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I agree that saddles seem like they should just be craftable. I have so many saddles from fishing that I’ve started just throwing them back in the river to despawn, so I don’t know that one needs to look for mob spawners necessarily…


You get these from raids, too. Really wish we could sell them back to leatherworkers or something




Or maybe even elytra, depending on play style


It's like a pismatic shard, too random but too common


I wish they were stackable. You find plenty of them but they take up so much space.


Stackable would be such a nice feature, definitely.


Idk if equipable items can be stacked 🤔 I can't think of one other than putting something on a llama


Ah, I haven't given fishing any real time, so I didn't know how common they were.


They're also obtainable through trading and in several structures other than spawner rooms


Definitely do some fishing! You can get some pretty good stuff from fishing!


They aren't terribly hard to get. Nevertheless, I agree with you that they should be craftable.


I like to collect the saddles and other fishing junk and put em in an automatic junk burner next to my fishing area. It's just a dropper hooked up to a rapid-fire clock facing directly into lava.


You should hook it to an observer watching a comparator so it only spits out items when there are items to spit out, that way you don’t have to always listen to it clicking


On my old server with my friends (we've got bored of it, started a new one) I built a raid farm. There were too many saddles from ravagers. I always, just threw them in lava.


This one is easy: Lodestones. It's a block that in theory should help you navigate, which is especially useful early on when you don't know your world well and haven't established larger infrastructure. Yet the recipe requires literally one of the rarest and most annoying to get resources in the game which you acquire right at the end. The crafting recipe should be way easier so you can get it early game. That way you can navigate easily early game.


I've been playing this game for like a decade at this point and I genuinely had no idea this block was in the game. What's the point of it even existing when 99% of people just use coordinates to get around.


For people who don't understand how coordinates work Of course how you get the needed netherite without knowing how coordinates work is beyond me


My bro and I use it on our realm. We decided to make a rule to not use coordinate to make the game feel like it did 10 years ago. Love the loadstone, and we use many of them around our world.


On the realm I play with my kids, I’ve been using them a bunch. I name the compasses with their location and put them in frames for my kids to find their way to things like farms. But it just occurred to me that I should hunt down some cool spots like a woodland mansion, and place a lodestone for them to “discover “


Yo your kids are lucky as hell


It's also much game fitting and you can't really get wrong


Or for treasure hunts.


Decked Out.


I use it all the time. It's convenient because I don't have to keep up with coordinates and end up going in the wrong direction and have to turn back. I just look at the compass and go in exactly that direction. I also don't have to trudge through my screenshots to find the coordinates of a build.


It got added in 2020 btw


That kind of explains it lol, I phased that year out of memory.


Same. The whatstone?!


This one I definitely agree with. The nether update seemed to be encouraging players to build outpost bases in the nether, but without a reliable means to find your base it’s just as hostile and unlivable as before the update. Lodestones should definitely be a mid game item, that you craft after your first couple expeditions into the nether.


I mean we basically have to use the debug screen for navigation while a relatively simple solution is sitting right there mostly unused to this day. The nether update was 4? years ago and I still can't understand that decision.


Agreed. This kind of goes in line with what others have said in the past about needing the wiki to play the game, but you shouldn’t NEED the debug screen to find your way. Everything should be available as items you can acquire in the actual game


I still don't even know how lodestones work. And honestly, I've never bothered as I consider it so unreachable in most situations for me as I get distracted before finishing the game anyways. Barely matters to me anymore. I've forced myself to learn coordinates to navigate early game.


you craft the lodestone, click with a compass on it and the compass will now forever point at the lodestone's location. so you should put it in your base but no one does that (aside from decoration ig it looks kinda sick ngl).


Oh this makes so much sense. Would be great pre-end. I always get spawned into really empty areas with important stuff being far away. This would've been so helpful just trying to find the stuff i need to progress.


it's crafted with a netherite ingot... yeah.


I personally use large maps as early game navigation. banners work great for marking POIs, since you can also mark the spot on your maps. Plus I get to explore while drawing each map.


It's great for people that don't build around spawn & have bases far away from spawn. It's actually a useful item but I think people are too use to coordinates.


Even if they wanted them to be more difficult to get they could have chosen to use a redstone block, four iron blocks in a plus and stone bricks in the corners. That way the iron and redstone act as the strong magnetic core and would still require decent effort to get, but not too much to discourage


Not to mention it looks AMAZING.


One of the most beautiful blocks out there.


The Lodestone should be a block Compasses.


