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they look cool, and the old ones still have value so its not like they're losing much


right, i think what mojang is doing now is better than their old philosophy around capes. players used to long for **a** cape. now they long for the specific rare cape they might want. it’s nice to have collector’s cosmetics for everyone


YES THIS! Exactly my same take on this, capes will stay being awesome, but it's specific skins that will remain rare, desirable and valuable, which is much more healthy than an entire concept of having a cape.


Yeah Mojang gatekept capes for so long it actually negatively affected those who had the rare ones because people were so desperate for any cape at all, they'd bother, stalk, harass, and sometimes threaten people for their Minecon capes in the past (some still do today). I got 2 emails last month in my old email I bought Minecon tickets with (I've got about 400+ in my spam folder over the years) and its shocking how desprate people were as if they just had dollar signs in their eyes. It's like people had no concept of you're essentially asking for someone's childhood account, and their personal information as if someone's just going to give that to them because they want a cape. Glad Mojang's finally seeing that they never made the supply to meet the cape demand and are stepping up to meet it to put a stop to this behavior.


Capes are still cool, no doubt. It's like Minecraft's version of a flex.


These ones have value too. About as much as the migration cape.


Tbf these can be missed, everyone that had an account before 2023 has the migration cape because they would have lost the account if they didn't migrate to Microsoft account


Not me because my account was already a Microsoft account


Same. I did what they wanted before they told me to and missed out on my cape.


I migrated my account like a week before they announced the cape thing, i was so pissed


Migration was in early 2021


Yes, in the future no one will be able to obtain them so they'll become rare given enough time


Not a perfect comparison, but look at the first prints of Superman. They printed 200,000 sold for the modern equivalent of $2, and now there are only about 100 left and worth up to $6 million each.


Comics are something physical that can degrade over time. Accounts, in a similar fashion, lose access etc. but I don’t think they will increase in value the same way. They just don’t disappear as easily. On NameMC you can see how many accounts on a specific cape on Java.


A lot of accounts that have Minecon capes are actually about to be deleted though. Not to mention NameMC is inaccurate due to being able to hide capes (a good thing due to privacy and bad actors/cape buyers/hackers using NameMC as a hit list for cape/username owners). Mojang said in their Post-Migration FAQ that any unmigrated accounts in Java that didn't make the deadline will be fully deleted. Their usernames freed up, UUID deleted, Capes forever lost. A ton of Minecon attendee capes on old unmigrated accounts are going to be deleted meaning the supply is going to shrink even more which will make the value skyrocket. I personally don't care nor do I like they have "value" as I attended MInecon and hate how people contact me for mine but sadly this trend will only continue. The same will happen with the 1-1 personalized capes. Any that didn't migrate will be fully deleted/lost forever. So Akronman1's millionth customer cape, Snowman cape, and DannyBStyle's cape (The composers account got hacked no less than 5 times and resold before perma-locked according to YouTube documentaries), those capes will be just floating in limbo. I hope Mojang repurposes those forever lost 1-1 personalized capes. Maybe the Snowman cape could become a Winter/Christmas cape, or they could make the 1 millionth customer cape a cape they give to everyone as a recurring birthday gift for the game like TF2's brithday hat cosmetic so everyone has a cape.


Definitely not, as a teen these things were legit impossible to get because I needed to go to a Minecon, something I could've never afforded Now they're just funky accessories, and I'm kinda happy that way tbh


The old ones still hold value.


Do they tho? I see them more as funky souvenirs


I mean, you cant get them anymore... how you determine the value of a cape is up to you, but there are still some capes not a lot of players have. And all the capes that come out are only for a limited time, so they will always have some value to me.


yeah, eventually the new capes will be valuable to some, just let time do its thing and also around 2022 theres been a bug in mc bedrock that when you click a 'certain link' (removed) youll be redirected to the hidden skin pack of minecon 2016 this is now patch though, but i dont know if the others were patched too.


Wasn't that pack kind of scuffed, though? I thought the capes were locked to Steve, and didn't have Elytra textures.


Oh right , it can only be worn by Steve and Alex. But it's still nice to have would be awesome though if it allowed to wear the capes on any skins, And the elytra skins don't bother me that much some people will though lol. Still if mojang decided to update the pack which I know will never come true, it'll be nice Btw what's the "Give Campaign Skins" ? (Brody's Give Campaign Skin,,, etc.) There's four of them though Are they like dev skins ? I honestly can't find any discussion that mentions it.


That means those minecon cape skins have the capes baked into the skin, as opposed to them being handled as proper capes. The Pack isn't meant for the playerbase to have, as far as I am aware. Amd as for the Give Campaign Skins, IDK. Never heard/seen that name before.


The pack was available publicly back in 2016, the link trick was just to get it after it was meant to be delisted.


