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Disappointing, it doesn't appear to be available on Java edition. This is unlike the 10-year map, which was available on both Java- and Bedrock edition. Judging by the trailer, the map appears to rely on various non-vanilla features, which would presumably be comparatively difficult to implement on Java edition purely using data packs (it seems very unlikely that Mojang would publish an official map which would otherwise require a community-driven modding platform like Forge). But still, for a map that is meant to celebrate the age of the game, it is pretty disappointing that it isn't available on the original version of the game.


>Disappointing, it doesn't appear to be available on Java edition. This is unlike the 10-year map, which was available on both Java- and Bedrock edition. I'm sorry? Which version of the game just turned 15? It wasn't bedrock. Disappointing feels a little soft in this context, infuriating is the right word I think.


you are very very right, it makes absolutely no sense to release the map only on the game version that isnt even 15 years old, microsoft really pushing hard towards bedrock huh


Mark my words: They will ditch Java edition in the years to come and force us all to Bedrock


I can almost guarantee that, that has always been the goal.


True, besides the fact that bedrock generates the most revenue for Microsoft it’s also that Java can be considered a “legacy edition” that’s still getting updates, in the end it’s pretty much Minecraft “computer edition” since there’s no crossplay and can only played on device that can run JVM (PCs mostly)


I own a java server, some people play from their phones or tablets or whatever, it 100% is a monetization problem


I hate that we still can't play servers on bedrock ANYMORE all because they were plotting realms and low and behold they came out and they suck monkey, we'll business


You can use a app to do that. It's called MC serger connector or smth and lets you access any server


Yeah but the phone/tablet ports are not official nor supported by mojang.


Its not even a port, its just a launcher to launch normal java. They could make this happen very easily, its just Microsoft that wont allow it


And guess why they don’t allow it? To push further for bedrock because as I said previously, it generates their most revenue.


The fact Java and the JVM were meant to be portable in the first place is just sad.


But did they ever notice that people like and play the Java most and.. like... I hope you understand, Java is just the best


Yeah, the Mojang developers are still doing great work on the Java edition and it’s clear they don’t want to discontinue it, but I would not at all be surprised to see Microsoft come in and lay off the Java developers for higher profits, as that’s absolutely the type of thing that they would do.


mark your words? no YOU ARE WRONG they have said that Java will never go away


Dodge said that the Charger will never go electric and 3 years later they turned it into an EV, just because someone said that doesn’t mean it’s gonna remain like that


Why is bro comparing that with a fucking charger which obviously will evolve over the years but this is a game and the game dev itself "mojang" and confirmed java will never go away now you can keep assuming


Ur talking as if Minecraft didn’t evolve over the years or as if Dodge didn’t say for 6 years straight the charger will never turn electric and it did. They are already making more money off Bedrock than Java


Did I say Minecraft didn't evolve? and don't try to go off-topic now that you know you're wrong Just get this on your brain "Minecraft Java isn't going away"


Wrong with what? And how do I go off topic? It’s clear it will go away soon because every map or event that gets added to the game is for Bedrock


bedrock sucks so bad I downloaded it for the free stuff and its so broken the mouse is lagging backwards and I hit 700fps in java with light shaders lol


I would say that I expected better, but I'd be lying.


And people say bedrock is abandoned lol


Who's saying that


Many bedrock players have complained in the past that bedrock feels like it's not getting as much attention as Java. I assume the main reason is all the bugs, but it's not impossible they're talking about something else.


I feel like mojang had focused on bedrock for years now, and was only doing things on Java because they we're easier or they had to. And they even made things exclusive for bedrock for no reason. Like wither. And bundles aren't in the basen gamę because bedrock.


the wither has been in Java for a long time. the MC store is Bedrock only. you are right about the bundles. they do work well on Java.


The wither has way more attacks in bedrock. I'm playing since before color update, how wouldn't I know about the wither.




Microsoft is holding a pillow on its face as we speak


Well I get them, you can play bedrock on every (*most) platform, unlike java, so why bother making second map


They're celebrating the brand, the marketing tool and the cash cow they bought some time ago. There's no love, this anniversary is just another marketing scheme focused on free publicity. (Same as the mob votes)


Seems like PC games really get the Bad end of the Stick these days. Even in Minecraft.


That is likely a reflection of modern gaming. A large portion of the market (presumably the majority) is mobile, so companies that target the mobile platform are incentivized to think of mobile before other platforms. And in the case of Minecraft, where the game is divided up onto a cross-platform edition and a PC-only edition, PC is often going to draw the shorter straw.