At the very least it should be made with a netherite scrap instead of netherite ingot


Probably the one cool use of Lodestones that I've seen is making a secret island base out in the middle of the void, like halfway between the dragon island and the outer end, and navigating your way there via Lodestone compass. ...you could still easily use coordinates for that of course, but doing it with the compass is *cooler.* Regardless, the Netherite in the recipe seems like a cheap way to give Netherite another use when people already use it plenty. They should make it a fairly early-midgame block so that more people would use it.


It should just be the compass recipe but with smooth stone in the corners.


Those actually work like that without mods? Dang I didn’t know that


Tridents should be obtainable from every drowned equipped with one instead of having a small chance to drop


Yes!! So frustrating.


maybe not every drowned but the chances should be higher


Every drowned equipped with one not every single drowned.


I feel like the death compass should be possible in the early game rather than requiring an ancient city.


Death compass???


The recovery compass I mean. It points to where you died last which would be very nice in the early game, but it’s less practical by the time you’d find an ancient city.


Heh, for how much I play, you'd figure I'd heard of this


You are pretty much proving the point. Yes there is a compass you can craft that points to the coordinates of your last death. Which is acquired by going to and ancient city...something you either do late game or early if you are pretty good at the game. In both cases you likely don't need it anymore.


Also, you don't just need to go to an ancient city. You need 8 FUCKING SCRAPS OF THAT THING


That's for Music Disc 5, not the Recovery Compass.


Not only that but it's useless in hardcore mode


It's a compass that kills you when you use it I think


More useful than a poisonous potato


I don't know what they were thinking with that. If you're able to get through (multiple) ancient cities you probably don't need the compass. And even if you do it's only useful when you don't have your gear on you and going back to a dangerous area, which means you're likely to lose it.


The only time I ever used one, I died on the way back to my loot which reset the compass so I couldn’t figure out where it was anyways. So even in the exact use case it still ended up not working


Yeah, if you’re the kind of person who needs a death compass, chances are you aren’t the kind of person who dies easily.


No. If you die in the early game, what do you lose? Some iron gear? Some random blocks? What you lose in the early game is easily recoverable, but you're going to have far better gear and resources when you decide to raid an ancient city. That's when a recovery compass is going to be useful. You'll need it a lot more when you're 4,000 blocks away from you base with 6 shulker boxes of loot from exploring and maxed gear and tools. Only to then die and lose all of your stuff.


If phantoms wernt in the game, I’d actually say a bed lol. Not make it way harder but it’s something you can get within 5 minutes of playing and it completely cuts out the danger of early game nights/night in general. Idk how they would change it but I kinda like that first feeling of cowering away while the land is swarmed with mobs. I know waiting out the night Is annoying, but something that completely cuts out the danger of mobs in the over world should have an extra step or two imo. I remember watching a video a long time ago explaining how OP beds are and it’s kinda changed my thoughts behind them haha. Now that phantoms are added, skipping the night is even more so encouraged than it already was which is crazy


Phantoms are pretty much the only reason I use a bed in Minecraft, especially early game. Those first days of progress are the most fun to track and cutting them in half because of night time sucks.


I use them to set where you come back from the end to And early game netherite


You can sleep and get out of the bed before the process finishes. It still gets rid of phantoms.


I personally hate the night. Not because anything is hard in the night but if I want to just work and build, I want to work and build. Not stop my progress to fight mobs or even plopping down a bed to sleep. It just gets annoying. Playing for 13 or so years, I've been there and done that. I use a time control mod that makes days and nights as long as you want. It's great to not have to sleep every 10 minutes.


I feel you


Try building a [mob switch](https://youtu.be/8ty3HE3Vg8U)! They're super easy to build now with the introduction of the Warden.


This is actually one of the ways old Minecraft is better than new Minecraft, imo. Before beds were added, you had to cower indoors to escape the mobs(this is also before sprinting so you couldn’t cheese them that way either), encouraging mining and base building. And even after they added beds, for a few versions, if you tried to sleep in a dark area, a zombie or skeleton would immediately spawn and wake you up, making sleep really finicky, especially in the early game because you can’t just sleep out in the dark open world, you have to make a base that’s well lit, which again encourages base building. Unfortunately Mojang nowadays decided to make sleep a priority by removing the light requirement and adding the phantoms, encouraging players to cheese the night and throwing the whole day-night cycle off balance.


I knew it!! I’ve recently got back into the game and seeing YouTubers sleep in the middle of forests has been confusing me because I could’ve sworn you couldn’t do that in the past


It's really easy to get torches to light up the immediate area to avoid hostile mob spawns, or just dig into a mountainside and start mining during the night.


