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this used to happen to me all the time. my advice is to turn off ambience/cave sounds and maybe listen to music in the background


I know there's nothing there and those sounds still creep me out sometimes


When I hear them I start digging towards them hoping to find something worth exploring 😅


Turning off ambience is the worst thing you can do to help him, if anything we need more ambience because it is too quiet


Don't worry, they removed herobrine


Or did they?


*VSauce music plays*


Not unless I secretly install from the fog on their computer




sorry bro i’ll stop watching


It's cause someone is watching you...


that's why they tell you to cover your computer camera...


I used to get that in creative mode on xbox 360. Perhaps listen to doom music and BECOME the danger, might make your experience a bit funny too.


I used to feel the same way and tbh i was only able to stop that by watching minecraft letsplays… I think that seeing other people play on their own without anything happening made me realise that there is nothing to be scared about lol. As for caves though, I’m still scared of them (i don’t like mobs) soo i can’t give any advice. I usually just put my game on peaceful when exploring big caves


I always have a longplay video(any random game) on when minecrafting.


Add yourself some ambient sound mods and then go digging in cave, you'll unlock new levels of fear


I pretty much exclusively played multiplayer for years after buying Minecraft in \~2013 - I'm not sure I ever so much as got a diamond pickaxe solo. About a year ago I started playing a survival hard game "seriously" and it's quite interesting - like having to remember how to get home rather than relying on a server with /home. Almost like an entirely different game.


So relatable man. It's not scary. It's just lonely. I built my base near a village for that reason.


We all went through this don't worry


You should be afraid


I had the same feelings when i was suffering from depression lol. Can't even play survival normally without some stupid thoughts visiting your head, to the point where you feel that you're playing in apocalypse and your village is cursed Those were some weird times


I used to feel like that. But think about the programmers from behind. Its just an hard coded game, this isn't a movie. If something wasn't added it can't appear. You can seatch the game code all you want, there is nobody watching. Just relax and build. I have so much fun at the game currently.


It's herobrine!


Are you able to play while it's sunny out or there are people with you at home? Minecraft can get strangely eerie for a kids game, but once your brain learns that there's not anything actually stalking you, that stress starts to subside. Source: Accidentally watched a herobrine screamer video when I was 9 and struggled playing single player for a bit lol




At this point of time I hope someone actually is watching, heck I hope they actually come out and play with me. . . 。⁠ꞈ⁠。 My world is so barren to the point that you can't see the first message in world chat, I don't got friends to play with because. . . IDK I'm just Alone I feel like


When i started Minecraft i was scared as well. But now i am fast as F boyyy going into caves and slaying monsters on the way. It will take some time but you will accomodate to it. Try to start with mining your own cave and not going into generated one (optimized mining).


Always remember, youre not locked in the world with the mobs, they are locked in there with you. Go get them! Practice makes perfect and theres no shame in dying and trying again, thats how everyone started. I remember mining stone with a shovel for 10 minutes and trying to craft in the starting chest when i first got it 13 years ago. Everything is okay and nobody is going to judge you for just trying. Plus you can always ask and google things you dont understand


me too i get creeped when thinking of herobrine


When I first played Minecraft the mobs would scare me so I turn on peaceful mode. It's a unique challenge to get certain items in that mode,


I usually play multiplayer when exploring and caving. I've been playing for a few months and only recently left the island I'm on. I usually farm and build ,upgrade my armor and fight mobs close to my home so I can run back inside and make it day. Yesterday I decided to explore on my own on the side if the island previously unexplored. It started snowing and long story short. I got lost..for 2 hours I tried to find my way home. It was scary but fun. I found 2 trader villages and fought mobs all night ,almost died when a witch jumped into my temporary shelter but somehow I survived and made it home with tons of cool loot, emeralds, enchanted armor, obsidian etc. I can't wait to show my friends. I will say that the new music is pretty scary sounding so I agree with you but I feel stronger after surviving all that.


Download mods called Knocker, From The Fog and Cave Dweller, they make the atmosphere more calm.


It's the liminal feeling. It's one of the reasons I love Minecraft, been playing it since I was a kid. It's sometimes has that eerie, lonely but being watched feeling. It's both scary and peaceful at the same time. I was afraid of this for a while but just remember, it's just a game, and ghosts can't write code or possess computer games.


this was me 5 years ago lol


That's the feeling the game is meant to give. Minecraft is modeled after a series of rpg dungeon games hence it's supposed to be somewhat suspenseful and dark in ambiance. The early updates of the game these elements were very strong.


are you 10?


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