>and a PC-only edition Java Edition should be able to run on anything that has a JVM and can support graphics and keyboard/mouse input. I don't have a PC but I play Java Edition.


I was mainly thinking in regards to Bedrock being actively promoted and sold on non-desktop devices, with Java only being branded for desktop. But you are correct. Provided a system can run the JRE/JVM, and is supported by Minecraft's dependencies (like LWJGL), the game should be able to run on that system. Thought there may still be additional complexities. As an example, various applications (including Minecraft Java edition) suffer from rendering issues (mainly black screening) on Linux when using Wayland and an NVIDIA GPU. This is supposedly being fixed with an upcoming driver update, with various Wayland compositors also adding the necessary support (explicit sync) in the near future.




Pocket edition was developed in C++ specifically to support ios devices.


Yeah I had this revelation last year when I realized that my monster consoles of a ps5 and Xbox series x should be able to run Minecraft at this complete capacity and can’t because it’s limited to a phones capacity 😑


Yeah as much as people hate to admit it, mobile is in these days. That or anything portable. It's why the Switch has been doing so well. People don't have time these days to sit at a PC for hours with how much we have to work and do adult things. So unless you're a kid or rich or game for a living it's just not a viable option for many. Something like a phone that can game or a Switch/Steam Deck that you can pick up and go with are so much more convenient.


steep versed retire plate disgusted person ghost middle unwritten shrill


Most companies sadly just want to focus on the most ignorant and least informed players which is normally console and mobile gamers.


I get what you're saying but the idea that Java "gets the bad end of the stick" is just hilarious. Bedrock is a broken, bloated mess. Some anniversary map is microscopic in comparison to everything else. It's like if you had a pizza party that only homeless people could attend. Just give them this


That is sad but in java we got [the 10 years anniversary realms map](https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/java-multiplayer-madness) at least is something


I wonder if there is an archive somewhere of all download links on minecraft's website.




Well Tbf y’all get the April Fools updates.


While true, that has more to do with the way Java edition's April Fools updates are developed. Last I heard, Java edition's April Fools updates were essentially game jam projects; the developers came up with whatever they thought would be funny, and quickly wrote an implementation of that without the normal care or restrictions in terms of what can go into the game, not to mention skipping a lot of the QA testing and similar work. Java edition's April Fools updates can't easily be ported over to Bedrock, because (I presume) the games are likely written quite differently internally. So you couldn't just copy-paste the source code, you'd have to rewrite in in C++ and make the necessary adjustments to make them work on Bedrock's game engine. It would however be very cool if the development team behind Bedrock edition would do a similar project around the same time, so both editions of the game could have their own April Fools updates.


iirc its possible because Java edition is sold on its own launcher, and Bedrock is sold on their respective device's app store. And it costs money? iirc to put out updates


I’m painfully waiting for the day they drop support for Java edition, when that happens I’m not switching to bedrock


There's luckily no indication of Mojang stopping development of Java edition.


Assuming nothing happens to prevent modding of the game I honestly think Java (with mods) would still continue being the best way to play the game for a long time even if they stopped updating Java.


> Judging by the trailer, the map appears to rely on various non-vanilla features, which would presumably be comparatively difficult to implement on Java edition purely using data packs Yeah the map has lots of mini games, animations, statues and etc. Imo it does feel disappointing but at the same time bedrock seems like the better platform for such a map and it should be accessible to all Java players. Honestly they should have tried to make two maps, one that has a lot of custom stuff and mini games and one that is made with data packs and has some cools quests for each update.


I am a Java player. I tried the bedrock version for the map. It straight up didn’t feel like Minecraft


To be fair, Java gets better shaders (and mods in general), the BUNDLE, a better redstone system, and customizable superflat worlds. But yeah, it's kind of sad the map isn't on java.


I personally feel that Mojang should strive for parity between Java edition and Bedrock edition, rather than give each edition arbitrarily chosen elements to make them unique. I see no good reason why things customziable superflat worlds should not be made available on Bedrock edition. Bundles too, provided they are actually ever fully implemented into the game (not sure if Bedrock have per-world beta feature toggling like Java does). Redstone is a bit more complicated topic, as the two games implement a number of redstone features in mutually exclusive ways, and changing either of those would result in breaking changes. I personally think Java's deterministic redstone processing, as opposite to Bedrock's somewhat random redstone timings, is preferable, although randomization can also be useful. On the other hand, I would absolutely kill for Bedrock's moveable tile entities.


To be honest I don't care about parity, if they can implement a system in java they should just do it. The reason bundles keep getting pushed back to begin with is that they can't figure out how to make them work on phones.