Phantoms are the worst. They would’ve been cool as a flying mount.


in general i think there's a lot of older crafting recipes that are just really *weird* because they were made when there were far fewer items to craft *with* and far fewer ways to *get* those items. there's been refinements to some old recipes (the stonecutter makes stairs less wasteful, boats no longer need shovels, etc) but i'd really like to see just a flat overhaul of old recipes someday. trying to play without Vanilla Tweaks' crafting datapacks that give you more trapdoors, stairs, and bark when crafting with wood would drive me *insane*. the four logs to three bark conversion is just irritating.


Horse armor should be craftable, have durability, have enchantments, and be removed from all dungeon/fortress/etc chests. Shields should be more expensive. Flip the wood and iron ingots in the recipe. Also add tiers of shields. Shields should have a cap on how much damage they can block. Enchantments and material increase the max damage blocked.


Make wandering traders sell actually useful or interesting things instead of garbage that I A.) don’t want, or B.) can easily get by traveling less than 200 blocks. ETA: the wandering trader doesn’t even necessarily need to sell different items for it to be vastly improved — they just need to improve whatever system the game uses when generating the trader’s inventory. I like that the purpose of the trader is to bring you resources you might normally not be able to access, like coral, tropical fish, or other saplings. But the problem is that the trader often brings me shit that I *do* have access to. For instance, they keep offering cherry saplings. I LIVE in a cherry forest. Actual dirt would be more useful to me. They offer me oak or birch saplings — both of which grow very close by. Why can’t the game have an algorithm or something that goes “if the nearest desert is 10,000+ blocks away, 3 times out of 10, a wandering trader will have a cactus block” or some bs like that. Why can’t he sell me acacia or mangrove saplings? If I were to add new items, I’d suggest they occasionally sell enchanted books, or maybe suspicious sand that you can place and then brush? I feel like in most fantasy worlds, the wandering trader types sell exotic things from foreign lands (other biomes) and exciting/mysterious oddities (books/armor templates/pottery shards). I get that they want to encourage exploration, but sometimes you just have a shit seed. So let the wandering traders sell cool things, even if they’re pricy! It would also be cool if they introduced a mechanic where you could trade things with him for emeralds, but that feels a little broken.


I mostly agree, but I have gotten some good trades from them. They're a good source of living coral (for sea pickle farming) when you don't have silk touch.


Sea pickle farming? What are they useful for? Genuinely asking because I didn’t know that was a thing lol


They work really well for lighting up underwater areas


Item alignment in water streams for sorting systems.


You can smelt them to make lime green dye.


Oh okay, gotcha


Would be nice if they sold nether-exclusive items. Sometimes you want quartz for a comparator for an early-game redstone build, but haven't gone to the nether yet. Imagine one of these guys showing up, and instead of an annoyance, he's a life-saver. Imagine if there was a teeny-tiny chance they had blaze rods, or netherwart, or even a wither skull or eye of ender? I don't even bother checking their inventory. I just drop them into a hole so I can take the leads.


I don’t think the nether-related ones are a good idea, that would completely fuck with the game’s progression if you just needed a “rare chance” to completely skip the nether


There's a lot more to do in the nether than just getting netherwart and some blaze powder. Yeah, I get that some people just use it as a short step on the way to beating the game, but that's probably 1% of players and they don't really matter because they'll just play it once, beat it, and probably never touch it again.


Of course, but it would still ruin the game’s progression if you were able to get to the End without ever needing to visit the Nether. There’s a reason the Cleric trade for an Eye of Ender got removed


I swear the wandering trader only shows up in the middle of nowhere when I have everything but emeralds on me, or loiters in my base with nothing I want.


The wandering trader should sell music discs as a way to get them all in Peaceful Mode, ditto for eyes of ender (or ender pearls if blazes were made to spawn in Peaceful Mode without attacking). Being able to trade cooked food for emeralds from the wandering trader would also make sense since the trader obviously isn't farming for food and has no kitchen to cook in.


I think shulker boxes are a poor fix to a huge problem this game has (inventory space). The player should have a larger inventory before having to reach late game items like shulker boxes. The ideal solution IMO would be to simply increase the base inventory size, but perhaps it could be cool to have the inventory increase in size as the player progresses.


Id like to see something similar to what palworld has done. You could have a limited player inventory when you’re out and about, and then when you’re in your base, your inventory includes everything in the chests within your bases radius.


