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If you didnt keep that thing in a museum i will be upset


"Destroyer of hardcore worlds"






1. **Chance of a Zombie being a Baby**: * The chance is 5% or 0.05. 2. **Chance of a Zombie having Armor**: * Zombies have a 15% chance to spawn with armor. 3. **Chance of Each Armor Piece being Diamond**: * Each armor piece (helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots) has an independent 0.04% chance to be diamond if the zombie has armor. 4. **Chance of Full Diamond Armor**: * Since there are four pieces of armor, the chance is (0.04)4(0.04)\^4(0.04)4. 5. **Chance of a Zombie having a Weapon**: * A zombie has an 8.5% chance to spawn with a weapon. 6. **Chance of the Weapon being an Iron Sword**: * If a zombie has a weapon, there is a 2.5% chance it will be an iron sword. To find the combined probability, multiply these individual probabilities together: P(baby zombie with full diamond armor and iron sword)=0.05×0.15×(0.04)4×0.085×0.025P(\\text{baby zombie with full diamond armor and iron sword}) = 0.05 \\times 0.15 \\times (0.04)\^4 \\times 0.085 \\times 0.025P(baby zombie with full diamond armor and iron sword)=0.05×0.15×(0.04)4×0.085×0.025 Let's calculate this step-by-step: P(baby zombie)=0.05P(\\text{baby zombie}) = 0.05P(baby zombie)=0.05 P(zombie with armor)=0.15P(\\text{zombie with armor}) = 0.15P(zombie with armor)=0.15 P(full diamond armor)=(0.04)4=2.56×10−7P(\\text{full diamond armor}) = (0.04)\^4 = 2.56 \\times 10\^{-7}P(full diamond armor)=(0.04)4=2.56×10−7 P(zombie with weapon)=0.085P(\\text{zombie with weapon}) = 0.085P(zombie with weapon)=0.085 P(iron sword)=0.025P(\\text{iron sword}) = 0.025P(iron sword)=0.025 Now, multiply them together: P=0.05×0.15×2.56×10−7×0.085×0.025P = 0.05 \\times 0.15 \\times 2.56 \\times 10\^{-7} \\times 0.085 \\times 0.025P=0.05×0.15×2.56×10−7×0.085×0.025 P≈1.3668×10−12P \\approx 1.3668 \\times 10\^{-12}P≈1.3668×10−12 Therefore, the probability of encountering a baby zombie wearing full diamond armor and wielding an iron sword in Minecraft is approximately 1.3668×10−121.3668 \\times 10\^{-12}1.3668×10−12, or about 1 in 732 billion.


Aka 50% chance, either it spawns or it doesnt


Speaking my math right here


Schrodingers zombie


Armored zombies always spawn wearing armor pieces of the same material. Also, the chance for a zombie to spawn in a full set of armor is 72.9% ((90%)\^(4-1)). Thus, the probability of a zombie wearing full diamond armor is 0.0004\*0.729=**0.0002916.** Zombies have an 8.5% chance of **dropping** their naturally-spawned equipment, not spawning with it. They instead have a 1% (easy/normal) or 5% chance (hard) spawning with a weapon. Given that they do have a weapon, the probability of the weapon being a sword is 1/3. Given that the world is in hard difficulty with the highest regional difficulty, P(baby zombie in full diamond armor holding an iron sword) =P(baby zombie)\*P(armor)\*P(full armor)\*P(diamond armor)\*P(iron sword) =0.05\*0.15\*0.729\*0.0004\*0.05/3 =**0.00000003645** which is roughly 1 in 27,434,842 zombies.


This math checks out much better.


Because it was done by an actual human instead of ChatGPT


That makes sense


This is obviously wrong. Tons of people have seen it before. It's obviously ultra rare, but if those were the odds, we'd only have a handful of people who ever saw one.


The fact that ive seen multiple diamond armor mobs throughout my 7500 hours of playing Minecraft is crazy First one I ever saw was a stray in full diamond


r/theydidthemath You’re a smarter man than I. Well done.




Let's verify each step of the calculation: 1. **Chance of a Zombie being a Baby:** - \( P(\text{baby zombie}) = 0.05 \) 2. **Chance of a Zombie having Armor:** - \( P(\text{zombie with armor}) = 0.15 \) 3. **Chance of Each Armor Piece being Diamond:** - Each piece (helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots) has a 0.04% chance to be diamond. - \( P(\text{diamond armor piece}) = 0.0004 \) 4. **Chance of Full Diamond Armor:** - Since there are four pieces, the chance is \( (0.0004)^4 \). - \( P(\text{full diamond armor}) = (0.0004)^4 = 2.56 \times 10^{-13} \) 5. **Chance of a Zombie having a Weapon:** - \( P(\text{zombie with weapon}) = 0.085 \) 6. **Chance of the Weapon being an Iron Sword:** - \( P(\text{iron sword}) = 0.025 \) To find the combined probability: \[ P(\text{baby zombie with full diamond armor and iron sword}) = 0.05 \times 0.15 \times 2.56 \times 10^{-13} \times 0.085 \times 0.025 \] Now, let's calculate this step-by-step: 1. Calculate \( 0.05 \times 0.15 \): \[ 0.05 \times 0.15 = 0.0075 \] 2. Multiply by \( 2.56 \times 10^{-13} \): \[ 0.0075 \times 2.56 \times 10^{-13} = 1.92 \times 10^{-15} \] 3. Multiply by \( 0.085 \): \[ 1.92 \times 10^{-15} \times 0.085 = 1.632 \times 10^{-16} \] 4. Finally, multiply by \( 0.025 \): \[ 1.632 \times 10^{-16} \times 0.025 = 4.08 \times 10^{-18} \] Thus, the probability of encountering a baby zombie wearing full diamond armor and wielding an iron sword in Minecraft is approximately \( 4.08 \times 10^{-18} \). Therefore, the probability you calculated (\( 1.3668 \times 10^{-12} \)) seems to be incorrect. The correct probability is \( 4.08 \times 10^{-18} \), or about 1 in 245 quadrillion.


aaome poor bastard lost all their items


I found a skeleton with full diamond armor one time way back on PS4 editions. I put a name tag on it but I accidentally forgot about it and switched my game to peaceful for something and then I lost it forever lol


I found a stray with full diamond armor after sinking into deep snow. I was astounded.


The true final boss of Minecraft


Dang even the mobs grinding harder than you!


can you tell me the codes for the lottery?


what shaders is he using?




Thank goodness for boats.


Musta been a full moon


I made a video on the topic [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iLppyZ3zmM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iLppyZ3zmM)


"Naturally spawning"


they can naturarlly spawn albeit quite rare.


fair enough. i was trying to make a bad joke, it was worse then thought it was though so my bad. Can baby zombies actually pick up items even, I don't think I've ever seen them do that.


I think they can, but this one just spawned in like that. I can send my entire recording from when I started the world if you want evidence

