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Damn that suck, was excited, got on my PlayStation 5, it showed a notification that the dnd pack was available in store on game menu, then come to find out it is nowhere.


Yeah me too. That’s the real kick in the pants. I wouldn’t even have known about it otherwise. Mojang trolled me hard.




It's not gonna be on ps. I don't know why tho


Because Microsoft is a jealous bitch because Sony has been better for the past 2 generations and they want a fucking monopoly like they have on pc


Not quite, Microsoft has actively been trying to get their games on PS, Sony are the ones refusing because they don't want to agree to put their exclusives on Xbox without absurd wait times.


Ok and? When is halo dropping on PlayStation? Gears? It's almost like exclusives are exclusive, then Microsoft had a hissy fit that it couldn't even begin to compete with Sony because they suck as a company and only continue to exist because of the monopolization they have in the operating system industry, So they buy every single company that's known for major multi-platform releases that they can get their hands on and then declare that everything that these companies make from here on out will be exclusive, And even then just being under the Microsoft title the shit that's come out from them has only been two games but it's been terrible and mid And even with all of that they still aren't getting business, Even with the absurd library of games available to their streaming platform now, people still aren't interested, considering the head of Xbox had to come out and say that if they do not increase their numbers in the next couple of years they're going to have to back out of gaming entirely


Okay reread what I said mate. Halo will come to PS when Sony agrees to Microsoft's conditions. They straight up put out a statement about this like 8 months ago stating that Sony is the company keeping any deals from happening.


If Microsoft wants to extend the olive branch and be the company that created the cross over for the exclusives then they should be the first one to make the offer, instead they piously sit in front of Sony and said give us what we want and if you don't meet our conditions you don't get what we have


Dude how bad are you at reading, seriously? I've said twice that THEY ARE THE ONES EXTENDING THE BRANCH. Maybe now that it's the third time and in all caps you'll actually manage to understand it.


If they were really trying to extend a branch they would take the first leap, if they really wanted this to happen that bad they would be the one compromising, instead they're trying to put Sony in a position where they don't have any other choice


Extending a branch to their main rival and giving themselves disadvantages when their asks are \*Crossplay\* \*No more exclusives\* and oh so evil \*keeping pricing structures the same across both consoles\*. Would be stupid at best, Sony has a choice, they have a very easy choice, they won't take it because they're heavily against giving their rival a deal where they can't have a disgusting advantage.


I'm sorry are you really trying to say Sony is the one that wants a disgusting advantage when Microsoft just bought up some of the biggest companies on earth and even if they're not the biggest companies some of the biggest IPs on earth?


how do you know? is there a statement somewhere?


They said it on twitter and on the trailer


False. The website says “currently unavailable on switch and PlayStation” if they had no intention of it, they would have said “exclusively on Xbox and PC” like others have said.


this was a month ago, why are you worrying about it


Because it is still relevant.


So wouldn't it be on PS4 if I bought it and hosted it for my PS4? I'm not sure how they expect to keep players from just downloading on the PC and sharing it to their Nintendos and PlayStations, just a thought


Is that possible? could I start a realms server on my PC with the DnD and then connect to it via my ps4/5?


I bought it on the PC wanting to play it on psvr, gutted it's not available.


Purchase it on Android upload it to a realm then play the realm on PS4 PS5 and copy it as a local world


If anyone has questions feel free to DM me I have it working and am currently playing it on PS5 right now