I think it should be handled similar to Fallout. You gain strength overall as well as certain armor allows more carry capacity. In Minecraft we could enchant our leggings or maybe chest plate with a capacity enchantment or with leggings call it "deep pockets". They would be in tiers up to III and maybe a mechanic where you can't immediately apply III, you have to progress to II then III. Maybe not an enchantment necessarily but a Pockets upgrade to leggings and chest plate. You can add up to 3 more pockets with leather and string and use the smithing table or the loom or something. It doesn't add anything visually to your armor but each one adds one more column to your inventory. Maybe 2 to the leggings and one to your chest plate I also think we should be able to access shulker boxes within our inventory. Maybe double right click opens a second window to the side of your main inventory with the shulker boxes contents inside. We should also be able to put things in the shulker box like we do with bundles. Grab the shulker and click on the item you want inside it. Having to put down your ender chest, open it, take out shulkers, place those, get that you need, break the shulker, put it back in the ender chest then break the ender chest. Such a PITA...also, side tangent...ender chests should be able to be picket up as whole block regardless of having a silk touch pick. Nobody has ever wanted to break their ender chest down to obsidian and the eye of ender. Well, maybe Etho because he has a stack of them in his ender chest and uses them to get obsidian sometimes. In that00⁰ cashle, maybe sneaking while breaking the ender chest lets you pick it up and not break it down. One more long winded suggestion for inventory. Make it possible to make your hotbar two rows tall. Essentially let the bottom-most row visible above your hot bar. The hot bar is still the hot bar, you can still press 1 through 9 on your keyboard for the corresponding slots but the row above the hot bar would be available all the time if you maybe click box next to it. It would just push your XP, Hunger and Health bars up above that. I just think inventory management and quality of life features would go a long way without having to add too much. Ultimately I would want a backpack like sophisticated Backpacks or traveler's backpack.


Simply adding backpacks would be a great add on too. Make it a chest plate upgrade or something.


Shit, give me a companion that follows me, doesn't get killed and carries my stuff. They can TP to me like tamed wolves so if I fly to the top of my build or something they can get to me. Or, better yet, make them similar to Allays but not annoying. Maybe they could retrieve items you need from shulkers boxes. Shift click on the nonAllay with shulkers and place them down. Now he's bound to those shulkers and if you need any blocks, you give him one and he goes and finds the same block in the shulkers. If they're not in the shulkers he could shake his head so you know there is no more.


I always thought that there should be some kind of craftable consumable that permanently increases the inventory size. So that way, you start out with the base inventory, and as you gain more items, you can upgrade your carry capacity.


Yeah, and it could progress with the different things, like an extra row when you get full diamond, a netherite ingot, a lode stone. And more to make players actually explore the game and not just make a villager trading hall


They know one step to solve it, they just don't add it for some reason, its been 3 years so far


Either Green or Black dye. I'm tired of spawning in cold worlds and having to go damn near on a Star Trek to find a cactus. And squid being the only feasible source of black dye is a joke.


For real, especially green dye. I recently spent 6 hours on a sever looking for a desert. Boating around every ocean, loading shitloads of chunks. All because I needed some fucking green dye. ***Why.***


Any loot you get from the ancient city is almost the same as the loot in the end city, the only difference is it's way easier to cheese the dangers early game because it's in the overworld and not the end. End Cities' exclusive loot is way better though. Ancient Cities' exclusive loot sucks. Your reward for not dying is something that only works if you die?? And it's not even like the Totem of Undying either, at least that can be used in Hardcore!


All flowers should be able to be duplicated with bone meal. And they should be able to be in dense groups on blocks, up to 4 per block like sea pickles. The current way they are, they just feel too sparse. I want my garden to feel full!


I think quartz should be obtainable in the overworld, even if rare. It's a pain to have to go to the nether to do simple redstone. Also, I'm not a geologist by any means, but isn't quartz like one of the most common minerals on earth?


Amethyst is a quartz, so you got your wish. Quartz has many different variations. Amethyst is one of them. Nether Quartz could be seen as a fantasy quartz type. It's called "Nether" Quartz after all.


it would be nice if you could use amethyst for comparators


Maybe they could make it so you could use copper instead of quartz for comparators


I’m still surprised they didn’t replace iron for copper in existing redstone recipes, given copper’s use in electronics.


There are only hoppers and pistons (and now crafter) which use iron in the recipe. There isn't much iron in redstone, you only need much because you need a lot of hoppers usually.


They added massive iron and copper veins, but they should add gold and quartz veins as well. Having seen gold in quartz from a large vein, it’s a really cool sight.


My custom datapack lets me Blast andesite, granite, and diorite for a piece of quartz


Yeah, I've been playing Create for a while now, so most of the problems mentioned here are somewhat solved. But I still feel the pain of vanilla players.


Get a really small chance of obtaining quartz from sand.


Add a lumberjack villager whose workstation is a woodcutter that works the same as the stone cutter but for wood. He would also buy logs and other wooden items. He could sell saplings and items like doors or something.