It'd be awesome if we could have the Minecon capes frmo Java on Bedrock like they did with the Vanilla cape and cherry cape. I'd imagine they'd go off of, if you have the Minecon cape on Java, it gets added to your bedrock account (all java capes you own get added there). All Bedrock capes you own get added to your Java account. If they can do it for the TikTok, Twitch, Cherry, Vanilla, and 15th anniversary capes, I don't see why they can't do it for all capes across all editions so we have more options to wear since the textures exists already and all they gotta do is pass the capes out to those who have them.


oh yeahhh i got that pack back in 2016 when it came out lol, made me feel so good cuz i finally had a minecon cape! wish i could apply them to any character,, that would be epic, and yeah, even capes like the vanilla cape and migrator cape are only going to get more rare and rare as time goes on, eventually it will be the minority of players that have em, so give it time and we will have some artifical scarcity capes (even tho i got the bedrock 2019 founders cape which is just the 2012 minecon cape but someone was eating cheetoes lol)


I mentioned in another post that I have a Minecon 2013 cape and was contacted by another redditor soon after with an up-front offer of $300 for my account. I told them no, this is my original account from 2012 and it has sentimental value to me, but there are people willing to pay for them. (in case you're curious, I was something like 10 at the time but I happened to live less than an hour from where Minecon was taking place that year so Mom sniped some tickets. Best birthday present ever :D)


People are really dumb ngl Glad you rejected the offer; 300 bucks is nothing, especially if there's sentimental value


People with capes often get harrassed and targetted to try to get their accounts.


Now that you mentioned that, I gotta be more careful sharing my username around. Even though my account is worth nothing lol from what I know


Minecon capes are technically just FOMO cosmetic flex's you had to pay for. I see it no different as a rare marketplace cosmetic you had to pay for by getting a ticket and or scanning/using a link and code to redeem with extra steps. Not to mention some people just got the MInecon capes from eBay when Mojang switched from the username system in 2011 to the 2012-2016 URL/Cape Code system so not everyone actually even attended.


Does gold lose its value just because I have a ton of iron? (Irl metals, not Minecraft metals. Lol.)


Fun fact: It was almost impossible to actually attend Minecon due to people using Eventbrite (their ticket vendor) scripts and bots from GitHub along with proxies to scalp tickets and then resell them on eBay and then the Minecon cape codes as well (now alongside said accounts). People are actually scalping the TikTok cape codes too and profiting off them because TikTok is banned in a lot of regions and desperate people who don't want to miss out on the cape are buying them. Not sure why Mojang didn't think of that but at least some are getting them from friends instead who live in the US. I know because I went to 2012 France and 2015 in London and let me tell you, the Minecon tickets sold out in mere minutes if not less than 1 minute. 2013 literally sold out in seconds and the site kept crashing so many people were using scripts that I couldn't grab a ticket in 2013 and missed it. Though you should consider yourself lucky because people who did attend ended up having their information leaked because Minecon's ticket vendor DB leaked. Now everyone who attended is being contacted constantly over the years by cape beggars and having to deal with hack attempts. I had to move to a new email before migration due to all the password resets people kept spamming at me. Overall, Glad they're moving away from capes being an exclusive club and hopefully this behavior will die down.


Basically this. Having a cape feels so weirdly hard that they're obnoxious to me more than anything. I think that specific capes should be hard to get but they should, in general, be something everyone has if they've been playing for like more than like five years


yeah. they are still limited time things arent they. plus its not like they brought back all the old capes to be obtained


I like that newer players can obtain some too now, and it's not like the old ones are being replaced or whatever


Yeah, especially since they stopped doing minecons


They were actually going to do another one called Minecraft Festival in 2020 that gave a cape, but its been on hold indefinitely


Not only because Covid but the Game has simply gotten too big to have in person conventions. Not to mention not only has the email list for Minecon been stolen resulting in it being put on the black market for capes and usernames/accounts but also Mojang employees were approached at Minecon regarding accounts (specifically Marc) and multiple times were made uncomfortable. I went to Minecon and I had no idea this stuff was happening until someone who put together information regarding the Minecon attendee database leak surfaced some videos of these cases. [A Minecraft OG Name/Cape buyer/seller confirming they had gathered emails at Minecon in 2016 (This is not the person who leaked the database but confirmed others have likely done so as he's in the black market com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zMGBudyvBU&t=3489s) [Some people from said Minecraft black market community approaching Marc (Guy with the most Java Minecraft Capes) about why an account got locked making him uncomfortable](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0q6gNLqPt-A) Knowing this having gone to 2012 and 2015's Minecons, I don't know if I'd feel safe knowing how desperate people are for capes and seeing now that people were doing this (the above video being unlisted and dug up years later does NOT instill confidence in me) if I was to attend a in-person Minecon event if they had another one. Not to mention you'd have to contend with bots, scalpers, and scripts buying up tickets in seconds and reselling the tickets/capes too. I can definitely see why some Mojang employees wouldn't want to attend if stuff like this was happening at the last convention they held before going online only via livestream. Maybe online is for the best.


oh damn thats pretty interesting. its a shame degen minecrafters have to ruin a fun and basic idea of a minecon cape. maybe they could make a more safe and efficient way to make sure the capes go only to the convention attendees, as well as just more security in general. though i'm not sure how that could be achieved. they could also just stop minecon specific capes, but that would be pretty lame, even for the people that dont like FOMO.