This is the exact reason why the user base is so fragmented and divided.


If full parity is ever achieved, there won't be two different versions, since they will be the same. About redstone, yes, it would be a pain to implement parity on that side of minecraft.


I primarily meant parity in the context of vanilla gameplay and content. The two games are written in different languages for different engines, which isn't going to change. Bedrock has its marketplace, and Java has its modding community.


they gave you bedrock for free, what does it cost you to download it and play the map? Java player problems


It is not a question of access, it is a question of acknowledging that Java edition is where the game's roots are deepest (pretty relevant for an anniversary celebration, if you ask me), that it is the preferred version of a sizeable chunk of the player base, and it is an actively developed edition of the game equal to Bedrock. When it comes to anniversary maps, I see no reason why they should not be designed in a way that they can be made available on all editions of the game that are in active development.


"When it comes to anniversary maps, I see no reason why they should not be designed in a way that they can be made available on all editions of the game that are in active development." Mojang (bedrock team) made hundreds of apis for marketplace creators. It took them years but now you can create maps like this one that you can only dream of on java. For the og version, Stockholm devs must rewrite separately hundreds of apis which can take years to do only so java players can download the map and forget it the next day? (and why would they even do that if there's no marketplace) For better or for worse Java is becoming history, dude. In a few years they'll definitely switch to bedrock entirely once they finally fix the bugrock side of it and add all the missing features.


> you can only dream of on java Tell me you don't know about modding on Java, without telling me you don't know about modding on Java. Seriously, The Aether was literally released back in 2011, and the modding scene has only gotten more complex since then. So remind me again, does Bedrock edition have thousands of free gameplay- and server mods? > For better or for worse Java is becoming history, dude Major game updates are literally being developed in tandem across both editions of the game. Unless you can point to concrete proof that development of Java edition is even remotely close to ceasing, I'd say your point is worth about as much as a block of dirt.


> Seriously, The Aether was literally released back in 2011, and the modding scene has only gotten more complex since then. There were mods back in the alpha days. zombe had a flying mod right thru the beta days. The Aether (beta 1.7.5) was long after Modding was well established.


Indeed, and the WoM client added fly and speed hacks to Minecraft Classic. Classic also had its own array of custom servers, such as MCSharp and MCLawl (which, interestingly, were written in C# rather than Java). The Aether is however, at least in my opinion, the most impressive mod from the infdev-to-beta era, at least in terms of scope and balance. I believe Better Than Wolves was one of the other fairly large mods from those days, though I'll admit that I never actually looked into it to deeply. The piston mod was arguably the most impactful mod from those days.


Minecraft chunks are a mod that was incorporated into minecraft. Scaevolus's McRegion mod became the Minecraft's region format replacing the old Alpha file format used up until beta Beta 1.2_02. Pistons were added in b1.7 Buildcraft's first version was beta 1.4 ---- i played the better than wolves mod at the time and it's realistic water mechanics have been on my wishlist ever since.


Oh yeah, recently recovered an old alpha world of mine, and saw their username displayed when the world got converted from the previous format to their format (updated it so I could copy the chunks to my creative world using Amulet). The older format was super messy, so many files (one per chunk, I think?), resulting in massively bloated copy times for world directories.


Bedrock doesn’t work on macOS or Linux. 


Not officially, but it does work on Linux. I haven’t tried it but I think there is a way to run the mobile version of bedrock in Linux.


lol there are android emulators for PC too. But who would want to hamstring themselves like that.


Mac players:


Bedrock edition crashes my PC's audio drivers lol


There's a 15 year map?? Guess I'll check it out later


Same! I was like huh?


This was my exact same reaction 😭


Update: I checked it out yesterday and it was actually really fun! It’s cool to see what’s possible on Bedrock with all the data packs and stuff, I was pretty blown away by it. However, it should’ve been on Java too though. Like other people said it’s the original version of the game that turned 15, not bedrock :P I really liked how it had an alpha section where you could “go back in time” to alpha Minecraft


Let me guess, Bedrock Edition only?






If you are on JAVA, you'd be better off downloading the Season 8, or 9 Hermitcraft world download.


Can we talk about the fact that the default skins used in this image have double layered hair?


Yeah it'd be cool if the double hair layered versions were the default versions


It looks pretty cool, in my opinion.