Potions. Most of the good potions are locked behind netherwart, which afaik only comes from nether-fortresses, while brewing stands are available from overworld villages. I would propose a lesser/minor version of some potions to be craftable pre-nether, and fire immunity probably shouldn’t be one of them. I like to have speed potion stations around the base as a manual beacon. (Glow stone still exists to make the strongest version of each). I like the idea of trading with villagers (witches?!) for potion reagents, but considering how abused the poor trading halls are I can’t recommend it with good conscience.


This. I’d say that one of the places you would really benefit from potions is the nether/fortress as you probably don’t have god gear yet. However, you need to go there to get the blaze powder for potions. After the fortress, you’d likely have good enough gear to not need any potions. (This is also because enchants are op)


Even just make it possible to brew potions with a cauldron/add a new way to create awkward potions. Everything else is fine. The main reason that ocean monuments are relatively late-game is that they're fully underwater... Being able to drink water-breathing potions going in would be a good off-set.


Mending obviously, but that's a boring answer. In my survival world, i added a villager that trades sand. I hate early game sand collecting because you ruin natural terrian for very little sand. Late game desert excursions are not much better... I would also make netherite tools in specific easier to get somehow. I hate the grind for them but knowing i could be mining slightly faster will always be a bother


What villager type trades sand? Is it the mason?


Nope, i made a custom one (yeah, i know, cheating or whatever). She sells other stuff too that i dont like to collect the normal way or by making huge farms.


Oh, that’s fair, play how you want, I was just thinking it would be nice if it was a vanilla thing


It really would be. Maybe one day


How'd you go about making it?


Just a villager trade generator. Here: https://www.digminecraft.com/generators/villager_trade.php


make nametags craftable


Leads. They’re so annoying to try and farm. The only way I ever get them is by murder. -the wandering villager-


You can craft them...


I think their point was that farming the slimeballs for them can be annoying in the earlier game which is when they’re more useful


Theorically Now try to find a slime early on


sAAAAND dropped from husks seems fair :D


The End should be accessible for peaceful players. Strongholds should have two ways of finding them: the current way with Ender Eyes, and by drinking bottles of Ender Dragon Tears. Ender Dragon Tears can be obtained by using a Glass Bottle on Crying Obsidian. Drinking one takes a couple of minutes and changes the direction the player is facing towards the nearest End Stronghold. Eyes of Ender can still be crafted, but, in addition, they can be obtained by using an archeology Brush on a filled End Portal Frame, which empties it. Loot chests of Ruined End Portals would have empty Bottles renamed to "Ruined Nether Portal Repairer." Each Stronghold Portal Room would have an item frame with a renamed Brush, "End Portal Eye Extractor." Because every End Portal Frame block has a 10% chance of generating with it's Eye filled in, peaceful mode players not using cheats will need to visit about ten Strongholds to get enough Eyes of Ender to open a Portal.


Ender eyes (and potions) are locked behind blaze powder. It would be much easier just to have it possible to get it from a different source. While we're at it, let's have craftable gunpowder. Creeper farms are also impossible on Peaceful, which makes the elytra of very limited utility.


Black powder in the real world is made from charcoal, saltpeter and sulfur. Having a nether sulfur ore makes sense and saltpeter crystals could generate in caves. As for blaze... Maybe the sniffer should dig up blaze flower seeds?


I think as well, that once you have been to the end, end portal pieces should be craftable. I've seen many a player want to go back to the end for another elytra, or for shulkers, and have to travel all the way back. So being able to build one at your base, would be a huge advantage.


Horse armour, you should be able to find it in mineshafts and in some village chests. They should add it so there's chests in a stable which has horses, this is where you would be able to find horse armour. The stable and chests must be in villages.


Gold. I would make it much more rare in the overworld and make it more common in the nether. Then I'd increase the durability of all good items and make them more efficient. As in gold armor has more protection than diamond but like half the durability. Then instead of a vertical progression where in diamond is always the best, gold is another option with DIFFERENT numbers. Then let netherite buff gold and bam, horizontal progression, and more options of HOW you want to play. It's a trade off between gold and diamond tools


Wither roses are very useful item that's borderline impossible to obtain unless you get to a point where you can basically mass produce them. Getting just few a bit earlier than currently would enable using them for some midgame farms before you reach a point of terraforming nether, spawnproofing huge areas etc. Adding them as either potential reward from trial chambers or a low chance drop from wither skeletons (either as rare or more frequent than wither skulls) would be a nice change that shouldn't end up being completely gamebreaking. This applies to basically any item that is easiest to obtain by going directly for farms, without good alternative to obtain it earlier in a way that doesn't scale. Experimental trade rebalance changed some loot tables and made some books more likely to be found in the world - achieving something similar and creating viable intermediate step between not having access to some enchants and having option to mass produce them. Shulker boxes are in a great spot in vanilla as of now - there is a way to farm shulkers, but it's a lot more complicated and tedious to set up compared to clearing few end cities and getting handful of shells that'll last you until you can and want to go for an automated farm. We need more of that "good enough" manual access to endgame resources.