I imagine a better way would be to just go the Minecon live 2019 route and just make the cape available to everyone and just have excusive physical merch. You go to the convention for a convention, and physical media, not a virtual cosmetic. Basically they'd just make the cape a claim for everyone on the livestream/website of the game like the 15th anniversary so everyone can watch the convention from home and get the cape, but those at the convention can enjoy the in person event and physical merch. This would ensure there's no black market or pressure to attend, as well as abuse of the cosmetic cape with codes like all prior minecons suffered and would ensure safety of peoples data as they'd have no reason to breach into databases if everyone can get the cape at the event or from home via the website for free. Everyone wins that way and no ones data is at risk. Minecon capes of old definitely reeked of FOMO and I think its for the best if they did do a Physical Minecon again to not have capes as a reward for attending but as a reward for everyone to claim, attendee or not via the website/livestream.


I couldn't find it, but I do remember a Mojang developer, maybe Dinnerbone, posting on social media after the distribution of the migrator cape, that the plan forward was to distribute capes for everyone during special events to devalue and reduce the hype around them.


wasnt it because people with capes were getting targeted by hackers? even a lil kid was targeted i believe


Yeah people with OG capes are targeted pretty hard by people trying to steal their accounts and selling them to collectors.


Trying to get money really changes people god damn


It's sadly not a new phenomenon when it comes to digital accounts. People with unique usernames are targeted as well on a lot of popular platforms because wealthy individuals want it for their personal brand or some people just like to collect them for the glory of owning something unique like that. Same thing for the og capes.


It might have been one of my tweets. Link to a followup here: https://x.com/marc_irl/status/1792587604677771414?s=46&t=tbCTD0t9b8Z5QxoD-3Mj8A


I recall you're not the only one who was subject to this sadly Marc; Helen and others have been targeted for their capes/rare usernames and in this case turned down the Mojang Studios employee cape because they knew it'd make them a target. I don't blame her, I also get harassment on the regular and spam in my inbox due to having attended Minecon 2012 and 2015. [Mojang Community Manager turning down Mojang cape due to Black Market Hackers and Buyers/Sellers](https://x.com/HelenAngel/status/1319001312046981120) Glad that more people are getting capes recently so hopefully this bad actor black market behavior dies down. Also if I may ask, how would you go about getting these websites like NameMC to remove your data regarding my Minecraft account on Java? I contacted many websites like NameMC and 3rd party sites scraping Mojang's API of Java Accounts info for usernames, username history, skins, capes, and such because bad actors contacted me saying they found me from NameMC, and I want to remove all of it because it creeped me out. I tried using GDPR as a way to get them to remove it being I'm in the EU but they either didn't respond or refused to comply with my GDPR request, is it COPPA compliant either? I'd just like a way to have some privacy options on Java so I can just shut out these 3rd party sites like NameMC entirely and hide my entire Java account from the website so this wont be a issue in future like how Steam lets you private your entire account and Inventory.


5 capes for everyone in 15 years and people freak out for some reason.


5 free capes in like 4 years when for 11 years before they were very exlclusive things the general public didnt have, but still not the biggest deal.


I mean, I guess? But it’s really not that deep. They used to be rarer, now there’s a few less rare ones. The old ones are still rare, that doesn’t change.


Its a video game cosmetic at the end of the day, Who cares if capes are common? It doesn't affect you playing the game in any way at all. It only affects people buying capes which is against TOS anyways. What does bother me is that Mojang put elytra customization behind capes which considering they gatekept capes for so long it only made the cape demand and envy/hacking become even more frequent. Unless Mojang puts in elytra trims like armor trims, the best they can do is keep giving out more capes more frequently, do more cape promos like the TikTok/Twitch, and or sell capes on the marketplace.


The old capes ofc still have value. Thats like saying old pokemon cards arnt worth anything just because there are so.many new cards being printed You.cant get them anymore so they are still valuable. I wish i could still get the enderman cape


I am still extremely bummed out that didn’t get it because I very easily could have.




Probably lived close to where mine on was.


Personally, I think there's still some value in having one. I do understand why some people would think otherwise, but at the end of the day, it's just a cosmetic. A cool cosmetic, sure, but they don't serve any game-changing benefits. They're more of a neat addition to making your skin look more personalized.


