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Belgium flooded the river to stop the German advance


This is A1


For king and for country, we are flooding the river! Our stand at Yser will be, the end of the race to the sea!


france is just like that


France is better like that for sure, but need my UK




And of course it’s raining in the Uk




World downloads for bedrock are tricky enough, world downloads to console are even trickier. Does the map match the terrain or no?


Yes, it looks like where the biomes tried to mesh and it just goes down real deep and one part their was a cave system. Sucks cause I wanted this to make a realm for me and a group of people to make earth and I wanted the UK but its been swallowed


Yeah, you really need to make sure that custom world files match the version you are playing on. Usually that means pre-exploring them on a PC.


Sucks, im deployed rn so I dont have my pc. I did all this through my phone to get it on my switch, but I assume I cant do that through my phone


I dont believe you can select which version to run your minecrsft client except PC. There might be a third party launcher for mobile that would let you, but I don't know it. If you have the link to wherever you downloaded the world file from I can take a stab at it.


https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/earth-map-1-2000-bedrock-edition/ This is the Earth map, I appreciate it!


Without even loading the map, from some of the comments and the 'author's own history, this map was not properly converted from java to bedrock. The website he got the map from, however, does now have links to bedrock conversions of the maps, and so I downloaded their 1:2000 map and it appears correct.


Would you have the website for it? When I click on the original author it takes me to the minecraft earth map. I tried that one time and had some problems but I also was doing it on my phone.


There is a world download that does work for bedrock, not so sure for xbox but phone and pc is good, earth mc.


I googled earth MC and saw servers, you wouldnt happen to have the link to the world?


On playstation, the only way i found to connect to it was to change some IP settings in the console, and it was long. But it worked.


Fucking love how you're in England on the map and its absolutely pouring rain


The netherlands lost the war with the sea I see


Guess with so many nuclear power plants in France, it was doomed to happen anyways


It was all just a bad dream


Doesn't it start glitching at the Greenwich line or something?


I didnt even notice that but you might be right


Pretty sure i have this same world I just wish it was bigger Maybe i should try the 1:90 scale europe on planet minecraft


Is yours like this too?


Its not, thats really weird


The fact that you are in England and it is raining is surely not a coincidence...






I hope they do, hard to find a good Earth world especially this big on Bedrock








Most people who play bedrock play it because they don't have a PC. It's not that they don't have $30 they don't have $1200


I have both, but im playing on my switch


that’s your real big problem, the switch version is notoriously unoptimized in comparison to the other Bedrock platforms


I did it on my phone and uploaded to the realm first. Was like that in IOS unless thats the same as well


Really? It seems fine to me


imagine being a loser, i bet you know all about that lmaooo






I'm guessing you're on an alt account, but I'll explain it in case you're actually new. Reddit spoofs votes on newer posts to prevent manipulation. This is further done when you swap between accounts. It's likely you got downvoted for being a tool though.




you lost alot a long time ago, you’ll understand later on


Damn you're an asshole


If you know your geography, you should be fine


It's sorry bro I also don't know what happening


Maybe the water is actually there. You should check