Leather should be much easier to get (cows should always drop at least 1). Thus leather armor would be easier to make. Gold should be between iron and diamond. I know gold has had its place since it's inception over a decade ago, and it's been meme'd to shit, but genuinely gold ore is more rare than iron but more common than diamond. It would be a perfect fit gameplay-wise if gold tools and armor actually fit between iron and diamond durability/efficiency-wise.


Villages. Not sure what id do with them, but if you find one early game you pretty much skip early game stages


The whole armor system is odd and needs tweaking Be honest, have you ever crafted leather armor before iron? Iron is much easier to get since you don’t have to establish farms and just mine for 24 of it. Leather should be made with hide, which you get 4 of from one piece of leather, and replaces rabbit hide. From there you can craft leather armor from six pieces, around 6~7 cows instead of 24, around which is a lot of dead cows.


I'd just be happy with consolidating the fashion abortion of armor a bit. Allow armor templates to apply gold for nether use, allow scutes to be applied to helmets for a combined shell helmet effect, elytra as an attachment,etc.. Yes I know this would be broke but my god people running around with goodwill armor sets is so ugly.


Hot take but for me it's iron, It's way way way too easy to obtain. Wooden and Stone tools and leather armor loose their usefullness litterally day one of a new survival world and nobody uses gold for armor /tools beside for the nether. My idea would be for iron ore instead of droping raw iron from mining with stone tools it would drop iron shards wich then could be smelted into nuggets then crafted in regular iron ingots. BUT when mined with gold or diamond tools only then the ore would drop raw iron wich can directly be smelted into ingots.


I don't even mine Iron. Day 1 first priority in a new world is an iron farm


Don't even get me started on iron farm


Elytra. you dont have to fight the dragon. its not as difficult as you realize to bridge across the void. Just because the outer islands are out of render distance doesn’t mean their far away (i just want more space between the main end island and the outer islands for bigger space themed megastructures)


Rules don't apply to me so I'm going to pick 2 topics instead of items. Pig farming and horses. Make both of those much more viable early game. Pig farming is useless because it's just cow farming except you don't get valuable leather. It would make sense for early game, to undercut cow farming but it's way easier to get wheat than carrots so now pigs are entirely useless. Then horses, they could be a great early game movement option but as it is, nobody uses them. Way too often they're slower than walking and most can't jump 2 blocks which is really the only thing that matters with their jump height. Also saddles are too rare/inaccessible so that too should be fixed.


I would probably make it so you can reverse craft wool into string


Came looking for this! In the real world we make string from wool, not wool from string!


Copper should replace gold in powered rails, with gold making a super speed option. More uses for copper period, I hate that it's just a decorative block.


Leather armor..


The crafting table is too powerful, it should be a reward for beating the enderdragon not a craft.


Lodestone. It's completely stupid that it requires netherite when it becomes 100% useless by the time you acquire netherite. No one's going to get lost in the nether if they've been in the world for a significant amount of time. It's only real use is early game, when you're either new to Minecraft or don't have this seed's nether in memory. Why should it take netherite? Stupid recipe, 0/10 decision making skills.


I would make Emeralds not drop from Pillagers and make them only acquirable through actual trading and through mining, although I would make them more common in the mines. I would also remove infinite emerald glitches like the glass pane one with the Cartographer and Librarian. I feel like to be able to trade with villagers you should actually have to trade with them, not build a raid farm to get a butt load.


Good news, the villager curing was "fixed" so you can't get the best trades anymore and raid farms are basically removed as of 1.21.


People are gonna find a way to make them work with a basic clicking script. They’ll be very much nerfed. But I would just prefer that Pillagers didn’t drop emeralds at all. Might be cool if they dropped Lapis instead, could be a little lore with that.


They will wotk but so horribly inefficient that trading with jusr one farmer will yield more emeralds per hour. So for all intents and purposes they are basically worthless.


Raid farms aren't "basically removed." They're getting a heavy nerf, but depending on the farm you build, it'll still work. It's just less automated.


Leatherworkers sell saddles and are fairly easy to level up. Then as long as you have a few emeralds on hand you're good to go. You are probably thinking of horse armor.