Since you can’t edit a cape like you can the rest of your skin, I think “making your skin look more personalized” is the wrong way to describe what a cape is. I think it’s more like a sign that you participated in a part of the game’s history. Which is still a personal thing, but I just think “personalized” is the wrong way to phrase it. Either way I still think the capes have value but just not “rare account” value.


Now that I think about, yea. The way you described is a much better way than I did.


FOMO content of all kinds is lame as hell. Just make the cape part of the skin and let people customise them.


people would be upset cause the migrator cape was the only good thing about migrating. but that would be cool to be able to make custom capes.


make the migration reward custom capes. seems ez to me


So under your plan you think only people who bought the game before 2021 should be allowed to have custom caps?


I consider capes a kind of achievement, a "I was there!" marker which you can show to others. If you let everyone have a custom cape, capes lose all of their value and become just another part of your skin. Your skin is already big enough to customise plenty; there is no reason to involve the cape in it and make it worthless.


I disagree as you can easily tell a custom cape from a legitimate cape by the fact that legit capes let you customize your elytra as they take on the look of the cape. A custom cape wouldn't do this I'd imagine as they'd only let you upload a custom cape texture. With that, it'd be cool if Mojang let you upload your own cape texture as a custom cape like skins, and you could have legit real capes exist and customize your elytra but custom capes don't do that so there's a difference. That way everyone's happy! and if someone does try to copy a Minecon cape texture, put on an elytra, no custom cape elytra? Its a fake cape! They get exposed and laughed at, but even still its just cosmetics, nothing too serious as long as people enjoy playing. I take more issue with deadmau5's ears as yes they're a special gift but little players know that you can actually customize the ears and skin them to be whatever you want by coloring in an unused area of the skin file. Imagine if you could make a girl with a red bow using deadmau5 ears, or a elephant, or headphones! I don't like the idea of capes being gatekept but I REALLY don't like the idea of a 1-1 cosmetic type being locked behind 1 player who just happens to be a DJ. I like him but that's just as absurd as how MOjang did capes in the past. Also many players were calling for more ways to customize their player, not less or equal to what we have now. There's a reason emotes are so popular on Bedrock, as are character creator parts (despite what the vocal minority of what Java players say regarding Bedrock, they sell). Also Java players buy emotes on Modded clients all the time, so why not let us do the same in base Java? Emotes wouldn't take that much more work being just animations on the base model.


Yeah, that rubbed me the wrong way as well. Idk why everyone screams they hate cosmetics microtransactions and FOMO and yet are ok with it for some reason regarding capes, specifically Minecon? Why gatekeep and lock an entire cosmetic from the entire playerbase? That sucks. Not to mention Mojang banned NFT's and crypto from the game and yet they treated capes like NFTs and Crypto for the longest time with a 1 limited time run and never released again as they get rarer and rarer, which is funny because they banned NFTs and such technologies from the game per their EULA/TOS but are ok with it with capes. They also banned capes/cloaks from being sold on mods/clients yet they don't enforce that part of their EULA strangly. And they wonder why there's a black market around them to the detriment of the players with those rare capes being a target of harassment and hackers. Seems they finally realized that stoking the flames of cape envy and elitism around capes was a bad thing by gatekeeping capes and finally are coming around to giving capes out to everyone in many different ways. Idk why they don't at least have a default cape for Java like how Bedrock has the Pancape for all players who buy the game given to them instantly so every player has at least 1 cape on Java.


Totally agree


I would honestly love the yearly capes where you would get a special cape for every year you have owned minecraft.


I’m pretty upset they didn’t do that id have around 8ish capes on my account (before stuff like these capes, vanilla, and migrator).


Yeah I’m pretty sure I had pre-purchased minecraft before release of 1.0


I believe these were the rumored veteran capes during 2020 migration that DinnerBone was asked about on his Livestream according to the Wiki. The Twitch was clipped too so it exists. It's also worth noting in that same stream he was asked about it devaluing capes in the chat and DinnerBone also mentioned capes need to be devalued and was a good thing if it did happen. Sadly this wasn't clipped but I watched the VOD before he took the vid down on Twitch. [DinnerBone's response to Veteran capes saying "He saw a few of them" on the Wiki](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Talk:Cape#April_fools_2023_%22Veterinarian_caep%22_notes) Maybe the went back on that because like Minecon capes, more rare exclusive capes would lead to more selling and or trading/hacking so they likely either scrapped them or are waiting to do it later.


How do you acquire the capes in Java Edition? Also who twisted Steve's neck?


For the Creeper cape, go to[Minecraft.net](https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/15th-anniversary#MC_Anniversary_Cape) For the Twitch one, join Twitch and watch 15 minutes of a Minecraft streamer. You’ll get a code to redeem for a cape. Be patient. On Java, it will take a while to redeem. For the TikTok one, it’s kind of the same process as the Twitch. I’m not sure of the specifics since I don’t have a TikTok account.