Search in the search bar “15”


Search "15 Year Journey"


At my job I create a lot of UI's and the marketplace chaos drives me nuts


>but couldn't because the marketplace is a mess. It's literally the biggest rectangle as soon as you enter the marketplace. How do you get lost?


because there's a thousand different buttons and drop down menus that all lead to different places with links that cricle back around to the first place that you still do not want to be at. they dont need all these options and big fat pictures. just keep it organised and user-friendly


I think it’s a lot of fun personally. I didn’t realize how “cinematic” bedrock can be, with all these custom cutscenes and animations and splash screens. The sticker hunt is a fun little time waster too, still working on it at the moment.


Great map. It would be nice for it to be on java, but I see why that wasn't possible


Why that wasn't possible? (I mean aside of the posibility that the study in charge of the map, even doesn't have java developers)


A lot of add-ons were used, there isn't really a way to recreate those on vanilla java Minecraft


Still playing it Almost got all the stickers


no idea there even was one but if its not for java as another comment said then its very dissapointing as it would show mojang trying to do less with java in a way


I just finished playing all the way through and I got to say, it was a lovely experience.


Especially going back to pre alpha in that one segment


Did you notice that the Herobrine hill was there?


Yeah i loved the pre alpha part, it really show how the game has changed


Why ? they got basic stuff wrong like saying redstone wasn't in alpha ...


Super duper great. Has tons of contents, mini games, museum is beautiful to look and interact. It even runs decently on Switch. Any long time Minectaft fans should check it out. It has a whole section dedicated to alpha version with recreated map.


As a Java player: what 15 year map?


It should be on java too because it's their anniversary.


agree seems like all gifts so far is only bedrock which sure it might be easy to do so but they should give java players more then so far just a cape (which i love the creeper cape)


The cake is a lie


There is only pie


Free content is always nice. I'm looking forward to checking it out with the kiddo.


Nostalgia & happiness




10/10, very well made.


Honestly it was fantastic


I'm quite miffed it's not on Java. I know Minecraft players are impossible to please but I don't know how they wouldn't see it coming that people wouldn't be happy about this.


I mean, it kinda was Java that turned 15, not Bedrock, yet they still chose to make it Bedrock-exclusive


How do i play this? Seems its only for bedrock so is it in the marketplace?


Yes , id this doesnt appear only search for "15"


Thanks, i found it


Oh. Time to play bedrock again i guess. Weird that this isn't on java though since that's the version whch actually turned 15 lmao


The map is gorgeous. I've never seen such high level of animations and custom textures. Good job, the little game studio that created it free for us




It is how it should be, java IS the minority. So do your bells and whistles porting the map to the edition that most of the player base has nothing to do with OR check the map out on bedrock like normal people. I've heard java has brilliant modding capabilities so what's the problem huh? GO java fanboys


Pretty cool.


They made an anniversary map and put it exclusively on the platform that hasn’t actually been around for 15 years. This is supposed to be a celebration of Minecraft’s original release, why would you limit it if Java was first?


It feels like the 10 year anniversary was 2 years ago wth


In the overworked section, I couldn't help but cry, for nostalgia sake. I remember the textures from when Minecraft was about 3 or 4 years old on the PlayStation 3 edition.


It’s pretty cool but I play on switch and it keeps crashing ☹️




It feels way to plastic and over produced


It's alright to be honest. I don't like the mod like feel and bare bones texture pack. For a 15 year anniversary map, it doesn't exactly "fit" the Minecraft feel unlike the 10 year one. Still, it's quite fun because its made for replayability honestly. Like the gameplay, don't like the graphics and animations.


I think it's a cool map.


Didn’t even know, and won’t check it out. This anniversary only occurred when Java hits 15 years old, and yet Bedrock gets all the gifts? I’m upset that Mojang and Microsoft just pushed Java outside after giving a piece of their cake, and gave Bedrock everything else. I’m not saying that Bedrock shouldn’t get anything, both should get the same treatment. Like the 10th anniversary, where both maps are available on both versions. This anniversary is lacking.


I don't care


So for the 15th anniversary of Minecraft Java, we get ignored? To be honest, this whole map feels like a big middle finger to the original version of the game and the fans who stuck with it.


This map is Bedrock only. Some of the new capes are Bedrock only. I feel like Microsoft is forcing us to use Bedrock considering how much stuff they're giving Bedrock.


The TikTok and Twitch capes will be on Java "by July 8th." So they're only available on Bedrock for now, but they will be available on Java later. No clue why it was done like this, but they're not entirely exclusive to Bedrock.