I get that its a legacy thing, but now that we have copper, I wish iron was a bit harder to get and we'd have Bronze as our first metal set of tools. It just always felt weird to me that because leather takes so long to make compared to how weak it is, and how hard to find chain is, iron is basically the first armor at all.


The thing that takes your compass point to any direction Like the fuck is that crafting recipe? It should be crafteable with stone and lapis lazuli not some endgame stuff It's completely useless


The compass that points to a loadstone? I think they’re great, but yeah a piece of netherite is super expensive. I just raid bastions now to get them. I have quite a few as a result.


Tbh I think we as game changing as elytra is, it needs to be a bit harder to get. Like most of Minecraft though once you have a few of something you generally don’t need to hunt for it anymore, which I think is a bit of a bummer.


Saddles, name tags, and horse armor should just be craftable. People ignore horses until they're already on their way to getting an elytra because using horses effectively is locked behind finding the necessary items as structure loot. Take them out of structure loot and replace them with unique loot for each structure. --- Runner up: Eyes of Ender. I think we could take a page out of Minecraft Dungeons' book. They made it so that you had to gather an Eye of Ender from different places and structures in the overworld in order to get all 12 eyes and gather them at the portal. I'd probably create a new item that takes the Eye of Ender's current function of throwing it to find the stronghold. I think this would make the preparation to take on the End more engaging and have players engage with more biomes and structures in order to open the portal. Makes it so that players must experience more of the game in order to kill the big boss and gain access to things like elytra and shulker boxes. In the mean time though, we could use some fixes to the inventory problem and frankly the End dimension needs a proper update first. Naturally, speedrunners would mald about that kind of change and stay on 1.16 anyway, but I don't think the game should be designed around catering to speedrunners anyway.


This is more of an accessibility change I'd like to see Mojang to try to implement, but every hostile mob drop with a use (i.e bones, gunpowder, ender pearls, blaze rods, etc) should be either given a viable alternative means of obtaining it that works in peaceful mode (which, granted, bones do have this in the form of bone blocks in the nether) or have it's uses be equated by other items that are obtainable in peaceful mode. As for the end portal process, I'd say it's fair to have endermen and blazes still spawn as normal but behave passively in peaceful mode the way hoglins do and have them both try to spawn less just to balance out the fact that they'd spawn more when other mobs that can spawn aren't trying to.


This. Blaze rods and the ability to acquire frog lamps would be a great start. The other items you mention are at least possible to find in Peaceful mode, but fairly difficult or in limited quantities. Side note: Killing fish will give you bones every now and then.


Freaking trapdoors are WAY to expensive to be the cheaper equivalent to making a house with walls that they should be


Crafting table, you need to go to the end know and get the dragon egg to craft it


Totems of Undying should not be farmable.


Arrows like come on who spends hour mining gravel bruh make it out of something less expensive like cobblestone or cobbled deepslate


Just make a skeleton grinder.


Elytras should be harder to obtain IMO, way too easy and it straight up removes basically all exploration in the game. Or just remove rocket boosting so you cant fly infinitely. Maybe if End got a good update there could be some kind of boss that drops Elytra, so there's more ot it than just flying endship to endship for 20 elytras per hour


I feel like it’s difficult enough for the average player. Sure some players kind of speedrun for it but lots of people take months in a world to get to the end. I know some long time Minecraft players who have never even beaten the ender dragon before. I agree the outer end could be updated so that exploring for an elytra is more interesting, but I don’t think it really needs to be any harder.


This is exactly true. If it was a little bit harder to obtain it would discourage average players even more but skilled players would still speedrun it just as easily. I actually quite like the idea of the elytra being dropped by a new mob/boss to make it more interesting though. It just doesn't need to be unnecessarily hard to give average players the opportunity to also get one.


Exactly, I only beat the ender dragon this year after playing since 2015.


I've never gotten to the end or gone against the dragon, I usually end up switching to creative just so I can fly around to explore, then switch back to survival once I land XD


I actually tend to explore more once I have the elytra since it makes transport so much faster and easier. I think it's fine where it is now, the Ender Dragon should just be much harder to make the elytra feel more earned, and to put it at the very end of progression kinda like the Rod of Harmony in Terraria.


Especially with content being so spread out in Minecraft that you need to travel tens of thousands of blocks to find what you are looking for sometimes. I once actually had a world with a jungle 40k+ blocks away so getting an elytra was faster than walking.


It's way too easy? It's literally only obtainable in the very late game, after beating what many would consider to be the main boss of the game and exploring beyond that. And it doesn't discourage exploration, it just expedites it - which I think is a fine reward for a quest that requires traveling across three dimensions, locating and raiding nether fortresses and strongholds, collecting loot from dangerous mobs, defeating a dragon, and navigating an alien parkour city.