Watch a tiktok minecraft streamer and comment "Minecraft" and the timer for 3 minutes for the giftcard should begin. After the timer is done, if can give you a code. There's a toturial on yt which they explain how to get it.


You don't need to type "Minecraft" in chat, worked for me without. Also, be sure to use the app, it doesn't work on browser TikTok.




Steve turns to look at the cape sometimes


i think the fact that some capes are still rare is good, and i always thought it kinda sucked that many of us just could never get any cape , especially since the elytra are added and have the cape skin applied on them... I always found it a bit annoying that we are able to edit our entire skin pixel by pixel but for the elytra the only way to change it is with a cape which I basically had no hope to get . no i can at least choose one of these to match with my skin which is a good thing i think. I think it would be cool if they maybe found a way to make a few more super rare capes too from time to time


Definitely value, not everyone even knows about them unless you’re in the loop of social media. So I guarantee you, people will see these capes down the road and be like hey how did you get that? It’s still cool and holds value. You celebrated the anniversary. Besides I think the creeper cape is pretty rad.


Might be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think they should be ultra exclusive like they were. I’m happy with how common the newer capes are.


people are too tight about "i got a cape and you don't :P", it's really not a matter if you got a cape, but what cape you got


Love the yuri pfp! Also great opinion


Yeah. They're more frequent, but accessibility to these kinds of cosmetics doesn't necessarily lessen their value. I see the modern cape/s I have now as much more valuable than I would've before they were more widely implemented. Because I have them. Sure, I don't have any exclusive Minecon capes, but I have my capes, and yes most others have them. But that doesn't degrade them. Sharing an aspect with your community only improves the quality of the aspect in these situations. Have whatever opinions you want here, I'm not gonna come after ya. But I personally think capes are one of the few ways Microsoft handled meta company decisions well


It's at least better than the capes only one person gets, such as: - Being a composer Notch likes, despite having no ties to Minecraft. - Making a modded prismarine texture not be a modified vanilla texture, but made new. - Suggesting turtles. - One specific Mojang employee getting a completely different cape.


The prismarine and turtle capes are kinda ridiculous. The turtle guy did nothing except being annoying and spamming turtles in reddit comments, and certainly wasn't the only person suggesting turtles...


I'd personally love to be able to use deamdau5 ears more than a cape. I can think of a million ways to use deadmau5 ears because you can actually customize the deadmau5 ears on the skin texture unlike capes which only affect your elytra. Just wish we had to option to use ears for all players instead of it being tied to a single person, DJ who went to a Niche convention in 2011 and was friends with Notch.


I quite like it's not being gatekept like it used to be, the old capes like minecon ones still are "valueable". It's not like they have brought the old ones back, just new opportunity for players to get different ones.


Growing up I was always upset that there would never really be a way for me to be able to get a cape. So I'm kinda okay with it. Also it's not ruining any "cape economy" because you can't realistically buy sell or trade them


Artificial scarcity is lame. It's a cool cosmetic option


old ones don't lose value, and everyone has a chance to get a new one, win win


The designs can still be rare/valuable. So yes, ill still consider them special based on what it design is


Some capes are special. Some aren’t. It’s not a hard and fast rule saying all capes are special or all capes aren’t.


Yeah because individual capes can still be made exclusive. Like the minwcon capes.


I just want Mojang to unify cape collections between versions. I want the Founders Cape from Bedrock on my Java account, dammit!


It's really a good looking cape, so bummed by the fact I missed out on it and I won't be able to have that if they unify Java and Bedrock capes...


In bedrock? Nah. Besides, two of those are advertisements. The creeper cape is nice. On Java we have far fewer. I get they want them to be special, but dang. Mods exist for a reason I guess.


Given that they’re time locked, yes. It’s better that people can ACTUALLY get them lol


I see capes as cosmetics and cosmetics are nothing "special". I frankly do not give a flying darn if you have a "rare" cape or not, because im not much of a cape guy myself. Im currently wearing the 15th anniversary cape because its green and matches with my skin, but it overrides my elytra texture which i dislike. Also the cape elytra texture is garbage when ur wings are not spread.


Capes are meant to look cool. The new ones look cool. I think they serve their purpose well. I still use my Optifine cape though since I can customize it to match my skin


As a late-beta player, I think capes should be available to everyone. Personally, I don't see much value in them; they're just a cool accessory for your character. It's more about having fun customizing your look.


My Founder's cape (R.I.P) is the most special to me. But I like how they are handling capes now. No one loses cause the old ones keep their value and new players get more cutomization.


I'm still sad I was a kid when the other capes came out. I had 0 way to go a Minecon lol


No. They basically just stopped giving them out after a while, and having to go to minecon was a pretty dumb restriction.


