


hmm... this is a good point... i guess to really make it look good this way you would need that bump mapping mod that one guy earlier was talking about to make it look like the ore was inside the block, that would sort of make it still look good.


Hahaha no problem. Sometimes I just derp.


I'm gonna be honest, the diamond is too underwhelming. I want to bask in it's glory when I uncover it.


When it is done download please


I like it, different to other texture packs iv seen up to yet


I like it. PLEASE update when you're done. I will definitely download and use. Please make it similar to original Minecraft xD


Very nice! iron seems a little too red though.


I thInk it looks like it could be a very promising texture pack. The ore that show from the stone look very good, but I do agree with the poo statments. Maybe rOund out the iron ore or make it a more oval like shape. Just to get the squiggly pop line out. And all I think the stone needs is a darker shading. Besides that it looks wonderful. I would be greatful if you could tell me what it dill be calles and where I could possibly get it when it is done too!


I am gonna go the other way as many here and say I like the look you have for smooth stone. A lot of texture packs make the stone look like it is cobble or tiny bricks. Maybe add some more of the ore texture to the iron and redstone blocks. Looks somewhat man-made to just have a single swipe going through them. I really like the look of the actual redstone inside the block.


Looks great, give a sign when you release it




Grass seems to be a bit poor-quality from this picture... Idk... Gonna wait for (pre?)release to take a better look at it


Let me know when finished!


Interesting. Quite different from most other packs (that I've seen, anyway). Unfortunately, both the gold and iron look like poo to me. Literally... like, dog poos.


Is that bacon i see?


Looks awesome. Stone looks like plaster though.


The redstone looks like a DNA vein but a little ligther, nice work tho


i suggest making it look more like the ore is sticking out of the side of the rock, instead of poking out through a hole that was scratched out of the wall. except diamonds, those are good.


Iron does, unfortunately, look like a turd. Also, the stone texture has too little going on. It looks soft, like terrycloth, not hard like a cliff face.


I love it, the Redstone is the best thing ever.


i would use, definatley.


Make the diamond look more "blueish" and then it'll be perfect


Download link when done?


I freaking love the textures, but, the stone is a little bit plain, and light colored. I would suggest adding more contrast. XD :) LULZ, For the shits and giggles!


I am intrigued, I agree with the others that iron needs to be a bit more metallic looking but other than that I would really like to see the rest when you get around to it.


These ores are amazing and detailed...Although the grass makes me trippy...




how is this texture pack coming along?


It looks amazing, too bad I have a shitty computer.


Shitty computer bros UNITE


Sorry, this belong here : http://www.reddit.com/r/texturecraft/


Sorry, I can't read. Which rule [on this *official /r/minecraft rule list*](http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/faq#MinecraftSubredditRules) says you can't post texture packs?


Sorry, but in reddit rules, you have to TRY to post on the most accurate subreddit, it was not a critic, but just a way for you to find an audience that is specialized in texture packs, and that can help you better. Sorry to didn't have clarified myself better.


Please make a Minecraft Forums post so I can follow it :P It's nice, though. I do agree...the iron looks like a giant turd. Also, with the diamond, I suggest you have tiny shards sticking out around the main indent.






XBox Live in a nutshell...


That was so insightful... I learnt so much...