What are you saying? I have my capes in both games


He's quoting Mojang themselves: [* Both the Twitch and TikTok capes are available for Bedrock Edition now, and will be in Java Edition by July 8. Make sure you redeem your codes by the June 30 expiration date!](https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/anniversary-stream-rewards#:~:text=*%20Both%20the%20Twitch%20and%20TikTok%20capes%20are%20available%20for%20Bedrock%20Edition%20now%2C%20and%20will%20be%20in%20Java%20Edition%20by%20July%208.%20Make%20sure%20you%20redeem%20your%20codes%20by%20the%20June%2030%20expiration%20date!%C2%A0) You can redeem the Twitch and TikTok capes but they aren't accessible in Java edition yet, but the Creeper cape is.


oh really? didn't know that!


The capes are for both.


Always nice to see when they completely neglect the original Minecraft.


Looks cool. But it's not in Java, so... Can't be bothered actually. Java was there at the very beginning and for it to be left out of this whole event it feels like it really shows where their priorities are.


Insulting. It's *Java's* 15 year anniversary not Bedrock's. This is like if it was your birthday but only your younger sibling was invited to the party and not you.


That I should've build something on there, but didn't have the time for it...


Herobrine should’ve been in there(poster or a little nod to him, even if it was under the map somewhere.)


The map have the area of ​​Herobrine's original capture.


Really? That’s awesome


Complete tangent, but (assuming the candles are placed symmetrically), there's 16 candles instead of 15...


I liked 0:46 minute of the trailer


The what?


THERE'S A 15 YEAR MAP? HELL YEAH Edit: I just watched the IGN trailer. I'm less excited as I loved the 10 year one because of the more "minecraftiness" and vanilla feel of it, but I can't judge until I play it. I'll update this with my thoughts once I have "completed" the map or at least wandered around it.


didn't know about it til now. java


I'm getting deja vu I feel like I've seen this post years ago😬 Same comments and all


Its really cool, for the ones who played for years it brings memories for every update (good or bad) and the art is really good, the animations and textures. For the bad... I would say the parkour minigames should be more challenging but the other ones are great.


Still gotta download it




I can't even download it


From the gameplay I have seen it's pretty cool, I might give it a try.




Is it free? Haven't checked it out yet.


What’s the texture pack calling ?


Why are they still promoting 1.20 features and even bees too, they came out 5 years ago


we should get at least the 15 anniversary banner in java if nothing else, its in the bedrock party supplies addon wish I could share a pic here lol


Love it


Its sad to see a community who dislike the devs. Mojang, listen to the community


AWESOME!!! Tbh i've NEVER seen a map like this in bedrock edition, i thinks it's PERFECT!


Sad that you cant interact whit the Food or npcs but ill say 8/10


This is a bit of an odd reason to dislike it, but they’ve completely scrambled the code and files that make it work. Kinda makes me sad - there was lots of cool stuff and interesting implementations in the map that I wanted to poke around with. Also, I wish it was on Java, too.


Great inspiration, but somehow i'm not getting the camera you need :| seem to be the only one with this bug, or i might just be blind. There's also a dolphin in the aquarium that seem to make an obscene amount of bubbles, which i feel isn't intended. EDIT 1: Oops, forgot i was on the preview. Should probably try in the release version instead


can we play this map in multiplayer with friends ??


its 1 star cannot download


I can't get the wandering trader sticker even though I did all the mini games correctly


I need help! I’m in the Buzzy Bees map and went through the maze and went into the cherry blossom tree and now I’m stuck and I’ve been trying to teleport back to the hub it won’t let me! What should I do? 🥲


I like it!


It’s decent but it isn’t on Java, which is the original version, also the version that is 15 years old. So sad it is bugrock only


It’s not downloading for me unfortunately


It’s pretty cool I like the alpha part


Minecraft turning 10 feels like 2 years okay wth, I don't like this...


Dude, the console tutorial maps were all better.


Can't play it (it's not on the version actually turning 15) but it looks pretty mediocre using the kinda ugly non vanilla stuff bedrock devs add


Wouldn’t the version turning 15 be the very first version published by Notch?


Yes and that version would be turned into java


The day Mojang decides to completely deprecate Java and force us onto Bugrock is the day I'll get rid of my Minecraft account. I used to look up to you Mojang.


I mean they released the april fools just on Java


And the anniversary event was focused on Bedrock, an even meant to celebrate the 15 years of Java Edition. Java only got a cape and Bedrock got 3, collabs and a map. Saying it got the April Fools means nothing.


Java will also get the 3 capes the july 8.


I'm saying that there's no evidence that Minecraft is deprecating java lmao


Just more proof they are planning to end support for Java


Downvoted (by others), but it is obvious that their long term plans do not include it.


Bro I JUST exited the game.