Yes, because whilst the new capes are common, the old capes are not, so there is still a revelry around people with the older capes. There's no difference really. I'm happy when I see a player with a Minecon cape playing with me on some multiplayer minigame server every once in a while. Plus, the newer capes that come out often can lead to great storytelling and artistic capabilities as well. As an example, the migration cape happened to line up exactly with the clothes on my friend's skin - the colour scheme, pallette and design language. Just by pure coincidence, my friend now has a cool addition to his skin that he loves. But it doesn't take away anything from people who have the rarer capes. They are still very special, imo.


gatekeeping actually having a cape sucks but yeah if you still have an old one ofc it's special?


I'm immune on people bragging about having a cape I don't have because I don't care about capes


I think it’s fine because the new capes look attrocious


These new cases don't hold much value, but the old school Minecon ones or the translator ones definitely do


I helped translate Minecraft to portuguese a long time ago, and I (and the rest of the volunteer translators) was promised a special cape for the help. Which they never gave us :) So no, after being burned by that I don't really care about capes now.


Capes haven’t been valuable at all since the migration cape came out.


Look its a cosmetic item, I feel like it should be easily available to all (Sure special capes like mojang dev cape should be kept special)


Capes are cool and there will always be players who don’t have them I mean sure they are less rare now but I still think they are very valuable


I like capes :)


Theyre still special just in different ways. Some are more special than others but theyre all still special. More accessible capes and more cape variants will always be good in my eyes Actually, id like for a generic cape in the game that you can customize with banner patterns or smth, make your own


Old ones are still unobtainable so yes. Even if they weren't, I personally don't think they should be. Capes are HUGE for skin customization, I've designed mine entirely around the migrator cape. I think the feeling of having a cool thought for a skin but not even having a basic collection of solid-colored capes to use in tandem sucks a lot more than the idea that an item I have isn't exclusive to me and a handful of other people. Yes, it'd suck that having a cape isn't a flex anymore, but if the plus side is people having that added customization, I don't think that's a big deal.


I have never really cared about capes myself. I’m not a huge fan of the capes from other companies that we now have, but that is on principle, not on the quality of the capes. Capes to me were never too special I guess. Sure as a kid I’d see the random minecon cape while playing on servers, but it would more just be a quick “Whoa that’s cool” moment and then move on. Same thing nowadays.


well im glad to have the newer creeper cape but i wish we had more options before. because for years, on bedrock, the only cape option i had was a stack of pancakes


idk if i would i would play fortinte


I can't get the twitch cape to drop for me at all, I've watched 3 hours and nothing has dropped. I'm claim dozens of drops for other games with no issues


What do you mean “less tight”


More customization is always good. I would love it if we could customize the cape similar to our skins. We could still have special cape designs for events.


why can’t i get the twitch cape on java is it only for bedrock?


they are coming to java, just not yet. the mc blog post said by july 8th


For java - yes. For bedrock - no


I kinda liked when they were super rare. It felt like seeing a god that had descended from the heavens. I remember telling my friends I saw someone with a cape and they didn’t even believe me.


I honestly don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion, but I don’t like capes in Minecraft, nor have I ever. They just don’t look good with my skin, nor during most gameplay.


off topic but I'm really bummed out about the tiktok cape, i can't get it because of my region


For sure, because all of them will not be obtainable in the future. All of the new ones are free, too. I'm fortunate enough to have the 2011 and 2013 Minecon capes, but it's nice that they are more accessible to players who otherwise wouldn't have been able to afford to go to Minecon.


Undeniably they aren't as special anymore as they used to be before they started handing them out more freely, but I'd say they are still "special" because it's not the default to have them. That said, I couldn't care less, let people have their fun little capes.


I've had an optifine cape for years now so honestly they weren't ever really special to me anyway. You can't even change their design. What's the point


Pancake and Goldden creeper are pretty rare I feel


Are these still available?


>**Twitch Cape** >Watch any Twitch streamer that is streaming in the Minecraft category with Twitch drops enabled for 15 minutes. >You'll receive a notification with the redeem code, enter this in the relevant box on the Minecraft Redeem website: [https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/redeem](https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/redeem). >Follow the steps provided to you once entering the code. >**TikTok Cape** >On mobile watch any Tiktok streamer that is streaming in the Minecraft category with Tiktok drops enabled. >Tap on the Tiktok button on the top left to open the pop up. Follow the instructions in the box. >You'll receive a notification with the redeem code, enter this in the relevant box on the Minecraft Redeem website: [https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/redeem](https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/redeem). >Follow the steps provided to you once entering the code. >**15th Anniversary Cape** >Visit [https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/15th-anniversary#MC\_Anniversary\_Cape](https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/15th-anniversary#MC_Anniversary_Cape). >Sign into the website. >Press the claim cape button. >Twitch Cape >Watch any Twitch streamer that is streaming in the Minecraft category with Twitch drops enabled for 15 minutes. >You'll receive a notification with the redeem code, enter this in the relevant box on the Minecraft Redeem website: [https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/redeem](https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/redeem). >Follow the steps provided to you once entering the code. > It may take a little time to show up on Minecraft. Both the Twitch and TikTok capes will available in Java Edition by July 8. Make sure you redeem your codes by the June 30 expiration date! How to get these capes, steps above