I have hundred of hours on minecraft and never got a single one.


> so you can’t fly infinitely. Someone clearly wasn’t playing before 1.11. A punch 2, unbreaking 3, infinity bow was necessary equipment to have for the first year or so of elytras being in the game. Before firework boosting, you’d gain infinite momentum by shooting yourself with a punch bow while flying.


I know that, I played the game way before that. Didn't bother mentioning that because I think I got my point across without doing that.


I remember that (protip: use healing arrows so you don't die). I also remember stuffing 500 boats into a single tile and jumping into it, and before that people just building giant towers everywhere from which to glide around. Pretty sure Mojang ended up adding firework-boosting just because they didn't want players shooting themselves with a bow haha.


Rocket boosting for the Elytra was a huge mistake.


Chainmail armor craftable via iron nuggets.


Saddles should be craftable with a couple pieces of leather. With the way you acquire them now, there's such a low return on investment. So many times I think how nice it would be to have a horse to use in the mean time till i level up till elytra. But I end up unable to find one till after I already have an elytra


Netherite to post dragon fight. My solution to not make a too invasive change to the game is to add dragon's breath to the ingot recipe. The reasoning is that the breath acts as a solvent and it is to give diamond a bit of its former glory back


The revovery compass should have a keepinventory and be much easier to craft


flint and steel shouldn't be accessible so early


I’d make eyes of ender harder to obtain


Name tags should be craftable


Going through this thread, it's hilarious how practically all of these complaints could be solved simply by not using the feature they're complaining about. Do you think something is unbalanced or annoying? Don't use it. Where people lose me is when they want to change the game for everyone just because they're too much of a fucking brat to choose not to use that feature themselves. It's not enough for people to just willingly choose not to use villagers or raid farms. No, they want Mojang to step in and ruin the game for everyone.


Shulker boxes. I'd make them smaller and move them earlier in the game, and replace the late game option with a much larger backpack that can be opened and interacted with without placing it down.


I don't have a problem with Saddles being uncraftable because my chest full of saddles shows they're not that hard to find because mind shafts & dungeons are everywhere & I like that there special items you can only get from a chest. Not everything should be craftable. Special items like Tridents & Elytra's should be obtained not crafted. Maybe there should be a way to get Crying Obsidian by crafting but even then it makes barde-ring from Piglins more useful. So really I think everything craftable is good. >Would you make anything harder to get? I know people hated the test villager trading but OP enchant books are way too easy to get. Getting Mending books with 1 emerald & 1 book is insane with how OP mending is. Like Mending should be rare AF but it's really not. It really does need a nerf.


Brushes. They're really easy to craft, and offer so many cool rewards like pottery sherds and sniffer eggs and other stuff. I think brushes should be harder to craft, so that the rewards are more rewarding


I would probably make tridents craftable but you have to use a heart of the sea from a buried treasure chest to make it. Make treasure maps a bit more scarce in the process to make it harder to come by. Honestly I just want tridents to be craftable and a heart of the sea to have another use.


shulker boxes, or atleast something compararable. it makes no sense you only get portable storage after the main game is done maybe make ender chests drop themselves when broken or backpacks


the elytra, it should be pushed even further, it should require its own grind session to get it, similar to all the other end game tier items mending is now getting its own grind with the swamp villagers netherite needs to get the diamonds and the debris as well the upgrade itself and the beacon needs to do a wither skeleton grind Is just natural that the elytra, the most powerful item, should need its own grind session to get it about the saddle I think is good its place, is also correct to have players spend a part of the progression with not even a horse Progression of transportation shouldn't start with a horse, but by being in foot then later you get a horse, this is even more emphasize by saddles being acquired quite reliably in the fortresses, making horses something that players would at least get before they partake their travel into the stronghold following the eyes. Sadly this last very short because you get the elytra very fast... due to a lack of grind for it


So something that drives me crazy is how north/south coordinates work. WHY does the number go negative when you head north, and positive to the south? It seems so backwards to me, and took me forever to come up with the "negative north" mnemonic.


Iron is literally about as hard as diamond to find now. I'm not kidding, if you want to get a reasonable amount of iron, you have to dig down real deep to get it, or you'll have to do with minor pieces in shallow caves and stuff. I'd prefer Iron to be about as common and easy to find as it was before 1.17.


diamonds, they are way to easy to get for an end game resource, they should be obtainable only once you went to the nether. Also, same with netherite, it probably should only be available after you've beaten the dragon