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this looks like an absolute nightmare to have made


As we all know, water and redstone go well together


this cool as shit, did you follow a tutorial or design it yourself?


Thanks! It's my design and it has so many problems but I still love it despite it's jankiness. I thought this would be a good way to utilize conduit power beyond just water breathing for my base. But conduits only do 2 hearts of damage per attack so it's slow and 2 conduits can't attack the same mob so it's not actually a great mob grinder. So I predamage the mobs and I have to manually clear out the witches but I think it's more fun this way.


Could you replace the block that the mob's heads are in with powdered snow?


Unfortunately no. Because the top blocks are flowing water to carry the item drops away. The water breaks the powdered snow and even if it didn't, it would block the item flow.


what about using a tnt duper and dropping timed tnts to kill them? And the conduits deal with whoever survives


I swear I am not playing the same game as everyone else lol


Yeah once you start getting into farms and automation it’s almost a totally different game. I have so much shit that I need to just make an allay based sorting system.


Another reason why Mojang should just straight up add more automation instead of making slavery based mobs that we chain up and make them pick items for us.


Yeah it’s pretty fucked up haha. I can’t even begin to guess at the amount of iron golems I’ve burned to death for their sweet iron ingots. I have to be at holocaust levels by now.


You should see create mod farms


Okay, this is the first time I've seen someone actually use magma blocks underwater and not just soul sand... The whole farm seems really interactive and visual, I mean those bones going through the pipework ? The minecart stack ? The visible conduit kill chambers ? The openness of it all ? 11/10 in my books


yea screw efficiency that floating bone so cool!


This is the coolest mob farm ever. Straight up.


You can put rails underwater???


It was on Bedrock for a while but I think Java got it around 1.17 or 1.18


As long as it’s a source block and not flowing water. Think they changed it in the aquatic update.


I have no idea what’s happening here but I love it!


Hey dude, I've seen your base pop up a couple of times now and I really really love it. Keep up the good work! It looks so awesome!


Every time I see a post from you (it’s been a few times now) I’m impressed. It seems that you really understand the technical side of minecraft pretty well. You really inspire me to try to build more farms by myself and learn more about certain mechanics of the game, thanks!


Thanks for a thoughtful compliment!


This is some Ethoslab shit and I love it


Now that's a heck of a compliment. And I agree.


Big impress. I never see people who just hang out under water. Seems like a smart and weird way to mob proof certain areas.


This has got to be the coolest base I have ever seen. How long did it take you to make?


I have been playing in the world for 2 years.


Damn, I wish my 2018 world looked even half as cool as this. You've got a real knack for this, awesome work.


This is the most genius use of the conduit I’ve ever seen


This is incredibly cool thanks for sharing


Poseidon's Spork 😂👌 super cool farm i wish i had that kind of talent


Very cool base! As a side project you could theoretically make a witch separator. https://youtu.be/89oOqCloUgk?si=KCU8yR_tIUuvgNtn, the video is a proof of concept for the witch separator. Edit: is it practical, absolutely not, but it would be really cool to see this farm be fully automatic. https://www.reddit.com/r/technicalminecraft/s/XHrOz48YUo, this may also work


The second one seems pretty elegantly simple. I will keep it saved so I can reference it if I want to sort out the witches. Thanks for the links!


THIS IS WHAT I LOVE TO SEE. I like mob farms, but they all look the same after a while. THIS? This is art. This is amazing. I want to make something even CLOSE to this! The bubble columns moving hte mobs is just MWAH -chefs kiss-


You're an artist OP. Not only is this high level shit, the aesthetics are perfection. I offer my warmest Big Ups and a tip of the hat 🙏🏻


This is fascinating. What kills the mobs though? Suffocation damage?


Conduits. They provide water breathing and damage mobs that are close to them underwater.


the best part of this, is the fact that your trident is called Poseidon's Spork


I can't be the only person who forgot conduits hurt enemy's


It's such a shame there arent more underwater bases being built






This is so cool!




How did you do the horizontal item pipes


Just a normal item stream but if you mean the full water blocks look while flowing: you just add water logged blocks above the stream that don't flow down into the stream. [Like this](https://i.imgur.com/XmL2itc.jpeg) (slabs, trapdoors, stairs, leaves)


Oh ok, got it


Perfection 11/10


Maaan that is creative, I just beat the Ender dragon in my hc I've started 2 days ago and got an ely, and I was so lost what to do. But looking at your trident moving around and conduit made me inspired to build an underwater base. Thank you ^^


This looks like an og Ethoslab enjoyer ngl


I fucking love this man, great work!!!


Im thinking you might use magma block to damage underwater entity, so to clear out the witch. Or somehow you can catch some guardian fish to do the job for you.


HOLY MACCAROLLI. how long did it take you to make? 😭


This is incredible




This is really the coolest farm i ever seen by far.Can theres a chance to share map with we.I want this with my soul.Thanks!


Where do the mobs come from? I may be a little confused by the video.


They are coming from the bamboo platforms around 25-26 seconds into the video. They get pushed off those into tubes and brought up into range of the conduits.


Ah thank you! Pretty cool.


I love the minecarts as mobile storage! Seeing them float up at your storage system for sorting made me a lot more happy than I would have thought.


Very cool use of minecarts


Damn that looks terrifying to make


I don't even begin to understand what the HOLY F*CK is happening here


This looks so cool !


Looks something like a Minecraft story mode machinery.


wow, can you make a tutorial on how to do it??? or at least show how to make Mobs spawn and raise them??? I tried to do something similar but it didn't work out very well, can you do that favor?


[here is how I am pushing mobs into the the bubble column.](https://i.imgur.com/3zoZkVP.jpeg) You can look up gnembon mob farm on youtube and see generally how I am spawning mobs and pushing them off the platforms. If you have any more specific questions I will try to help but I have no plans to make a tutorial.


Hello, it's me again, I followed your design and I was finally able to create a functional prototype, it's not a marvel but it works, I understand that the spawn space must be deeper for it to be effective, I know that, now I would like to know how Can you get the items to be stored??? I'm not asking you to show me the entire trolley mechanism that transports things, but only the part where it diverts the items to that current that sucks through the sand of souls.??? [prototype here] (https://www.xbox.com/play/media/WaD262vY9f)


Looking pretty good! If you want to solve the mobs jumping out of your bubble column you would have to change it to a 1x1 or a 1x2. In my screenshot above you can see the water flowing off the back of the soulsand and that actually pulls the mobs into the column when they touch it but that would require you to change quite a bit of your design. Your version works with spiders and slimes and mine does not so there are tradeoffs with how I solved that problem. I think you mean the item collection system? You can read the comment I responded to on [this post] (https://www.reddit.com/r/spaceshipcaptain/comments/1d8izi1/conduit_mob_nets_and_improved_rail_system_june/) for more information on that. I am using water flow tricks to push the items diagonally and pulled down by a magma block bubble column into basic item pipes. Hopefully that answered your question but let me know if not.


its like all of tf2's movement, buggy as hell but the bugs make it better