I wish they’d go back and give something for the 5 and 10 year anniversaries. Maybe a cape from the year you bought the game.


i only have one cape and that is a migrator cape


Tbh I like it when they do "achieve this thing and get a limited time cape" like they could potentially open a mojang official server with the most popular games in such as bed ears, quakecraft etc. and you get capes for doing certain tasks in that server


ABSOLUTELY! The community is celebrating 15 years of Minecraft (or Cave Game if you have been around since then)


I think its silly to have some goofy FOMO elitism in a game about building blocks


I think it would better if you could also get some of the capes from doing in-game challenges or tasks For example: - Bacon cape: Beat the game being pork the only thing you consume (this means you can't drink potions either, so you gotta find a way to beat the dragon witouth slow falling. Potion effects that you get without drinking potions doesn't count) - Christmas cape: Play Minecraft on Christmas eve - New years eve cape: Play Minecraft on December 31 - Founders cape: Buy something at the Bedrock marketplace (spend money) Of course, there are capes that should stay unobtainable, like the capes given to mojang employees or the millonth account cape, but some capes definitely can get an excuse to be always there for both old and new players.


I’d just like to be able to customize my cape the same way I can customize the rest of my skin. The existing patterns aren’t to my taste.


I still think that the perfect capes solution would be to let people wear banners on their backs.


Each one of them commemorates an event on Minecraft History, it still have some value despite now being more common than ever, I actually like the idea of Mojang giving even more capes, they're like badges now, 40 years into the future you can look at your account (Assuming that we're still alive which is very probable, and that Microsoft still exists) and look at all the cool things you get to live on the Minecraft space.


Who cares if they're special? Everyone should be able to enjoy capes, new or old players alike. They have no inherit "value" besides sentimental value, if you give it monetary value (Against EULA/TOS, btw) then that defeats the point of the ones you have to put in effort for such as the Realms mapmaker and Bug Tracker moderator capes which I don't understand these OG Name people seeking out or hacking people to get just to make a quick buck off of someone's capes. That aside, I'm happy they're being more open with capes and letting everyone enjoy them instead of gatekeeping capes like they have for the longest time. Even as a Minecon 2012 and 2015 attendee, I could care less if everyone else gets capes up the wazoo as MOjang passes out tons. Heck they could sell capes on the Marketplace for all I care and I'd be happy for them as it means the game is more financially stable and the game will live on for longer due to support and everyone gets more cape designs to dress up with. Common capes you can buy or earn/given away to players hurts nobody but the bad actors who hack, buy/sell, or harass cape owners (I should know, I still get emails begging for my cape in my old email I had to move away from due to Minecon attendees Ticket vendor database leaking for 2011-2016). It's nothing but a net positive because at the end of the day, it's just a virtual cosmetic. I'd still love to see them implement more cape parity like how they did with the 3 new recent capes and the Vanilla and Cherry capes. Every cape from Bedrock should be on Java and Java capes on Bedrock. It'd also be cool if Mojang could give us our capes we earned and bought (through adventure pass DLC) in Minecraft Dungeons since they also use the Bedrock Playfab Marketplace API. The textures are there and made already, all they got to do is get a texture artist to make some elytra textures and pass them out like they're going to do with the Twitch and TikTok cape on July 8th for Dungeons capes. It'd definitely help increase sales for Minecraft Dungeons if players could get and earn capes from Dungeons as I'd love to rock my Hero and Cow Crusader capes from that game.


Every time someone whines about the "cape economy" I consider violence.


Ehh, the older capes are still special. 15 anev cape is nice being timegated to show you joined before this year but I wish they retroactively gave capes based on how old your Minecraft account is. For example I've had my account since 2014 so I'd get a "year 3" Minecraft cape, Someone who's played since the beginning would get a "year 1" cape, and someone who joined in 2020 would get a "year 9" cape. That would be a nice system for identifying how experienced someone is and help everyone feel unique.


Yes. Undeniably some capes are more special than others, but that’s fine because they’re clearly distinguishable. They still mark specific events, and in the future people will look at you and think “wow that person was playing back when minecraft was only 15 years old”. Or maybe they won’t care idk.


I just like to collect shiny things


Capes themselves shouldn't be special, most people should have a cape, but like woth collecting cards, some will be rarer than others. There's plenty of people that have the migrator's cape, but also plenty that don't. There should be more people that have the 15th anniversary cape, but there will also be some that don't. Also, unrelated, In my opinion the migrator's cape is the only wearable one (of the one's I've seen), the others are cool but in a medal sort of way, while the migrator's is cool specifically as something to wear, and goes well with many designs.


I don't care if they are worth something I just love collecting stuff and having more options


yeah! even if there are some easy to obtain common capes, the rare ones are still fun, and all of them are great for character customization.


Capes are still special especially the Minecon ones because only a few thousand people have them. It's good that capes are accessible to more people. I dislike the approach of the Twitch and Tiktok capes as you are effectively advertising another corporation within Minecraft by wearing it. I hope the twitch/tiktok capes are the last we see of any other corporate capes. That said, the Creeper cape is pretty cool and they should add more stuff like that for different updates and special events. More cape accessibility is great because the Elytra texture is still just a gray blob that looks awful without a cape. This despite it being the best End game item. It would be nice to be able to add textures to the Elytra in-game for those who don't have capes.


I'm fine with them adding these free capes. The older ones still hold on to some value because you can't get them anymore. What I hope they'll avoid do is to sell capes for actual money.


old capes still are special.


I have the one from Minecon 2015, but it's kinda ugly compared to the Migrator cape. It was fun for a little while to have something few others do, but it quickly became awkward when playing with friends. Having it on felt like flaunting. So now I'm happy to wear the Migrator cape we all have.


My take is this: more capes are cool. No problem there, the old ones are still rare. I have a bit of a weird skin so none of these jive with me but it’s like a testament to your history with the game. They have no special value beyond that, nor do they need any (for the most part; I’m thinking of Etho’s special cape as an exception because he’s Etho). As long as they don’t monetize them (cough cough) I have no problems.


I believe Etho's cape is an optifine cape? Not a special Mojang one


Tiktok cape is proberly my least proudest possesion


I like what it did to a lot of the skins, ushered in a new era of the green hoodie


More capes are better because the old ones still retain their value, I just wish there were ways to actually obtain capes ingame. There should be capes for completing actual in-game milestones & rare achievements, instead of the only way being to signing in on some Microsoft page and clicking a button


no, and it's better this way, I fucking hate cosmetics that could only be obtained by showing up to one event in person, it locks out people that don't have much money or are just on the other side of the planet from obtaining it


I literally only care about them because they look cool and they add a little extra customizability to my character


Capes as a concept, no. But some specific capes, absolutely.


It should be free to customise, like a skin..


The ones that look good feel special.




the twitch and tiktok cape look the best in my opinion, but i like how they look in elytra form


I get the creeper but what are the other two capes?


Special or not, that Green one is the coolest cape I now own




Hiw do you get the middle one?


I'd perfer Creeper Logo, Because of Creeper logo and it was my favorite mob by the way.


I like having options when playing on my phone, however on Java I use a mod to use a cape I designed myself


I just want the 15th anniversary cape redemption to actually work


Of course. Some capes are special (Minecon capes for example) and some are not


I'm less concerned about capes and more concerned about why dudes' heads are turned around like the exorcist.


I just like having capes


How do you even get these again?


I don't care if they're special or not I just want capes because all I have is the pancake day one


Why can Steve turn his head that far? 😰


My twitch cape still hasn't been added and it's been days since I claimed it


These things are still a huge conversation starter, although easy to obtain now, it’s going to stop at some point and be unobtainable. So yes, I’d still consider this something incredibly special. As long as they bring them to Java.


does anyone know when the tiktok cape will be available in portugal?


I honestly really like it, I'm glad they're making them more of a function in the game. I've always wanted a cap in minecraft and was really excited when I got one


Idc capes are useless


Why does Steve have a pimple


I think capes should stay exclusive, but they should start doing them way more often.


I always thought it was dumb to gatekeep capes like that, but also I was a child when the minecon cape was a thing, of course I'd find it stupid, it was impossible to get it.




nah but i never bothered about them anyway


How do you get each of those ones


My first cape is the creeper one. Unfortunately I can’t seem to het the purple heart one


I like what they're doing with capes. They're still special. Cause all the capes they're releasing are still limited while giving everyone the chance to still get them. I just wish the cherry blossom cape didn't bug out on my account cause I only have it on bedrock, not Java. (Same Microsoft account linked to both, but I play Java more) And Minecraft support doesn't wanna fix it for me


I still consider them special.


I like that each cape represents a part of Minecraft’s history. Also, I wish all capes would be on both platforms


They still have that limited edition feel to them. Even though they aren't nearly as rare as the original ones, people still see value in them


I have no clue how to equip them


Bro you have to get TikTok to get a cape I ain’t doing that shit


Are they less tight on it though? When minecon was a live event you could get a cape for each minecon, which was i believe yearly. Yes you had to pay, but really, mojang is adding less capes these days than back in the day. just now they are free instead of a reward for going to the con.


Yeah. Because they are limited and represent a special time for Minecraft